import struct import itertools import re import zlib import zipfile import os import datetime from collections import defaultdict from functools import partial from .Items import OOTItem from .Location import DisableType from .LocationList import business_scrubs from .HintList import getHint from .Hints import writeGossipStoneHints, buildAltarHints, \ buildGanonText, getSimpleHintNoPrefix, HintArea, getItemGenericName, \ buildMiscItemHints, buildMiscLocationHints from .Utils import data_path from .Messages import read_messages, update_message_by_id, read_shop_items, update_warp_song_text, \ write_shop_items, remove_unused_messages, make_player_message, \ add_item_messages, repack_messages, shuffle_messages, \ get_message_by_id, Text_Code from .MQ import patch_files, File, update_dmadata, insert_space, add_relocations from .Rom import Rom from .SaveContext import SaveContext, Scenes, FlagType from .SceneFlags import get_alt_list_bytes, get_collectible_flag_table, get_collectible_flag_table_bytes, \ get_collectible_flag_addresses from .TextBox import character_table, NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH, rom_safe_text from .texture_util import ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, rgba16_patch from .Utils import __version__ from worlds.Files import APContainer from Utils import __version__ as ap_version AP_PROGRESSION = 0xD4 AP_JUNK = 0xD5 class OoTContainer(APContainer): game: str = 'Ocarina of Time' def __init__(self, patch_data: bytes, base_path: str, output_directory: str, player = None, player_name: str = "", server: str = ""): self.patch_data = patch_data self.zpf_path = base_path + ".zpf" container_path = os.path.join(output_directory, base_path + ".apz5") super().__init__(container_path, player, player_name, server) def write_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None: opened_zipfile.writestr(self.zpf_path, self.patch_data) super().write_contents(opened_zipfile) # "Spoiler" argument deleted; can probably be replaced with calls to def patch_rom(world, rom): with open(data_path('generated/rom_patch.txt'), 'r') as stream: for line in stream: address, value = [int(x, 16) for x in line.split(',')] rom.write_int32(address, value) rom.scan_dmadata_update() # Write Randomizer title screen logo with open(data_path('title.bin'), 'rb') as stream: writeAddress = 0x01795300 titleBytesComp = titleBytesDiff = zlib.decompress(titleBytesComp) originalBytes = rom.original.buffer[writeAddress: writeAddress+ len(titleBytesDiff)] titleBytes = bytearray([a ^ b for a, b in zip(titleBytesDiff, originalBytes)]) rom.write_bytes(writeAddress, titleBytes) # Fixes the typo of keatan mask in the item select screen with open(data_path('keaton.bin'), 'rb') as stream: writeAddress = 0x8A7C00 keatonBytesComp = keatonBytesDiff = zlib.decompress(keatonBytesComp) originalBytes = rom.original.buffer[writeAddress: writeAddress+ len(keatonBytesDiff)] keatonBytes = bytearray([a ^ b for a, b in zip(keatonBytesDiff, originalBytes)]) rom.write_bytes(writeAddress, keatonBytes) # Load Triforce model into a file triforce_obj_file = File({ 'Name': 'object_gi_triforce' }) triforce_obj_file.copy(rom) with open(data_path('Triforce.zobj'), 'rb') as stream: obj_data = rom.write_bytes(triforce_obj_file.start, obj_data) triforce_obj_file.end = triforce_obj_file.start + len(obj_data) update_dmadata(rom, triforce_obj_file) # Add it to the extended object table add_to_extended_object_table(rom, 0x193, triforce_obj_file) # Build a Double Defense model from the Heart Container model dd_obj_file = File({ 'Name': 'object_gi_hearts', 'Start': '014D9000', 'End': '014DA590', }) dd_obj_file.copy(rom) # Update colors for the Double Defense variant rom.write_bytes(dd_obj_file.start + 0x1294, [0xFF, 0xCF, 0x0F]) # Exterior Primary Color rom.write_bytes(dd_obj_file.start + 0x12B4, [0xFF, 0x46, 0x32]) # Exterior Env Color rom.write_int32s(dd_obj_file.start + 0x12A8, [0xFC173C60, 0x150C937F]) # Exterior Combine Mode rom.write_bytes(dd_obj_file.start + 0x1474, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]) # Interior Primary Color rom.write_bytes(dd_obj_file.start + 0x1494, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]) # Interior Env Color update_dmadata(rom, dd_obj_file) # Add it to the extended object table add_to_extended_object_table(rom, 0x194, dd_obj_file) # Load Key Ring model into a file keyring_obj_file = File({ 'Name': 'object_gi_keyring' }) keyring_obj_file.copy(rom) with open(data_path('KeyRing.zobj'), 'rb') as stream: obj_data = rom.write_bytes(keyring_obj_file.start, obj_data) keyring_obj_file.end = keyring_obj_file.start + len(obj_data) update_dmadata(rom, keyring_obj_file) # Add it to the extended object table add_to_extended_object_table(rom, 0x195, keyring_obj_file) # Create the textures for pots/crates. Note: No copyrighted material can be distributed w/ the randomizer. Because of this, patch files are used to create the new textures from the original texture in ROM. # Apply patches for custom textures for pots and crates and add as new files in rom # Crates are ci4 textures in the normal ROM but for pot/crate textures match contents were upgraded to ci8 to support more colors # Pot textures are rgba16 # Get the texture table from rom (see textures.c) texture_table_start = rom.sym('texture_table') # Get the address of the texture table # texture list. See textures.h for texture IDs # ID, texture_name, Rom Address CI4 Pallet Addr Size Patching function Patch file (None for default) crate_textures = [ (1, 'texture_pot_gold', 0x01738000, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/pot/pot_gold_rgba16_patch.bin'), (2, 'texture_pot_key', 0x01738000, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/pot/pot_key_rgba16_patch.bin'), (3, 'texture_pot_bosskey', 0x01738000, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/pot/pot_bosskey_rgba16_patch.bin'), (4, 'texture_pot_skull', 0x01738000, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/pot/pot_skull_rgba16_patch.bin'), (5, 'texture_crate_default', 0x18B6020, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, None), (6, 'texture_crate_gold' , 0x18B6020, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'textures/crate/crate_gold_rgba16_patch.bin'), (7, 'texture_crate_key', 0x18B6020, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'textures/crate/crate_key_rgba16_patch.bin'), (8, 'texture_crate_skull', 0x18B6020, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'textures/crate/crate_skull_rgba16_patch.bin'), (9, 'texture_crate_bosskey', 0x18B6020, 0x018B6000, 4096, ci4_rgba16patch_to_ci8, 'textures/crate/crate_bosskey_rgba16_patch.bin'), (10, 'texture_smallcrate_gold', 0xF7ECA0, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/crate/smallcrate_gold_rgba16_patch.bin' ), (11, 'texture_smallcrate_key', 0xF7ECA0, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/crate/smallcrate_key_rgba16_patch.bin'), (12, 'texture_smallcrate_skull', 0xF7ECA0, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/crate/smallcrate_skull_rgba16_patch.bin'), (13, 'texture_smallcrate_bosskey', 0xF7ECA0, None, 2048, rgba16_patch, 'textures/crate/smallcrate_bosskey_rgba16_patch.bin') ] # Loop through the textures and apply the patch. Add the new texture as a new file in rom. for texture_id, texture_name, rom_address_base, rom_address_palette, size,func, patchfile in crate_textures: texture_file = File({'Name': texture_name}) # Create a new file for the texture texture_file.copy(rom) # Relocate this file to free space is the rom texture_data = func(rom, rom_address_base, rom_address_palette, size, data_path(patchfile) if patchfile else None) # Apply the texture patch. Resulting texture will be stored in texture_data as a bytearray rom.write_bytes(texture_file.start, texture_data) # write the bytes to our new file texture_file.end = texture_file.start + len(texture_data) # Get size of the new texture update_dmadata(rom, texture_file) # Update DMA table with new file # update the texture table with the rom addresses of the texture files entry = read_rom_texture(rom, texture_id) entry['file_vrom_start'] = texture_file.start entry['file_size'] = texture_file.end - texture_file.start write_rom_texture(rom, texture_id, entry) # Apply chest texture diffs to vanilla wooden chest texture for Chest Texture Matches Content setting # new texture, vanilla texture, num bytes textures = [(rom.sym('SILVER_CHEST_FRONT_TEXTURE'), 0xFEC798, 4096), (rom.sym('SILVER_CHEST_BASE_TEXTURE'), 0xFED798, 2048), (rom.sym('GILDED_CHEST_FRONT_TEXTURE'), 0xFEC798, 4096), (rom.sym('GILDED_CHEST_BASE_TEXTURE'), 0xFED798, 2048), (rom.sym('SKULL_CHEST_FRONT_TEXTURE'), 0xFEC798, 4096), (rom.sym('SKULL_CHEST_BASE_TEXTURE'), 0xFED798, 2048)] # Diff texture is the new texture minus the vanilla texture with byte overflow. # This is done to avoid distributing copyrighted material with the randomizer, # as the new textures are derivations of the wood chest textures. # The following rebuilds the texture from the diff. for diff_tex, vanilla_tex, size in textures: db = rom.read_bytes(diff_tex, size) vb = rom.read_bytes(vanilla_tex, size) # bytes are immutable in python, can't edit in place new_tex = bytearray(size) for i in range(len(vb)): new_tex[i] = (db[i] + vb[i]) & 0xFF rom.write_bytes(diff_tex, new_tex) # Create an option so that recovery hearts no longer drop by changing the code which checks Link's health when an item is spawned. if world.no_collectible_hearts: symbol = rom.sym('NO_COLLECTIBLE_HEARTS') rom.write_byte(symbol, 0x01) # Remove color commands inside certain object display lists