from dataclasses import dataclass
from Options import Choice, DefaultOnToggle, Range, Toggle, PerGameCommonOptions, StartInventoryPool

class CharacterStages(Choice):
    """Whether to include Reinhardt-only stages, Carrie-only stages, or both with or without branching paths at the end
    of Villa and Castle Center."""
    display_name = "Character Stages"
    option_both = 0
    option_branchless_both = 1
    option_reinhardt_only = 2
    option_carrie_only = 3
    default = 0

class StageShuffle(Toggle):
    """Shuffles which stages appear in which stage slots. Villa and Castle Center will never appear in any character
    stage slots if Character Stages is set to Both; they can only be somewhere on the main path.
    Castle Keep will always be at the end of the line."""
    display_name = "Stage Shuffle"

class StartingStage(Choice):
    """Which stage to start at if Stage Shuffle is turned on."""
    display_name = "Starting Stage"
    option_forest_of_silence = 0
    option_castle_wall = 1
    option_villa = 2
    option_tunnel = 3
    option_underground_waterway = 4
    option_castle_center = 5
    option_duel_tower = 6
    option_tower_of_execution = 7
    option_tower_of_science = 8
    option_tower_of_sorcery = 9
    option_room_of_clocks = 10
    option_clock_tower = 11
    default = "random"

class WarpOrder(Choice):
    """Arranges the warps in the warp menu in whichever stage order chosen,
    thereby changing the order they are unlocked in."""
    display_name = "Warp Order"
    option_seed_stage_order = 0
    option_vanilla_stage_order = 1
    option_randomized_order = 2
    default = 0

class SubWeaponShuffle(Choice):
    """Shuffles all sub-weapons in the game within each other in their own pool or in the main item pool."""
    display_name = "Sub-weapon Shuffle"
    option_off = 0
    option_own_pool = 1
    option_anywhere = 2
    default = 0

class SpareKeys(Choice):
    """Puts an additional copy of every non-Special key item in the pool for every key item that there is.
    Chance gives each key item a 50% chance of having a duplicate instead of guaranteeing one for all of them."""
    display_name = "Spare Keys"
    option_off = 0
    option_on = 1
    option_chance = 2
    default = 0

class HardItemPool(Toggle):
    """Replaces some items in the item pool with less valuable ones, to make the item pool sort of resemble Hard Mode
    in the PAL version."""
    display_name = "Hard Item Pool"

class Special1sPerWarp(Range):
    """Sets how many Special1 jewels are needed per warp menu option unlock.
    This will decrease until the number x 7 is less than or equal to the Total Specail1s if it isn't already."""
    range_start = 1
    range_end = 10
    default = 1
    display_name = "Special1s Per Warp"

class TotalSpecial1s(Range):
    """Sets how many Speical1 jewels are in the pool in total."""
    range_start = 7
    range_end = 70
    default = 7
    display_name = "Total Special1s"

class DraculasCondition(Choice):
    """Sets the requirement for unlocking and opening the door to Dracula's chamber.
    None: No requirement. Door is unlocked from the start.
    Crystal: Activate the big crystal in Castle Center's basement. Neither boss afterwards has to be defeated.
    Bosses: Kill a specified number of bosses with health bars and claim their Trophies.
    Specials: Find a specified number of Special2 jewels shuffled in the main item pool."""
    display_name = "Dracula's Condition"
    option_none = 0
    option_crystal = 1
    option_bosses = 2
    option_specials = 3
    default = 1

class PercentSpecial2sRequired(Range):
    """Percentage of Special2s required to enter Dracula's chamber when Dracula's Condition is Special2s."""
    range_start = 1
    range_end = 100
    default = 80
    display_name = "Percent Special2s Required"

class TotalSpecial2s(Range):
    """How many Speical2 jewels are in the pool in total when Dracula's Condition is Special2s."""
    range_start = 1
    range_end = 70
    default = 25
    display_name = "Total Special2s"

class BossesRequired(Range):
    """How many bosses need to be defeated to enter Dracula's chamber when Dracula's Condition is set to Bosses.
    This will automatically adjust if there are fewer available bosses than the chosen number."""
    range_start = 1
    range_end = 16
    default = 14
    display_name = "Bosses Required"

