from enum import Enum from logging import exception from typing import Any, Callable, List, Sequence import random import typing from BaseClasses import Location from .Item import Item, ItemType, lookup_id_to_name from .Location import LocationType from .Region import IReward, RewardType, SMRegion, Z3Region from .Regions.Zelda.EasternPalace import EasternPalace from .Regions.Zelda.DesertPalace import DesertPalace from .Regions.Zelda.TowerOfHera import TowerOfHera from .Regions.Zelda.PalaceOfDarkness import PalaceOfDarkness from .Regions.Zelda.SwampPalace import SwampPalace from .Regions.Zelda.SkullWoods import SkullWoods from .Regions.Zelda.ThievesTown import ThievesTown from .Regions.Zelda.IcePalace import IcePalace from .Regions.Zelda.MiseryMire import MiseryMire from .Regions.Zelda.TurtleRock import TurtleRock from .Regions.Zelda.GanonsTower import GanonsTower from .Regions.SuperMetroid.Brinstar.Kraid import Kraid from .Regions.SuperMetroid.WreckedShip import WreckedShip from .Regions.SuperMetroid.Maridia.Inner import Inner from .Regions.SuperMetroid.NorfairLower.East import East from .Text.StringTable import StringTable from .World import World from .Config import Config, OpenTourian, Goal from .Text.Texts import Texts from .Text.Dialog import Dialog class KeycardPlaque: Level1 = 0xe0 Level2 = 0xe1 Boss = 0xe2 Null = 0x00 Zero = 0xe3 One = 0xe4 Two = 0xe5 Three = 0xe6 Four = 0xe7 class KeycardDoors: Left = 0xd414 Right = 0xd41a Up = 0xd420 Down = 0xd426 BossLeft = 0xc842 BossRight = 0xc848 class KeycardEvents: CrateriaLevel1 = 0x0000 CrateriaLevel2 = 0x0100 CrateriaBoss = 0x0200 BrinstarLevel1 = 0x0300 BrinstarLevel2 = 0x0400 BrinstarBoss = 0x0500 NorfairLevel1 = 0x0600 NorfairLevel2 = 0x0700 NorfairBoss = 0x0800 MaridiaLevel1 = 0x0900 MaridiaLevel2 = 0x0a00 MaridiaBoss = 0x0b00 WreckedShipLevel1 = 0x0c00 WreckedShipBoss = 0x0d00 LowerNorfairLevel1 = 0x0e00 LowerNorfairBoss = 0x0f00 class DropPrize(Enum): Heart = 0xD8 Green = 0xD9 Blue = 0xDA Red = 0xDB Bomb1 = 0xDC Bomb4 = 0xDD Bomb8 = 0xDE Magic = 0xDF FullMagic = 0xE0 Arrow5 = 0xE1 Arrow10 = 0xE2 Fairy = 0xE3 class Patch: Major = 11 Minor = 3 Patch = 1 allWorlds: List[World] myWorld: World seedGuid: str seed: int rnd: random.Random patches: Sequence[Any] stringTable: StringTable silversWorldID: int def __init__(self, myWorld: World, allWorlds: List[World], seedGuid: str, seed: int, rnd: random.Random, playerNames: List[str], silversWorldID: int): self.myWorld = myWorld self.allWorlds = allWorlds self.seedGuid = seedGuid self.seed = seed self.rnd = rnd self.playerNames = playerNames self.playerIDToNames = {id:name for name, id in playerNames.items()} self.silversWorldID = silversWorldID def Create(self, config: Config): self.stringTable = StringTable() self.patches = [] self.title = "" self.WriteMedallions() self.WriteRewards() self.WriteDungeonMusic(config.Keysanity) self.WriteDiggingGameRng() self.WritePrizeShuffle(self.myWorld.WorldState.DropPrizes) self.WriteRemoveEquipmentFromUncle( self.myWorld.GetLocation("Link's Uncle").APLocation.item.item if self.myWorld.GetLocation("Link's Uncle") == "SMZ3" else Item(ItemType.Something)) self.WriteGanonInvicible(config.Goal) self.WritePreOpenPyramid(config.Goal) self.WriteCrystalsNeeded(self.myWorld.TowerCrystals, self.myWorld.GanonCrystals, config.Goal) self.WriteBossesNeeded(self.myWorld.TourianBossTokens) self.WriteRngBlock() self.WriteSaveAndQuitFromBossRoom() self.WriteWorldOnAgahnimDeath() self.WriteTexts(config) self.WriteSMLocations([loc for region in self.myWorld.Regions for loc in region.Locations if isinstance(region, SMRegion)]) self.WriteZ3Locations([loc for region in self.myWorld.Regions for loc in region.Locations if isinstance(region, Z3Region)]) self.WriteStringTable() self.WriteSMKeyCardDoors() self.WriteZ3KeysanityFlags() self.WritePlayerNames() self.WriteSeedData() self.WriteGameTitle() self.WriteCommonFlags() return {patch[0]:patch[1] for patch in self.patches} def WriteMedallions(self): from .WorldState import Medallion turtleRock = next(region for region in self.myWorld.Regions if isinstance(region, TurtleRock)) miseryMire = next(region for region in self.myWorld.Regions if isinstance(region, MiseryMire)) turtleRockAddresses = [0x308023, 0xD020, 0xD0FF, 0xD1DE ] miseryMireAddresses = [ 0x308022, 0xCFF2, 0xD0D1, 0xD1B0 ] if turtleRock.Medallion == Medallion.Bombos: turtleRockValues = [0x00, 0x51, 0x10, 0x00] elif turtleRock.Medallion == Medallion.Ether: turtleRockValues = [0x01, 0x51, 0x18, 0x00] elif turtleRock.Medallion == Medallion.Quake: turtleRockValues = [0x02, 0x14, 0xEF, 0xC4] else: raise exception(f"Tried using {turtleRock.Medallion} in place of Turtle Rock medallion") if miseryMire.Medallion == Medallion.Bombos: miseryMireValues = [0x00, 