# This is a sample configuration for the Web host. # If you wish to change any of these, rename this file to config.yaml # Default values are shown here. Uncomment and change the values as desired. # TODO #SELFHOST: true # Maximum concurrent world gens #GENERATORS: 8 # TODO #SELFLAUNCH: true # TODO #DEBUG: false # Web hosting port #PORT: 80 # Place where uploads go. #UPLOAD_FOLDER: uploads # Maximum upload size. Default is 64 megabyte (64 * 1024 * 1024) #MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH: 67108864 # Secret key used to determine important things like cookie authentication of room/seed page ownership. # If you wish to deploy, uncomment the following line and set it to something not easily guessable. # SECRET_KEY: "Your secret key here" # TODO #JOB_THRESHOLD: 2 # waitress uses one thread for I/O, these are for processing of view that get sent #WAITRESS_THREADS: 10 # Database provider details: #PONY: # provider: "sqlite" # filename: "ap.db3" # This MUST be the ABSOLUTE PATH to the file. # create_db: true # Maximum number of players that are allowed to be rolled on the server. After this limit, one should roll locally and upload the results. #MAX_ROLL: 20 # TODO #CACHE_TYPE: "simple" # TODO #JSON_AS_ASCII: false # Patch target. This is the address encoded into the patch that will be used for client auto-connect. #PATCH_TARGET: archipelago.gg