from .SubClasses import LTTPRegion
from BaseClasses import CollectionState

def is_not_bunny(state: CollectionState, region: LTTPRegion, player: int) -> bool:
    if state.has('Moon Pearl', player):
        return True

    return region.is_light_world if state.multiworld.mode[player] != 'inverted' else region.is_dark_world

def can_bomb_clip(state: CollectionState, region: LTTPRegion, player: int) -> bool:
    return can_use_bombs(state, player) and is_not_bunny(state, region, player) and state.has('Pegasus Boots', player)

def can_buy_unlimited(state: CollectionState, item: str, player: int) -> bool:
    return any(shop.region.player == player and shop.has_unlimited(item) and shop.region.can_reach(state) for
                shop in state.multiworld.shops)

def can_buy(state: CollectionState, item: str, player: int) -> bool:
    return any(shop.region.player == player and shop.has(item) and shop.region.can_reach(state) for
                shop in state.multiworld.shops)

def can_shoot_arrows(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    if state.multiworld.retro_bow[player]:
        return (state.has('Bow', player) or state.has('Silver Bow', player)) and can_buy(state, 'Single Arrow', player)
    return state.has('Bow', player) or state.has('Silver Bow', player)

def has_triforce_pieces(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    count = state.multiworld.worlds[player].treasure_hunt_required
    return state.count('Triforce Piece', player) + state.count('Power Star', player) >= count

def has_crystals(state: CollectionState, count: int, player: int) -> bool:
    found = state.count_group("Crystals", player)
    return found >= count

def can_lift_rocks(state: CollectionState, player: int):
    return state.has('Power Glove', player) or state.has('Titans Mitts', player)

def can_lift_heavy_rocks(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has('Titans Mitts', player)

def bottle_count(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> int:
    return min(state.multiworld.worlds[player].difficulty_requirements.progressive_bottle_limit,
               state.count_group("Bottles", player))

def has_hearts(state: CollectionState, player: int, count: int) -> int:
    # Warning: This only considers items that are marked as advancement items
    return heart_count(state, player) >= count

def heart_count(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> int:
    # Warning: This only considers items that are marked as advancement items
    diff = state.multiworld.worlds[player].difficulty_requirements
    return min(state.count('Boss Heart Container', player), diff.boss_heart_container_limit) \
            + state.count('Sanctuary Heart Container', player) \
        + min(state.count('Piece of Heart', player), diff.heart_piece_limit) // 4 \
            + 3  # starting hearts

def can_extend_magic(state: CollectionState, player: int, smallmagic: int = 16,
                        fullrefill: bool = False):  # This reflects the total magic Link has, not the total extra he has.
    basemagic = 8
    if state.has('Magic Upgrade (1/4)', player):
        basemagic = 32
    elif state.has('Magic Upgrade (1/2)', player):
        basemagic = 16
    if can_buy_unlimited(state, 'Green Potion', player) or can_buy_unlimited(state, 'Blue Potion', player):
        if state.multiworld.item_functionality[player] == 'hard' and not fullrefill:
            basemagic = basemagic + int(basemagic * 0.5 * bottle_count(state, player))
        elif state.multiworld.item_functionality[player] == 'expert' and not fullrefill:
            basemagic = basemagic + int(basemagic * 0.25 * bottle_count(state, player))
            basemagic = basemagic + basemagic * bottle_count(state, player)
    return basemagic >= smallmagic

def can_hold_arrows(state: CollectionState, player: int, quantity: int):
    arrows = 30 + ((state.count("Arrow Upgrade (+5)", player) * 5) + (state.count("Arrow Upgrade (+10)", player) * 10)
                   + (state.count("Bomb Upgrade (50)", player) * 50))
    # Arrow Upgrade (+5) beyond the 6th gives +10
    arrows += max(0, ((state.count("Arrow Upgrade (+5)", player) - 6) * 10))
    return min(70, arrows) >= quantity

