import asyncio import json import os import multiprocessing import subprocess from asyncio import StreamReader, StreamWriter # CommonClient import first to trigger ModuleUpdater from CommonClient import CommonContext, server_loop, gui_enabled, \ ClientCommandProcessor, logger, get_base_parser import Utils from Utils import async_start from worlds import network_data_package from worlds.oot.Rom import Rom, compress_rom_file from worlds.oot.N64Patch import apply_patch_file from worlds.oot.Utils import data_path CONNECTION_TIMING_OUT_STATUS = "Connection timing out. Please restart your emulator, then restart oot_connector.lua" CONNECTION_REFUSED_STATUS = "Connection refused. Please start your emulator and make sure oot_connector.lua is running" CONNECTION_RESET_STATUS = "Connection was reset. Please restart your emulator, then restart oot_connector.lua" CONNECTION_TENTATIVE_STATUS = "Initial Connection Made" CONNECTION_CONNECTED_STATUS = "Connected" CONNECTION_INITIAL_STATUS = "Connection has not been initiated" """ Payload: lua -> client { playerName: string, locations: dict, deathlinkActive: bool, isDead: bool, gameComplete: bool } Payload: client -> lua { items: list, playerNames: list, triggerDeath: bool } Deathlink logic: "Dead" is true <-> Link is at 0 hp. deathlink_pending: we need to kill the player deathlink_sent_this_death: we interacted with the multiworld on this death, waiting to reset with living link """ oot_loc_name_to_id = network_data_package["games"]["Ocarina of Time"]["location_name_to_id"] script_version: int = 2 def get_item_value(ap_id): return ap_id - 66000 class OoTCommandProcessor(ClientCommandProcessor): def __init__(self, ctx): super().__init__(ctx) def _cmd_n64(self): """Check N64 Connection State""" if isinstance(self.ctx, OoTContext):"N64 Status: {self.ctx.n64_status}") def _cmd_deathlink(self): """Toggle deathlink from client. Overrides default setting.""" if isinstance(self.ctx, OoTContext): self.ctx.deathlink_client_override = True self.ctx.deathlink_enabled = not self.ctx.deathlink_enabled async_start(self.ctx.update_death_link(self.ctx.deathlink_enabled), name="Update Deathlink") class OoTContext(CommonContext): command_processor = OoTCommandProcessor items_handling = 0b001 # full local def __init__(self, server_address, password): super().__init__(server_address, password) = 'Ocarina of Time' self.n64_streams: (StreamReader, StreamWriter) = None self.n64_sync_task = None self.n64_status = CONNECTION_INITIAL_STATUS self.awaiting_rom = False self.location_table = {} self.deathlink_enabled = False self.deathlink_pending = False self.deathlink_sent_this_death = False self.deathlink_client_override = False self.version_warning = False async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False): if password_requested and not self.password: await super(OoTContext, self).server_auth(password_requested) if not self.auth: self.awaiting_rom = True'Awaiting connection to Bizhawk to get player information') return await self.send_connect() def on_deathlink(self, data: dict): self.deathlink_pending = True super().on_deathlink(data) def run_gui(self): from kvui import GameManager class OoTManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago") ] base_title = "Archipelago Ocarina of Time Client" self.ui = OoTManager(self) self.ui_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ui.async_run(), name="UI") def get_payload(ctx: OoTContext): if ctx.deathlink_enabled and ctx.deathlink_pending: trigger_death = True ctx.deathlink_sent_this_death = True else: trigger_death = False return json.dumps({ "items": [get_item_value(item.item) for item in ctx.items_received], "playerNames": [name for (i, name) in ctx.player_names.items() if i != 0], "triggerDeath": trigger_death }) async def parse_payload(payload: dict, ctx: OoTContext, force: bool): # Refuse to do anything if ROM is detected as changed if ctx.auth and payload['playerName'] != ctx.auth: logger.warning("ROM change detected. Disconnecting and reconnecting...") ctx.deathlink_enabled = False ctx.deathlink_client_override = False ctx.finished_game = False ctx.location_table = {} ctx.deathlink_pending = False ctx.deathlink_sent_this_death = False ctx.auth = payload['playerName'] await ctx.send_connect() return # Turn on deathlink if it is on, and if the client hasn't overriden it if payload['deathlinkActive'] and not ctx.deathlink_enabled and not ctx.deathlink_client_override: await ctx.update_death_link(True) ctx.deathlink_enabled = True # Game completion handling if payload['gameComplete'] and not ctx.finished_game: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": 30 }]) ctx.finished_game = True # Locations handling if ctx.location_table != payload['locations']: ctx.location_table = payload['locations'] await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": [oot_loc_name_to_id[loc] for loc in ctx.location_table if ctx.location_table[loc]] }]) # Deathlink handling if ctx.deathlink_enabled: if payload['isDead']: # link is dead ctx.deathlink_pending = False if not ctx.deathlink_sent_this_death: ctx.deathlink_sent_this_death = True await ctx.send_death() else: # link is alive ctx.deathlink_sent_this_death = False async def n64_sync_task(ctx: OoTContext):"Starting n64 connector. Use /n64 for status information.") while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): error_status = None if ctx.n64_streams: (reader, writer) = ctx.n64_streams msg = get_payload(ctx).encode() writer.write(msg) writer.write(b'\n') try: await asyncio.wait_for(writer.drain(), timeout=1.5) try: # Data will return a dict with up to six fields: # 1. str: player name (always) # 2. int: script version (always) # 3. bool: deathlink active (always) # 4. dict[str, bool]: checked locations # 5. bool: whether Link is currently at 0 HP # 6. bool: whether the game currently registers as complete data = await asyncio.wait_for(reader.readline(), timeout=10) data_decoded = json.loads(data.decode()) reported_version = data_decoded.get('scriptVersion', 0) if reported_version >= script_version: if is not None and 'locations' in data_decoded: # Not just a keep alive ping, parse async_start(parse_payload(data_decoded, ctx, False)) if not ctx.auth: ctx.auth = data_decoded['playerName'] if ctx.awaiting_rom: await ctx.server_auth(False) else: if not ctx.version_warning: logger.warning(f"Your Lua script is version {reported_version}, expected {script_version}. " "Please update to the latest version. " "Your connection to the Archipelago server will not be accepted.") ctx.version_warning = True except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.debug("Read Timed Out, Reconnecting") error_status = CONNECTION_TIMING_OUT_STATUS writer.close() ctx.n64_streams = None except ConnectionResetError as e: logger.debug("Read failed due to Connection Lost, Reconnecting") error_status = CONNECTION_RESET_STATUS writer.close() ctx.n64_streams = None except TimeoutError: logger.debug("Connection Timed Out, Reconnecting") error_status = CONNECTION_TIMING_OUT_STATUS writer.close() ctx.n64_streams = None except ConnectionResetError: logger.debug("Connection Lost, Reconnecting") error_status = CONNECTION_RESET_STATUS writer.close() ctx.n64_streams = None if ctx.n64_status == CONNECTION_TENTATIVE_STATUS: if not error_status:"Successfully Connected to N64") ctx.n64_status = CONNECTION_CONNECTED_STATUS else: ctx.n64_status = f"Was tentatively connected but error occured: {error_status}" elif error_status: ctx.n64_status = error_status"Lost connection to N64 and attempting to reconnect. Use /n64 for status updates") else: try: logger.debug("Attempting to connect to N64") ctx.n64_streams = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection("localhost", 28921), timeout=10) ctx.n64_status = CONNECTION_TENTATIVE_STATUS except TimeoutError: logger.debug("Connection Timed Out, Trying Again") ctx.n64_status = CONNECTION_TIMING_OUT_STATUS continue except ConnectionRefusedError: logger.debug("Connection Refused, Trying Again") ctx.n64_status = CONNECTION_REFUSED_STATUS continue async def run_game(romfile): auto_start = Utils.get_options()["oot_options"].get("rom_start", True) if auto_start is True: import webbrowser elif os.path.isfile(auto_start): subprocess.Popen([auto_start, romfile], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) async def patch_and_run_game(apz5_file): base_name = os.path.splitext(apz5_file)[0] decomp_path = base_name + '-decomp.z64' comp_path = base_name + '.z64' # Load vanilla ROM, patch file, compress ROM rom = Rom(Utils.local_path(Utils.get_options()["oot_options"]["rom_file"])) apply_patch_file(rom, apz5_file) rom.write_to_file(decomp_path) os.chdir(data_path("Compress")) compress_rom_file(decomp_path, comp_path) os.remove(decomp_path) async_start(run_game(comp_path)) if __name__ == '__main__': Utils.init_logging("OoTClient") async def main(): multiprocessing.freeze_support() parser = get_base_parser() parser.add_argument('apz5_file', default="", type=str, nargs="?", help='Path to an APZ5 file') args = parser.parse_args() if args.apz5_file:"APZ5 file supplied, beginning patching process...") async_start(patch_and_run_game(args.apz5_file)) ctx = OoTContext(args.connect, args.password) ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="Server Loop") if gui_enabled: ctx.run_gui() ctx.run_cli() ctx.n64_sync_task = asyncio.create_task(n64_sync_task(ctx), name="N64 Sync") await ctx.exit_event.wait() ctx.server_address = None await ctx.shutdown() if ctx.n64_sync_task: await ctx.n64_sync_task import colorama colorama.init() colorama.deinit()