from functools import cached_property from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, cast from BaseClasses import CollectionState, Item, ItemClassification, Location, Region from .constants import NOTES, PHOBEKINS, PROG_ITEMS, USEFUL_ITEMS from .options import Goal from .regions import MEGA_SHARDS, REGIONS, SEALS from .shop import FIGURINES, PROG_SHOP_ITEMS, SHOP_ITEMS, USEFUL_SHOP_ITEMS if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import MessengerWorld class MessengerRegion(Region): def __init__(self, name: str, world: "MessengerWorld") -> None: super().__init__(name, world.player, world.multiworld) locations = [loc for loc in REGIONS[]] if == "The Shop": shop_locations = {f"The Shop - {shop_loc}": world.location_name_to_id[f"The Shop - {shop_loc}"] for shop_loc in SHOP_ITEMS} shop_locations.update(**{figurine: world.location_name_to_id[figurine] for figurine in FIGURINES}) self.add_locations(shop_locations, MessengerShopLocation) elif == "Tower HQ": locations.append("Money Wrench") if world.options.shuffle_seals and in SEALS: locations += [seal_loc for seal_loc in SEALS[]] if world.options.shuffle_shards and in MEGA_SHARDS: locations += [shard for shard in MEGA_SHARDS[]] loc_dict = {loc: world.location_name_to_id.get(loc, None) for loc in locations} self.add_locations(loc_dict, MessengerLocation) world.multiworld.regions.append(self) class MessengerLocation(Location): game = "The Messenger" def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, loc_id: Optional[int], parent: MessengerRegion) -> None: super().__init__(player, name, loc_id, parent) if loc_id is None: self.place_locked_item(MessengerItem(name, parent.player, None)) class MessengerShopLocation(MessengerLocation): @cached_property def cost(self) -> int: name ="The Shop - ", "") # TODO use `remove_prefix` when 3.8 finally gets dropped world = cast("MessengerWorld", self.parent_region.multiworld.worlds[self.player]) # short circuit figurines which all require demon's bane be purchased, but nothing else if "Figurine" in name: return world.figurine_prices[name] +\ cast(MessengerShopLocation, world.multiworld.get_location("The Shop - Demon's Bane", self.player)).cost shop_data = SHOP_ITEMS[name] if shop_data.prerequisite: prereq_cost = 0 if isinstance(shop_data.prerequisite, set): for prereq in shop_data.prerequisite: prereq_cost +=\ cast(MessengerShopLocation, world.multiworld.get_location(prereq, self.player)).cost else: prereq_cost +=\ cast(MessengerShopLocation, world.multiworld.get_location(shop_data.prerequisite, self.player)).cost return world.shop_prices[name] + prereq_cost return world.shop_prices[name] def can_afford(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: world = cast("MessengerWorld", state.multiworld.worlds[self.player]) can_afford = state.has("Shards", self.player, min(self.cost, world.total_shards)) if "Figurine" in can_afford = state.has("Money Wrench", self.player) and can_afford\ and state.can_reach("Money Wrench", "Location", self.player) return can_afford class MessengerItem(Item): game = "The Messenger" def __init__(self, name: str, player: int, item_id: Optional[int] = None, override_progression: bool = False, count: int = 0) -> None: if count: item_class = ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing elif item_id is None or override_progression or name in {*NOTES, *PROG_ITEMS, *PHOBEKINS, *PROG_SHOP_ITEMS}: item_class = ItemClassification.progression elif name in {*USEFUL_ITEMS, *USEFUL_SHOP_ITEMS}: item_class = ItemClassification.useful else: item_class = ItemClassification.filler super().__init__(name, item_class, item_id, player)