import argparse import logging import random import urllib.request import urllib.parse import typing import os import ModuleUpdate from BaseClasses import PlandoItem, PlandoConnection ModuleUpdate.update() import Bosses from Utils import parse_yaml from Rom import Sprite from EntranceRandomizer import parse_arguments from Main import main as ERmain from Main import get_seed, seeddigits from Items import item_name_groups, item_table from Regions import location_table, key_drop_data from Text import TextTable def mystery_argparse(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--multi', default=1, type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 1), 255)) multiargs, _ = parser.parse_known_args() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--weights', help='Path to the weights file to use for rolling game settings, urls are also valid') parser.add_argument('--samesettings', help='Rolls settings per weights file rather than per player', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--seed', help='Define seed number to generate.', type=int) parser.add_argument('--multi', default=1, type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 1), 255)) parser.add_argument('--teams', default=1, type=lambda value: max(int(value), 1)) parser.add_argument('--create_spoiler', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--skip_playthrough', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--rom') parser.add_argument('--enemizercli') parser.add_argument('--outputpath') parser.add_argument('--race', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--meta', default=None) parser.add_argument('--log_output_path', help='Path to store output log') parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default='info', help='Sets log level') parser.add_argument('--create_diff', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--yaml_output', default=0, type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 0), 255), help='Output rolled mystery results to yaml up to specified number (made for async multiworld)') parser.add_argument('--plando', default="bosses", help='List of options that can be set manually. Can be combined, for example "bosses, items"') for player in range(1, multiargs.multi + 1): parser.add_argument(f'--p{player}', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) args = parser.parse_args() args.plando: typing.Set[str] = {arg.strip().lower() for arg in args.plando.split(",")} return args def main(args=None, callback=ERmain): if not args: args = mystery_argparse() seed = get_seed(args.seed) random.seed(seed) seedname = "M" + (f"{random.randint(0, pow(10, seeddigits) - 1)}".zfill(seeddigits)) print(f"Generating mystery for {args.multi} player{'s' if args.multi > 1 else ''}, {seedname} Seed {seed}") if args.race: random.seed() # reset to time-based random source weights_cache = {} if args.weights: try: weights_cache[args.weights] = get_weights(args.weights) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"File {args.weights} is destroyed. Please fix your yaml.") from e print(f"Weights: {args.weights} >> " f"{get_choice('description', weights_cache[args.weights], 'No description specified')}") if args.meta: try: weights_cache[args.meta] = get_weights(args.meta) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"File {args.meta} is destroyed. Please fix your yaml.") from e meta_weights = weights_cache[args.meta] print(f"Meta: {args.meta} >> {get_choice('meta_description', meta_weights, 'No description specified')}") if args.samesettings: raise Exception("Cannot mix --samesettings with --meta") for player in range(1, args.multi + 1): path = getattr(args, f'p{player}') if path: try: if path not in weights_cache: weights_cache[path] = get_weights(path) print(f"P{player} Weights: {path} >> " f"{get_choice('description', weights_cache[path], 'No description specified')}") except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"File {path} is destroyed. Please fix your yaml.") from e erargs = parse_arguments(['--multi', str(args.multi)]) erargs.seed = seed = {x: "" for x in range(1, args.multi + 1)} # only so it can be overwrittin in mystery erargs.create_spoiler = args.create_spoiler erargs.create_diff = args.create_diff erargs.race = args.race erargs.skip_playthrough = args.skip_playthrough erargs.outputname = seedname erargs.outputpath = args.outputpath