rom.write_int32s(0x1455818, [0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]) # Small Key rom.write_int32s(0x14B9F20, [0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]) # Boss Key # Set default targeting option to Hold. I got fed up enough with this that I made it a main option if world.default_targeting == 'hold': rom.write_byte(0xB71E6D, 0x01) else: rom.write_byte(0xB71E6D, 0x00) # Force language to be English in the event a Japanese rom was submitted rom.write_byte(0x3E, 0x45) rom.force_patch.append(0x3E) # Increase the instance size of Bombchus prevent the heap from becoming corrupt when # a Dodongo eats a Bombchu. Does not fix stale pointer issues with the animation rom.write_int32(0xD6002C, 0x1F0) # Can always return to youth rom.write_byte(0xCB6844, 0x35) rom.write_byte(0x253C0E2, 0x03) # Moves sheik from pedestal # Fix Ice Cavern Alcove Camera if not world.dungeon_mq['Ice Cavern']: rom.write_byte(0x2BECA25,0x01); rom.write_byte(0x2BECA2D,0x01); # Fix GS rewards to be static rom.write_int32(0xEA3934, 0) rom.write_bytes(0xEA3940, [0x10, 0x00]) # Fix horseback archery rewards to be static rom.write_byte(0xE12BA5, 0x00) rom.write_byte(0xE12ADD, 0x00) # Fix deku theater rewards to be static rom.write_bytes(0xEC9A7C, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) #Sticks rom.write_byte(0xEC9CD5, 0x00) #Nuts # Fix deku scrub who sells stick upgrade rom.write_bytes(0xDF8060, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Fix deku scrub who sells nut upgrade rom.write_bytes(0xDF80D4, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Fix rolling goron as child reward to be static rom.write_bytes(0xED2960, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Fix proximity text boxes (Navi) (Part 1) rom.write_bytes(0xDF8B84, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Fix final magic bean to cost 99 rom.write_byte(0xE20A0F, 0x63) rom.write_bytes(0x94FCDD, [0x08, 0x39, 0x39]) # Remove locked door to Boss Key Chest in Fire Temple if not world.keysanity and not world.dungeon_mq['Fire Temple']: rom.write_byte(0x22D82B7, 0x3F) # Remove the unused locked door in water temple if not world.dungeon_mq['Water Temple']: rom.write_byte(0x25B8197, 0x3F) if world.bombchus_in_logic: rom.write_int32(rom.sym('BOMBCHUS_IN_LOGIC'), 1) # show seed info on file select screen def makebytes(txt, size): _bytes = list(ord(c) for c in txt[:size-1]) + [0] * size return _bytes[:size] def truncstr(txt, size): if len(txt) > size: txt = txt[:size-3] + "..." return txt line_len = 21 version_str = "version " + __version__ if len(version_str) > line_len: version_str = "ver. " + __version__ rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('VERSION_STRING_TXT'), makebytes(version_str, 25)) if world.multiworld.players > 1: world_str = f"{world.player} of {world.multiworld.players}" else: world_str = "" rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('WORLD_STRING_TXT'), makebytes(world_str, 12)) time_str = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + " UTC" rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('TIME_STRING_TXT'), makebytes(time_str, 25)) rom.write_byte(rom.sym('CFG_SHOW_SETTING_INFO'), 0x01) msg = [f"Archipelago {ap_version}", world.multiworld.get_player_name(world.player)] for idx,part in enumerate(msg): part_bytes = list(ord(c) for c in part) + [0] * (line_len+1) part_bytes = part_bytes[:(line_len+1)] symbol = rom.sym('CFG_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_{}'.format(idx+1)) rom.write_bytes(symbol, part_bytes) # Change graveyard graves to not allow grabbing on to the ledge rom.write_byte(0x0202039D, 0x20) rom.write_byte(0x0202043C, 0x24) # Fix Castle Courtyard to check for meeting Zelda, not Zelda fleeing, to block you rom.write_bytes(0xCD5E76, [0x0E, 0xDC]) rom.write_bytes(0xCD5E12, [0x0E, 0xDC]) # Cutscene for all medallions never triggers when leaving shadow or spirit temples(hopefully stops warp to colossus on shadow completion with boss reward shuffle) rom.write_byte(0xACA409, 0xAD) rom.write_byte(0xACA49D, 0xCE) # Speed Zelda's Letter scene rom.write_bytes(0x290E08E, [0x05, 0xF0]) rom.write_byte(0xEFCBA7, 0x08) rom.write_byte(0xEFE7C7, 0x05) #rom.write_byte(0xEFEAF7, 0x08) #rom.write_byte(0xEFE7C7, 0x05) rom.write_bytes(0xEFE938, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xEFE948, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xEFE950, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Speed Zelda escaping from Hyrule Castle Block_code = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x21, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02] rom.write_bytes(0x1FC0CF8, Block_code) # songs as items flag songs_as_items = (world.shuffle_song_items != 'song') or world.songs_as_items if songs_as_items: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SONGS_AS_ITEMS'), 1) # Speed learning Zelda's Lullaby rom.write_int32s(0x02E8E90C, [0x000003E8, 0x00000001]) # Terminator Execution if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0073, 0x001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) # ID, start, end, end else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0073, 0x003B, 0x003C, 0x003C]) # ID, start, end, end rom.write_int32s(0x02E8E91C, [0x00000013, 0x0000000C]) # Textbox, Count if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0017, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x00D4, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 # Speed learning Sun's Song if songs_as_items: rom.write_int32(0x0332A4A4, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Header: frame_count else: rom.write_int32(0x0332A4A4, 0x0000003C) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x0332A868, [0x00000013, 0x00000008]) # Textbox, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0018, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x00D3, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 # Speed learning Saria's Song if songs_as_items: rom.write_int32(0x020B1734, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Header: frame_count else: rom.write_int32(0x020B1734, 0x0000003C) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x20B1DA8, [0x00000013, 0x0000000C]) # Textbox, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0015, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x00D1, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32s(0x020B19C0, [0x0000000A, 0x00000006]) # Link, Count rom.write_int16s(0x020B19C8, [0x0011, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int16s(0x020B19F8, [0x003E, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(None, [0x80000000, # ??? 0x00000000, 0x000001D4, 0xFFFFF731, # start_XYZ 0x00000000, 0x000001D4, 0xFFFFF712]) # end_XYZ # Speed learning Epona's Song rom.write_int32s(0x029BEF60, [0x000003E8, 0x00000001]) # Terminator Execution if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x005E, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) # ID, start, end, end else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x005E, 0x000A, 0x000B, 0x000B]) # ID, start, end, end rom.write_int32s(0x029BECB0, [0x00000013, 0x00000002]) # Textbox, Count if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0009, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x00D2, 0x0000, 0x0009, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0xFFFF, 0x000A, 0x003C, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 # Speed learning Song of Time rom.write_int32s(0x0252FB98, [0x000003E8, 0x00000001]) # Terminator Execution if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0035, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) # ID, start, end, end else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0035, 0x003B, 0x003C, 0x003C]) # ID, start, end, end rom.write_int32s(0x0252FC80, [0x00000013, 0x0000000C]) # Textbox, Count if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0019, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x00D5, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32(0x01FC3B84, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Other Header?: frame_count # Speed learning Song of Storms if songs_as_items: rom.write_int32(0x03041084, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Header: frame_count else: rom.write_int32(0x03041084, 0x0000000A) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x03041088, [0x00000013, 0x00000002]) # Textbox, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x00D6, 0x0000, 0x0009, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0xFFFF, 0x00BE, 0x00C8, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 # Speed learning Minuet of Forest if songs_as_items: rom.write_int32(0x020AFF84, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Header: frame_count else: rom.write_int32(0x020AFF84, 0x0000003C) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x020B0800, [0x00000013, 0x0000000A]) # Textbox, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x000F, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0073, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32s(0x020AFF88, [0x0000000A, 0x00000005]) # Link, Count rom.write_int16s(0x020AFF90, [0x0011, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int16s(0x020AFFC1, [0x003E, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(0x020B0488, [0x00000056, 0x00000001]) # Music Change, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x003F, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(0x020B04C0, [0x0000007C, 0x00000001]) # Music Fade Out, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0004, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? # Speed learning Bolero of Fire