0x51, 0x00, 0x00] elif miseryMire.Medallion == Medallion.Ether: miseryMireValues = [0x01, 0x13, 0x9F, 0xF1] elif miseryMire.Medallion == Medallion.Quake: miseryMireValues = [0x02, 0x51, 0x08, 0x00] else: raise exception(f"Tried using {miseryMire.Medallion} in place of Misery Mire medallion") self.patches += [(Snes(addr), [value]) for addr, value in zip(turtleRockAddresses, turtleRockValues)] self.patches += [(Snes(addr), [value]) for addr, value in zip(miseryMireAddresses, miseryMireValues)] def WriteRewards(self): crystalsBlue = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 ] self.rnd.shuffle(crystalsBlue) crystalsRed = [ 5, 6 ] self.rnd.shuffle(crystalsRed) crystalRewards = crystalsBlue + crystalsRed pendantsGreen = [ 1 ] pendantsBlueRed = [ 2, 3 ] self.rnd.shuffle(pendantsBlueRed) pendantRewards = pendantsGreen + pendantsBlueRed bossTokens = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] regions = [region for region in self.myWorld.Regions if isinstance(region, IReward)] crystalRegions = [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.CrystalBlue] + [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.CrystalRed] pendantRegions = [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.PendantGreen] + [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.PendantNonGreen] bossRegions = [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.BossTokenKraid] + \ [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.BossTokenPhantoon] + \ [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.BossTokenDraygon] + \ [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.BossTokenRidley] self.patches += self.RewardPatches(crystalRegions, crystalRewards, self.CrystalValues) self.patches += self.RewardPatches(pendantRegions, pendantRewards, self.PendantValues) self.patches += self.RewardPatches(bossRegions, bossTokens, self.BossTokenValues) def RewardPatches(self, regions: List[IReward], rewards: List[int], rewardValues: Callable): addresses = [self.RewardAddresses(region) for region in regions] values = [rewardValues(reward) for reward in rewards] associations = zip(addresses, values) return [(Snes(i), [b]) for association in associations for i,b in zip(association[0], association[1])] def RewardAddresses(self, region: IReward): regionType = { EasternPalace : [ 0x2A09D, 0xABEF8, 0xABEF9, 0x308052, 0x30807C, 0x1C6FE, 0x30D100], DesertPalace : [ 0x2A09E, 0xABF1C, 0xABF1D, 0x308053, 0x308078, 0x1C6FF, 0x30D101 ], TowerOfHera : [ 0x2A0A5, 0xABF0A, 0xABF0B, 0x30805A, 0x30807A, 0x1C706, 0x30D102 ], PalaceOfDarkness : [ 0x2A0A1, 0xABF00, 0xABF01, 0x308056, 0x30807D, 0x1C702, 0x30D103 ], SwampPalace : [ 0x2A0A0, 0xABF6C, 0xABF6D, 0x308055, 0x308071, 0x1C701, 0x30D104 ], SkullWoods : [ 0x2A0A3, 0xABF12, 0xABF13, 0x308058, 0x30807B, 0x1C704, 0x30D105 ], ThievesTown : [ 0x2A0A6, 0xABF36, 0xABF37, 0x30805B, 0x308077, 0x1C707, 0x30D106 ], IcePalace : [ 0x2A0A4, 0xABF5A, 0xABF5B, 0x308059, 0x308073, 0x1C705, 0x30D107 ], MiseryMire : [ 0x2A0A2, 0xABF48, 0xABF49, 0x308057, 0x308075, 0x1C703, 0x30D108 ], TurtleRock : [ 0x2A0A7, 0xABF24, 0xABF25, 0x30805C, 0x308079, 0x1C708, 0x30D109 ], Kraid : [ 0xF26002, 0xF26004, 0xF26005, 0xF26000, 0xF26006, 0xF26007, 0x82FD36 ], WreckedShip : [ 0xF2600A, 0xF2600C, 0xF2600D, 0xF26008, 0xF2600E, 0xF2600F, 0x82FE26 ], Inner : [ 0xF26012, 0xF26014, 0xF26015, 0xF26010, 0xF26016, 0xF26017, 0x82FE76 ], East : [ 0xF2601A, 0xF2601C, 0xF2601D, 0xF26018, 0xF2601E, 0xF2601F, 0x82FDD6 ] } result = regionType.get(type(region), None) if result is None: raise exception(f"Region {region} should not be a dungeon reward region") else: return result def CrystalValues(self, crystal: int): crystalMap = { 1 : [ 0x02, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x7F, 0x06, 0x10 ], 2 : [ 0x10, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x79, 0x06, 0x10 ], 3 : [ 0x40, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6C, 0x06, 0x10 ], 4 : [ 0x20, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6D, 0x06, 0x10 ], 5 : [ 0x04, 0x32, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6E, 0x06, 0x11 ], 6 : [ 0x01, 0x32, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6F, 0x06, 0x11 ], 7 : [ 0x08, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x7C, 0x06, 0x10 ], } result = crystalMap.get(crystal, None) if result is None: raise exception(f"Tried using {crystal} as a crystal number") else: return result def PendantValues(self, pendant: int): pendantMap = { 1 : [ 0x04, 0x38, 0x62, 0x00, 0x69, 0x01, 0x12 ], 2 : [ 0x01, 0x32, 0x60, 0x00, 0x69, 0x03, 0x14 ], 3 : [ 0x02, 0x34, 0x60, 0x00, 0x69, 0x02, 0x13 ] } result = pendantMap.get(pendant, None) if result is None: raise exception(f"Tried using {pendant} as a pendant number") else: return result def BossTokenValues(self, token: int): tokenMap = { 1 : [ 0x01, 0x38, 0x40, 0x80, 0x69, 0x80, 0x15 ], 2 : [ 0x02, 0x34, 0x42, 0x80, 0x69, 0x81, 0x16 ], 3 : [ 0x04, 0x34, 0x44, 0x80, 0x69, 0x82, 0x17 ], 4 : [ 0x08, 0x32, 0x46, 0x80, 0x69, 0x83, 0x18 ] } result = tokenMap.get(token, None) if result is None: raise exception(f"Tried using {token} as a boss token number") else: return result def WriteSMLocations(self, locations: List[Location]): def GetSMItemPLM(location:Location): itemMap = { ItemType.ETank : 0xEED7, ItemType.Missile : 0xEEDB, ItemType.Super : 0xEEDF, ItemType.PowerBomb : 0xEEE3, ItemType.Bombs : 0xEEE7, ItemType.Charge : 0xEEEB, ItemType.Ice : 0xEEEF, ItemType.HiJump : 0xEEF3, ItemType.SpeedBooster : 0xEEF7, ItemType.Wave : 0xEEFB, ItemType.Spazer : 0xEEFF, ItemType.SpringBall : 0xEF03, ItemType.Varia : 0xEF07, ItemType.Plasma : 0xEF13, ItemType.Grapple : 0xEF17, ItemType.Morph : 0xEF23, ItemType.ReserveTank : 0xEF27, ItemType.Gravity : 0xEF0B, ItemType.XRay : 0xEF0F, ItemType.SpaceJump : 0xEF1B, ItemType.ScrewAttack : 0xEF1F } plmId = 0xEFE0 if self.myWorld.Config.Multiworld else \ itemMap.get(location.APLocation.item.item.Type, 0xEFE0) if (plmId == 0xEFE0): plmId += 4 if location.Type == LocationType.Chozo else 8 if location.Type == LocationType.Hidden else 0 else: plmId += 0x54 if location.Type == LocationType.Chozo else 0xA8 if location.Type == LocationType.Hidden else 0 return plmId for location in locations: if (self.myWorld.Config.Multiworld): self.patches.append((Snes(location.Address), getWordArray(GetSMItemPLM(location)))) self.patches.append(self.ItemTablePatch(location, self.GetZ3ItemId(location))) else: plmId = GetSMItemPLM(location) self.patches.append((Snes(location.Address), getWordArray(plmId))) if (plmId >= 0xEFE0): self.patches.append((Snes(location.Address + 5), [self.GetZ3ItemId(location)])) def WriteZ3Locations(self, locations: List[Location]): for location in locations: if (location.Type == LocationType.HeraStandingKey): self.patches.append((Snes(0x9E3BB), [0xE4] if == "SMZ3" and location.APLocation.item.item.Type == ItemType.KeyTH else [0xEB])) elif (location.Type in [LocationType.Pedestal, LocationType.Ether, LocationType.Bombos]): text = Texts.ItemTextbox(location.APLocation.item.item if == "SMZ3" else Item(ItemType.Something)) if (location.Type == LocationType.Pedestal): self.stringTable.SetPedestalText(text) elif (location.Type == LocationType.Ether): self.stringTable.SetEtherText(text) elif (location.Type == LocationType.Bombos): self.stringTable.SetBombosText(text) if (self.myWorld.Config.Multiworld): self.patches.append((Snes(location.Address), [(location.Id - 256)])) self.patches.append(self.ItemTablePatch(location, self.GetZ3ItemId(location))) else: self.patches.append((Snes(location.Address), [self.GetZ3ItemId(location)])) def GetZ3ItemId(self, location: Location): if ( == "SMZ3"): item = location.APLocation.item.item itemDungeon = None if item.IsKey(): itemDungeon = ItemType.Key elif item.IsBigKey(): itemDungeon = ItemType.BigKey elif item.IsMap(): itemDungeon = ItemType.Map elif item.IsCompass(): itemDungeon = ItemType.Compass value = item.Type if location.Type == LocationType.NotInDungeon or \ not (item.IsDungeonItem() and location.Region.IsRegionItem(item) and item.World == self.myWorld) else itemDungeon return value.value elif ( == "A Link to the Past"): if location.APLocation.item.code + 84000 in lookup_id_to_name: ALTTPBottleContentCodeToSMZ3ItemCode = { ItemType.RedContent.value: ItemType.BottleWithRedPotion.value, ItemType.GreenContent.value: ItemType.BottleWithGreenPotion.value, ItemType.BlueContent.value: ItemType.BottleWithBluePotion.value, ItemType.BeeContent.value: ItemType.BottleWithBee.value, } return ALTTPBottleContentCodeToSMZ3ItemCode.get(location.APLocation.item.code, location.APLocation.item.code) else: return ItemType.Something.value elif ( == "Super Metroid"): SMNameToSMZ3Code = { "Energy Tank": ItemType.ETank, "Missile": ItemType.Missile, "Super Missile": ItemType.Super, "Power Bomb": ItemType.PowerBomb, "Bomb": ItemType.Bombs, "Charge Beam": ItemType.Charge, "Ice Beam": ItemType.Ice, "Hi-Jump Boots": ItemType.HiJump, "Speed Booster": ItemType.SpeedBooster, "Wave Beam": ItemType.Wave, "Spazer": ItemType.Spazer, "Spring Ball": ItemType.SpringBall, "Varia Suit": ItemType.Varia, "Plasma Beam": ItemType.Plasma, "Grappling Beam": ItemType.Grapple, "Morph Ball": ItemType.Morph, "Reserve Tank": ItemType.ReserveTank, "Gravity Suit": ItemType.Gravity, "X-Ray Scope": ItemType.XRay, "Space Jump": ItemType.SpaceJump, "Screw Attack": ItemType.ScrewAttack, "Nothing": ItemType.Something, "No Energy": ItemType.Something, "Generic": ItemType.Something } return SMNameToSMZ3Code.get(, ItemType.Something).value