# Robot Master Weapons crash_bomber = "Crash Bomber" metal_blade = "Metal Blade" quick_boomerang = "Quick Boomerang" bubble_lead = "Bubble Lead" atomic_fire = "Atomic Fire" leaf_shield = "Leaf Shield" time_stopper = "Time Stopper" air_shooter = "Air Shooter" # Stage Entry crash_man_stage = "Crash Man Access Codes" metal_man_stage = "Metal Man Access Codes" quick_man_stage = "Quick Man Access Codes" bubble_man_stage = "Bubble Man Access Codes" heat_man_stage = "Heat Man Access Codes" wood_man_stage = "Wood Man Access Codes" flash_man_stage = "Flash Man Access Codes" air_man_stage = "Air Man Access Codes" # The Items item_1 = "Item 1 - Propeller" item_2 = "Item 2 - Rocket" item_3 = "Item 3 - Bouncy" # Misc. Items one_up = "1-Up" weapon_energy = "Weapon Energy (L)" health_energy = "Health Energy (L)" e_tank = "E-Tank" # Locations crash_man = "Crash Man - Defeated" metal_man = "Metal Man - Defeated" quick_man = "Quick Man - Defeated" bubble_man = "Bubble Man - Defeated" heat_man = "Heat Man - Defeated" wood_man = "Wood Man - Defeated" flash_man = "Flash Man - Defeated" air_man = "Air Man - Defeated" crash_bomber_get = "Crash Bomber - Received" metal_blade_get = "Metal Blade - Received" quick_boomerang_get = "Quick Boomerang - Received" bubble_lead_get = "Bubble Lead - Received" atomic_fire_get = "Atomic Fire - Received" leaf_shield_get = "Leaf Shield - Received" time_stopper_get = "Time Stopper - Received" air_shooter_get = "Air Shooter - Received" item_1_get = "Item 1 - Received" item_2_get = "Item 2 - Received" item_3_get = "Item 3 - Received" wily_1 = "Mecha Dragon - Defeated" wily_2 = "Picopico-kun - Defeated" wily_3 = "Guts Tank - Defeated" wily_4 = "Boobeam Trap - Defeated" wily_5 = "Wily Machine 2 - Defeated" dr_wily = "Dr. Wily (Alien) - Defeated" # Wily Stage Event Items wily_stage_1 = "Wily Stage 1 - Completed" wily_stage_2 = "Wily Stage 2 - Completed" wily_stage_3 = "Wily Stage 3 - Completed" wily_stage_4 = "Wily Stage 4 - Completed" wily_stage_5 = "Wily Stage 5 - Completed" # Consumable Locations heat_man_c1 = "Heat Man Stage - 1-Up" # 3, requires Yoku jumps or Item 2 flash_man_c1 = "Flash Man Stage - Health Energy 1" # 0 flash_man_c2 = "Flash Man Stage - 1-Up" # 2, requires any Item flash_man_c3 = "Flash Man Stage - Health Energy 2" # 6, requires Crash Bomber flash_man_c4 = "Flash Man Stage - Weapon Energy 1" # 8, requires Crash Bomber flash_man_c5 = "Flash Man Stage - Health Energy 3" # 9 flash_man_c6 = "Flash Man Stage - E-Tank" # 10 quick_man_c1 = "Quick Man Stage - 1-Up 1" # 0, needs any Item quick_man_c2 = "Quick Man Stage - E-Tank" # 1, requires allow lasers or Time Stopper quick_man_c3 = "Quick Man Stage - 1-Up 2" # 2, requires allow lasers or Time Stopper quick_man_c4 = "Quick Man Stage - Weapon Energy 1" # 3, requires allow lasers or Time Stopper quick_man_c5 = "Quick Man Stage - Weapon Energy 2" # 4, requires allow lasers or Time Stopper quick_man_c6 = "Quick Man Stage - Health Energy" # 5, requires allow lasers or Time Stopper quick_man_c7 = "Quick Man Stage - 1-Up 3" # 6, requires allow lasers or Time Stopper quick_man_c8 = "Quick Man Stage - Weapon Energy 3" # 7, requires allow lasers or Time Stopper metal_man_c1 = "Metal Man Stage - E-Tank 1" # 0 metal_man_c2 = "Metal Man Stage - 1-Up" # 1, needs Item 1/2 metal_man_c3 = "Metal Man Stage - E-Tank 2" # 2, needs Item 1/2 (without putting dying in logic at least) crash_man_c1 = "Crash Man Stage - Health Energy" # 0 crash_man_c2 = "Crash Man Stage - E-Tank" # 1 crash_man_c3 = "Crash Man Stage - 1-Up" # 2, any Item wily_1_c1 = "Wily Stage 1 - 1-Up" # 10 wily_1_c2 = "Wily Stage 1 - Weapon Energy 1" # 11 wily_2_c1 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 1" # 11 wily_2_c2 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 2" # 12 wily_2_c3 = "Wily Stage 2 - E-Tank 1" # 16 wily_2_c4 = "Wily Stage 2 - 1-Up 1" # 17 # 18 - 27 are all small weapon energies, might force these local junk? wily_2_c8 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 3" # 18 wily_2_c9 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 4" # 19 wily_2_c10 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 5" # 20 wily_2_c11 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 6" # 21 wily_2_c12 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 7" # 22 wily_2_c13 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 8" # 23 wily_2_c14 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 9" # 24 wily_2_c15 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 10" # 25 wily_2_c16 = "Wily Stage 2 - Weapon Energy 11" # 26 wily_2_c5 = "Wily Stage 2 - 1-Up 2" # 29, requires Crash Bomber wily_2_c6 = "Wily Stage 2 - E-Tank 2" # 30, requires Crash Bomber wily_2_c7 = "Wily Stage 2 - Health Energy" # 31, item 2 (already required to reach wily 2) wily_3_c1 = "Wily Stage 3 - Weapon Energy 1" # 12, requires Crash Bomber wily_3_c2 = "Wily Stage 3 - E-Tank" # 17, requires Crash Bomber wily_3_c3 = "Wily Stage 3 - Weapon Energy 2" # 18 wily_3_c4 = "Wily Stage 3 - Weapon Energy 3" # 19 wily_4_c1 = "Wily Stage 4 - Weapon Energy 1" # 16 wily_4_c2 = "Wily Stage 4 - Weapon Energy 2" # 17 wily_4_c3 = "Wily Stage 4 - 1-Up 1" # 18 wily_4_c4 = "Wily Stage 4 - E-Tank 1" # 19