def can_use_bombs(state: CollectionState, player: int, quantity: int = 1) -> bool:
    bombs = 0 if state.multiworld.bombless_start[player] else 10
    bombs += ((state.count("Bomb Upgrade (+5)", player) * 5) + (state.count("Bomb Upgrade (+10)", player) * 10)
              + (state.count("Bomb Upgrade (50)", player) * 50))
    # Bomb Upgrade (+5) beyond the 6th gives +10
    bombs += max(0, ((state.count("Bomb Upgrade (+5)", player) - 6) * 10))
    if (not state.multiworld.shuffle_capacity_upgrades[player]) and state.has("Capacity Upgrade Shop", player):
        bombs += 40
    return bombs >= min(quantity, 50)

def can_bomb_or_bonk(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has("Pegasus Boots", player) or can_use_bombs(state, player)

def can_activate_crystal_switch(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return (has_melee_weapon(state, player) or can_use_bombs(state, player) or can_shoot_arrows(state, player)
            or state.has_any(["Hookshot", "Cane of Somaria", "Cane of Byrna", "Fire Rod", "Ice Rod", "Blue Boomerang",
                              "Red Boomerang"], player))

def can_kill_most_things(state: CollectionState, player: int, enemies: int = 5) -> bool:
    if state.multiworld.enemy_shuffle[player]:
        # I don't fully understand Enemizer's logic for placing enemies in spots where they need to be killable, if any.
        # Just go with maximal requirements for now.
        return (has_melee_weapon(state, player)
                and state.has('Cane of Somaria', player)
                and state.has('Cane of Byrna', player) and can_extend_magic(state, player)
                and can_shoot_arrows(state, player)
                and state.has('Fire Rod', player)
                and can_use_bombs(state, player, enemies * 4))
        return (has_melee_weapon(state, player)
                or state.has('Cane of Somaria', player)
                or (state.has('Cane of Byrna', player) and (enemies < 6 or can_extend_magic(state, player)))
                or can_shoot_arrows(state, player)
                or state.has('Fire Rod', player)
                or (state.multiworld.enemy_health[player] in ("easy", "default")
                    and can_use_bombs(state, player, enemies * 4)))

def can_get_good_bee(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    cave = state.multiworld.get_region('Good Bee Cave', player)
    return (
            state.has_group("Bottles", player) and
            state.has('Bug Catching Net', player) and
            (state.has('Pegasus Boots', player) or (has_sword(state, player) and state.has('Quake', player))) and
            cave.can_reach(state) and
            is_not_bunny(state, cave, player)

def can_retrieve_tablet(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has('Book of Mudora', player) and (has_beam_sword(state, player) or
                                                    (state.multiworld.swordless[player] and
                                                    state.has("Hammer", player)))

def has_sword(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has('Fighter Sword', player) \
            or state.has('Master Sword', player) \
            or state.has('Tempered Sword', player) \
            or state.has('Golden Sword', player)

def has_beam_sword(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has('Master Sword', player) or state.has('Tempered Sword', player) or state.has('Golden Sword',

def has_melee_weapon(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return has_sword(state, player) or state.has('Hammer', player)

def has_fire_source(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has('Fire Rod', player) or state.has('Lamp', player)

def can_melt_things(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has('Fire Rod', player) or \
            (state.has('Bombos', player) and
            (state.multiworld.swordless[player] or
                has_sword(state, player)))

def has_misery_mire_medallion(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has(state.multiworld.worlds[player].required_medallions[0], player)

def has_turtle_rock_medallion(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    return state.has(state.multiworld.worlds[player].required_medallions[1], player)

def can_boots_clip_lw(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    if state.multiworld.mode[player] == 'inverted':
        return state.has('Pegasus Boots', player) and state.has('Moon Pearl', player)
    return state.has('Pegasus Boots', player)

def can_boots_clip_dw(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    if state.multiworld.mode[player] != 'inverted':
        return state.has('Pegasus Boots', player) and state.has('Moon Pearl', player)
    return state.has('Pegasus Boots', player)

def can_get_glitched_speed_dw(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
    rules = [state.has('Pegasus Boots', player), any([state.has('Hookshot', player), has_sword(state, player)])]
    if state.multiworld.mode[player] != 'inverted':
        rules.append(state.has('Moon Pearl', player))
    return all(rules)