from math import ceil from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List from . import names from .locations import heat_man_locations, air_man_locations, wood_man_locations, bubble_man_locations, \ quick_man_locations, flash_man_locations, metal_man_locations, crash_man_locations, wily_1_locations, \ wily_2_locations, wily_3_locations, wily_4_locations, wily_5_locations, wily_6_locations from .options import bosses, weapons_to_id, Consumables, RandomWeaknesses from worlds.generic.Rules import add_rule if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import MM2World from BaseClasses import CollectionState weapon_damage: Dict[int, List[int]] = { 0: [2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 7, 1, 0, 1, -1], # Mega Buster 1: [-1, 6, 0xE, 0, 0xA, 6, 4, 6, 8, 13, 8, 0, 0xE, -1], # Atomic Fire 2: [2, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0xA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1], # Air Shooter 3: [0, 8, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1], # Leaf Shield 4: [6, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 14, 1, 0, 0, 1], # Bubble Lead 5: [2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 4, 1, 1, 7, 2, 0, 1, -1], # Quick Boomerang 6: [-1, 0, 2, 2, 4, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0x14, 1, -1], # Crash Bomber 7: [1, 0, 2, 4, 0, 4, 0xE, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 1, -1], # Metal Blade 8: [0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # Time Stopper } weapons_to_name: Dict[int, str] = { 1: names.atomic_fire, 2: names.air_shooter, 3: names.leaf_shield, 4: names.bubble_lead, 5: names.quick_boomerang, 6: names.crash_bomber, 7: names.metal_blade, 8: names.time_stopper } minimum_weakness_requirement: Dict[int, int] = { 0: 1, # Mega Buster is free 1: 14, # 2 shots of Atomic Fire 2: 2, # 14 shots of Air Shooter 3: 4, # 9 uses of Leaf Shield, 3 ends up 1 damage off 4: 1, # 56 uses of Bubble Lead 5: 1, # 224 uses of Quick Boomerang 6: 4, # 7 uses of Crash Bomber 7: 1, # 112 uses of Metal Blade 8: 4, # 1 use of Time Stopper, but setting to 4 means we shave the entire HP bar } robot_masters: Dict[int, str] = { 0: "Heat Man Defeated", 1: "Air Man Defeated", 2: "Wood Man Defeated", 3: "Bubble Man Defeated", 4: "Quick Man Defeated", 5: "Flash Man Defeated", 6: "Metal Man Defeated", 7: "Crash Man Defeated" } weapon_costs = { 0: 0, 1: 10, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.125, 6: 4, 7: 0.25, 8: 7, } def can_defeat_enough_rbms(state: "CollectionState", player: int, required: int, boss_requirements: Dict[int, List[int]]): can_defeat = 0 for boss, reqs in boss_requirements.items(): if boss in robot_masters: if state.has_all(map(lambda x: weapons_to_name[x], reqs), player): can_defeat += 1 if can_defeat >= required: return True return False def set_rules(world: "MM2World") -> None: # most rules are set on region, so we only worry about rules required within stage access # or rules variable on settings if (hasattr(world.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough") and "Mega Man 2" in getattr(world.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough")): slot_data = getattr(world.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough")["Mega Man 2"] world.weapon_damage = slot_data["weapon_damage"] world.wily_5_weapons = slot_data["wily_5_weapons"] else: if world.options.random_weakness == RandomWeaknesses.option_shuffled: weapon_tables = [table for weapon, table in weapon_damage.items() if weapon not in (0, 8)] world.random.shuffle(weapon_tables) for i in range(1, 8): world.weapon_damage[i] = weapon_tables.pop() # alien must take minimum required damage from his weakness alien_weakness = next(weapon for weapon in range(8) if world.weapon_damage[weapon][13] != -1) world.weapon_damage[alien_weakness][13] = minimum_weakness_requirement[alien_weakness] world.weapon_damage[8] = [0 for _ in range(14)] world.weapon_damage[8][world.random.choice(range(8))] = 2 elif world.options.random_weakness == RandomWeaknesses.option_randomized: world.weapon_damage = {i: [] for i in range(9)} for boss in range(13): for weapon in world.weapon_damage: world.weapon_damage[weapon].append(min(14, max(-1, int(world.random.normalvariate(3, 3))))) if not any([world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] >= max(4, minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon]) for weapon in range(1, 7)]): # failsafe, there should be at least one defined non-Buster weakness weapon = world.random.randint(1, 7) world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] = world.random.randint( max(4, minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon]), 14) # Force weakness # special case, if