from collections import defaultdict from operator import itemgetter from struct import pack, unpack """ Tweaked version of nlzss modified to work with raw data and return bytes instead of operating on whole files. LZ11 functionality has been removed since it is not necessary for MMBN3 """ def gba_decompress(data: bytearray): """Decompress LZSS-compressed bytes. Returns a bytearray.""" header = data[:4] if header[0] == 0x10: decompress_raw = decompress_raw_lzss10 else: raise DecompressionError("not as lzss-compressed file") decompressed_size, = unpack("B", packflags(flags))) for t in tokens: if type(t) == tuple: count, disp = t count -= 3 disp = (-disp) - 1 assert 0 <= disp < 4096 sh = (count << 12) | disp byteOut.extend(pack(">H", sh)) else: byteOut.extend(pack(">B", t)) length += 1 length += sum(2 if f else 1 for f in flags) # padding padding = 4 - (length % 4 or 4) if padding: byteOut.extend(b'\xff' * padding) return byteOut class SlidingWindow: # The size of the sliding window size = 4096 # The minimum displacement. disp_min = 2 # The hard minimum — a disp less than this can't be represented in the # compressed stream. disp_start = 1 # The minimum length for a successful match in the window match_min = 3 # The maximum length of a successful match, inclusive. match_max = 3 + 0xf def __init__(self, buf): = buf self.hash = defaultdict(list) self.full = False self.start = 0 self.stop = 0 #self.index = self.disp_min - 1 self.index = 0 assert self.match_max is not None def next(self): if self.index < self.disp_start - 1: self.index += 1 return if self.full: olditem =[self.start] assert self.hash[olditem][0] == self.start self.hash[olditem].pop(0) item =[self.stop] self.hash[item].append(self.stop) self.stop += 1 self.index += 1 if self.full: self.start += 1 else: if self.size <= self.stop: self.full = True def advance(self, n=1): """Advance the window by n bytes""" for _ in range(n): def search(self): match_max = self.match_max match_min = self.match_min counts = [] indices = self.hash[[self.index]] for i in indices: matchlen = self.match(i, self.index) if matchlen >= match_min: disp = self.index - i if self.disp_min <= disp: counts.append((matchlen, -disp)) if matchlen >= match_max: return counts[-1] if counts: match = max(counts, key=itemgetter(0)) return match return None def match(self, start, bufstart): size = self.index - start if size == 0: return 0 matchlen = 0 it = range(min(len( - bufstart, self.match_max)) for i in it: if[start + (i % size)] ==[bufstart + i]: matchlen += 1 else: break return matchlen def _compress(input, windowclass=SlidingWindow): """Generates a stream of tokens. Either a byte (int) or a tuple of (count, displacement).""" window = windowclass(input) i = 0 while True: if len(input) <= i: break match = if match: yield match window.advance(match[0]) i += match[0] else: yield input[i] i += 1 def packflags(flags): n = 0 for i in range(8): n <<= 1 try: if flags[i]: n |= 1 except IndexError: pass return n def chunkit(it, n): buf = [] for x in it: buf.append(x) if n <= len(buf): yield buf buf = [] if buf: yield buf def bits(byte): return ((byte >> 7) & 1, (byte >> 6) & 1, (byte >> 5) & 1, (byte >> 4) & 1, (byte >> 3) & 1, (byte >> 2) & 1, (byte >> 1) & 1, byte & 1) def decompress_raw_lzss10(indata, decompressed_size, _overlay=False): """Decompress LZSS-compressed bytes. Returns a bytearray.""" data = bytearray() it = iter(indata) if _overlay: disp_extra = 3 else: disp_extra = 1 def writebyte(b): data.append(b) def readbyte(): return next(it) def readshort(): # big-endian a = next(it) b = next(it) return (a << 8) | b def copybyte(): data.append(next(it)) while len(data) < decompressed_size: b = readbyte() flags = bits(b) for flag in flags: if flag == 0: copybyte() elif flag == 1: sh = readshort() count = (sh >> 0xc) + 3 disp = (sh & 0xfff) + disp_extra for _ in range(count): writebyte(data[-disp]) else: raise ValueError(flag) if decompressed_size <= len(data): break if len(data) != decompressed_size: raise DecompressionError("decompressed size does not match the expected size") return data class DecompressionError(ValueError): pass