else: return ItemType.Something.value def ItemTablePatch(self, location: Location, itemId: int): itemtype = 0 if location.APLocation.item.player == else 1 owner = location.APLocation.item.player if location.APLocation.item.player < 256 else 0 return (0x386000 + (location.Id * 8), getWordArray(itemtype) + getWordArray(itemId) + getWordArray(owner)) def WriteDungeonMusic(self, keysanity: bool): if (not keysanity): regions = [region for region in self.myWorld.Regions if isinstance(region, Z3Region) and isinstance(region, IReward) and region.Reward != None and region.Reward != RewardType.Agahnim] pendantRegions = [region for region in regions if region.Reward in [RewardType.PendantGreen, RewardType.PendantNonGreen]] crystalRegions = [region for region in regions if region.Reward in [RewardType.CrystalBlue, RewardType.CrystalRed]] music = [0x11 if (region.Reward == RewardType.PendantGreen or region.Reward == RewardType.PendantNonGreen) else 0x16 for region in regions] self.patches += self.MusicPatches(regions, music) #IEnumerable RandomDungeonMusic() { # while (true) yield return rnd.Next(2) == 0 ? (byte)0x11 : (byte)0x16; #} def MusicPatches(self, regions: List[IReward], music: List[int]): addresses = [self.MusicAddresses(region) for region in regions] associations = zip(addresses, music) return [(Snes(i), [association[1]]) for association in associations for i in association[0]] def MusicAddresses(self, region: IReward): regionMap = { EasternPalace : [ 0x2D59A ], DesertPalace : [ 0x2D59B, 0x2D59C, 0x2D59D, 0x2D59E ], TowerOfHera : [ 0x2D5C5, 0x2907A, 0x28B8C ], PalaceOfDarkness : [ 0x2D5B8 ], SwampPalace : [ 0x2D5B7 ], SkullWoods : [ 0x2D5BA, 0x2D5BB, 0x2D5BC, 0x2D5BD, 0x2D608, 0x2D609, 0x2D60A, 0x2D60B ], ThievesTown : [ 0x2D5C6 ], IcePalace : [ 0x2D5BF ], MiseryMire : [ 0x2D5B9 ], TurtleRock : [ 0x2D5C7, 0x2D5A7, 0x2D5AA, 0x2D5AB ], } result = regionMap.get(type(region), None) if result is None: raise exception(f"Region {region} should not be a dungeon music region") else: return result def WritePrizeShuffle(self, dropPrizes): self.patches.append((Snes(0x6FA78), [e.value for e in dropPrizes.Packs])) self.patches.append((Snes(0x1DFBD4), [e.value for e in dropPrizes.TreePulls])) self.patches.append((Snes(0x6A9C8), [dropPrizes.CrabContinous.value])) self.patches.append((Snes(0x6A9C4), [dropPrizes.CrabFinal.value])) self.patches.append((Snes(0x6F993), [dropPrizes.Stun.value])) self.patches.append((Snes(0x1D82CC), [dropPrizes.Fish.value])) self.patches += self.EnemyPrizePackDistribution() #/* Pack drop chance */ #/* Normal difficulty is 50%. 0 => 100%, 1 => 50%, 3 => 25% */ nrPacks = 7 probability = 1 self.patches.append((Snes(0x6FA62), [probability] * nrPacks)) def EnemyPrizePackDistribution(self): (prizePacks, duplicatePacks) = self.EnemyPrizePacks() n = sum(len(x[1]) for x in prizePacks) randomization = self.PrizePackRandomization(n, 1) patches = [] for prizepack in prizePacks: (packs, randomization) = SplitOff(randomization, len(prizepack[1])) patches.append((prizepack[0], [(b | p) for b,p in zip(prizepack[1], packs)])) duplicates = [(d[1], p[1]) for d in duplicatePacks for p in patches if p[0] == d[0]] patches += duplicates return [(Snes(x[0]), x[1]) for x in patches] #/* Guarantees at least s of each prize pack, over a total of n packs. #* In each iteration, from the product n * m, use the guaranteed number #* at k, where k is the "row" (integer division by m), when k falls #* within the list boundary. Otherwise use the "column" (modulo by m) #* as the random element. #*/ def PrizePackRandomization(self, n: int, s: int): m = 7 g = list(range(0, m)) * s def randomization(n: int): result = [] n = m * n while (n > 0): r = self.rnd.randrange(0, n) k = r // m result.append(g[k] if k < len(g) else r % m) if (k < len(g)): del g[k] n -= m return result return [(x + 1) for x in randomization(n)] #/* Todo: Deadrock turns into $8F Blob when powdered, but those "onion blobs" always drop prize pack 1. */ def EnemyPrizePacks(self): offset = 0xDB632 patches = [ #/* sprite_prep */ (0x6888D, [ 0x00 ]), #// Keese DW (0x688A8, [ 0x00 ]), #// Rope (0x68967, [ 0x00, 0x00 ]), #// Crow/Dacto (0x69125, [ 0x00, 0x00 ]), #// Red/Blue Hardhat Bettle #/* sprite properties */ (offset+0x01, [ 0x90 ]), #// Vulture (offset+0x08, [ 0x00 ]), #// Octorok (One Way) (offset+0x0A, [ 0x00 ]), #// Octorok (Four Way) (offset+0x0D, [ 0x80, 0x90 ]), #// Buzzblob, Snapdragon (offset+0x11, [ 0x90, 0x90, 0x00 ]), #// Hinox, Moblin, Mini Helmasaur (offset+0x18, [ 0x90, 0x90 ]), #// Mini Moldorm, Poe/Hyu (offset+0x20, [ 0x00 ]), #// Sluggula (offset+0x22, [ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 ]), #// Ropa, Red Bari, Blue Bari #// Blue Soldier/Tarus, Green Soldier, Red Spear Soldier #// Blue