from typing import ClassVar, Dict, Any, Type, List, Union import Utils from BaseClasses import Tutorial, ItemClassification as ItemClass from Options import PerGameCommonOptions, OptionError from settings import Group, UserFilePath, LocalFolderPath, Bool from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld from worlds.LauncherComponents import components, Component, launch_subprocess, Type as ComponentType from . import Options, Items, Locations from .Constants import * def launch_client(*args: str): from .Client import launch launch_subprocess(launch(*args), name=CLIENT_NAME) components.append( Component(f"{GAME_NAME} Client", game_name=GAME_NAME, func=launch_client, component_type=ComponentType.CLIENT, supports_uri=True) ) class SavingPrincessSettings(Group): class GamePath(UserFilePath): """Path to the game executable from which files are extracted""" description = "the Saving Princess game executable" is_exe = True md5s = [GAME_HASH] class InstallFolder(LocalFolderPath): """Path to the mod installation folder""" description = "the folder to install Saving Princess Archipelago to" class LaunchGame(Bool): """Set this to false to never autostart the game""" class LaunchCommand(str): """ The console command that will be used to launch the game The command will be executed with the installation folder as the current directory """ exe_path: GamePath = GamePath("Saving Princess.exe") install_folder: InstallFolder = InstallFolder("Saving Princess") launch_game: Union[LaunchGame, bool] = True launch_command: LaunchCommand = LaunchCommand('"Saving Princess v0_8.exe"' if Utils.is_windows else 'wine "Saving Princess v0_8.exe"') class SavingPrincessWeb(WebWorld): theme = "partyTime" bug_report_page = "" setup_en = Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up Saving Princess for Archipelago multiworld.", "English", "", "setup/en", ["LeonarthCG"] ) tutorials = [setup_en] options_presets = Options.presets option_groups = Options.groups class SavingPrincessWorld(World): """ Explore a space station crawling with rogue machines and even rival bounty hunters with the same objective as you - but with far, far different intentions! Expand your arsenal as you collect upgrades to your trusty arm cannon and armor! """ # Excerpt from itch game = GAME_NAME web = SavingPrincessWeb() required_client_version = (0, 5, 0) topology_present = False item_name_to_id = { key: value.code for key, value in (Items.item_dict.items() - Items.item_dict_events.items()) } location_name_to_id = { key: value.code for key, value in (Locations.location_dict.items() - Locations.location_dict_events.items()) } item_name_groups = { "Weapons": {key for key in Items.item_dict_weapons.keys()}, "Upgrades": {key for key in Items.item_dict_upgrades.keys()}, "Keys": {key for key in Items.item_dict_keys.keys()}, "Filler": {key for key in Items.item_dict_filler.keys()}, "Traps": {key for key in Items.item_dict_traps.keys()}, } options_dataclass: ClassVar[Type[PerGameCommonOptions]] = Options.SavingPrincessOptions options: Options.SavingPrincessOptions settings_key = "saving_princess_settings" settings: ClassVar[SavingPrincessSettings] is_pool_expanded: bool = False music_table: List[int] = list(range(16)) def generate_early(self) -> None: if not self.player_name.isascii(): raise OptionError(f"{self.player_name}'s name must be only ASCII.") self.is_pool_expanded = self.options.expanded_pool > 0 if self.options.music_shuffle: self.random.shuffle(self.music_table) # find zzz and purple and swap them back to their original positions for song_id in [9, 13]: song_index = self.music_table.index(song_id) t = self.music_table[song_id] self.music_table[song_id] = song_id self.music_table[song_index] = t def create_regions(self) -> None: from .Regions import create_regions create_regions(self.multiworld, self.player, self.is_pool_expanded) def create_items(self) -> None: items_made: int = 0 # now, for each item item_dict = Items.item_dict_expanded if self.is_pool_expanded else Items.item_dict_base for item_name, item_data in item_dict.items(): # create count copies of the item for i in range(item_data.count): self.multiworld.itempool.append(self.create_item(item_name)) items_made += item_data.count # and create count_extra useful copies of the item original_item_class: ItemClass = item_data.item_class item_data.item_class = ItemClass.useful for i in range(item_data.count_extra): self.multiworld.itempool.append(self.create_item(item_name)) item_data.item_class = original_item_class items_made += item_data.count_extra # get the number of unfilled locations, that is, locations for items - items generated location_count = len(Locations.location_dict_base) if self.is_pool_expanded: location_count = len(Locations.location_dict_expanded) junk_count: int = location_count - items_made # and generate as many junk items as unfilled locations for i in range(junk_count): self.multiworld.itempool.append(self.create_item(self.get_filler_item_name())) def create_item(self, name: str) -> Items.SavingPrincessItem: return Items.item_dict[name].create_item(self.player) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: filler_list = list(Items.item_dict_filler.keys()) # check if this is going to be a trap if self.random.randint(0, 99) < self.options.trap_chance: filler_list = list(Items.item_dict_traps.keys()) # and return one of the names at random return self.random.choice(filler_list) def set_rules(self): from .Rules import set_rules set_rules(self) def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: slot_data = self.options.as_dict( "death_link", "expanded_pool", "instant_saving", "sprint_availability", "cliff_weapon_upgrade", "ace_weapon_upgrade", "shake_intensity", "iframes_duration", ) slot_data["music_table"] = self.music_table return slot_data