erargs.teams = args.teams erargs.progression_balancing = {} # set up logger if args.loglevel: erargs.loglevel = args.loglevel loglevel = {'error': logging.ERROR, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'debug': logging.DEBUG}[ erargs.loglevel] if args.log_output_path: import sys class LoggerWriter(object): def __init__(self, writer): self._writer = writer self._msg = '' def write(self, message): self._msg = self._msg + message while '\n' in self._msg: pos = self._msg.find('\n') self._writer(self._msg[:pos]) self._msg = self._msg[pos + 1:] def flush(self): if self._msg != '': self._writer(self._msg) self._msg = '' log = logging.getLogger("stderr") log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) sys.stderr = LoggerWriter(log.error) os.makedirs(args.log_output_path, exist_ok=True) logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=loglevel, filename=os.path.join(args.log_output_path, f"{seed}.log")) else: logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=loglevel) if args.rom: erargs.rom = args.rom if args.enemizercli: erargs.enemizercli = args.enemizercli settings_cache = {k: (roll_settings(v, args.plando) if args.samesettings else None) for k, v in weights_cache.items()} player_path_cache = {} for player in range(1, args.multi + 1): player_path_cache[player] = getattr(args, f'p{player}') if getattr(args, f'p{player}') else args.weights if args.meta: for player, path in player_path_cache.items(): weights_cache[path].setdefault("meta_ignore", []) meta_weights = weights_cache[args.meta] for key in meta_weights: option = get_choice(key, meta_weights) if option is not None: for player, path in player_path_cache.items(): players_meta = weights_cache[path].get("meta_ignore", []) if key not in players_meta: weights_cache[path][key] = option elif type(players_meta) == dict and players_meta[key] and option not in players_meta[key]: weights_cache[path][key] = option for player in range(1, args.multi + 1): path = player_path_cache[player] if path: try: settings = settings_cache[path] if settings_cache[path] else \ roll_settings(weights_cache[path], args.plando) if settings.sprite and not os.path.isfile(settings.sprite) and not Sprite.get_sprite_from_name( settings.sprite): logging.warning( f"Warning: The chosen sprite, \"{settings.sprite}\", for yaml \"{path}\", does not exist.") for k, v in vars(settings).items(): if v is not None: getattr(erargs, k)[player] = v except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"File {path} is destroyed. Please fix your yaml.") from e else: raise RuntimeError(f'No weights specified for player {player}') if path == args.weights: # if name came from the weights file, just use base player name[player] = f"Player{player}" elif not[player]: # if name was not specified, generate it from filename[player] = os.path.split(path)[-1].split(".")[0] erargs.names = ",".join([i] for i in range(1, args.multi + 1)) del ( if args.yaml_output: import yaml important = {} for option, player_settings in vars(erargs).items(): if type(player_settings) == dict: if all(type(value) != list for value in player_settings.values()): if len(player_settings.values()) > 1: important[option] = {player: value for player, value in player_settings.items() if player <= args.yaml_output} elif len(player_settings.values()) > 0: important[option] = player_settings[1] else: logging.debug(f"No player settings defined for option '{option}'") else: if player_settings != "": # is not empty name important[option] = player_settings else: logging.debug(f"No player settings defined for option '{option}'") if args.outputpath: os.makedirs(args.outputpath, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(args.outputpath if args.outputpath else ".", f"mystery_result_{seed}.yaml"), "wt") as f: yaml.dump(important, f) erargs.skip_progression_balancing = {player: not balanced for player, balanced in erargs.progression_balancing.items()} del (erargs.progression_balancing) callback(erargs, seed) def get_weights(path): try: if urllib.parse.urlparse(path).scheme: yaml = str(urllib.request.urlopen(path).read(), "utf-8") else: with open(path, 'rb') as f: yaml = str(, "utf-8") except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to read weights ({path})") from e return parse_yaml(yaml) def interpret_on_off(value): return {"on": True, "off": False}.get(value, value) def convert_to_on_off(value): return {True: "on", False: "off"}.get(value, value) def get_choice(option, root, value=None) -> typing.Any: if option not in root: return value if type(root[option]) is list: return interpret_on_off(random.choices(root[option])[0]) if type(root[option]) is not dict: return interpret_on_off(root[option]) if not root[option]: return value if any(root[option].values()): return interpret_on_off( random.choices(list(root[option].keys()), weights=list(map(int, root[option].values())))[0]) raise RuntimeError(f"All options specified in \"{option}\" are weighted as zero.") def handle_name(name: str): return name.strip().replace(' ', '_')[:16] def prefer_int(input_data: str) -> typing.Union[str, int]: try: return int(input_data) except: return input_data available_boss_names: typing.Set[str] = {boss.lower() for boss in Bosses.boss_table if boss not in {'Agahnim', 'Agahnim2', 'Ganon'}} boss_shuffle_options = {None: 'none', 'none': 'none', 'simple': 'basic', 'basic': 'basic', 'full': 'normal', 'normal': 'normal', 'random': 'chaos', 'chaos': 'chaos', 'singularity': 'singularity', 'duality': 'singularity' } def roll_percentage(percentage: typing.Union[int, float]) -> bool: """Roll a percentage chance. percentage is expected to be in range [0, 100]""" return random.random() < (float(percentage) / 100) def update_weights(weights: dict, new_weights: dict, type: str, name: str) -> dict: logging.debug(f'Applying {new_weights}') new_options = set(new_weights) - set(weights) weights.update(new_weights) if new_options: for new_option in new_options: logging.warning(f'{type} Suboption "{new_option}" of "{name}" did not ' f'overwrite a root option. ' f'This is probably in error.') return weights def roll_linked_options(weights: dict) -> dict: weights = weights.copy() # make sure we don't write back to other weights sets in same_settings for option_set in weights["linked_options"]: if "name" not in option_set: raise ValueError("One of your linked options does not have a name.") try: if roll_percentage(option_set["percentage"]): logging.debug(f"Linked option {option_set['name']} triggered.") if "options" in option_set: weights = update_weights(weights, option_set["options"], "Linked", option_set["name"]) if "rom_options" in option_set: rom_weights = weights.get("rom", dict()) rom_weights = update_weights(rom_weights, option_set["rom_options"], "Linked Rom", option_set["name"]) weights["rom"] = rom_weights else: logging.debug(f"linked option {option_set['name']} skipped.") except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Linked option {option_set['name']} is destroyed. " f"Please fix your linked option.") from e return weights def roll_triggers(weights: dict) -> dict: weights = weights.copy() # make sure we don't write back to other weights sets in same_settings for option_set in weights["triggers"]: try: key = get_choice("option_name", option_set) if key not in weights: logging.warning(f'Specified option name {option_set["option_name"]} did not ' f'match with a root option. ' f'This is probably in error.') trigger_result = get_choice("option_result", option_set) result = get_choice(key, weights) if result == trigger_result and roll_percentage(get_choice("percentage", option_set, 100)): if "options" in option_set: weights = update_weights(weights, option_set["options"], "Triggered", option_set["option_name"]) if "rom_options" in option_set: rom_weights = weights.get("rom", dict()) rom_weights = update_weights(rom_weights, option_set["rom_options"], "Triggered Rom", option_set["option_name"]) weights["rom"] = rom_weights weights[key] = result except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"A trigger is destroyed. " f"Please fix your triggers.") from e return weights def roll_settings(weights: dict, plando_options: typing.Set[str] = frozenset(("bosses"))): if "linked_options" in weights: weights = roll_linked_options(weights) if "triggers" in weights: weights = roll_triggers(weights) ret = argparse.Namespace() = get_choice('name', weights) if = handle_name( glitches_required = get_choice('glitches_required', weights) if glitches_required not in [None, 'none', 'no_logic', 'overworld_glitches', 'minor_glitches']: logging.warning("Only NMG, OWG and No Logic supported") glitches_required = 'none' ret.logic = {None: 'noglitches', 'none': 'noglitches', 'no_logic': 'nologic', 'overworld_glitches': 'owglitches', 