Assault Soldier, Red Assault Spear Soldier/Tarus #// Blue Archer, Green Archer #// Red Javelin Soldier, Red Bush Javelin Soldier #// Red Bomb Soldiers, Green Soldier Recruits, #// Geldman, Toppo (offset+0x41, [ 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x10, 0x90, 0x90, 0x80 ]), (offset+0x4F, [ 0x80 ]), #// Popo 2 (offset+0x51, [ 0x80 ]), #// Armos (offset+0x55, [ 0x00, 0x00 ]), #// Ku, Zora (offset+0x58, [ 0x90 ]), #// Crab (offset+0x64, [ 0x80 ]), #// Devalant (Shooter) (offset+0x6A, [ 0x90, 0x90 ]), #// Ball N' Chain Trooper, Cannon Soldier (offset+0x6D, [ 0x80, 0x80 ]), #// Rat/Buzz, (Stal)Rope (offset+0x71, [ 0x80 ]), #// Leever (offset+0x7C, [ 0x90 ]), #// Initially Floating Stal (offset+0x81, [ 0xC0 ]), #// Hover #// Green Eyegore/Mimic, Red Eyegore/Mimic #// Detached Stalfos Body, Kodongo (offset+0x83, [ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00 ]), (offset+0x8B, [ 0x10 ]), #// Gibdo (offset+0x8E, [ 0x00, 0x00 ]), #// Terrorpin, Blob (offset+0x91, [ 0x10 ]), #// Stalfos Knight (offset+0x99, [ 0x10 ]), #// Pengator (offset+0x9B, [ 0x10 ]), #// Wizzrobe #// Blue Zazak, Red Zazak, Stalfos #// Green Zirro, Blue Zirro, Pikit (offset+0xA5, [ 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 ]), (offset+0xC7, [ 0x10 ]), #// Hokku-Bokku (offset+0xC9, [ 0x10 ]), #// Tektite (offset+0xD0, [ 0x10 ]), #// Lynel (offset+0xD3, [ 0x00 ]), #// Stal ] duplicates = [ #/* Popo2 -> Popo. Popo is not used in vanilla Z3, but we duplicate from Popo2 just to be sure */ (offset + 0x4F, offset + 0x4E), ] return (patches, duplicates) def WriteTexts(self, config: Config): regions = [region for region in self.myWorld.Regions if isinstance(region, IReward)] greenPendantDungeon = [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.PendantGreen][0] redCrystalDungeons = [region for region in regions if region.Reward == RewardType.CrystalRed] sahasrahla = Texts.SahasrahlaReveal(greenPendantDungeon) self.stringTable.SetSahasrahlaRevealText(sahasrahla) bombShop = Texts.BombShopReveal(redCrystalDungeons) self.stringTable.SetBombShopRevealText(bombShop) blind = Texts.Blind(self.rnd) self.stringTable.SetBlindText(blind) tavernMan = Texts.TavernMan(self.rnd) self.stringTable.SetTavernManText(tavernMan) ganon = Texts.GanonFirstPhase(self.rnd) self.stringTable.SetGanonFirstPhaseText(ganon) silversLocation = [loc for world in self.allWorlds for loc in world.Locations if loc.ItemIs(ItemType.SilverArrows, self.myWorld)] if len(silversLocation) == 0: silvers = Texts.GanonThirdPhaseMulti(None, self.myWorld, self.silversWorldID, self.playerIDToNames[self.silversWorldID]) else: silvers = Texts.GanonThirdPhaseMulti(silversLocation[0].Region, self.myWorld) if config.Multiworld else \ Texts.GanonThirdPhaseSingle(silversLocation[0].Region) self.stringTable.SetGanonThirdPhaseText(silvers) triforceRoom = Texts.TriforceRoom(self.rnd) self.stringTable.SetTriforceRoomText(triforceRoom) def WriteStringTable(self): #// Todo: v12, base table in asm, use move instructions in seed patch self.patches.append((Snes(0x1C8000), self.stringTable.GetPaddedBytes())) def WritePlayerNames(self): self.patches += [(0x385000 + (0 * 16), self.PlayerNameBytes("Archipelago"))] self.patches += [(0x385000 + (id * 16), self.PlayerNameBytes(name)) for name, id in self.playerNames.items() if id < 256] def PlayerNameBytes(self, name: str): name = (name[:16] if len(name) > 16 else name).center(16) return bytearray(name, 'utf8') def WriteSeedData(self): configField1 = \ ((1 if self.myWorld.Config.Race else 0) << 15) | \ ((1 if self.myWorld.Config.Keysanity else 0) << 13) | \ ((1 if self.myWorld.Config.Multiworld else 0) << 12) | \ (self.myWorld.Config.Z3Logic.value << 10) | \ (self.myWorld.Config.SMLogic.value << 8) | \ (Patch.Major << 4) | \ (Patch.Minor << 0) configField2 = \ ((1 if self.myWorld.Config.SwordLocation else 0) << 14) | \ ((1 if self.myWorld.Config.MorphLocation else 0) << 12) | \ ((1 if self.myWorld.Config.Goal else 0) << 8) self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FF50), getWordArray(self.myWorld.Id))) self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FF52), getWordArray(configField1))) self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FF54), getDoubleWordArray(self.seed))) self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FF58), getWordArray(configField2))) #/* Reserve the rest of the space for future use */ self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FF5A), [0x00] * 6)) self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FF60), bytearray(self.seedGuid, 'utf8'))) self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FF80), bytearray(self.myWorld.Guid, 'utf8'))) def WriteCommonFlags(self): #/* Common Combo Configuration flags at [asm]/config.asm */ if (self.myWorld.Config.Multiworld): self.patches.append((Snes(0xF47000), getWordArray(0x0001))) if (self.myWorld.Config.Keysanity): self.patches.append((Snes(0xF47006), getWordArray(0x0001))) def WriteGameTitle(self): z3Glitch = "N" if self.myWorld.Config.Z3Logic == Config.Z3Logic.Nmg else \ "O" if self.myWorld.Config.Z3Logic == Config.Z3Logic.Owg else \ "C" smGlitch = "N" if self.myWorld.Config.SMLogic == Config.SMLogic.Normal else \ "H" if self.myWorld.Config.SMLogic == Config.SMLogic.Hard else \ "X" self.title = f"ZSM{Patch.Major}{Patch.Minor}{Patch.Patch}{z3Glitch}{smGlitch}{self.myWorld.Id}{self.seed:08x}".ljust(21)[:21] self.patches.append((Snes(0x00FFC0), bytearray(self.title, 'utf8'))) self.patches.append((Snes(0x80FFC0), bytearray(self.title, 'utf8'))) def WriteZ3KeysanityFlags(self): if (self.myWorld.Config.Keysanity): self.patches.append((Snes(0x40003B), [ 1 ])) #// MapMode #$00 = Always On (default) - #$01 = Require Map Item self.patches.append((Snes(0x400045), [ 0x0f ])) #// display ----dcba a: Small Keys, b: Big Key, c: Map, d: Compass self.patches.append((Snes(0x40016A), [ 0x01 ])) #// FreeItemText: db #$01 ; #00 = Off (default) - #$01 = On def WriteSMKeyCardDoors(self): plaquePlm = 0xd410 plmTablePos = 0xf800 if ( self.myWorld.Config.Keysanity): doorList = [ #// RoomId Door Facing yyxx Keycard Event Type Plaque type yyxx, Address (if 0 a dynamic PLM is created) #// Crateria [ 0x91F8, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x2601, KeycardEvents.CrateriaLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x2400, 0x0000 ], #// Crateria - Landing Site - Door to gauntlet [ 0x91F8, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x168E, KeycardEvents.CrateriaLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x148F, 0x801E ], #// Crateria - Landing Site - Door to landing site PB [ 0x948C, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x062E, KeycardEvents.CrateriaLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x042F, 0x8222 ], #// Crateria - Before Moat - Door to moat (overwrite PB door) [ 0x99BD, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x660E, KeycardEvents.CrateriaBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x640F, 0x8470 ], #// Crateria - Before G4 - Door to G4 [ 0x9879, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x062E, KeycardEvents.CrateriaBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x042F, 0x8420 ], #// Crateria - Before BT - Door to Bomb Torizo #// Brinstar [ 0x9F11, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x060E, KeycardEvents.BrinstarLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x040F, 0x8784 ], #// Brinstar - Blue Brinstar - Door to ceiling e-tank room [ 0x9AD9, KeycardDoors.Right, 0xA601, KeycardEvents.BrinstarLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0xA400, 0x0000 ], #// Brinstar - Green Brinstar - Door to etecoon area [ 0x9D9C, KeycardDoors.Down, 0x0336, KeycardEvents.BrinstarBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x0234, 0x863A ], #// Brinstar - Pink Brinstar - Door to spore spawn [ 0xA130, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x161E, KeycardEvents.BrinstarLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x141F, 0x881C ], #// Brinstar - Pink Brinstar - Door to wave gate e-tank [ 0xA0A4, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x062E, KeycardEvents.BrinstarLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x042F, 0x0000 ], #// Brinstar - Pink Brinstar - Door to spore spawn super [ 0xA56B, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x161E, KeycardEvents.BrinstarBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x141F, 0x8A1A ], #// Brinstar - Before Kraid - Door to Kraid #// Upper Norfair [ 0xA7DE, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x3601, KeycardEvents.NorfairLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x3400, 0x8B00 ], #// Norfair - Business Centre - Door towards Ice [ 0xA923, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x0601, KeycardEvents.NorfairLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x0400, 0x0000 ], #// Norfair - Pre-Crocomire - Door towards Ice [ 0xA788, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x162E, KeycardEvents.NorfairLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x142F, 0x8AEA ], #// Norfair - Lava Missile Room - Door towards Bubble Mountain [ 0xAF72, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x061E, KeycardEvents.NorfairLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x041F, 0x0000 ], #// Norfair - After frog speedway - Door to Bubble Mountain [ 0xAEDF, KeycardDoors.Down, 0x0206, KeycardEvents.NorfairLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x0204, 0x0000 ], #// Norfair - Below