if songs_as_items: rom.write_int32(0x0224B5D4, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Header: frame_count else: rom.write_int32(0x0224B5D4, 0x0000003C) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x0224D7E8, [0x00000013, 0x0000000A]) # Textbox, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0010, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0074, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32s(0x0224B5D8, [0x0000000A, 0x0000000B]) # Link, Count rom.write_int16s(0x0224B5E0, [0x0011, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int16s(0x0224B610, [0x003E, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(0x0224B7F0, [0x0000002F, 0x0000000E]) # Sheik, Count rom.write_int16s(0x0224B7F8, [0x0000]) #action rom.write_int16s(0x0224B828, [0x0000]) #action rom.write_int16s(0x0224B858, [0x0000]) #action rom.write_int16s(0x0224B888, [0x0000]) #action # Speed learning Serenade of Water if songs_as_items: rom.write_int32(0x02BEB254, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Header: frame_count else: rom.write_int32(0x02BEB254, 0x0000003C) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x02BEC880, [0x00000013, 0x00000010]) # Textbox, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0011, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0075, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32s(0x02BEB258, [0x0000000A, 0x0000000F]) # Link, Count rom.write_int16s(0x02BEB260, [0x0011, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int16s(0x02BEB290, [0x003E, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(0x02BEB530, [0x0000002F, 0x00000006]) # Sheik, Count rom.write_int16s(0x02BEB538, [0x0000, 0x0000, 0x018A, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(None, [0x1BBB0000, # ??? 0xFFFFFB10, 0x8000011A, 0x00000330, # start_XYZ 0xFFFFFB10, 0x8000011A, 0x00000330]) # end_XYZ rom.write_int32s(0x02BEC848, [0x00000056, 0x00000001]) # Music Change, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0059, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? # Speed learning Nocturne of Shadow rom.write_int32s(0x01FFE458, [0x000003E8, 0x00000001]) # Other Scene? Terminator Execution rom.write_int16s(None, [0x002F, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) # ID, start, end, end rom.write_int32(0x01FFFDF4, 0x0000003C) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x02000FD8, [0x00000013, 0x0000000E]) # Textbox, Count if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0013, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0077, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32s(0x02000128, [0x000003E8, 0x00000001]) # Terminator Execution if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0032, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) # ID, start, end, end else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0032, 0x003A, 0x003B, 0x003B]) # ID, start, end, end # Speed learning Requiem of Spirit rom.write_int32(0x0218AF14, 0x0000003C) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x0218C574, [0x00000013, 0x00000008]) # Textbox, Count if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0012, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0076, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32s(0x0218B478, [0x000003E8, 0x00000001]) # Terminator Execution if songs_as_items: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0030, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) # ID, start, end, end else: rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0030, 0x003A, 0x003B, 0x003B]) # ID, start, end, end rom.write_int32s(0x0218AF18, [0x0000000A, 0x0000000B]) # Link, Count rom.write_int16s(0x0218AF20, [0x0011, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(None, [0x40000000, # ??? 0xFFFFFAF9, 0x00000008, 0x00000001, # start_XYZ 0xFFFFFAF9, 0x00000008, 0x00000001, # end_XYZ 0x0F671408, 0x00000000, 0x00000001]) # normal_XYZ rom.write_int16s(0x0218AF50, [0x003E, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? # Speed learning Prelude of Light if songs_as_items: rom.write_int32(0x0252FD24, 0xFFFFFFFF) # Header: frame_count else: rom.write_int32(0x0252FD24, 0x0000004A) # Header: frame_count rom.write_int32s(0x02531320, [0x00000013, 0x0000000E]) # Textbox, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0014, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x0002, 0x088B, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int16s(None, [0x0078, 0x0011, 0x0020, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF]) # ID, start, end, type, alt1, alt2 rom.write_int32s(0x0252FF10, [0x0000002F, 0x00000009]) # Sheik, Count rom.write_int16s(0x0252FF18, [0x0006, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? rom.write_int32s(0x025313D0, [0x00000056, 0x00000001]) # Music Change, Count rom.write_int16s(None, [0x003B, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0000]) #action, start, end, ???? # Speed scene after Deku Tree rom.write_bytes(0x2077E20, [0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0x2078A10, [0x00, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x20]) Block_code = [0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x28, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF] rom.write_bytes(0x2079570, Block_code) # Speed scene after Dodongo's Cavern rom.write_bytes(0x2221E88, [0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0x2223308, [0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00]) # Speed scene after Jabu Jabu's Belly rom.write_bytes(0xCA3530, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0x2113340, [0x00, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0x2113C18, [0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0x21131D0, [0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) # Speed scene after Forest Temple rom.write_bytes(0xD4ED68, [0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0xD4ED78, [0x00, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0x207B9D4, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]) # Speed scene after Fire Temple rom.write_bytes(0x2001848, [0x00, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0xD100B4, [0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0xD10134, [0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00]) # Speed scene after Water Temple rom.write_bytes(0xD5A458, [0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0xD5A3A8, [0x00, 0x3D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0x20D0D20, [0x00, 0x29, 0x00, 0xC7, 0x00, 0xC8, 0x00, 0xC8]) # Speed scene after Shadow Temple rom.write_bytes(0xD13EC8, [0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0xD13E18, [0x00, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00]) # Speed scene after Spirit Temple rom.write_bytes(0xD3A0A8, [0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0xD39FF0, [0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00]) # Speed Nabooru defeat scene rom.write_bytes(0x2F5AF84, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05]) rom.write_bytes(0x2F5C7DA, [0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0x2F5C7A2, [0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x04]) rom.write_byte(0x2F5B369, 0x09) rom.write_byte(0x2F5B491, 0x04) rom.write_byte(0x2F5B559, 0x04) rom.write_byte(0x2F5B621, 0x04) rom.write_byte(0x2F5B761, 0x07) rom.write_bytes(0x2F5B840, [0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x05]) #shorten white flash # Speed scene with all medallions rom.write_bytes(0x2512680, [0x00, 0x74, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02]) # Speed collapse of Ganon's Tower rom.write_bytes(0x33FB328, [0x00, 0x76, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02]) # Speed Phantom Ganon defeat scene rom.write_bytes(0xC944D8, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xC94548, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xC94730, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xC945A8, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xC94594, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Speed Twinrova defeat scene rom.write_bytes(0xD678CC, [0x24, 0x01, 0x03, 0xA2, 0xA6, 0x01, 0x01, 0x42]) rom.write_bytes(0xD67BA4, [0x10, 0x00]) # Speed scenes during final battle # Ganondorf battle end rom.write_byte(0xD82047, 0x09) # Zelda descends rom.write_byte(0xD82AB3, 0x66) rom.write_byte(0xD82FAF, 0x65) rom.write_int16s(0xD82D2E, [0x041F]) rom.write_int16s(0xD83142, [0x006B]) rom.write_bytes(0xD82DD8, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xD82ED4, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_byte(0xD82FDF, 0x33) # After tower collapse rom.write_byte(0xE82E0F, 0x04) # Ganon intro rom.write_bytes(0xE83D28, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xE83B5C, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xE84C80, [0x10, 0x00]) # Speed completion of the trials in Ganon's Castle rom.write_int16s(0x31A8090, [0x006B, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) #Forest rom.write_int16s(0x31A9E00, [0x006E, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) #Fire rom.write_int16s(0x31A8B18, [0x006C, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) #Water rom.write_int16s(0x31A9430, [0x006D, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) #Shadow rom.write_int16s(0x31AB200, [0x0070, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) #Spirit rom.write_int16s(0x31AA830, [0x006F, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0002]) #Light # Speed obtaining Fairy Ocarina rom.write_bytes(0x2151230, [0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3D, 0x00, 0x3D]) Block_code = [0x00, 0x4A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x81, 0xFF, 0xFF] rom.write_bytes(0x2151240, Block_code) rom.write_bytes(0x2150E20, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFA, 0x4C]) if world.shuffle_ocarinas: symbol = rom.sym('OCARINAS_SHUFFLED') rom.write_byte(symbol,0x01) # Speed Zelda Light Arrow cutscene rom.write_bytes(0x2531B40, [0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0x2532FBC, [0x00, 0x75]) rom.write_bytes(0x2532FEA, [0x00, 0x75, 0x00, 0x80]) rom.write_byte(0x2533115, 0x05) rom.write_bytes(0x2533141, [0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x10]) rom.write_bytes(0x2533171, [0x0F, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x40]) rom.write_bytes(0x25331A1, [0x07, 0x00, 0x41, 0x00, 0x65]) rom.write_bytes(0x2533642, [0x00, 0x50]) rom.write_byte(0x253389D, 0x74) rom.write_bytes(0x25338A4, [0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x75, 0x00, 0x79]) rom.write_bytes(0x25338BC, [0xFF, 0xFF]) rom.write_bytes(0x25338C2, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]) rom.write_bytes(0x25339C2, [0x00, 0x75, 0x00, 0x76]) rom.write_bytes(0x2533830, [0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x81, 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x82]) # Speed Bridge of Light cutscene rom.write_bytes(0x292D644, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0]) rom.write_bytes(0x292D680, [0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0x292D6E8, [0x00, 0x27]) rom.write_bytes(0x292D718, [0x00, 0x32]) rom.write_bytes(0x292D810, [0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0x292D924, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x96, 0xFF, 0xFF]) #Speed Pushing of All Pushable Objects rom.write_bytes(0xDD2B86, [0x40, 0x80]) #block speed rom.write_bytes(0xDD2D26, [0x00, 0x01]) #block delay rom.write_bytes(0xDD9682, [0x40, 0x80]) #milk crate speed rom.write_bytes(0xDD981E, [0x00, 0x01]) #milk crate delay rom.write_bytes(0xCE1BD0, [0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00]) #amy puzzle speed rom.write_bytes(0xCE0F0E, [0x00, 0x01]) #amy puzzle delay rom.write_bytes(0xC77CA8, [0x40, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00]) #fire block speed rom.write_bytes(0xC770C2, [0x00, 0x01]) #fire block delay rom.write_bytes(0xCC5DBC, [0x29, 0xE1, 0x00, 0x01]) #forest basement puzzle delay rom.write_bytes(0xDBCF70, [0x2B, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00]) #spirit cobra mirror startup rom.write_bytes(0xDBCF70, [0x2B, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01]) #spirit cobra mirror delay rom.write_bytes(0xDBA230, [0x28, 0x41, 0x00, 0x19]) #truth spinner speed rom.write_bytes(0xDBA3A4, [0x24, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00]) #truth spinner delay #Speed Deku Seed Upgrade Scrub Cutscene rom.write_bytes(0xECA900, [0x24, 0x03, 0xC0, 0x00]) #scrub angle rom.write_bytes(0xECAE90, [0x27, 0x18, 0xFD, 0x04]) #skip straight to giving item rom.write_bytes(0xECB618, [0x25, 0x6B, 0x00, 0xD4]) #skip straight to digging back in rom.write_bytes(0xECAE70, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) #never initialize cs camera rom.write_bytes(0xE5972C, [0x24, 0x08, 0x00, 0x01]) #timer set to 1 frame for giving item # Remove remaining owls rom.write_bytes(0x1FE30CE, [0x01, 0x4B]) rom.write_bytes(0x1FE30DE, [0x01, 0x4B]) rom.write_bytes(0x1FE30EE, [0x01, 0x4B]) rom.write_bytes(0x205909E, [0x00, 0x3F]) rom.write_byte(0x2059094, 0x80) # Darunia won't dance rom.write_bytes(0x22769E4, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]) # Zora moves quickly rom.write_bytes(0xE56924, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Speed Jabu Jabu swallowing Link rom.write_bytes(0xCA0784, [0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02]) # Ruto no longer points to Zora Sapphire rom.write_bytes(0xD03BAC, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]) # Ruto never disappears from Jabu Jabu's Belly rom.write_byte(0xD01EA3, 0x00) #Shift octorock in jabu forward rom.write_bytes(0x275906E, [0xFF, 0xB3, 0xFB, 0x20, 0xF9, 0x56]) #Move fire/forest temple switches down 1 unit to make it easier to press rom.write_bytes(0x24860A8, [0xFC, 0xF4]) #forest basement 1 rom.write_bytes(0x24860C8, [0xFC, 0xF4]) #forest basement 2 rom.write_bytes(0x24860E8, [0xFC, 0xF4]) #forest basement 3 rom.write_bytes(0x236C148, [0x11, 0x93]) #fire hammer room # Speed up Epona race start rom.write_bytes(0x29BE984, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0x29BE9CA, [0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02]) # Speed start of Horseback Archery #rom.write_bytes(0x21B2064, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02]) #rom.write_bytes(0x21B20AA, [0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02]) # Speed up Epona escape rom.write_bytes(0x1FC8B36, [0x00, 0x2A]) # Speed up draining the well rom.write_bytes(0xE0A010, [0x00, 0x2A, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0x2001110, [0x00, 0x2B, 0x00, 0xB7, 0x00, 0xB8, 0x00, 0xB8]) # Speed up opening the royal tomb for both child and adult rom.write_bytes(0x2025026, [0x00, 0x01]) rom.write_bytes(0x2023C86, [0x00, 0x01]) rom.write_byte(0x2025159, 0x02) rom.write_byte(0x2023E19, 0x02) #Speed opening of Door of Time rom.write_bytes(0xE0A176, [0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0xE0A35A, [0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02]) # Speed up Lake Hylia Owl Flight rom.write_bytes(0x20E60D2, [0x00, 0x01]) # Speed up Death Mountain Trail Owl Flight rom.write_bytes(0x223B6B2, [0x00, 0x01]) # Speed up magic arrow equips rom.write_int16(0xBB84CE, 0x0000) # Skips the initial growing glowing orb phase rom.write_byte(0xBB84B7, 0xFF) # Set glowing orb above magic arrow to be small sized immediately rom.write_byte(0xBB84CB, 0x01) # Sets timer for holding icon above magic arrow (1 frame) rom.write_byte(0xBB7E67, 0x04) # speed up magic arrow icon -> bow icon interpolation (4 frames) rom.write_byte(0xBB8957, 0x01) # Sets timer for holding icon above bow (1 frame) rom.write_byte(0xBB854B, 0x05) # speed up bow icon -> c button interpolation (5 frames) # Poacher's Saw no longer messes up Forest Stage rom.write_bytes(0xAE72CC, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Change Prelude CS to check for medallion rom.write_bytes(0x00C805E6, [0x00, 0xA6]) rom.write_bytes(0x00C805F2, [0x00, 0x01]) # Change Nocturne CS to check for medallions rom.write_bytes(0x00ACCD8E, [0x00, 0xA6]) rom.write_bytes(0x00ACCD92, [0x00, 0x01]) rom.write_bytes(0x00ACCD9A, [0x00, 0x02]) rom.write_bytes(0x00ACCDA2, [0x00, 0x04]) # Change King Zora to move even if Zora Sapphire is in inventory rom.write_bytes(0x00E55BB0, [0x85, 0xCE, 0x8C, 0x3C]) rom.write_bytes(0x00E55BB4, [0x84, 0x4F, 0x0E, 0xDA]) # Remove extra Forest Temple medallions rom.write_bytes(0x00D4D37C, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Remove extra Fire Temple medallions rom.write_bytes(0x00AC9754, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0x00D0DB8C, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Remove extra Water Temple medallions rom.write_bytes(0x00D57F94, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Remove extra Spirit Temple medallions rom.write_bytes(0x00D370C4, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0x00D379C4, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Remove extra Shadow Temple medallions rom.write_bytes(0x00D116E0, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Change Mido, Saria, and Kokiri to check for Deku Tree complete flag # bitwise pointer for 0x80 kokiriAddresses = [0xE52836, 0xE53A56, 0xE51D4E, 0xE51F3E, 0xE51D96, 0xE51E1E, 0xE51E7E, 0xE51EDE, 0xE51FC6, 0xE51F96, 0xE293B6, 0xE29B8E, 0xE62EDA, 0xE630D6, 0xE633AA, 0xE6369E] for kokiri in kokiriAddresses: rom.write_bytes(kokiri, [0x8C, 0x0C]) # Kokiri rom.write_bytes(0xE52838, [0x94, 0x48, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE53A58, [0x94, 0x49, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51D50, [0x94, 0x58, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51F40, [0x94, 0x4B, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51D98, [0x94, 0x4B, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51E20, [0x94, 0x4A, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51E80, [0x94, 0x59, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51EE0, [0x94, 0x4E, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51FC8, [0x94, 0x49, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE51F98, [0x94, 0x58, 0x0E, 0xD4]) # Saria rom.write_bytes(0xE293B8, [0x94, 0x78, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE29B90, [0x94, 0x68, 0x0E, 0xD4]) # Mido rom.write_bytes(0xE62EDC, [0x94, 0x6F, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE630D8, [0x94, 0x4F, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE633AC, [0x94, 0x68, 0x0E, 0xD4]) rom.write_bytes(0xE636A0, [0x94, 0x48, 0x0E, 0xD4]) # Change adult Kokiri Forest to check for Forest Temple complete flag rom.write_bytes(0xE5369E, [0xB4, 0xAC]) rom.write_bytes(0xD5A83C, [0x80, 0x49, 0x0E, 0xDC]) # Change adult Goron City to check for Fire Temple complete flag rom.write_bytes(0xED59DC, [0x80, 0xC9, 0x0E, 0xDC]) # Change Pokey to check DT complete flag rom.write_bytes(0xE5400A, [0x8C, 0x4C]) rom.write_bytes(0xE5400E, [0xB4, 0xA4]) if world.open_forest != 'closed': rom.write_bytes(0xE5401C, [0x14, 0x0B]) # Fix Shadow Temple to check for different rewards for scene rom.write_bytes(0xCA3F32, [0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x4A, 0x00, 0x10]) # Fix Spirit Temple to check for different rewards for scene