from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Any from schema import Schema, Optional from dataclasses import dataclass from worlds.AutoWorld import PerGameCommonOptions from Options import Range, Toggle, DeathLink, Choice, OptionDict, DefaultOnToggle, OptionGroup if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import HatInTimeWorld def create_option_groups() -> List[OptionGroup]: option_group_list: List[OptionGroup] = [] for name, options in ahit_option_groups.items(): option_group_list.append(OptionGroup(name=name, options=options)) return option_group_list def adjust_options(world: "HatInTimeWorld"): if world.options.HighestChapterCost < world.options.LowestChapterCost: world.options.HighestChapterCost.value, world.options.LowestChapterCost.value = \ world.options.LowestChapterCost.value, world.options.HighestChapterCost.value if world.options.FinalChapterMaxCost < world.options.FinalChapterMinCost: world.options.FinalChapterMaxCost.value, world.options.FinalChapterMinCost.value = \ world.options.FinalChapterMinCost.value, world.options.FinalChapterMaxCost.value if world.options.BadgeSellerMaxItems < world.options.BadgeSellerMinItems: world.options.BadgeSellerMaxItems.value, world.options.BadgeSellerMinItems.value = \ world.options.BadgeSellerMinItems.value, world.options.BadgeSellerMaxItems.value if world.options.NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems < world.options.NyakuzaThugMinShopItems: world.options.NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems.value, world.options.NyakuzaThugMinShopItems.value = \ world.options.NyakuzaThugMinShopItems.value, world.options.NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems.value if world.options.DWShuffleCountMax < world.options.DWShuffleCountMin: world.options.DWShuffleCountMax.value, world.options.DWShuffleCountMin.value = \ world.options.DWShuffleCountMin.value, world.options.DWShuffleCountMax.value total_tps: int = get_total_time_pieces(world) if world.options.HighestChapterCost > total_tps-5: world.options.HighestChapterCost.value = min(45, total_tps-5) if world.options.LowestChapterCost > total_tps-5: world.options.LowestChapterCost.value = min(45, total_tps-5) if world.options.FinalChapterMaxCost > total_tps: world.options.FinalChapterMaxCost.value = min(50, total_tps) if world.options.FinalChapterMinCost > total_tps: world.options.FinalChapterMinCost.value = min(50, total_tps) if world.is_dlc1() and world.options.ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal <= 0: # automatically determine task count based on Tasksanity settings if world.options.Tasksanity: world.options.ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal.value = world.options.TasksanityCheckCount * world.options.TasksanityTaskStep else: world.options.ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal.value = 18 # Don't allow Rush Hour goal if DLC2 content is disabled if world.options.EndGoal == EndGoal.option_rush_hour and not world.options.EnableDLC2: world.options.EndGoal.value = EndGoal.option_finale # Don't allow Seal the Deal goal if Death Wish content is disabled if world.options.EndGoal == EndGoal.option_seal_the_deal and not world.is_dw(): world.options.EndGoal.value = EndGoal.option_finale if world.options.DWEnableBonus: world.options.DWAutoCompleteBonuses.value = 0 if world.is_dw_only(): world.options.EndGoal.value = EndGoal.option_seal_the_deal world.options.ActRandomizer.value = 0 world.options.ShuffleAlpineZiplines.value = 0 world.options.ShuffleSubconPaintings.value = 0 world.options.ShuffleStorybookPages.value = 0 world.options.ShuffleActContracts.value = 0 world.options.EnableDLC1.value = 0 world.options.LogicDifficulty.value = LogicDifficulty.option_normal world.options.DWTimePieceRequirement.value = 0 def get_total_time_pieces(world: "HatInTimeWorld") -> int: count: int = 40 if world.is_dlc1(): count += 6 if world.is_dlc2(): count += 10 return min(40+world.options.MaxExtraTimePieces, count) class EndGoal(Choice): """The end goal required to beat the game. Finale: Reach Time's End and beat Mustache Girl. The Finale will be in its vanilla location. Rush Hour: Reach and complete Rush Hour. The level will be in its vanilla location and Chapter 7 