import aioconsole import argparse import asyncio import functools import json import logging import re import urllib.request import websockets import zlib import Items import Regions from MultiClient import ReceivedItem, get_item_name_from_id, get_location_name_from_address class Client: def __init__(self, socket): self.socket = socket self.auth = False = None = None self.slot = None self.send_index = 0 class Context: def __init__(self, host, port, password): self.data_filename = None self.save_filename = None self.disable_save = False self.players = 0 self.rom_names = {} self.locations = {} = host self.port = port self.password = password self.server = None self.clients = [] self.received_items = {} def get_room_info(ctx : Context): return { 'password': ctx.password is not None, 'slots': ctx.players, 'players': [(,, client.slot) for client in ctx.clients if client.auth] } def same_name(lhs, rhs): return lhs.lower() == rhs.lower() def same_team(lhs, rhs): return (type(lhs) is type(rhs)) and ((not lhs and not rhs) or (lhs.lower() == rhs.lower())) async def send_msgs(websocket, msgs): if not websocket or not or websocket.closed: return try: await websocket.send(json.dumps(msgs)) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: pass def broadcast_all(ctx : Context, msgs): for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth: asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, msgs)) def broadcast_team(ctx : Context, team, msgs): for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth and same_team(, team): asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, msgs)) def notify_all(ctx : Context, text): print("Notice (all): %s" % text) broadcast_all(ctx, [['Print', text]]) def notify_team(ctx : Context, team : str, text : str): print("Team notice (%s): %s" % ("Default" if not team else team, text)) broadcast_team(ctx, team, [['Print', text]]) def notify_client(client : Client, text : str): if not client.auth: return print("Player notice (%s): %s" % (, text)) asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, [['Print', text]])) async def server(websocket, path, ctx : Context): client = Client(websocket) ctx.clients.append(client) try: await on_client_connected(ctx, client) async for data in websocket: for msg in json.loads(data): if len(msg) == 1: cmd = msg args = None else: cmd = msg[0] args = msg[1] await process_client_cmd(ctx, client, cmd, args) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException): logging.exception(e) finally: await on_client_disconnected(ctx, client) ctx.clients.remove(client) async def on_client_connected(ctx : Context, client : Client): await send_msgs(client.socket, [['RoomInfo', get_room_info(ctx)]]) async def on_client_disconnected(ctx : Context, client : Client): if client.auth: await on_client_left(ctx, client) async def on_client_joined(ctx : Context, client : Client): notify_all(ctx, "%s has joined the game as player %d for %s" % (, client.slot, "the default team" if not else "team %s" % async def on_client_left(ctx : Context, client : Client): notify_all(ctx, "%s (Player %d, %s) has left the game" % (, client.slot, "Default team" if not else "Team %s" % def get_connected_players_string(ctx : Context): auth_clients = [c for c in ctx.clients if c.auth] if not auth_clients: return 'No player connected' auth_clients.sort(key=lambda c: ('' if not else, c.slot)) current_team = 0 text = '' for c in auth_clients: if != current_team: text += '::' + ('default team' if not else + ':: ' current_team = text += '%d:%s ' % (c.slot, return 'Connected players: ' + text[:-1] def get_player_name_in_team(ctx : Context, team, slot): for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth and same_team(team, and client.slot == slot: return return "Player %d" % slot def get_client_from_name(ctx : Context, name): for client in ctx.clients: if client.auth and same_name(name, return client return None def get_received_items(ctx : Context, team, player): for (c_team, c_id), items in ctx.received_items.items(): if c_id == player and same_team(c_team, team): return items ctx.received_items[(team, player)] = [] return ctx.received_items[(team, player)] def tuplize_received_items(items): return [(item.item, item.location, item.player_id, item.player_name) for item in items] def send_new_items(ctx : Context): for client in ctx.clients: if not client.auth: continue items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if len(items) > client.send_index: asyncio.create_task(send_msgs(client.socket, [['ReceivedItems', (client.send_index, tuplize_received_items(items)[client.send_index:])]])) client.send_index = len(items) def forfeit_player(ctx : Context, team, slot, name): all_locations = [values[0] for values in Regions.location_table.values() if type(values[0]) is int] notify_all(ctx, "%s (Player %d) in team %s has forfeited" % (name, slot, team if team else 'default')) register_location_checks(ctx, name, team, slot, all_locations) def register_location_checks(ctx : Context, name, team, slot, locations): found_items = False for location in locations: if (location, slot) in ctx.locations: target_item, target_player = ctx.locations[(location, slot)] if target_player != slot: found = False recvd_items = get_received_items(ctx, team, target_player) for recvd_item in recvd_items: if recvd_item.location == location and recvd_item.player_id == slot: found = True break if not found: new_item = ReceivedItem(target_item, location, slot, name) recvd_items.append(new_item) target_player_name = get_player_name_in_team(ctx, team, target_player) broadcast_team(ctx, team, [['ItemSent', (name, target_player_name, target_item, location)]]) print('(%s) %s sent %s to %s (%s)' % (team if team else 'Team', name, get_item_name_from_id(target_item), target_player_name, get_location_name_from_address(location))) found_items = True send_new_items(ctx) if found_items and not ctx.disable_save: try: with open(ctx.save_filename, "wb") as f: jsonstr = json.dumps((ctx.players, [(k, v) for k, v in ctx.rom_names.items()], [(k, [i.__dict__ for i in v]) for k, v in ctx.received_items.items()])) f.write(zlib.compress(jsonstr.encode("utf-8"))) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) async def process_client_cmd(ctx : Context, client : Client, cmd, args): if type(cmd) is not str: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidCmd']]) return if cmd == 'Connect': if not args or type(args) is not dict or \ 'password' not in args or type(args['password']) not in [str, type(None)] or \ 'name' not in args or type(args['name']) is not str or \ 'team' not in args or type(args['team']) not in [str, type(None)] or \ 'slot' not in args or type(args['slot']) not in [int, type(None)]: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'Connect']]) return errors = set() if ctx.password is not None and ('password' not in args or args['password'] != ctx.password): errors.add('InvalidPassword') if 'name' not in args or not args['name'] or not re.match(r'\w{1,10}', args['name']): errors.add('InvalidName') elif any([same_name(, args['name']) for c in ctx.clients if c.auth]): errors.add('NameAlreadyTaken') else: = args['name'] if 'team' in args and args['team'] is not None and not re.match(r'\w{1,15}', args['team']): errors.add('InvalidTeam') else: = args['team'] if 'team' in args else None if 'slot' in args and any([c.slot == args['slot'] for c in ctx.clients if c.auth and same_team(,]): errors.add('SlotAlreadyTaken') elif 'slot' not in args or not args['slot']: for slot in range(1, ctx.players + 1): if slot not in [c.slot for c in ctx.clients if c.auth and same_team(,]: client.slot = slot break elif slot == ctx.players: errors.add('SlotAlreadyTaken') elif args['slot'] not in range(1, ctx.players + 1): errors.add('InvalidSlot') else: client.slot = args['slot'] if errors: = None = None client.slot = None await send_msgs(client.socket, [['ConnectionRefused', list(errors)]]) else: client.auth = True reply = [['Connected', ctx.rom_names[client.slot]]] items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if items: reply.append(['ReceivedItems', (0, tuplize_received_items(items))]) client.send_index = len(items) await send_msgs(client.socket, reply) await on_client_joined(ctx, client) if not client.auth: return if cmd == 'Sync': items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if items: client.send_index = len(items) await send_msgs(client.socket, ['ReceivedItems', (0, tuplize_received_items(items))]) if cmd == 'LocationChecks': if type(args) is not list: await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'LocationChecks']]) return