rom.write_bytes(0xCA3EA2, [0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x4A, 0x00, 0x08]) # Fix Biggoron to check a different flag. rom.write_byte(0xED329B, 0x72) rom.write_byte(0xED43E7, 0x72) rom.write_bytes(0xED3370, [0x3C, 0x0D, 0x80, 0x12]) rom.write_bytes(0xED3378, [0x91, 0xB8, 0xA6, 0x42, 0xA1, 0xA8, 0xA6, 0x42]) rom.write_bytes(0xED6574, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Remove the check on the number of days that passed for claim check. rom.write_bytes(0xED4470, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) rom.write_bytes(0xED4498, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) # Fixed reward order for Bombchu Bowling rom.write_bytes(0xE2E698, [0x80, 0xAA, 0xE2, 0x64]) rom.write_bytes(0xE2E6A0, [0x80, 0xAA, 0xE2, 0x4C]) rom.write_bytes(0xE2D440, [0x24, 0x19, 0x00, 0x00]) # Offset kakariko carpenter starting position rom.write_bytes(0x1FF93A4, [0x01, 0x8D, 0x00, 0x11, 0x01, 0x6C, 0xFF, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x78, 0xFF, 0x2E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xFD, 0x2B, 0x00, 0xC8, 0xFF, 0xF9, 0xFD, 0x03, 0x00, 0xC8, 0xFF, 0xA9, 0xFD, 0x5D, 0x00, 0xC8, 0xFE, 0x5F]) # re order the carpenter's path rom.write_byte(0x1FF93D0, 0x06) # set the path points to 6 rom.write_bytes(0x20160B6, [0x01, 0x8D, 0x00, 0x11, 0x01, 0x6C]) # set the carpenter's start position # Give hp after first ocarina minigame round rom.write_bytes(0xDF2204, [0x24, 0x03, 0x00, 0x02]) # Allow owl to always carry the kid down Death Mountain rom.write_bytes(0xE304F0, [0x24, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x01]) # Fix Vanilla Dodongo's Cavern Gossip Stone to not use a permanent flag for the fairy if not world.dungeon_mq['Dodongos Cavern']: rom.write_byte(0x1F281FE, 0x38) # Fix "...???" textbox outside Child Colossus Fairy to use the right flag and disappear once the wall is destroyed rom.write_byte(0x21A026F, 0xDD) # Remove the "...???" textbox outside the Crater Fairy (change it to an actor that does nothing) rom.write_int16s(0x225E7DC, [0x00B5, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xFFFF]) # Forbid Sun's Song from a bunch of cutscenes Suns_scenes = [0x2016FC9, 0x2017219, 0x20173D9, 0x20174C9, 0x2017679, 0x20C1539, 0x20C15D9, 0x21A0719, 0x21A07F9, 0x2E90129, 0x2E901B9, 0x2E90249, 0x225E829, 0x225E939, 0x306D009] for address in Suns_scenes: rom.write_byte(address,0x01) # Allow Warp Songs in additional places rom.write_byte(0xB6D3D2, 0x00) # Gerudo Training Ground rom.write_byte(0xB6D42A, 0x00) # Inside Ganon's Castle #Tell Sheik at Ice Cavern we are always an Adult rom.write_int32(0xC7B9C0, 0x00000000) rom.write_int32(0xC7BAEC, 0x00000000) rom.write_int32(0xc7BCA4, 0x00000000) # Allow Farore's Wind in dungeons where it's normally forbidden rom.write_byte(0xB6D3D3, 0x00) # Gerudo Training Ground rom.write_byte(0xB6D42B, 0x00) # Inside Ganon's Castle # Remove disruptive text from Gerudo Training Ground and early Shadow Temple (vanilla) Wonder_text = [0x27C00BC, 0x27C00CC, 0x27C00DC, 0x27C00EC, 0x27C00FC, 0x27C010C, 0x27C011C, 0x27C012C, 0x27CE080, 0x27CE090, 0x2887070, 0x2887080, 0x2887090, 0x2897070, 0x28C7134, 0x28D91BC, 0x28A60F4, 0x28AE084, 0x28B9174, 0x28BF168, 0x28BF178, 0x28BF188, 0x28A1144, 0x28A6104, 0x28D0094] for address in Wonder_text: rom.write_byte(address, 0xFB) # Speed dig text for Dampe rom.write_bytes(0x9532F8, [0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x59]) # Make item descriptions into a single box Short_item_descriptions = [0x92EC84, 0x92F9E3, 0x92F2B4, 0x92F37A, 0x92F513, 0x92F5C6, 0x92E93B, 0x92EA12] for address in Short_item_descriptions: rom.write_byte(address,0x02) et_original = rom.read_bytes(0xB6FBF0, 4 * 0x0614) exit_updates = [] def copy_entrance_record(source_index, destination_index, count=4): ti = source_index * 4 rom.write_bytes(0xB6FBF0 + destination_index * 4, et_original[ti:ti+(4 * count)]) def generate_exit_lookup_table(): # Assumes that the last exit on a scene's exit list cannot be 0000 exit_table = { 0x0028: [0xAC95C2] #Jabu with the fish is entered from a cutscene hardcode } def add_scene_exits(scene_start, offset = 0): current = scene_start + offset exit_list_start_off = 0 exit_list_end_off = 0 command = 0 while command != 0x14: command = rom.read_byte(current) if command == 0x18: # Alternate header list header_list = scene_start + (rom.read_int32(current + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF) for alt_id in range(0,3): header_offset = rom.read_int32(header_list) & 0x00FFFFFF if header_offset != 0: add_scene_exits(scene_start, header_offset) header_list += 4 if command == 0x13: # Exit List exit_list_start_off = rom.read_int32(current + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF if command == 0x0F: # Lighting list, follows exit list exit_list_end_off = rom.read_int32(current + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF current += 8 if exit_list_start_off == 0 or exit_list_end_off == 0: return # calculate the exit list length list_length = (exit_list_end_off - exit_list_start_off) // 2 last_id = rom.read_int16(scene_start + exit_list_end_off - 2) if last_id == 0: list_length -= 1 # update addr = scene_start + exit_list_start_off for _ in range(0, list_length): index = rom.read_int16(addr) if index not in exit_table: exit_table[index] = [] exit_table[index].append(addr) addr += 2 scene_table = 0x00B71440 for scene in range(0x00, 0x65): scene_start = rom.read_int32(scene_table + (scene * 0x14)); add_scene_exits(scene_start) return exit_table if (world.shuffle_bosses != 'off'): # Credit to rattus128 for this ASM block. # Gohma's save/death warp is optimized to use immediate 0 for the # deku tree respawn. Use the delay slot before the switch table # to hold Gohmas jump entrance as actual data so we can substitute # the entrance index later. rom.write_int32(0xB06290, 0x240E0000) #li t6, 0 rom.write_int32(0xB062B0, 0xAE0E0000) #sw t6, 0(s0) rom.write_int32(0xBC60AC, 0x24180000) #li t8, 0 rom.write_int32(0xBC6160, 0x24180000) #li t8, 0 rom.write_int32(0xBC6168, 0xAD380000) #sw t8, 0(t1) # Credit to engineer124 # Update the Jabu-Jabu Boss Exit to actually useful coordinates (and to load the correct room) rom.write_int16(0x273E08E, 0xF7F4) # Z coordinate of Jabu Boss Door Spawn rom.write_byte(0x273E27B, 0x05) # Set Spawn Room to be correct def set_entrance_updates(entrances): # Boss shuffle blue_warp_remaps = {} if (world.shuffle_bosses != 'off'): # Connect lake hylia fill exit to revisit exit rom.write_int16(0xAC995A, 0x060C) # First pass for boss shuffle # We'll need to iterate more than once, so make a copy so we can iterate more than once. entrances = list(entrances) for entrance in entrances: if entrance.type not in('ChildBoss', 'AdultBoss') or not entrance.replaces or 'patch_addresses' not in continue if entrance == entrance.replaces: # This can happen if something is plando'd vanilla. continue new_boss = original_boss = # Fixup save/quit and death warping entrance IDs on bosses. for address in new_boss['patch_addresses']: rom.write_int16(address, original_boss['dungeon_index']) # Update blue warps. # If dungeons are shuffled, we'll this in the next step -- that's fine. copy_entrance_record(original_boss['exit_index'], new_boss['exit_blue_warp'], 2) copy_entrance_record(original_boss['exit_blue_warp'] + 2, new_boss['exit_blue_warp'] + 2, 2) # If dungeons are shuffled but their bosses are moved, they're going to refer to the wrong blue warp # slots. Create a table to remap them for later. blue_warp_remaps[original_boss['exit_blue_warp']] = new_boss['exit_blue_warp'] # Boss shuffle done(?) for entrance in entrances: new_entrance = replaced_entrance = exit_updates.append((new_entrance['index'], replaced_entrance['index'])) for address in new_entrance.get('addresses', []): rom.write_int16(address, replaced_entrance['index']) patch_value = replaced_entrance.get('patch_value') if patch_value is not None: for address in new_entrance['patch_addresses']: rom.write_int16(address, patch_value) if "blue_warp" in new_entrance: blue_warp = new_entrance["blue_warp"] blue_warp = blue_warp_remaps.get(blue_warp, blue_warp) if "blue_warp" in replaced_entrance: blue_out_data = replaced_entrance["blue_warp"] else: blue_out_data = replaced_entrance["index"] # Blue warps have multiple hardcodes leading to them. The good news is # the blue warps (excluding deku sprout and lake fill special cases) each # have a nice consistent 4-entry in the table we can just shuffle. So just # catch all the hardcode with entrance table rewrite. This covers the # Forest temple and Water temple blue warp revisits. Deku sprout remains # vanilla as it never took you to the exit and the lake fill is handled # above by removing the cutscene completely. Child has problems with Adult # blue warps, so always use the return entrance if a child. copy_entrance_record(blue_out_data + 2, blue_warp + 2, 2) copy_entrance_record(replaced_entrance["index"], blue_warp, 2) exit_table = generate_exit_lookup_table() if world.disable_trade_revert: # Disable trade quest timers and prevent trade items from ever reverting rom.write_byte(rom.sym('DISABLE_TIMERS'), 0x01) rom.write_int16s(0xB6D460, [0x0030, 0x0035, 0x0036]) # Change trade items revert table to prevent all reverts if world.shuffle_overworld_entrances: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('OVERWORLD_SHUFFLED'), 1) # Prevent the ocarina cutscene from leading straight to hyrule field rom.write_byte(rom.sym('OCARINAS_SHUFFLED'), 1) # Combine all fence hopping LLR exits to lead to the main LLR exit for k in [0x028A, 0x028E, 0x0292]: # Southern, Western, Eastern Gates