boobeam trap has a weakness to Crash, it needs to be max damage if world.weapon_damage[6][11] > 4: world.weapon_damage[6][11] = 14 # handle the alien boss = 13 for weapon in world.weapon_damage: world.weapon_damage[weapon].append(-1) weapon = world.random.choice(list(world.weapon_damage.keys())) world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] = minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon] if world.options.strict_weakness: for weapon in weapon_damage: for i in range(13): if weapon == 0: world.weapon_damage[weapon][i] = 0 elif i in (8, 12) and not world.options.random_weakness: continue # Mecha Dragon only has damage range of 0-1, so allow the 1 # Wily Machine needs all three weaknesses present, so allow elif 4 > world.weapon_damage[weapon][i] > 0: world.weapon_damage[weapon][i] = 0 for p_boss in world.options.plando_weakness: for p_weapon in world.options.plando_weakness[p_boss]: if world.options.plando_weakness[p_boss][p_weapon] < minimum_weakness_requirement[p_weapon] \ and not any(w != p_weapon and world.weapon_damage[w][bosses[p_boss]] > minimum_weakness_requirement[w] for w in world.weapon_damage): # we need to replace this weakness weakness = world.random.choice([key for key in world.weapon_damage if key != p_weapon]) world.weapon_damage[weakness][bosses[p_boss]] = minimum_weakness_requirement[weakness] world.weapon_damage[weapons_to_id[p_weapon]][bosses[p_boss]] \ = world.options.plando_weakness[p_boss][p_weapon] # handle special cases for boss in range(14): for weapon in (1, 2, 3, 6, 8): if (0 < world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] < minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon] and not any(world.weapon_damage[i][boss] >= minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon] for i in range(9) if i != weapon)): # Weapon does not have enough possible ammo to kill the boss, raise the damage if boss == 9: if weapon in (1, 6): # Atomic Fire and Crash Bomber cannot be Picopico-kun's only weakness world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] = 0 weakness = world.random.choice((2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8)) world.weapon_damage[weakness][boss] = minimum_weakness_requirement[weakness] elif boss == 11: if weapon == 1: # Atomic Fire cannot be Boobeam Trap's only weakness world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] = 0 weakness = world.random.choice((2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)) world.weapon_damage[weakness][boss] = minimum_weakness_requirement[weakness] else: world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] = minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon] if world.weapon_damage[0][world.options.starting_robot_master.value] < 1: world.weapon_damage[0][world.options.starting_robot_master.value] = weapon_damage[0][world.options.starting_robot_master.value] # final special case # There's a vanilla crash if Time Stopper kills Wily phase 1 # There's multiple fixes, but ensuring Wily cannot take Time Stopper damage is best if world.weapon_damage[8][12] > 0: world.weapon_damage[8][12] = 0 # weakness validation, it is better to confirm a completable seed than respect plando boss_health = {boss: 0x1C if boss != 12 else 0x1C * 2 for boss in [*range(8), 12]} weapon_energy = {key: float(0x1C) for key in weapon_costs} weapon_boss = {boss: {weapon: world.weapon_damage[weapon][boss] for weapon in world.weapon_damage} for boss in [*range(8), 12]} flexibility = { boss: ( sum(damage_value > 0 for damage_value in weapon_damages.values()) # Amount of weapons that hit this boss * sum(weapon_damages.values()) # Overall damage that those weapons do ) for boss, weapon_damages in weapon_boss.items() if boss != 12 } flexibility = sorted(flexibility, key=flexibility.get) # Fast way to sort dict by value used_weapons = {i: set() for i in [*range(8), 12]} for boss in [*flexibility, 12]: boss_damage = weapon_boss[boss] weapon_weight = {weapon: (weapon_energy[weapon] / damage) if damage else 0 for weapon, damage in boss_damage.items() if weapon_energy[weapon] > 0} if boss_damage[8]: boss_damage[8] = 1.75 * boss_damage[8] if any(boss_damage[i] > 0 for i in range(8)) and 8 in weapon_weight: # We get exactly one use of Time Stopper during the rush # So we want to make sure that use is absolutely needed weapon_weight[8] = min(weapon_weight[8], 0.001) while boss_health[boss] > 0: if boss_damage[0] > 0: boss_health[boss] = 0 # if we can buster, we should buster continue highest, wp = max(zip(weapon_weight.values(), weapon_weight.keys())) uses = weapon_energy[wp] // weapon_costs[wp] if int(uses * boss_damage[wp]) > boss_health[boss]: used = ceil(boss_health[boss] / boss_damage[wp]) weapon_energy[wp] -= weapon_costs[wp] * used