'minor_glitches': 'minorglitches'}[ glitches_required] ret.dark_room_logic = get_choice("dark_room_logic", weights, "lamp") if not ret.dark_room_logic: # None/False ret.dark_room_logic = "none" if ret.dark_room_logic == "sconces": ret.dark_room_logic = "torches" if ret.dark_room_logic not in {"lamp", "torches", "none"}: raise ValueError(f"Unknown Dark Room Logic: \"{ret.dark_room_logic}\"") ret.restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss = get_choice('restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss', weights, False) ret.progression_balancing = get_choice('progression_balancing', weights, True) # item_placement = get_choice('item_placement') # not supported in ER dungeon_items = get_choice('dungeon_items', weights) if dungeon_items == 'full' or dungeon_items == True: dungeon_items = 'mcsb' elif dungeon_items == 'standard': dungeon_items = "" elif not dungeon_items: dungeon_items = "" if "u" in dungeon_items: dungeon_items.replace("s", "") ret.mapshuffle = get_choice('map_shuffle', weights, 'm' in dungeon_items) ret.compassshuffle = get_choice('compass_shuffle', weights, 'c' in dungeon_items) ret.keyshuffle = get_choice('smallkey_shuffle', weights, 'universal' if 'u' in dungeon_items else 's' in dungeon_items) ret.bigkeyshuffle = get_choice('bigkey_shuffle', weights, 'b' in dungeon_items) ret.accessibility = get_choice('accessibility', weights) entrance_shuffle = get_choice('entrance_shuffle', weights) ret.shuffle = entrance_shuffle if entrance_shuffle != 'none' else 'vanilla' goal = get_choice('goals', weights, 'ganon') ret.goal = {'ganon': 'ganon', 'fast_ganon': 'crystals', 'dungeons': 'dungeons', 'pedestal': 'pedestal', 'ganon_pedestal': 'ganonpedestal', 'triforce_hunt': 'triforcehunt', 'triforce-hunt': 'triforcehunt', # deprecated, moving all goals to `_` 'local_triforce_hunt': 'localtriforcehunt', 'ganon_triforce_hunt': 'ganontriforcehunt', 'local_ganon_triforce_hunt': 'localganontriforcehunt', 'ice_rod_hunt': 'icerodhunt' }[goal] # TODO consider moving open_pyramid to an automatic variable in the core roller, set to True when # fast ganon + ganon at hole ret.open_pyramid = get_choice('open_pyramid', weights, 'goal') ret.crystals_gt = prefer_int(get_choice('tower_open', weights)) ret.crystals_ganon = prefer_int(get_choice('ganon_open', weights)) extra_pieces = get_choice('triforce_pieces_mode', weights, 'available') ret.triforce_pieces_required = int(get_choice('triforce_pieces_required', weights, 20)) ret.triforce_pieces_required = min(max(1, int(ret.triforce_pieces_required)), 90) # sum a percentage to required if extra_pieces == 'percentage': percentage = max(100, float(get_choice('triforce_pieces_percentage', weights, 150))) / 100 ret.triforce_pieces_available = int(round(ret.triforce_pieces_required * percentage, 0)) # vanilla mode (specify how many pieces are) elif extra_pieces == 'available': ret.triforce_pieces_available = int(get_choice('triforce_pieces_available', weights, 30)) # required pieces + fixed extra elif extra_pieces == 'extra': extra_pieces = max(0, int(get_choice('triforce_pieces_extra', weights, 10))) ret.triforce_pieces_available = ret.triforce_pieces_required + extra_pieces # change minimum to required pieces to avoid problems ret.triforce_pieces_available = min(max(ret.triforce_pieces_required, int(ret.triforce_pieces_available)), 90) ret.shop_shuffle_slots = int(get_choice('shop_shuffle_slots', weights, '0')) ret.shop_shuffle = get_choice('shop_shuffle', weights, '') if not ret.shop_shuffle: ret.shop_shuffle = '' ret.mode = get_choice('world_state', weights, None) # legacy support if ret.mode == 'retro': ret.mode = 'open' ret.retro = True elif ret.mode is None: ret.mode = get_choice("mode", weights) ret.retro = get_choice("retro", weights) ret.hints = get_choice('hints', weights) ret.swords = {'randomized': 'random', 'assured': 'assured', 'vanilla': 'vanilla', 'swordless': 'swordless' }[get_choice('weapons', weights, 'assured')] ret.difficulty = get_choice('item_pool', weights) ret.item_functionality = get_choice('item_functionality', weights) boss_shuffle = get_choice('boss_shuffle', weights) if boss_shuffle in boss_shuffle_options: ret.shufflebosses = boss_shuffle_options[boss_shuffle] elif "bosses" in plando_options: options = boss_shuffle.lower().split(";") remainder_shuffle = "none" # vanilla bosses = [] for boss in options: if boss in