exit_table[0x01F9] += exit_table[k] # Hyrule Field entrance from Lon Lon Ranch (main land entrance) del exit_table[k] exit_table[0x01F9].append(0xD52722) # 0x0476, Front Gate # Combine the water exits between Hyrule Field and Zora River to lead to the land entrance instead of the water entrance exit_table[0x00EA] += exit_table[0x01D9] # Hyrule Field -> Zora River exit_table[0x0181] += exit_table[0x0311] # Zora River -> Hyrule Field del exit_table[0x01D9] del exit_table[0x0311] # Change Impa escorts to bring link at the hyrule castle grounds entrance from market, instead of hyrule field rom.write_int16(0xACAA2E, 0x0138) # 1st Impa escort rom.write_int16(0xD12D6E, 0x0138) # 2nd+ Impa escort if world.shuffle_dungeon_entrances: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('DUNGEONS_SHUFFLED'), 1) # Connect lake hylia fill exit to revisit exit rom.write_int16(0xAC995A, 0x060C) # Tell the well water we are always a child. rom.write_int32(0xDD5BF4, 0x00000000) # Make the Adult well blocking stone dissappear if the well has been drained by # checking the well drain event flag instead of links age. This actor doesn't need a # code check for links age as the stone is absent for child via the scene alternate # lists. So replace the age logic with drain logic. rom.write_int32(0xE2887C, rom.read_int32(0xE28870)) # relocate this to nop delay slot rom.write_int32(0xE2886C, 0x95CEB4B0) # lhu rom.write_int32(0xE28870, 0x31CE0080) # andi remove_entrance_blockers(rom) # Purge temp flags on entrance to spirit from colossus through the front door. rom.write_byte(0x021862E3, 0xC2) if (world.shuffle_overworld_entrances or world.shuffle_dungeon_entrances or world.shuffle_bosses != 'off'): # Remove deku sprout and drop player at SFM after forest completion rom.write_int16(0xAC9F96, 0x0608) if world.spawn_positions: # Fix save warping inside Link's House to not be a special case rom.write_int32(0xB06318, 0x00000000) # Set entrances to update, except grotto entrances which are handled on their own at a later point set_entrance_updates(filter(lambda entrance: entrance.type != 'Grotto', world.get_shuffled_entrances())) for k, v in [(k,v) for k, v in exit_updates if k in exit_table]: for addr in exit_table[k]: rom.write_int16(addr, v) # Fix text for Pocket Cucco. rom.write_byte(0xBEEF45, 0x0B) # Fix stupid alcove cameras in Ice Cavern -- thanks to krim and mzx for the help rom.write_byte(0x2BECA25,0x01) rom.write_byte(0x2BECA2D,0x01) configure_dungeon_info(rom, world) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('CFG_FILE_SELECT_HASH'), world.file_hash) save_context = SaveContext() # Initial Save Data if not world.useful_cutscenes and ('Forest Temple' not in world.dungeon_shortcuts): save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x03 * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x0, 0x08) # Forest Temple switch flag (Poe Sisters cutscene) if 'Deku Tree' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Deku Tree, flags are the same between vanilla/MQ save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DEKU_TREE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x01) # Deku Block down save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DEKU_TREE, FlagType.CLEAR, 0x2, 0x02) # Deku 231/312 save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DEKU_TREE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x20) # Deku 1st Web save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DEKU_TREE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x40) # Deku 2nd Web if 'Dodongos Cavern' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Dodongo's Cavern, flags are the same between vanilla/MQ save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DODONGOS_CAVERN, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x80) # DC Entrance Mud Wall save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DODONGOS_CAVERN, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x04) # DC Mouth # Extra permanent flag in MQ for the child route if world.dungeon_mq['Dodongos Cavern']: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DODONGOS_CAVERN, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x02) # Armos wall switch if 'Jabu Jabus Belly' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Jabu if not world.dungeon_mq['Jabu Jabus Belly']: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.JABU_JABU, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x20) # Jabu Pathway down else: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.JABU_JABU, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x20) # Jabu Lobby Slingshot Door open save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.JABU_JABU, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x20) # Jabu Pathway down save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.JABU_JABU, FlagType.CLEAR, 0x2, 0x01) # Jabu Red Slimy Thing defeated save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.JABU_JABU, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x2, 0x08) # Jabu Red Slimy Thing not in front of boss lobby save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.JABU_JABU, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x10) # Jabu Boss Door Switch Activated if 'Forest Temple' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Forest, flags are the same between vanilla/MQ save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.FOREST_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x10) # Forest Elevator up save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.FOREST_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x01 + 0x02 + 0x04) # Forest Basement Puzzle Done if 'Fire Temple' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Fire, flags are the same between vanilla/MQ save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.FIRE_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x2, 0x40) # Fire Pillar down if 'Spirit Temple' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Spirit if not world.dungeon_mq['Spirit Temple']: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SPIRIT_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x80) # Spirit Chains save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SPIRIT_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x2, 0x02 + 0x08 + 0x10) # Spirit main room elevator (N block, Rusted Switch, E block) save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SPIRIT_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x10) # Spirit Face else: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SPIRIT_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x2, 0x10) # Spirit Bombchu Boulder save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SPIRIT_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x2, 0x02) # Spirit Silver Block save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SPIRIT_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x80) # Spirit Chains save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SPIRIT_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x10) # Spirit Face if 'Shadow Temple' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Shadow if not world.dungeon_mq['Shadow Temple']: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x08) # Shadow Truthspinner save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x20) # Shadow Boat Block save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x01) # Shadow Bird Bridge else: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x2, 0x08) # Shadow Truthspinner save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x20) # Shadow Fire Arrow Platform save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x80) # Shadow Spinning Blades room Skulltulas defeated save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.CLEAR, 0x3, 0x40) # Shadow Spinning Blades room Skulltulas defeated save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x20) # Shadow Boat Block save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.SHADOW_TEMPLE, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x01) # Shadow Bird Bridge if world.region_has_shortcuts('King Dodongo Boss Room'): save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.KING_DODONGO_LOBBY, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x02) # DC Boss Floor set_spirit_shortcut_actors(rom) # Change elevator starting position to avoid waiting a half cycle from the temple entrance if world.plant_beans: save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.GRAVEYARD, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x08) # Plant Graveyard bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.ZORAS_RIVER, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x08) # Plant Zora's River bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.KOKIRI_FOREST, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x2, 0x02) # Plant Kokiri Forest bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.LAKE_HYLIA, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x02) # Plant Lake Hylia bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.GERUDO_VALLEY, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x08) # Plant Gerudo Valley bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.LOST_WOODS, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x10) # Plant Lost Woods bridge bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.LOST_WOODS, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x1, 0x04) # Plant Lost Woods theater bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DESERT_COLOSSUS, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x0, 0x1) # Plant