bubble mountain - Door to Bubble Mountain [ 0xAD5E, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x0601, KeycardEvents.NorfairLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x0400, 0x0000 ], #// Norfair - LN Escape - Door to Bubble Mountain [ 0xA923, KeycardDoors.Up, 0x2DC6, KeycardEvents.NorfairBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x2EC4, 0x8B96 ], #// Norfair - Pre-Crocomire - Door to Crocomire #// Lower Norfair [ 0xB4AD, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x160E, KeycardEvents.LowerNorfairLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x140F, 0x0000 ], #// Lower Norfair - WRITG - Door to Amphitheatre [ 0xAD5E, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x065E, KeycardEvents.LowerNorfairLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x045F, 0x0000 ], #// Lower Norfair - Exit - Door to "Reverse LN Entry" [ 0xB37A, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x0601, KeycardEvents.LowerNorfairBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x0400, 0x8EA6 ], #// Lower Norfair - Pre-Ridley - Door to Ridley #// Maridia [ 0xD0B9, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x065E, KeycardEvents.MaridiaLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x045F, 0x0000 ], #// Maridia - Mt. Everest - Door to Pink Maridia [ 0xD5A7, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x1601, KeycardEvents.MaridiaLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x1400, 0x0000 ], #// Maridia - Aqueduct - Door towards Beach [ 0xD617, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x063E, KeycardEvents.MaridiaLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x043F, 0x0000 ], #// Maridia - Pre-Botwoon - Door to Botwoon [ 0xD913, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x2601, KeycardEvents.MaridiaLevel2, KeycardPlaque.Level2, 0x2400, 0x0000 ], #// Maridia - Pre-Colloseum - Door to post-botwoon [ 0xD78F, KeycardDoors.Right, 0x2601, KeycardEvents.MaridiaBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x2400, 0xC73B ], #// Maridia - Precious Room - Door to Draygon [ 0xDA2B, KeycardDoors.BossLeft, 0x164E, 0x00f0, KeycardPlaque.Null, 0x144F, 0x0000 ], #// Maridia - Change Cac Alley Door to Boss Door (prevents key breaking) #// Wrecked Ship [ 0x93FE, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x167E, KeycardEvents.WreckedShipLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x147F, 0x0000 ], #// Wrecked Ship - Outside Wrecked Ship West - Door to Reserve Tank Check [ 0x968F, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x060E, KeycardEvents.WreckedShipLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x040F, 0x0000 ], #// Wrecked Ship - Outside Wrecked Ship West - Door to Bowling Alley [ 0xCE40, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x060E, KeycardEvents.WreckedShipLevel1, KeycardPlaque.Level1, 0x040F, 0x0000 ], #// Wrecked Ship - Gravity Suit - Door to Bowling Alley [ 0xCC6F, KeycardDoors.Left, 0x064E, KeycardEvents.WreckedShipBoss, KeycardPlaque.Boss, 0x044F, 0xC29D ], #// Wrecked Ship - Pre-Phantoon - Door to Phantoon ] doorId = 0x0000 for door in doorList: #/* When "Fast Ganon" is set, don't place the G4 Boss key door to enable faster games */ if (door[0] == 0x99BD and self.myWorld.Config.Goal == Goal.FastGanonDefeatMotherBrain): continue doorArgs = doorId | door[3] if door[4] != KeycardPlaque.Null else door[3] if (door[6] == 0): #// Write dynamic door doorData = [] for x in door[0:3]: doorData += getWordArray(x) doorData += getWordArray(doorArgs) self.patches.append((Snes(0x8f0000 + plmTablePos), doorData)) plmTablePos += 0x08 else: #// Overwrite existing door doorData = [] for x in door[1:3]: doorData += getWordArray(x) doorData += getWordArray(doorArgs) self.patches.append((Snes(0x8f0000 + door[6]), doorData)) if((door[3] == KeycardEvents.BrinstarBoss and door[0] != 0x9D9C) or door[3] == KeycardEvents.LowerNorfairBoss or door[3] == KeycardEvents.MaridiaBoss or door[3] == KeycardEvents.WreckedShipBoss): #// Overwrite the extra parts of the Gadora with a PLM that just deletes itself self.patches.append((Snes(0x8f0000 + door[6] + 0x06), [ 0x2F, 0xB6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2F, 0xB6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ])) #// Plaque data if (door[4] != KeycardPlaque.Null): plaqueData = getWordArray(door[0]) + getWordArray(plaquePlm) + getWordArray(door[5]) + getWordArray(door[4]) self.patches.append((Snes(0x8f0000 + plmTablePos), plaqueData)) plmTablePos += 0x08 doorId += 1 #/* Write plaque showing SM bosses that needs to be killed */ if (self.myWorld.Config.OpenTourian != OpenTourian.FourBosses): plaqueData = getWordArray(0xA5ED) + getWordArray(plaquePlm) + getWordArray(0x044F) + getWordArray(KeycardPlaque.Zero + self.myWorld.TourianBossTokens) self.patches.append((Snes(0x8f0000 + plmTablePos), plaqueData)) plmTablePos += 0x08 self.patches.append((Snes(0x8f0000 + plmTablePos), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ])) def WriteDiggingGameRng(self): digs = (self.rnd.randrange(30) + 1) self.patches.append((Snes(0x308020), [ digs ])) self.patches.append((Snes(0x1DFD95), [ digs ])) #// Removes Sword/Shield from Uncle by moving the tiles for #// sword/shield to his head and replaces them with his head. def WriteRemoveEquipmentFromUncle(self, item: Item): if (item.Type != ItemType.ProgressiveSword): self.patches += [ (Snes(0xDD263), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD26B), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD293), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD29B), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD2B3), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD2BB), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD2E3), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD2EB), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD31B), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xE4, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD323), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xE4, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x0E ]), ] if (item.Type != ItemType.ProgressiveShield): self.patches += [ (Snes(0xDD253), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD25B), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD283), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD28B), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD2CB), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF6, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD2FB), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xF7, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x0E ]), (Snes(0xDD313), [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xE4, 0xFF, 0x08, 0x0E ]), ] def WritePreOpenPyramid(self, goal: Goal): if (goal == Goal.FastGanonDefeatMotherBrain): self.patches.append((Snes(0x30808B), [0x01])) def WriteGanonInvicible(self, goal: Goal): #/* Defaults to $00 (never) at [asm]/z3/randomizer/tables.asm */ valueMap = { Goal.DefeatBoth : 0x03, Goal.FastGanonDefeatMotherBrain : 0x04, Goal.AllDungeonsDefeatMotherBrain : 0x02 } value = valueMap.get(goal, None) if (value is None): raise exception(f"Unknown Ganon invincible value {goal}") else: self.patches.append((Snes(0x30803E), [value])) def WriteBossesNeeded(self, tourianBossTokens): self.patches.append((Snes(0xF47200), getWordArray(tourianBossTokens))) def WriteCrystalsNeeded(self, towerCrystals, ganonCrystals, goal: Goal): self.patches.append((Snes(0x30805E), [towerCrystals])) self.patches.append((Snes(0x30805F), [ganonCrystals])) self.stringTable.SetTowerRequirementText(f"You need {towerCrystals} crystals to enter Ganon's Tower.") if (goal == Goal.AllDungeonsDefeatMotherBrain): self.stringTable.SetGanonRequirementText(f"You need to complete all the dungeons and bosses to defeat Ganon.") else: self.stringTable.SetGanonRequirementText(f"You need {ganonCrystals} crystals to defeat Ganon.") def WriteRngBlock(self): #/* Repoint RNG Block */ self.patches.append((0x420000, [self.rnd.randrange(0, 0x100) for x in range(0, 1024)])) def WriteSaveAndQuitFromBossRoom(self): #/* Defaults to $00 at [asm]/z3/randomizer/tables.asm */ self.patches.append((Snes(0x308042), [ 0x01 ])) def WriteWorldOnAgahnimDeath(self): pass #/* Defaults to $01 at [asm]/z3/randomizer/tables.asm */ #// Todo: Z3r major glitches disables this, reconsider extending or dropping with glitched logic later. #//patches.Add((Snes(0x3080A3), new byte[] { 0x01 })); def Snes(addr: int): #/* Redirect hi bank $30 access into ExHiRom lo bank $40 */ if (addr & 0xFF8000) == 0x308000: addr = 0x400000 | (addr & 0x7FFF) else: #/* General case, add ExHi offset for banks < $80, and collapse mirroring */ addr = (0x400000 if addr < 0x800000 else 0)| (addr & 0x3FFFFF) if (addr > 0x600000): raise Exception(f"Unmapped pc address target ${addr:x}") return addr def getWord(w): return (w & 0x00FF, (w & 0xFF00) >> 8) def getWordArray(w): return [w & 0x00FF, (w & 0xFF00) >> 8] def getDoubleWordArray(w): return [w & 0x000000FF, (w & 0x0000FF00) >> 8, (w & 0x00FF0000) >> 16, (w & 0xFF000000) >> 24] """ byte[] UintBytes(int value) => BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)value); byte[] UshortBytes(int value) => BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)value); byte[] AsAscii(string text) => Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); } } """ def SplitOff(source: List[Any], count: int): head = source[:count] tail = source[count:] return (head, tail)