register_location_checks(ctx,,, client.slot, args) if cmd == 'Say': if type(args) is not str or not args.isprintable(): await send_msgs(client.socket, [['InvalidArguments', 'Say']]) return notify_all(ctx, + ': ' + args) if args[:8] == '!players': notify_all(ctx, get_connected_players_string(ctx)) if args[:8] == '!forfeit': forfeit_player(ctx,, client.slot, def set_password(ctx : Context, password): ctx.password = password print('Password set to ' + password if password is not None else 'Password disabled') async def console(ctx : Context): while True: input = await aioconsole.ainput() command = input.split() if not command: continue if command[0] == '/exit': ctx.server.ws_server.close() break if command[0] == '/players': print(get_connected_players_string(ctx)) if command[0] == '/password': set_password(ctx, command[1] if len(command) > 1 else None) if command[0] == '/kick' and len(command) > 1: client = get_client_from_name(ctx, command[1]) if client and client.socket and not client.socket.closed: await client.socket.close() if command[0] == '/forfeitslot' and len(command) == 3 and command[2].isdigit(): team = command[1] if command[1] != 'default' else None slot = int(command[2]) name = get_player_name_in_team(ctx, team, slot) forfeit_player(ctx, team, slot, name) if command[0] == '/forfeitplayer' and len(command) > 1: client = get_client_from_name(ctx, command[1]) if client: forfeit_player(ctx,, client.slot, if command[0] == '/senditem' and len(command) > 2: [(player, item)] = re.findall(r'\S* (\S*) (.*)', input) if item in Items.item_table: client = get_client_from_name(ctx, player) if client: new_item = ReceivedItem(Items.item_table[item][3], "cheat console", 0, "server") get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot).append(new_item) notify_all(ctx, 'Cheat console: sending "' + item + '" to ' + send_new_items(ctx) else: print("Unknown item: " + item) if command[0][0] != '/': notify_all(ctx, '[Server]: ' + input) async def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--host', default=None) parser.add_argument('--port', default=38281, type=int) parser.add_argument('--password', default=None) parser.add_argument('--multidata', default=None) parser.add_argument('--savefile', default=None) parser.add_argument('--disable_save', default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() ctx = Context(, args.port, args.password) ctx.data_filename = args.multidata try: if not ctx.data_filename: import tkinter import tkinter.filedialog root = tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() ctx.data_filename = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Multiworld data","*multidata"),)) with open(ctx.data_filename, 'rb') as f: jsonobj = json.loads(zlib.decompress("utf-8")) ctx.players = jsonobj[0] ctx.rom_names = {k: v for k, v in jsonobj[1]} ctx.locations = {tuple(k): tuple(v) for k, v in jsonobj[2]} except Exception as e: print('Failed to read multiworld data (%s)' % e) return ip = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().decode('utf8') if not else print('Hosting game of %d players (%s) at %s:%d' % (ctx.players, 'No password' if not ctx.password else 'Password: %s' % ctx.password, ip, ctx.port)) ctx.disable_save = args.disable_save if not ctx.disable_save: if not ctx.save_filename: ctx.save_filename = (ctx.data_filename[:-9] if ctx.data_filename[-9:] == 'multidata' else (ctx.data_filename + '_')) + 'multisave' try: with open(ctx.save_filename, 'rb') as f: jsonobj = json.loads(zlib.decompress("utf-8")) players = jsonobj[0] rom_names = {k: v for k, v in jsonobj[1]} received_items = {tuple(k): [ReceivedItem(**i) for i in v] for k, v in jsonobj[2]} if players != ctx.players or rom_names != ctx.rom_names: raise Exception('Save file mismatch, will start a new game') ctx.received_items = received_items print('Loaded save file with %d received items for %d players' % (sum([len(p) for p in received_items.values()]), len(received_items))) except FileNotFoundError: print('No save data found, starting a new game') except Exception as e: print(e) ctx.server = websockets.serve(functools.partial(server,ctx=ctx),, ctx.port, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None) await ctx.server await console(ctx) if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*asyncio.Task.all_tasks())) loop.close()