Desert Colossus bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DEATH_MOUNTAIN_TRAIL, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x40) # Plant Death Mountain Trail bean save_context.write_permanent_flag(Scenes.DEATH_MOUNTAIN_CRATER, FlagType.SWITCH, 0x3, 0x08) # Plant Death Mountain Crater bean save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x05 * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x1, 0x01) # Water temple switch flag (Ruto) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x51 * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x2, 0x08) # Hyrule Field switch flag (Owl) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x55 * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x0, 0x80) # Kokiri Forest switch flag (Owl) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x56 * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x2, 0x40) # Sacred Forest Meadow switch flag (Owl) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x5B * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x2, 0x01) # Lost Woods switch flag (Owl) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x5B * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x3, 0x80) # Lost Woods switch flag (Owl) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x5C * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x0, 0x80) # Desert Colossus switch flag (Owl) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x5F * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x3, 0x20) # Hyrule Castle switch flag (Owl) save_context.write_bits(0x0ED4, 0x10) # "Met Deku Tree" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED5, 0x20) # "Deku Tree Opened Mouth" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED6, 0x08) # "Rented Horse From Ingo" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED6, 0x10) # "Spoke to Mido After Deku Tree's Death" save_context.write_bits(0x0EDA, 0x08) # "Began Nabooru Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EDC, 0x80) # "Entered the Master Sword Chamber" save_context.write_bits(0x0EDD, 0x20) # "Pulled Master Sword from Pedestal" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE0, 0x80) # "Spoke to Kaepora Gaebora by Lost Woods" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE7, 0x20) # "Nabooru Captured by Twinrova" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE7, 0x10) # "Spoke to Nabooru in Spirit Temple" save_context.write_bits(0x0EED, 0x20) # "Sheik, Spawned at Master Sword Pedestal as Adult" save_context.write_bits(0x0EED, 0x01) # "Nabooru Ordered to Fight by Twinrova" save_context.write_bits(0x0EED, 0x80) # "Watched Ganon's Tower Collapse / Caught by Gerudo" save_context.write_bits(0x0EF9, 0x01) # "Greeted by Saria" save_context.write_bits(0x0F0A, 0x04) # "Spoke to Ingo Once as Adult" save_context.write_bits(0x0F0F, 0x40) # "Met Poe Collector in Ruined Market" if not world.useful_cutscenes: save_context.write_bits(0x0F1A, 0x04) # "Met Darunia in Fire Temple" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED7, 0x01) # "Spoke to Child Malon at Castle or Market" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED7, 0x20) # "Spoke to Child Malon at Ranch" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED7, 0x40) # "Invited to Sing With Child Malon" save_context.write_bits(0x0F09, 0x10) # "Met Child Malon at Castle or Market" save_context.write_bits(0x0F09, 0x20) # "Child Malon Said Epona Was Scared of You" save_context.write_bits(0x0F21, 0x04) # "Ruto in JJ (M3) Talk First Time" save_context.write_bits(0x0F21, 0x02) # "Ruto in JJ (M2) Meet Ruto" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE2, 0x01) # "Began Ganondorf Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x80) # "Began Bongo Bongo Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x40) # "Began Barinade Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x20) # "Began Twinrova Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x10) # "Began Morpha Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x08) # "Began Volvagia Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x04) # "Began Phantom Ganon Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x02) # "Began King Dodongo Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE3, 0x01) # "Began Gohma Battle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE8, 0x01) # "Entered Deku Tree" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE9, 0x80) # "Entered Temple of Time" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE9, 0x40) # "Entered Goron City" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE9, 0x20) # "Entered Hyrule Castle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE9, 0x10) # "Entered Zora's Domain" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE9, 0x08) # "Entered Kakariko Village" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE9, 0x02) # "Entered Death Mountain Trail" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE9, 0x01) # "Entered Hyrule Field" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x04) # "Entered Ganon's Castle (Exterior)" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x02) # "Entered Death Mountain Crater" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x01) # "Entered Desert Colossus" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x80) # "Entered Zora's Fountain" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x40) # "Entered Graveyard" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x20) # "Entered Jabu-Jabu's Belly" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x10) # "Entered Lon Lon Ranch" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x08) # "Entered Gerudo's Fortress" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x04) # "Entered Gerudo Valley" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x02) # "Entered Lake Hylia" save_context.write_bits(0x0EEB, 0x01) # "Entered Dodongo's Cavern" save_context.write_bits(0x0F08, 0x08) # "Entered Hyrule Castle" if world.dungeon_mq['Shadow Temple']: save_context.write_bits(0x019F, 0x80) # "Turn On Clear Wall Blocking Hover Boots Room" # Set the number of chickens to collect rom.write_byte(0x00E1E523, world.chicken_count) # Change Anju to always say how many chickens are needed # Does not affect text for collecting item or afterwards rom.write_int16(0x00E1F3C2, 0x5036) rom.write_int16(0x00E1F3C4, 0x5036) rom.write_int16(0x00E1F3C6, 0x5036) rom.write_int16(0x00E1F3C8, 0x5036) rom.write_int16(0x00E1F3CA, 0x5036) rom.write_int16(0x00E1F3CC, 0x5036) # Make the Kakariko Gate not open with the MS if world.open_kakariko != 'open': rom.write_int32(0xDD3538, 0x34190000) # li t9, 0 if world.open_kakariko != 'closed': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('OPEN_KAKARIKO'), 1) if world.complete_mask_quest: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('COMPLETE_MASK_QUEST'), 1) if world.shuffle_child_trade == 'skip_child_zelda': save_context.give_item(world, 'Zeldas Letter') # Archipelago forces this item to be local so it can always be given to the player. Usually it's a song so it's no problem. item = world.get_location('Song from Impa').item save_context.give_item(world, if == 'Slingshot': save_context.give_item(world, "Deku Seeds (30)") elif == 'Bow': save_context.give_item(world, "Arrows (30)") elif == 'Bomb Bag': save_context.give_item(world, "Bombs (20)") save_context.write_bits(0x0ED7, 0x04) # "Obtained Malon's Item" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED7, 0x08) # "Woke Talon in castle" save_context.write_bits(0x0ED7, 0x10) # "Talon has fled castle" save_context.write_bits(0x0EDD, 0x01) # "Obtained Zelda's Letter" save_context.write_bits(0x0EDE, 0x02) # "Learned Zelda's Lullaby" save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x5F * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x3, 0x10) # "Moved crates to access the courtyard" if world.open_kakariko != 'closed': save_context.write_bits(0x0F07, 0x40) # "Spoke to Gate Guard About Mask Shop" if world.complete_mask_quest: save_context.write_bits(0x0F07, 0x80) # "Soldier Wears Keaton Mask" save_context.write_bits(0x0EF6, 0x8F) # "Sold Masks & Unlocked Masks" / "Obtained Mask of Truth" save_context.write_bits(0x0EE4, 0xF0) # "Paid Back Mask Fees" if world.zora_fountain == 'open': save_context.write_bits(0x0EDB, 0x08) # "Moved King Zora" elif world.zora_fountain == 'adult': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('MOVED_ADULT_KING_ZORA'), 1) # Make all chest opening animations fast rom.write_byte(rom.sym('FAST_CHESTS'), int(world.fast_chests)) # Set up Rainbow Bridge conditions symbol = rom.sym('RAINBOW_BRIDGE_CONDITION') count_symbol = rom.sym('RAINBOW_BRIDGE_COUNT') if world.bridge == 'open': rom.write_int32(symbol, 0) save_context.write_bits(0xEDC, 0x20) # "Rainbow Bridge Built by Sages" elif world.bridge == 'medallions': rom.write_int32(symbol, 1) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.bridge_medallions) elif world.bridge == 'dungeons': rom.write_int32(symbol, 2) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.bridge_rewards) elif world.bridge == 'stones': rom.write_int32(symbol, 3) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.bridge_stones) elif world.bridge == 'vanilla': rom.write_int32(symbol, 4) elif world.bridge == 'tokens': rom.write_int32(symbol, 5) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.bridge_tokens) elif world.bridge == 'hearts': rom.write_int32(symbol, 6) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.bridge_hearts * 0x10) if world.triforce_hunt: rom.write_int16(rom.sym('TRIFORCE_PIECES_REQUIRED'), world.triforce_goal) rom.write_int16(rom.sym('TRIFORCE_HUNT_ENABLED'), 