will be the final chapter. You also must find Nyakuza Metro itself and complete all of its levels. Requires DLC2 content to be enabled. Seal the Deal: Reach and complete the Seal the Deal death wish main objective. Requires Death Wish content to be enabled.""" display_name = "End Goal" option_finale = 1 option_rush_hour = 2 option_seal_the_deal = 3 default = 1 class ActRandomizer(Choice): """If enabled, shuffle the game's Acts between each other. Light will cause Time Rifts to only be shuffled amongst each other, and Blue Time Rifts and Purple Time Rifts to be shuffled separately.""" display_name = "Shuffle Acts" option_false = 0 option_light = 1 option_insanity = 2 default = 1 class ActPlando(OptionDict): """Plando acts onto other acts. For example, \"Train Rush\": \"Alpine Free Roam\" will place Alpine Free Roam at Train Rush.""" display_name = "Act Plando" schema = Schema({ Optional(str): str }) class ActBlacklist(OptionDict): """Blacklist acts from being shuffled onto other acts. Multiple can be listed per act. For example, \"Barrel Battle\": [\"The Big Parade\", \"Dead Bird Studio\"] will prevent The Big Parade and Dead Bird Studio from being shuffled onto Barrel Battle.""" display_name = "Act Blacklist" schema = Schema({ Optional(str): list }) class FinaleShuffle(Toggle): """If enabled, chapter finales will only be shuffled amongst each other in act shuffle.""" display_name = "Finale Shuffle" class LogicDifficulty(Choice): """Choose the difficulty setting for logic. For an exhaustive list of all logic tricks for each difficulty, see this Google Doc:""" display_name = "Logic Difficulty" option_normal = -1 option_moderate = 0 option_hard = 1 option_expert = 2 default = -1 class CTRLogic(Choice): """Choose how you want to logically clear Cheating the Race.""" display_name = "Cheating the Race Logic" option_time_stop_only = 0 option_scooter = 1 option_sprint = 2 option_nothing = 3 default = 0 class RandomizeHatOrder(Choice): """Randomize the order that hats are stitched in. Time Stop Last will force Time Stop to be the last hat in the sequence.""" display_name = "Randomize Hat Order" option_false = 0 option_true = 1 option_time_stop_last = 2 default = 1 class YarnBalancePercent(Range): """How much (in percentage) of the yarn in the pool that will be progression balanced.""" display_name = "Yarn Balance Percentage" default = 20 range_start = 0 range_end = 100 class TimePieceBalancePercent(Range): """How much (in percentage) of time pieces in the pool that will be progression balanced.""" display_name = "Time Piece Balance Percentage" default = 35 range_start = 0 range_end = 100 class StartWithCompassBadge(DefaultOnToggle): """If enabled, start with the Compass Badge. In Archipelago, the Compass Badge will track all items in the world (instead of just Relics). Recommended if you're not familiar with where item locations are.""" display_name = "Start with Compass Badge" class CompassBadgeMode(Choice): """closest - Compass Badge points to the closest item regardless of classification important_only - Compass Badge points to progression/useful items only important_first - Compass Badge points to progression/useful items first, then it will point to junk items""" display_name = "Compass Badge Mode" option_closest = 1 option_important_only = 2 option_important_first = 3 default = 1 class UmbrellaLogic(Toggle): """Makes Hat Kid's default punch attack do absolutely nothing, making the Umbrella much more relevant and useful""" display_name = "Umbrella Logic" class ShuffleStorybookPages(DefaultOnToggle): """If enabled, each storybook page in the purple Time Rifts is an item check. The Compass Badge can track these down for you.""" display_name = "Shuffle Storybook Pages" class ShuffleActContracts(DefaultOnToggle): """If enabled, shuffle Snatcher's act contracts into the pool as items""" display_name = "Shuffle Contracts" class ShuffleAlpineZiplines(Toggle): """If enabled, Alpine's zipline paths leading to the peaks will be locked behind items.""" display_name = "Shuffle Alpine Ziplines" class ShuffleSubconPaintings(Toggle): """If enabled, shuffle items into the pool that unlock Subcon Forest fire spirit paintings. These items are progressive, with the order of