import settings import string import typing from BaseClasses import Item, MultiWorld, Region, Location, Entrance, Tutorial, ItemClassification from .Items import item_table, faction_table from .Locations import location_table from .Regions import create_regions from .Rules import set_rules from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld from .Options import WargrooveOptions class WargrooveSettings(settings.Group): class RootDirectory(settings.UserFolderPath): """ Locate the Wargroove root directory on your system. This is used by the Wargroove client, so it knows where to send communication files to """ description = "Wargroove root directory" root_directory: RootDirectory = RootDirectory("C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Wargroove") class WargrooveWeb(WebWorld): tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up Wargroove for Archipelago.", "English", "", "wargroove/en", ["Fly Sniper"] )] class WargrooveWorld(World): """ Command an army, in this retro style turn based strategy game! """ options: WargrooveOptions options_dataclass = WargrooveOptions settings: typing.ClassVar[WargrooveSettings] game = "Wargroove" topology_present = True web = WargrooveWeb() item_name_to_id = {name: data.code for name, data in item_table.items()} location_name_to_id = location_table def _get_slot_data(self): return { 'seed': "".join(self.random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(16)), 'income_boost': self.options.income_boost.value, 'commander_defense_boost': self.options.commander_defense_boost.value, 'can_choose_commander': self.options.commander_choice.value != 0, 'commander_choice': self.options.commander_choice.value, 'starting_groove_multiplier': 20 # Backwards compatibility in case this ever becomes an option } def generate_early(self): # Selecting a random starting faction if self.options.commander_choice.value == 2: factions = [faction for faction in faction_table.keys() if faction != "Starter"] starting_faction = WargrooveItem(self.multiworld.random.choice(factions) + ' Commanders', self.player) self.multiworld.push_precollected(starting_faction) def create_items(self): # Fill out our pool with our items from the item table pool = [] precollected_item_names = { for item in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player]} ignore_faction_items = self.options.commander_choice.value == 0 for name, data in item_table.items(): if data.code is not None and name not in precollected_item_names and not data.classification == ItemClassification.filler: if name.endswith(' Commanders') and ignore_faction_items: continue item = WargrooveItem(name, self.player) pool.append(item) # Matching number of unfilled locations with filler items locations_remaining = len(location_table) - 1 - len(pool) while locations_remaining > 0: # Filling the pool equally with both types of filler items pool.append(WargrooveItem("Commander Defense Boost", self.player)) locations_remaining -= 1 if locations_remaining > 0: pool.append(WargrooveItem("Income Boost", self.player)) locations_remaining -= 1 self.multiworld.itempool += pool # Placing victory event at final location victory = WargrooveItem("Wargroove Victory", self.player) self.multiworld.get_location("Wargroove Finale: Victory", self.player).place_locked_item(victory) self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Wargroove Victory", self.player) def set_rules(self): set_rules(self.multiworld, self.player) def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item: return WargrooveItem(name, self.player) def create_regions(self): create_regions(self.multiworld, self.player) def fill_slot_data(self) -> dict: slot_data = self._get_slot_data() return slot_data def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return self.multiworld.random.choice(["Commander Defense Boost", "Income Boost"]) def create_region(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None): ret = Region(name, player, world) if locations: for location in locations: loc_id = location_table.get(location, 0) location = WargrooveLocation(player, location, loc_id, ret) ret.locations.append(location) if exits: for exit in exits: ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret)) return ret class WargrooveLocation(Location): game: str = "Wargroove" class WargrooveItem(Item): game = "Wargroove" def __init__(self, name, player: int = None): item_data = item_table[name] super(WargrooveItem, self).__init__( name, item_data.classification, item_data.code, player )