class CarrieLogic(Toggle):
    """Adds the 2 checks inside Underground Waterway's crawlspace to the pool.
    If you (and everyone else if racing the same seed) are planning to only ever play Reinhardt, don't enable this.
    Can be combined with Hard Logic to include Carrie-only tricks."""
    display_name = "Carrie Logic"

class HardLogic(Toggle):
    """Properly considers sequence break tricks in logic (i.e. maze skip). Can be combined with Carrie Logic to include
    Carrie-only tricks.
    See the Game Page for a full list of tricks and glitches that may be logically required."""
    display_name = "Hard Logic"

class MultiHitBreakables(Toggle):
    """Adds the items that drop from the objects that break in three hits to the pool. There are 18 of these throughout
    the game, adding up to 79 or 80 checks (depending on sub-weapons
    being shuffled anywhere or not) in total with all stages.
    The game will be modified to
    remember exactly which of their items you've picked up instead of simply whether they were broken or not."""
    display_name = "Multi-hit Breakables"

class EmptyBreakables(Toggle):
    """Adds 9 check locations in the form of breakables that normally have nothing (all empty Forest coffins, etc.)
    and some additional Red Jewels and/or moneybags into the item pool to compensate."""
    display_name = "Empty Breakables"

class LizardLockerItems(Toggle):
    """Adds the 6 items inside Castle Center 2F's Lizard-man generators to the pool.
    Picking up all of these can be a very tedious luck-based process, so they are off by default."""
    display_name = "Lizard Locker Items"

class Shopsanity(Toggle):
    """Adds 7 one-time purchases from Renon's shop into the location pool. After buying an item from a slot, it will
    revert to whatever it is in the vanilla game."""
    display_name = "Shopsanity"

class ShopPrices(Choice):
    """Randomizes the amount of gold each item costs in Renon's shop.
    Use the below options to control how much or little an item can cost."""
    display_name = "Shop Prices"
    option_vanilla = 0
    option_randomized = 1
    default = 0

class MinimumGoldPrice(Range):
    """The lowest amount of gold an item can cost in Renon's shop, divided by 100."""
    display_name = "Minimum Gold Price"
    range_start = 1
    range_end = 50
    default = 2

class MaximumGoldPrice(Range):
    """The highest amount of gold an item can cost in Renon's shop, divided by 100."""
    display_name = "Maximum Gold Price"
    range_start = 1
    range_end = 50
    default = 30

class PostBehemothBoss(Choice):
    """Sets which boss is fought in the vampire triplets' room in Castle Center by which characters after defeating
    display_name = "Post-Behemoth Boss"
    option_vanilla = 0
    option_inverted = 1
    option_always_rosa = 2
    option_always_camilla = 3
    default = 0

class RoomOfClocksBoss(Choice):
    """Sets which boss is fought at Room of Clocks by which characters."""
    display_name = "Room of Clocks Boss"
    option_vanilla = 0
    option_inverted = 1
    option_always_death = 2
    option_always_actrise = 3
    default = 0

class RenonFightCondition(Choice):
    """Sets the condition on which the Renon fight will trigger."""
    display_name = "Renon Fight Condition"
    option_never = 0
    option_spend_30k = 1
    option_always = 2
    default = 1

class VincentFightCondition(Choice):
    """Sets the condition on which the vampire Vincent fight will trigger."""
    display_name = "Vincent Fight Condition"
    option_never = 0
    option_wait_16_days = 1
    option_always = 2
    default = 1

class BadEndingCondition(Choice):
    """Sets the condition on which the currently-controlled character's Bad Ending will trigger."""
    display_name = "Bad Ending Condition"
    option_never = 0
    option_kill_vincent = 1
    option_always = 2
    default = 1

class IncreaseItemLimit(DefaultOnToggle):
    """Increases the holding limit of usable items from 10 to 99 of each item."""
    display_name = "Increase Item Limit"

class NerfHealingItems(Toggle):
    """Decreases the amount of health healed by Roast Chickens to 25%, Roast Beefs to 50%, and Healing Kits to 80%."""
    display_name = "Nerf Healing Items"