boss_health[boss] = 0 used_weapons[boss].add(wp) elif highest <= 0: # we are out of weapons that can actually damage the boss # so find the weapon that has the most uses, and apply that as an additional weakness # it should be impossible to be out of energy, simply because even if every boss took 1 from # Quick Boomerang and no other, it would only be 28 off from defeating all 9, which Metal Blade should # be able to cover wp, max_uses = max((weapon, weapon_energy[weapon] // weapon_costs[weapon]) for weapon in weapon_weight if weapon != 0 and (weapon != 8 or boss != 12)) # Wily Machine cannot under any circumstances take damage from Time Stopper, prevent this world.weapon_damage[wp][boss] = minimum_weakness_requirement[wp] used = min(int(weapon_energy[wp] // weapon_costs[wp]), ceil(boss_health[boss] / minimum_weakness_requirement[wp])) weapon_energy[wp] -= weapon_costs[wp] * used boss_health[boss] -= int(used * minimum_weakness_requirement[wp]) weapon_weight.pop(wp) used_weapons[boss].add(wp) else: # drain the weapon and continue boss_health[boss] -= int(uses * boss_damage[wp]) weapon_energy[wp] -= weapon_costs[wp] * uses weapon_weight.pop(wp) used_weapons[boss].add(wp) world.wily_5_weapons = {boss: sorted(used_weapons[boss]) for boss in used_weapons} for i, boss_locations in enumerate([ heat_man_locations, air_man_locations, wood_man_locations, bubble_man_locations, quick_man_locations, flash_man_locations, metal_man_locations, crash_man_locations, wily_1_locations, wily_2_locations, wily_3_locations, wily_4_locations, wily_5_locations, wily_6_locations ]): if world.weapon_damage[0][i] > 0: continue # this can always be in logic weapons = [] for weapon in range(1, 9): if world.weapon_damage[weapon][i] > 0: if world.weapon_damage[weapon][i] < minimum_weakness_requirement[weapon]: continue # Atomic Fire can only be considered logical for bosses it can kill in 2 hits weapons.append(weapons_to_name[weapon]) if not weapons: raise Exception(f"Attempted to have boss {i} with no weakness! Seed: {world.multiworld.seed}") for location in boss_locations: if i == 12: add_rule(world.get_location(location), lambda state, weps=tuple(weapons): state.has_all(weps, world.player)) # TODO: when has_list gets added, check for a subset of possible weaknesses else: add_rule(world.get_location(location), lambda state, weps=tuple(weapons): state.has_any(weps, world.player)) # Always require Crash Bomber for Boobeam Trap add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_4), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_stage_4), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player)) # Need to defeat x amount of robot masters for Wily 5 add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_5), lambda state: can_defeat_enough_rbms(state, world.player, world.options.wily_5_requirement.value, world.wily_5_weapons)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_stage_5), lambda state: can_defeat_enough_rbms(state, world.player, world.options.wily_5_requirement.value, world.wily_5_weapons)) if not world.options.yoku_jumps: add_rule(world.get_entrance("To Heat Man Stage"), lambda state: state.has(names.item_2, world.player)) if not world.options.enable_lasers: add_rule(world.get_entrance("To Quick Man Stage"), lambda state: state.has(names.time_stopper, world.player)) if world.options.consumables in (Consumables.option_1up_etank, Consumables.option_all): add_rule(world.get_location(names.flash_man_c2), lambda state: state.has_any([names.item_1, names.item_2, names.item_3], world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.quick_man_c1), lambda state: state.has_any([names.item_1, names.item_2, names.item_3], world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.metal_man_c2), lambda state: state.has_any([names.item_1, names.item_2], world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.metal_man_c3), lambda state: state.has_any([names.item_1, names.item_2], world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.crash_man_c3), lambda state: state.has_any([names.item_1, names.item_2, names.item_3], world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_2_c5), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_2_c6), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_3_c2), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player)) if world.options.consumables in (Consumables.option_weapon_health, Consumables.option_all): add_rule(world.get_location(names.flash_man_c3), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.flash_man_c4), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player)) add_rule(world.get_location(names.wily_3_c1), lambda state: state.has(names.crash_bomber, world.player))