boss_shuffle_options: remainder_shuffle = boss_shuffle_options[boss] elif boss not in available_boss_names and not "-" in boss: raise ValueError(f"Unknown Boss name or Boss shuffle option {boss}.") else: bosses.append(boss) ret.shufflebosses = ";".join(bosses + [remainder_shuffle]) else: raise Exception(f"Boss Shuffle {boss_shuffle} is unknown and boss plando is turned off.") ret.enemy_shuffle = {'none': False, 'shuffled': 'shuffled', 'random': 'chaos', 'chaosthieves': 'chaosthieves', 'chaos': 'chaos', True: True, False: False, None: False }[get_choice('enemy_shuffle', weights, False)] ret.killable_thieves = get_choice('killable_thieves', weights, False) ret.tile_shuffle = get_choice('tile_shuffle', weights, False) ret.bush_shuffle = get_choice('bush_shuffle', weights, False) # legacy support for enemy shuffle if type(ret.enemy_shuffle) == str: if ret.enemy_shuffle == 'shuffled': ret.killable_thieves = True elif ret.enemy_shuffle == 'chaos': ret.killable_thieves = True ret.bush_shuffle = True ret.tile_shuffle = True elif ret.enemy_shuffle == "chaosthieves": ret.killable_thieves = bool(random.randint(0, 1)) ret.bush_shuffle = True ret.tile_shuffle = True ret.enemy_shuffle = True # end of legacy block ret.enemy_damage = {None: 'default', 'default': 'default', 'shuffled': 'shuffled', 'random': 'chaos' }[get_choice('enemy_damage', weights)] ret.enemy_health = get_choice('enemy_health', weights) ret.shufflepots = get_choice('pot_shuffle', weights) ret.beemizer = int(get_choice('beemizer', weights, 0)) ret.timer = {'none': False, None: False, False: False, 'timed': 'timed', 'timed_ohko': 'timed-ohko', 'ohko': 'ohko', 'timed_countdown': 'timed-countdown', 'display': 'display'}[get_choice('timer', weights, False)] ret.countdown_start_time = int(get_choice('countdown_start_time', weights, 10)) ret.red_clock_time = int(get_choice('red_clock_time', weights, -2)) ret.blue_clock_time = int(get_choice('blue_clock_time', weights, 2)) ret.green_clock_time = int(get_choice('green_clock_time', weights, 4)) ret.dungeon_counters = get_choice('dungeon_counters', weights, 'default') = convert_to_on_off(get_choice('progressive', weights, 'on')) ret.shuffle_prizes = get_choice('shuffle_prizes', weights, "g") ret.required_medallions = [get_choice("misery_mire_medallion", weights, "random"), get_choice("turtle_rock_medallion", weights, "random")] for index, medallion in enumerate(ret.required_medallions): ret.required_medallions[index] = {"ether": "Ether", "quake": "Quake", "bombos": "Bombos", "random": "random"}\ .get(medallion.lower(), None) if not ret.required_medallions[index]: raise Exception(f"unknown Medallion {medallion}") inventoryweights = weights.get('startinventory', {}) startitems = [] for item in inventoryweights.keys(): itemvalue = get_choice(item, inventoryweights) if item.startswith(('Progressive ', 'Small Key ', 'Rupee', 'Piece of Heart', 'Boss Heart Container', 'Sanctuary Heart Container', 'Arrow', 'Bombs ', 'Bomb ', 'Bottle')) and isinstance( itemvalue, int): for i in range(int(itemvalue)): startitems.append(item) elif itemvalue: startitems.append(item) ret.startinventory = ','.join(startitems) ret.glitch_boots = get_choice('glitch_boots', weights, True) ret.remote_items = get_choice('remote_items', weights, False) if get_choice("local_keys", weights, "l" in dungeon_items): # () important for ordering of commands, without them the Big Keys section is part of the Small Key else ret.local_items = (item_name_groups["Small Keys"] if ret.keyshuffle else set()) \ | item_name_groups["Big Keys"] if ret.bigkeyshuffle else set() else: ret.local_items = set() for item_name in weights.get('local_items', []): items = item_name_groups.get(item_name, {item_name}) for item in items: if item in item_table: ret.local_items.add(item) else: raise Exception(f"Could not force item {item} to be world-local, as it was not recognized.") ret.local_items = ",".join(ret.local_items) ret.non_local_items = set() for item_name in weights.get('non_local_items', []): items = item_name_groups.get(item_name, {item_name}) for item in items: if item in item_table: ret.non_local_items.add(item) else: raise Exception(f"Could not force item {item} to be world-non-local, as it was not recognized.") ret.non_local_items = ",".join(ret.non_local_items) ret.plando_items = [] if "items" in plando_options: def add_plando_item(item: str, location: str): if item not