import argparse import io import logging import os.path import subprocess import urllib.request from shutil import which from typing import Any, Optional from zipfile import ZipFile from Utils import open_file import requests from Utils import is_windows, messagebox, tuplize_version MOD_URL = "" def ask_yes_no_cancel(title: str, text: str) -> Optional[bool]: """ Wrapper for tkinter.messagebox.askyesnocancel, that creates a popup dialog box with yes, no, and cancel buttons. :param title: Title to be displayed at the top of the message box. :param text: Text to be displayed inside the message box. :return: Returns True if yes, False if no, None if cancel. """ from tkinter import Tk, messagebox root = Tk() root.withdraw() ret = messagebox.askyesnocancel(title, text) root.update() return ret def launch_game(*args) -> None: """Check the game installation, then launch it""" def courier_installed() -> bool: """Check if Courier is installed""" assembly_path = os.path.join(game_folder, "TheMessenger_Data", "Managed", "Assembly-CSharp.dll") with open(assembly_path, "rb") as assembly: for line in assembly: if b"Courier" in line: return True return False def mod_installed() -> bool: """Check if the mod is installed""" return os.path.exists(os.path.join(game_folder, "Mods", "TheMessengerRandomizerAP", "courier.toml")) def request_data(request_url: str) -> Any: """Fetches json response from given url""""requesting {request_url}") response = requests.get(request_url) if response.status_code == 200: # success try: data = response.json() except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to fetch data. (status code {response.status_code})") else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to fetch data. (status code {response.status_code})") return data def install_courier() -> None: """Installs latest version of Courier""" # can't use latest since courier uses pre-release tags courier_url = "" latest_download = request_data(courier_url)[0]["assets"][-1]["browser_download_url"] with urllib.request.urlopen(latest_download) as download: with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(, "r") as zf: for member in zf.infolist(): zf.extract(member, path=game_folder) os.chdir(game_folder) # linux and mac handling if not is_windows: mono_exe = which("mono") if not mono_exe: # download and use mono kickstart # this allows steam deck support mono_kick_url = "" files = [] with urllib.request.urlopen(mono_kick_url) as download: with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(, "r") as zf: for member in zf.infolist(): if "precompiled/" not in member.filename or member.filename.endswith("/"): continue member.filename = member.filename.split("/")[-1] if member.filename.endswith("bin.x86_64"): member.filename = "MiniInstaller.bin.x86_64" zf.extract(member, path=game_folder) files.append(member.filename) mono_installer = os.path.join(game_folder, "MiniInstaller.bin.x86_64") os.chmod(mono_installer, 0o755) installer = subprocess.Popen(mono_installer, shell=False) failure = installer.wait() for file in files: os.remove(file) else: installer = subprocess.Popen([mono_exe, os.path.join(game_folder, "MiniInstaller.exe")], shell=True) failure = installer.wait() else: installer = subprocess.Popen(os.path.join(game_folder, "MiniInstaller.exe"), shell=True) failure = installer.wait() print(failure) if failure: messagebox("Failure", "Failed to install Courier", True) os.chdir(working_directory) raise RuntimeError("Failed to install Courier") os.chdir(working_directory) if courier_installed(): messagebox("Success!", "Courier successfully installed!") return messagebox("Failure", "Failed to install Courier", True) raise RuntimeError("Failed to install Courier") def install_mod() -> None: """Installs latest version of the mod""" assets = request_data(MOD_URL)["assets"] if len(assets) == 1: release_url = assets[0]["browser_download_url"] else: for asset in assets: if "TheMessengerRandomizerAP" in asset["name"]: release_url = asset["browser_download_url"] break else: messagebox("Failure", "Failed to find latest mod download", True) raise RuntimeError("Failed to install Mod") mod_folder = os.path.join(game_folder, "Mods") os.makedirs(mod_folder, exist_ok=True) with urllib.request.urlopen(release_url) as download: with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(, "r") as zf: for member in zf.infolist(): zf.extract(member, path=mod_folder) messagebox("Success!", "Latest mod successfully installed!") def available_mod_update(latest_version: str) -> bool: """Check if there's an available update""" latest_version = latest_version.lstrip("v") toml_path = os.path.join(game_folder, "Mods", "TheMessengerRandomizerAP", "courier.toml") with open(toml_path, "r") as f: installed_version =[1].strip("version = \"")"Installed version: {installed_version}. Latest version: {latest_version}") # one of the alpha builds return "alpha" in latest_version or tuplize_version(latest_version) > tuplize_version(installed_version) from . import MessengerWorld try: game_folder = os.path.dirname(MessengerWorld.settings.game_path) except ValueError as e: logging.error(e) messagebox("Invalid File", "Selected file did not match expected hash. " "Please try again and ensure you select The Messenger.exe.") return working_directory = os.getcwd() # setup ssl context try: import certifi import ssl context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=certifi.where()) context.set_alpn_protocols(["http/1.1"]) https_handler = urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(context=context) opener = urllib.request.build_opener(https_handler) urllib.request.install_opener(opener) except ImportError: pass if not courier_installed(): should_install = ask_yes_no_cancel("Install Courier", "No Courier installation detected. Would you like to install now?") if not should_install: return"Installing Courier") install_courier() if not mod_installed(): should_install = ask_yes_no_cancel("Install Mod", "No randomizer mod detected. Would you like to install now?") if not should_install: return"Installing Mod") install_mod() else: latest = request_data(MOD_URL)["tag_name"] if available_mod_update(latest): should_update = ask_yes_no_cancel("Update Mod", f"New mod version detected. Would you like to update to {latest} now?") if should_update:"Updating mod") install_mod() elif should_update is None: return if not args: should_launch = ask_yes_no_cancel("Launch Game", "Mod installed and up to date. Would you like to launch the game now?") if not should_launch: return parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Messenger Client Launcher") parser.add_argument("url", type=str, nargs="?", help="Archipelago Webhost uri to auto connect to.") args = parser.parse_args(args) if not is_windows: if args.url: open_file(f"steam://rungameid/764790//{args.url}/") else: open_file("steam://rungameid/764790") else: os.chdir(game_folder) if args.url: subprocess.Popen([MessengerWorld.settings.game_path, str(args.url)]) else: subprocess.Popen(MessengerWorld.settings.game_path) os.chdir(working_directory)