class LoadingZoneHeals(DefaultOnToggle):
    """Whether end-of-level loading zones restore health and cure status aliments or not.
    Recommended off for those looking for more of a survival horror experience!"""
    display_name = "Loading Zone Heals"

class InvisibleItems(Choice):
    """Sets which items are visible in their locations and which are invisible until picked up.
    'Chance' gives each item a 50/50 chance of being visible or invisible."""
    display_name = "Invisible Items"
    option_vanilla = 0
    option_reveal_all = 1
    option_hide_all = 2
    option_chance = 3
    default = 0

class DropPreviousSubWeapon(Toggle):
    """When receiving a sub-weapon, the one you had before will drop behind you, so it can be taken back if desired."""
    display_name = "Drop Previous Sub-weapon"

class PermanentPowerUps(Toggle):
    """Replaces PowerUps with PermaUps, which upgrade your B weapon level permanently and will stay even after
    dying and/or continuing.
    To compensate, only two will be in the pool overall, and they will not drop from any enemy or projectile."""
    display_name = "Permanent PowerUps"

class IceTrapPercentage(Range):
    """Replaces a percentage of junk items with Ice Traps.
    These will be visibly disguised as other items, and receiving one will freeze you
    as if you were hit by Camilla's ice cloud attack."""
    display_name = "Ice Trap Percentage"
    range_start = 0
    range_end = 100
    default = 0

class IceTrapAppearance(Choice):
    """What items Ice Traps can possibly be disguised as."""
    display_name = "Ice Trap Appearance"
    option_major_only = 0
    option_junk_only = 1
    option_anything = 2
    default = 0

class DisableTimeRestrictions(Toggle):
    """Disables the restriction on every event and door that requires the current time
    to be within a specific range, so they can be triggered at any time.
    This includes all sun/moon doors and, in the Villa, the meeting with Rosa and the fountain pillar.
    The Villa coffin is not affected by this."""
    display_name = "Disable Time Requirements"

class SkipGondolas(Toggle):
    """Makes jumping on and activating a gondola in Tunnel instantly teleport you
    to the other station, thereby skipping the entire three-minute ride.
    The item normally at the gondola transfer point is moved to instead be
    near the red gondola at its station."""
    display_name = "Skip Gondolas"

class SkipWaterwayBlocks(Toggle):
    """Opens the door to the third switch in Underground Waterway from the start so that the jumping across floating
    brick platforms won't have to be done. Shopping at the Contract on the other side of them may still be logically
    required if Shopsanity is on."""
    display_name = "Skip Waterway Blocks"

class Countdown(Choice):
    """Displays, near the HUD clock and below the health bar, the number of unobtained progression-marked items
    or the total check locations remaining in the stage you are currently in."""
    display_name = "Countdown"
    option_none = 0
    option_majors = 1
    option_all_locations = 2
    default = 0

class BigToss(Toggle):
    """Makes every non-immobilizing damage source launch you as if you got hit by Behemoth's charge.
    Press A while tossed to cancel the launch momentum and avoid being thrown off ledges.
    Hold Z to have all incoming damage be treated as it normally would.
    Any tricks that might be possible with it are NOT considered in logic by any options."""
    display_name = "Big Toss"

class PantherDash(Choice):
    """Hold C-right at any time to sprint way faster. Any tricks that might be
    possible with it are NOT considered in logic by any options and any boss
    fights with boss health meters, if started, are expected to be finished
    before leaving their arenas if Dracula's Condition is bosses. Jumpless will
    prevent jumping while moving at the increased speed to ensure logic cannot be broken with it."""
    display_name = "Panther Dash"
    option_off = 0
    option_on = 1
    option_jumpless = 2
    default = 0

class IncreaseShimmySpeed(Toggle):
    """Increases the speed at which characters shimmy left and right while hanging on ledges."""
    display_name = "Increase Shimmy Speed"

class FallGuard(Toggle):
    """Removes fall damage from landing too hard. Note that falling for too long will still result in instant death."""
    display_name = "Fall Guard"