in item_table: raise Exception(f"Could not plando item {item} as the item was not recognized") if location not in location_table and location not in key_drop_data: raise Exception(f"Could not plando item {item} at location {location} as the location was not recognized") ret.plando_items.append(PlandoItem(item, location, location_world, from_pool, force)) options = weights.get("plando_items", []) for placement in options: if roll_percentage(get_choice("percentage", placement, 100)): from_pool = get_choice("from_pool", placement, PlandoItem._field_defaults["from_pool"]) location_world = get_choice("world", placement, PlandoItem._field_defaults["world"]) force = str(get_choice("force", placement, PlandoItem._field_defaults["force"])).lower() if "items" in placement and "locations" in placement: items = placement["items"] locations = placement["locations"] if isinstance(items, dict): item_list = [] for key, value in items.items(): item_list += [key] * value items = item_list if not items or not locations: raise Exception("You must specify at least one item and one location to place items.") random.shuffle(items) random.shuffle(locations) for item, location in zip(items, locations): add_plando_item(item, location) else: item = get_choice("item", placement, get_choice("items", placement)) location = get_choice("location", placement) add_plando_item(item, location) ret.plando_texts = {} if "texts" in plando_options: tt = TextTable() tt.removeUnwantedText() options = weights.get("plando_texts", []) for placement in options: if roll_percentage(get_choice("percentage", placement, 100)): at = str(get_choice("at", placement)) if at not in tt: raise Exception(f"No text target \"{at}\" found.") ret.plando_texts[at] = str(get_choice("text", placement)) ret.plando_connections = [] if "connections" in plando_options: options = weights.get("plando_connections", []) for placement in options: if roll_percentage(get_choice("percentage", placement, 100)): ret.plando_connections.append(PlandoConnection( get_choice("entrance", placement), get_choice("exit", placement), get_choice("direction", placement, "both") )) if 'rom' in weights: romweights = weights['rom'] ret.sprite_pool = romweights['sprite_pool'] if 'sprite_pool' in romweights else [] ret.sprite = get_choice('sprite', romweights, "Link") if 'random_sprite_on_event' in romweights: randomoneventweights = romweights['random_sprite_on_event'] if get_choice('enabled', randomoneventweights, False): ret.sprite = 'randomon' ret.sprite += '-hit' if get_choice('on_hit', randomoneventweights, True) else '' ret.sprite += '-enter' if get_choice('on_enter', randomoneventweights, False) else '' ret.sprite += '-exit' if get_choice('on_exit', randomoneventweights, False) else '' ret.sprite += '-slash' if get_choice('on_slash', randomoneventweights, False) else '' ret.sprite += '-item' if get_choice('on_item', randomoneventweights, False) else '' ret.sprite += '-bonk' if get_choice('on_bonk', randomoneventweights, False) else '' ret.sprite = 'randomonall' if get_choice('on_everything', randomoneventweights, False) else ret.sprite ret.sprite = 'randomonnone' if ret.sprite == 'randomon' else ret.sprite if (not ret.sprite_pool or get_choice('use_weighted_sprite_pool', randomoneventweights, False)) \ and 'sprite' in romweights: # Use sprite as a weighted sprite pool, if a sprite pool is not already defined. for key, value in romweights['sprite'].items(): if key.startswith('random'): ret.sprite_pool += ['random'] * int(value) else: ret.sprite_pool += [key] * int(value) ret.disablemusic = get_choice('disablemusic', romweights, False) ret.quickswap = get_choice('quickswap', romweights, True) ret.fastmenu = get_choice('menuspeed', romweights, "normal") ret.heartcolor = get_choice('heartcolor', romweights, "red") ret.heartbeep = convert_to_on_off(get_choice('heartbeep', romweights, "normal")) ret.ow_palettes = get_choice('ow_palettes', romweights, "default") ret.uw_palettes = get_choice('uw_palettes', romweights, "default") ret.hud_palettes = get_choice('hud_palettes', romweights, "default") ret.sword_palettes = get_choice('sword_palettes', romweights, "default") ret.shield_palettes = get_choice('shield_palettes', romweights, "default") ret.link_palettes = get_choice('link_palettes', romweights, "default") else: ret.quickswap = True ret.sprite = "Link" return ret if __name__ == '__main__': main()