Village-Swamp-Courtyard.""" display_name = "Shuffle Subcon Paintings" class NoPaintingSkips(Toggle): """If enabled, prevent Subcon fire wall skips from being in logic on higher difficulty settings.""" display_name = "No Subcon Fire Wall Skips" class StartingChapter(Choice): """Determines which chapter you will be guaranteed to be able to enter at the beginning of the game.""" display_name = "Starting Chapter" option_1 = 1 option_2 = 2 option_3 = 3 option_4 = 4 default = 1 class ChapterCostIncrement(Range): """Lower values mean chapter costs increase slower. Higher values make the cost differences more steep.""" display_name = "Chapter Cost Increment" range_start = 1 range_end = 8 default = 4 class ChapterCostMinDifference(Range): """The minimum difference between chapter costs.""" display_name = "Minimum Chapter Cost Difference" range_start = 1 range_end = 8 default = 4 class LowestChapterCost(Range): """Value determining the lowest possible cost for a chapter. Chapter costs will, progressively, be calculated based on this value (except for the final chapter).""" display_name = "Lowest Possible Chapter Cost" range_start = 0 range_end = 10 default = 5 class HighestChapterCost(Range): """Value determining the highest possible cost for a chapter. Chapter costs will, progressively, be calculated based on this value (except for the final chapter).""" display_name = "Highest Possible Chapter Cost" range_start = 15 range_end = 45 default = 25 class FinalChapterMinCost(Range): """Minimum Time Pieces required to enter the final chapter. This is part of your goal.""" display_name = "Final Chapter Minimum Time Piece Cost" range_start = 0 range_end = 50 default = 30 class FinalChapterMaxCost(Range): """Maximum Time Pieces required to enter the final chapter. This is part of your goal.""" display_name = "Final Chapter Maximum Time Piece Cost" range_start = 0 range_end = 50 default = 35 class MaxExtraTimePieces(Range): """Maximum number of extra Time Pieces from the DLCs. Arctic Cruise will add up to 6. Nyakuza Metro will add up to 10. The absolute maximum is 56.""" display_name = "Max Extra Time Pieces" range_start = 0 range_end = 16 default = 16 class YarnCostMin(Range): """The minimum possible yarn needed to stitch a hat.""" display_name = "Minimum Yarn Cost" range_start = 1 range_end = 12 default = 4 class YarnCostMax(Range): """The maximum possible yarn needed to stitch a hat.""" display_name = "Maximum Yarn Cost" range_start = 1 range_end = 12 default = 8 class YarnAvailable(Range): """How much yarn is available to collect in the item pool.""" display_name = "Yarn Available" range_start = 30 range_end = 80 default = 50 class MinExtraYarn(Range): """The minimum number of extra yarn in the item pool. There must be at least this much more yarn over the total number of yarn needed to craft all hats. For example, if this option's value is 10, and the total yarn needed to craft all hats is 40, there must be at least 50 yarn in the pool.""" display_name = "Max Extra Yarn" range_start = 5 range_end = 15 default = 10 class HatItems(Toggle): """Removes all yarn from the pool and turns the hats into individual items instead.""" display_name = "Hat Items" class MinPonCost(Range): """The minimum number of Pons that any item in the Badge Seller's shop can cost.""" display_name = "Minimum Shop Pon Cost" range_start = 10 range_end = 800 default = 75 class MaxPonCost(Range): """The maximum number of Pons that any item in the Badge Seller's shop can cost.""" display_name = "Maximum Shop Pon Cost" range_start = 10 range_end = 800 default = 300 class BadgeSellerMinItems(Range): """The smallest number of items that the Badge Seller can have for sale.""" display_name = "Badge Seller Minimum Items" range_start = 0 range_end = 10 default = 4 class BadgeSellerMaxItems(Range): """The largest number of items that the Badge Seller can have for sale.""" display_name = "Badge Seller Maximum Items" range_start = 0 range_end = 10 default = 8 class EnableDLC1(Toggle): """Shuffle content from The Arctic Cruise (Chapter 6) into the game. This also includes the Tour time rift. DO NOT ENABLE THIS OPTION IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SEAL THE DEAL DLC INSTALLED!!!""" display_name = "Shuffle Chapter 6" class Tasksanity(Toggle): """If enabled, Ship Shape tasks will become checks. Requires DLC1 content to be enabled.""" display_name = "Tasksanity" class TasksanityTaskStep(Range): """How many tasks the player must complete in Tasksanity to send a check.""" display_name = "Tasksanity Task Step" range_start = 1 range_end = 3 default = 1 class TasksanityCheckCount(Range): """How many Tasksanity checks there will be in total.""" display_name = "Tasksanity Check Count" range_start = 1 range_end = 30 default = 18 class ExcludeTour(Toggle): """Removes the Tour time rift from the game. This option is recommended if you don't want to deal with important levels being shuffled onto the Tour time rift, or important items being shuffled onto Tour pages when your goal is Time's End.""" display_name = "Exclude Tour Time Rift" class ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal(Range): """Change the number of tasks required to complete Ship Shape. If this option's value is 0, the number of tasks required will be TasksanityTaskStep x TasksanityCheckCount, if Tasksanity is enabled. If Tasksanity is disabled, it will use the game's default of 18. This option will not affect Cruisin' for a Bruisin'.""" display_name = "Ship Shape Custom Task Goal" range_start = 0 range_end = 90 default = 0 class EnableDLC2(Toggle): """Shuffle content from Nyakuza Metro (Chapter 7) into the game. DO NOT ENABLE THIS OPTION IF YOU DO NOT HAVE NYAKUZA METRO DLC INSTALLED!!!""" display_name = "Shuffle Chapter 7" class MetroMinPonCost(Range): """The cheapest an item can be in any Nyakuza Metro shop. Includes ticket booths.""" display_name = "Metro Shops Minimum Pon Cost" range_start = 10 range_end = 800 default = 50 class MetroMaxPonCost(Range): """The most expensive an item can be in any Nyakuza Metro shop. Includes ticket booths.""" display_name = "Metro Shops Maximum Pon Cost" range_start = 10 range_end = 800 default = 200 class NyakuzaThugMinShopItems(Range): """The smallest number of items that the thugs in Nyakuza Metro can have for sale.""" display_name = "Nyakuza Thug Minimum Shop Items" range_start = 0 range_end = 5 default = 2 class NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems(Range): """The largest number of items that the thugs in Nyakuza Metro can have for sale.""" display_name = "Nyakuza Thug Maximum Shop Items" range_start = 0 range_end = 5 default = 4 class NoTicketSkips(Choice): """Prevent metro gate skips from being in logic on higher difficulties. Rush Hour option will only consider the ticket skips for Rush Hour in logic.""" display_name = "No Ticket Skips" option_false = 0 option_true = 1 option_rush_hour = 2 class BaseballBat(Toggle): """Replace the Umbrella with the baseball bat from Nyakuza Metro. DLC2 content does not have to be shuffled for this option but Nyakuza Metro still needs to be installed.""" display_name = "Baseball Bat" class EnableDeathWish(Toggle): """Shuffle Death Wish contracts into the game. Each contract by default will have 1 check granted upon completion. DO NOT ENABLE THIS OPTION IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SEAL THE DEAL DLC INSTALLED!!!""" display_name = "Enable Death Wish" class DeathWishOnly(Toggle): """An alternative gameplay mode that allows you to exclusively play Death Wish in a seed. This has the following effects: - Death Wish is instantly unlocked from the start - All hats and other progression items are instantly given to you - Useful items such as Fast Hatter Badge will still be in the item pool instead of in your inventory at the start - All chapters and their levels are unlocked, act shuffle is forced off - Any checks other than Death Wish contracts are completely removed - All Pons in the item pool are replaced with Health Pons or random cosmetics - The EndGoal option is forced to complete Seal the Deal""" display_name = "Death Wish Only" class DWShuffle(Toggle): """An alternative mode for Death Wish where each contract is unlocked one by one, in a random order. Stamp requirements to unlock contracts is removed. Any excluded contracts will not be shuffled into the sequence. If Seal the Deal is the end goal, it will always be the last Death Wish in the