from dataclasses import dataclass from Options import Choice, Range, Toggle, DeathLink, PerGameCommonOptions class DeathLinkAmnesty(Range): """ How many deaths it takes to send a DeathLink """ display_name = "Death Link Amnesty" range_start = 1 range_end = 30 default = 10 class TotalStrawberries(Range): """ How many Strawberries exist """ display_name = "Total Strawberries" range_start = 0 range_end = 46 default = 20 class StrawberriesRequiredPercentage(Range): """ Percentage of existing Strawberries you must receive to finish """ display_name = "Strawberries Required Percentage" range_start = 0 range_end = 100 default = 80 class LogicDifficulty(Choice): """ Whether the logic expects you to play the intended way, or to be able to use advanced tricks and skips """ display_name = "Logic Difficulty" option_standard = 0 option_hard = 1 default = 0 class MoveShuffle(Toggle): """ Whether the following base movement abilities are shuffled into the item pool: - Ground Dash - Air Dash - Skid Jump - Climb NOTE: Having Move Shuffle and Standard Logic Difficulty will guarantee that one of the four Move items will be immediately accessible WARNING: Combining Move Shuffle and Hard Logic Difficulty can require very difficult tricks """ display_name = "Move Shuffle" class Friendsanity(Toggle): """ Whether chatting with your friends grants location checks """ display_name = "Friendsanity" class Signsanity(Toggle): """ Whether reading signs grants location checks """ display_name = "Signsanity" class Carsanity(Toggle): """ Whether riding on cars grants location checks """ display_name = "Carsanity" class BadelineChaserSource(Choice): """ What type of action causes more Badeline Chasers to start spawning Locations: The number of locations you've checked contributes to Badeline Chasers Strawberries: The number of Strawberry items you've received contributes to Badeline Chasers """ display_name = "Badeline Chaser Source" option_locations = 0 option_strawberries = 1 default = 0 class BadelineChaserFrequency(Range): """ How many of the `Badeline Chaser Source` actions must occur to make each Badeline Chaser start spawning NOTE: Choosing `0` disables Badeline Chasers entirely WARNING: Turning on Badeline Chasers alongside Move Shuffle could result in extremely difficult situations """ display_name = "Badeline Chaser Frequency" range_start = 0 range_end = 10 default = 0 class BadelineChaserSpeed(Range): """ How many seconds behind you each Badeline Chaser will be """ display_name = "Badeline Chaser Speed" range_start = 2 range_end = 10 default = 3 @dataclass class Celeste64Options(PerGameCommonOptions): death_link: DeathLink death_link_amnesty: DeathLinkAmnesty total_strawberries: TotalStrawberries strawberries_required_percentage: StrawberriesRequiredPercentage logic_difficulty: LogicDifficulty move_shuffle: MoveShuffle friendsanity: Friendsanity signsanity: Signsanity carsanity: Carsanity badeline_chaser_source: BadelineChaserSource badeline_chaser_frequency: BadelineChaserFrequency badeline_chaser_speed: BadelineChaserSpeed