class BackgroundMusic(Choice):
    """Randomizes or disables the music heard throughout the game.
    Randomized music is split into two pools: songs that loop and songs that don't.
    The "lead-in" versions of some songs will be paired accordingly."""
    display_name = "Background Music"
    option_normal = 0
    option_disabled = 1
    option_randomized = 2
    default = 0

class MapLighting(Choice):
    """Randomizes the lighting color RGB values on every map during every time of day to be literally anything.
    The colors and/or shading of the following things are affected: fog, maps, player, enemies, and some objects."""
    display_name = "Map Lighting"
    option_normal = 0
    option_randomized = 1
    default = 0

class CinematicExperience(Toggle):
    """Enables an unused film reel effect on every cutscene in the game. Purely cosmetic."""
    display_name = "Cinematic Experience"

class WindowColorR(Range):
    """The red value for the background color of the text windows during gameplay."""
    display_name = "Window Color R"
    range_start = 0
    range_end = 15
    default = 1

class WindowColorG(Range):
    """The green value for the background color of the text windows during gameplay."""
    display_name = "Window Color G"
    range_start = 0
    range_end = 15
    default = 5

class WindowColorB(Range):
    """The blue value for the background color of the text windows during gameplay."""
    display_name = "Window Color B"
    range_start = 0
    range_end = 15
    default = 15

class WindowColorA(Range):
    """The alpha value for the background color of the text windows during gameplay."""
    display_name = "Window Color A"
    range_start = 0
    range_end = 15
    default = 8

class DeathLink(Choice):
    """When you die, everyone dies. Of course the reverse is true too.
    Explosive: Makes received DeathLinks kill you via the Magical Nitro explosion
    instead of the normal death animation."""
    display_name = "DeathLink"
    option_off = 0
    alias_no = 0
    alias_true = 1
    alias_yes = 1
    option_on = 1
    option_explosive = 2

class CV64Options(PerGameCommonOptions):
    character_stages: CharacterStages
    stage_shuffle: StageShuffle
    starting_stage: StartingStage
    warp_order: WarpOrder
    sub_weapon_shuffle: SubWeaponShuffle
    spare_keys: SpareKeys
    hard_item_pool: HardItemPool
    special1s_per_warp: Special1sPerWarp
    total_special1s: TotalSpecial1s
    draculas_condition: DraculasCondition
    percent_special2s_required: PercentSpecial2sRequired
    total_special2s: TotalSpecial2s
    bosses_required: BossesRequired
    carrie_logic: CarrieLogic
    hard_logic: HardLogic
    multi_hit_breakables: MultiHitBreakables
    empty_breakables: EmptyBreakables
    lizard_locker_items: LizardLockerItems
    shopsanity: Shopsanity
    shop_prices: ShopPrices
    minimum_gold_price: MinimumGoldPrice
    maximum_gold_price: MaximumGoldPrice
    post_behemoth_boss: PostBehemothBoss
    room_of_clocks_boss: RoomOfClocksBoss
    renon_fight_condition: RenonFightCondition
    vincent_fight_condition: VincentFightCondition
    bad_ending_condition: BadEndingCondition
    increase_item_limit: IncreaseItemLimit
    nerf_healing_items: NerfHealingItems
    loading_zone_heals: LoadingZoneHeals
    invisible_items: InvisibleItems
    drop_previous_sub_weapon: DropPreviousSubWeapon
    permanent_powerups: PermanentPowerUps
    ice_trap_percentage: IceTrapPercentage
    ice_trap_appearance: IceTrapAppearance
    disable_time_restrictions: DisableTimeRestrictions
    skip_gondolas: SkipGondolas
    skip_waterway_blocks: SkipWaterwayBlocks
    countdown: Countdown
    big_toss: BigToss
    panther_dash: PantherDash
    increase_shimmy_speed: IncreaseShimmySpeed
    background_music: BackgroundMusic
    map_lighting: MapLighting
    fall_guard: FallGuard
    cinematic_experience: CinematicExperience
    window_color_r: WindowColorR
    window_color_g: WindowColorG
    window_color_b: WindowColorB
    window_color_a: WindowColorA
    death_link: DeathLink
    start_inventory_from_pool: StartInventoryPool