sequence. Disabling candles is highly recommended.""" display_name = "Death Wish Shuffle" class DWShuffleCountMin(Range): """The minimum number of Death Wishes that can be in the Death Wish shuffle sequence. The final result is clamped at the number of non-excluded Death Wishes.""" display_name = "Death Wish Shuffle Minimum Count" range_start = 5 range_end = 38 default = 18 class DWShuffleCountMax(Range): """The maximum number of Death Wishes that can be in the Death Wish shuffle sequence. The final result is clamped at the number of non-excluded Death Wishes.""" display_name = "Death Wish Shuffle Maximum Count" range_start = 5 range_end = 38 default = 25 class DWEnableBonus(Toggle): """In Death Wish, add a location for completing all of a DW contract's bonuses, in addition to the location for completing the DW contract normally. WARNING!! Only for the brave! This option can create VERY DIFFICULT SEEDS! ONLY turn this on if you know what you are doing to yourself and everyone else in the multiworld! Using Peace and Tranquility to auto-complete the bonuses will NOT count!""" display_name = "Shuffle Death Wish Full Completions" class DWAutoCompleteBonuses(DefaultOnToggle): """If enabled, auto complete all bonus stamps after completing the main objective in a Death Wish. This option will have no effect if bonus checks (DWEnableBonus) are turned on.""" display_name = "Auto Complete Bonus Stamps" class DWExcludeAnnoyingContracts(DefaultOnToggle): """Exclude Death Wish contracts from the pool that are particularly tedious or take a long time to reach/clear. Excluded Death Wishes are automatically completed as soon as they are unlocked. This option currently excludes the following contracts: - Vault Codes in the Wind - Boss Rush - Camera Tourist - The Mustache Gauntlet - Rift Collapse: Deep Sea - Cruisin' for a Bruisin' - Seal the Deal (non-excluded if goal, but the checks are still excluded)""" display_name = "Exclude Annoying Death Wish Contracts" class DWExcludeAnnoyingBonuses(DefaultOnToggle): """If Death Wish full completions are shuffled in, exclude tedious Death Wish full completions from the pool. Excluded bonus Death Wishes automatically reward their bonus stamps upon completion of the main objective. This option currently excludes the following bonuses: - So You're Back From Outer Space - Encore! Encore! - Snatcher's Hit List - 10 Seconds until Self-Destruct - Killing Two Birds - Zero Jumps - Bird Sanctuary - Wound-Up Windmill - Vault Codes in the Wind - Boss Rush - Camera Tourist - The Mustache Gauntlet - Rift Collapse: Deep Sea - Cruisin' for a Bruisin' - Seal the Deal""" display_name = "Exclude Annoying Death Wish Full Completions" class DWExcludeCandles(DefaultOnToggle): """If enabled, exclude all candle Death Wishes.""" display_name = "Exclude Candle Death Wishes" class DWTimePieceRequirement(Range): """How many Time Pieces that will be required to unlock Death Wish.""" display_name = "Death Wish Time Piece Requirement" range_start = 0 range_end = 35 default = 15 class TrapChance(Range): """The chance for any junk item in the pool to be replaced by a trap.""" display_name = "Trap Chance" range_start = 0 range_end = 100 default = 0 class BabyTrapWeight(Range): """The weight of Baby Traps in the trap pool. Baby Traps place a multitude of the Conductor's grandkids into Hat Kid's hands, causing her to lose her balance.""" display_name = "Baby Trap Weight" range_start = 0 range_end = 100 default = 40 class LaserTrapWeight(Range): """The weight of Laser Traps in the trap pool. Laser Traps will spawn multiple giant lasers (from Snatcher's boss fight) at Hat Kid's location.""" display_name = "Laser Trap Weight" range_start = 0 range_end = 100 default = 40 class ParadeTrapWeight(Range): """The weight of Parade Traps in the trap pool. Parade Traps will summon multiple Express Band owls with knives that chase Hat Kid by mimicking her movement.""" display_name = "Parade Trap Weight" range_start = 0 range_end = 100 default = 20 @dataclass class AHITOptions(PerGameCommonOptions): EndGoal: EndGoal ActRandomizer: ActRandomizer ActPlando: ActPlando ActBlacklist: ActBlacklist ShuffleAlpineZiplines: ShuffleAlpineZiplines FinaleShuffle: FinaleShuffle LogicDifficulty: LogicDifficulty YarnBalancePercent: YarnBalancePercent TimePieceBalancePercent: TimePieceBalancePercent RandomizeHatOrder: RandomizeHatOrder UmbrellaLogic: UmbrellaLogic StartWithCompassBadge: StartWithCompassBadge CompassBadgeMode: CompassBadgeMode ShuffleStorybookPages: ShuffleStorybookPages ShuffleActContracts: ShuffleActContracts ShuffleSubconPaintings: ShuffleSubconPaintings NoPaintingSkips: NoPaintingSkips StartingChapter: StartingChapter CTRLogic: CTRLogic EnableDLC1: EnableDLC1 Tasksanity: Tasksanity TasksanityTaskStep: TasksanityTaskStep TasksanityCheckCount: TasksanityCheckCount ExcludeTour: ExcludeTour ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal: ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal EnableDeathWish: EnableDeathWish DWShuffle: DWShuffle DWShuffleCountMin: DWShuffleCountMin DWShuffleCountMax: DWShuffleCountMax DeathWishOnly: DeathWishOnly DWEnableBonus: DWEnableBonus DWAutoCompleteBonuses: DWAutoCompleteBonuses DWExcludeAnnoyingContracts: DWExcludeAnnoyingContracts DWExcludeAnnoyingBonuses: DWExcludeAnnoyingBonuses DWExcludeCandles: DWExcludeCandles DWTimePieceRequirement: DWTimePieceRequirement EnableDLC2: EnableDLC2 BaseballBat: BaseballBat MetroMinPonCost: MetroMinPonCost MetroMaxPonCost: MetroMaxPonCost NyakuzaThugMinShopItems: NyakuzaThugMinShopItems NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems: NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems NoTicketSkips: NoTicketSkips LowestChapterCost: LowestChapterCost HighestChapterCost: HighestChapterCost ChapterCostIncrement: ChapterCostIncrement ChapterCostMinDifference: ChapterCostMinDifference MaxExtraTimePieces: MaxExtraTimePieces FinalChapterMinCost: FinalChapterMinCost FinalChapterMaxCost: FinalChapterMaxCost YarnCostMin: YarnCostMin YarnCostMax: YarnCostMax YarnAvailable: YarnAvailable MinExtraYarn: MinExtraYarn HatItems: HatItems MinPonCost: MinPonCost MaxPonCost: MaxPonCost BadgeSellerMinItems: BadgeSellerMinItems BadgeSellerMaxItems: BadgeSellerMaxItems TrapChance: TrapChance BabyTrapWeight: BabyTrapWeight LaserTrapWeight: LaserTrapWeight ParadeTrapWeight: ParadeTrapWeight death_link: DeathLink ahit_option_groups: Dict[str, List[Any]] = { "General Options": [EndGoal, ShuffleStorybookPages, ShuffleAlpineZiplines, ShuffleSubconPaintings, ShuffleActContracts, MinPonCost, MaxPonCost, BadgeSellerMinItems, BadgeSellerMaxItems, LogicDifficulty, NoPaintingSkips, CTRLogic], "Act Options": [ActRandomizer, StartingChapter, LowestChapterCost, HighestChapterCost, ChapterCostIncrement, ChapterCostMinDifference, FinalChapterMinCost, FinalChapterMaxCost, FinaleShuffle, ActPlando, ActBlacklist], "Item Options": [StartWithCompassBadge, CompassBadgeMode, RandomizeHatOrder, YarnAvailable, YarnCostMin, YarnCostMax, MinExtraYarn, HatItems, UmbrellaLogic, MaxExtraTimePieces, YarnBalancePercent, TimePieceBalancePercent], "Arctic Cruise Options": [EnableDLC1, Tasksanity, TasksanityTaskStep, TasksanityCheckCount, ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal, ExcludeTour], "Nyakuza Metro Options": [EnableDLC2, MetroMinPonCost, MetroMaxPonCost, NyakuzaThugMinShopItems, NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems, BaseballBat, NoTicketSkips], "Death Wish Options": [EnableDeathWish, DWTimePieceRequirement, DWShuffle, DWShuffleCountMin, DWShuffleCountMax, DWEnableBonus, DWAutoCompleteBonuses, DWExcludeAnnoyingContracts, DWExcludeAnnoyingBonuses, DWExcludeCandles, DeathWishOnly], "Trap Options": [TrapChance, BabyTrapWeight, LaserTrapWeight, ParadeTrapWeight] } slot_data_options: List[str] = [ "EndGoal", "ActRandomizer", "ShuffleAlpineZiplines", "LogicDifficulty", "CTRLogic", "RandomizeHatOrder", "UmbrellaLogic", "StartWithCompassBadge", "CompassBadgeMode", "ShuffleStorybookPages", "ShuffleActContracts", "ShuffleSubconPaintings", "NoPaintingSkips", "HatItems", "EnableDLC1", "Tasksanity", "TasksanityTaskStep", "TasksanityCheckCount", "ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal", "ExcludeTour", "EnableDeathWish", "DWShuffle", "DeathWishOnly", "DWEnableBonus", "DWAutoCompleteBonuses", "DWTimePieceRequirement", "EnableDLC2", "MetroMinPonCost", "MetroMaxPonCost", "BaseballBat", "NoTicketSkips", "MinPonCost", "MaxPonCost", "death_link", ]