1) # Set up Ganon's Boss Key conditions. symbol = rom.sym('GANON_BOSS_KEY_CONDITION') count_symbol = rom.sym('GANON_BOSS_KEY_CONDITION_COUNT') if world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'medallions': rom.write_byte(symbol, 1) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.ganon_bosskey_medallions) elif world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'dungeons': rom.write_byte(symbol, 2) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.ganon_bosskey_rewards) elif world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'stones': rom.write_byte(symbol, 3) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.ganon_bosskey_stones) elif world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'tokens': rom.write_byte(symbol, 4) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.ganon_bosskey_tokens) elif world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'hearts': rom.write_byte(symbol, 5) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.ganon_bosskey_hearts * 0x10) else: rom.write_byte(symbol, 0) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, 0) # Set up LACS conditions. symbol = rom.sym('LACS_CONDITION') count_symbol = rom.sym('LACS_CONDITION_COUNT') if world.lacs_condition == 'medallions': rom.write_int32(symbol, 1) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.lacs_medallions) elif world.lacs_condition == 'dungeons': rom.write_int32(symbol, 2) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.lacs_rewards) elif world.lacs_condition == 'stones': rom.write_int32(symbol, 3) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.lacs_stones) elif world.lacs_condition == 'tokens': rom.write_int32(symbol, 4) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.lacs_tokens) elif world.lacs_condition == 'hearts': rom.write_int32(symbol, 5) rom.write_int16(count_symbol, world.lacs_hearts * 0x10) else: rom.write_int32(symbol, 0) if world.open_forest == 'open': save_context.write_bits(0xED5, 0x10) # "Showed Mido Sword & Shield" if world.open_door_of_time: save_context.write_bits(0xEDC, 0x08) # "Opened the Door of Time" # "fast-ganon" stuff symbol = rom.sym('NO_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE') if world.no_escape_sequence: rom.write_bytes(0xD82A12, [0x05, 0x17]) # Sets exit from Ganondorf fight to entrance to Ganon fight rom.write_bytes(0xB139A2, [0x05, 0x17]) # Sets Ganon deathwarp back to Ganon rom.write_byte(symbol, 0x01) else: rom.write_byte(symbol, 0x00) if world.skipped_trials['Forest']: save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x08) # "Completed Forest Trial" if world.skipped_trials['Fire']: save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x40) # "Completed Fire Trial" if world.skipped_trials['Water']: save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x10) # "Completed Water Trial" if world.skipped_trials['Spirit']: save_context.write_bits(0x0EE8, 0x20) # "Completed Spirit Trial" if world.skipped_trials['Shadow']: save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x20) # "Completed Shadow Trial" if world.skipped_trials['Light']: save_context.write_bits(0x0EEA, 0x80) # "Completed Light Trial" if world.trials == 0: save_context.write_bits(0x0EED, 0x08) # "Dispelled Ganon's Tower Barrier" # open gerudo fortress if world.gerudo_fortress == 'open': if not world.shuffle_gerudo_card: save_context.write_bits(0x00A5, 0x40) # Give Gerudo Card save_context.write_bits(0x0EE7, 0x0F) # Free all 4 carpenters save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x1, 0x0F) # Thieves' Hideout switch flags (started all fights) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x2, 0x01) # Thieves' Hideout switch flags (heard yells/unlocked doors) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x3, 0xFE) # Thieves' Hideout switch flags (heard yells/unlocked doors) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x0C + 0x2, 0xD4) # Thieves' Hideout collection flags (picked up keys, marks fights finished as well) elif world.gerudo_fortress == 'fast': save_context.write_bits(0x0EE7, 0x0E) # Free 3 carpenters save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x1, 0x0D) # Thieves' Hideout switch flags (started all fights) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x2, 0x01) # Thieves' Hideout switch flags (heard yells/unlocked doors) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x04 + 0x3, 0xDC) # Thieves' Hideout switch flags (heard yells/unlocked doors) save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x0C * 0x1C + 0x0C + 0x2, 0xC4) # Thieves' Hideout collection flags (picked up keys, marks fights finished as well) # Add a gate opening guard on the Wasteland side of the Gerudo Fortress' gate # Overrides the generic guard at the bottom of the ladder in Gerudo Fortress new_gate_opening_guard = [0x0138, 0xFAC8, 0x005D, 0xF448, 0x0000, 0x95B0, 0x0000, 0x0301] rom.write_int16s(0x21BD3EC, new_gate_opening_guard) # Adult Day rom.write_int16s(0x21BD62C, new_gate_opening_guard) # Adult Night # start with maps/compasses if world.shuffle_mapcompass == 'startwith': for dungeon in ['deku', 'dodongo', 'jabu', 'forest', 'fire', 'water', 'spirit', 'shadow', 'botw', 'ice']: save_context.addresses['dungeon_items'][dungeon]['compass'].value = True save_context.addresses['dungeon_items'][dungeon]['map'].value = True if world.shuffle_smallkeys == 'vanilla': if world.dungeon_mq['Spirit Temple']: save_context.addresses['keys']['spirit'].value = 3 if 'Shadow Temple' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: save_context.addresses['keys']['shadow'].value = 2 if world.start_with_rupees: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('MAX_RUPEES'), 0x01) # Set starting time of day if world.starting_tod != 'default': tod = { 'sunrise': 0x4555, 'morning': 0x6000, 'noon': 0x8001, 'afternoon': 0xA000, 'sunset': 0xC001, 'evening': 0xE000, 'midnight': 0x0000, 'witching-hour': 0x2000, } save_context.addresses['time_of_day'].value = tod[world.starting_tod] if world.starting_age == 'adult': save_context.addresses['link_age'].value = False # Set link's age to adult save_context.addresses['scene_index'].value = 0x43 # Set the scene index to Temple of Time save_context.addresses['equip_items']['master_sword'].value = True # Equip Master Sword by default save_context.addresses['equip_items']['kokiri_tunic'].value = True # Equip Kokiri Tunic & Kokiri Boots by default save_context.addresses['equip_items']['kokiri_boots'].value = True # (to avoid issues when going back child for the first time) save_context.write_byte(0x0F33, 0x00) # Unset Swordless Flag (to avoid issues with sword getting unequipped) # For Inventory_SwapAgeEquipment going child -> adult: # Change range in which items are read from slot instead of items # Extended to include hookshot and ocarina rom.write_byte(0xAE5867, 0x07) # >= ITEM_OCARINA_FAIRY rom.write_byte(0xAE5873, 0x0C) # <= ITEM_LONGSHOT rom.write_byte(0xAE587B, 0x14) # >= ITEM_BOTTLE # Revert change that Skips the Epona Race if not world.no_epona_race: rom.write_int32(0xA9E838, 0x03E00008) else: save_context.write_bits(0xF0E, 0x01) # Set talked to Malon flag # skip castle guard stealth sequence if world.no_guard_stealth: # change the exit at child/day crawlspace to the end of zelda's goddess cutscene rom.write_bytes(0x21F60DE, [0x05, 0xF0]) # patch mq scenes mq_scenes = [] if world.dungeon_mq['Deku Tree']: mq_scenes.append(0) if world.dungeon_mq['Dodongos Cavern']: mq_scenes.append(1) if world.dungeon_mq['Jabu Jabus Belly']: mq_scenes.append(2) if world.dungeon_mq['Forest Temple']: mq_scenes.append(3) if world.dungeon_mq['Fire Temple']: mq_scenes.append(4) if world.dungeon_mq['Water Temple']: mq_scenes.append(5) if world.dungeon_mq['Spirit Temple']: mq_scenes.append(6) if world.dungeon_mq['Shadow Temple']: mq_scenes.append(7) if world.dungeon_mq['Bottom of the Well']: mq_scenes.append(8) if world.dungeon_mq['Ice Cavern']: mq_scenes.append(9) # Scene 10 has no layout changes, so it doesn't need to be patched if world.dungeon_mq['Gerudo Training Ground']: mq_scenes.append(11) if world.dungeon_mq['Ganons Castle']: mq_scenes.append(13) patch_files(rom, mq_scenes) ### Load Shop File # Move shop actor file to free space shop_item_file = File({ 'Name':'En_GirlA', 'Start':'00C004E0', 'End':'00C02E00', }) shop_item_file.relocate(rom) # Increase the shop item table size shop_item_vram_start = rom.read_int32(0x00B5E490 + (0x20 * 4) + 0x08) insert_space(rom, shop_item_file, shop_item_vram_start, 1, 0x3C + (0x20 * 50), 0x20 * 50) # Add relocation entries for shop item table new_relocations = [] for i in range(50, 100): new_relocations.append(shop_item_file.start + 0x1DEC + (i * 0x20) + 0x04) new_relocations.append(shop_item_file.start + 0x1DEC + (i * 0x20) + 0x14) new_relocations.append(shop_item_file.start + 0x1DEC + (i * 0x20) + 0x1C) add_relocations(rom, shop_item_file, new_relocations) # update actor table rom.write_int32s(0x00B5E490 + (0x20 * 4), [shop_item_file.start, shop_item_file.end, shop_item_vram_start, shop_item_vram_start + (shop_item_file.end - shop_item_file.start)]) # Update DMA Table update_dmadata(rom, shop_item_file) # Create 2nd Bazaar Room bazaar_room_file = File({ 'Name':'shop1_room_1', 'Start':'028E4000', 'End':'0290D7B0', }) bazaar_room_file.copy(rom) # Add new Bazaar Room to Bazaar Scene rom.write_int32s(0x28E3030, [0x00010000, 0x02000058]) #reduce position list size rom.write_int32s(0x28E3008, [0x04020000, 0x02000070]) #expand room list size rom.write_int32s(0x28E3070, [0x028E4000, 0x0290D7B0, bazaar_room_file.start, bazaar_room_file.end]) #room list rom.write_int16s(0x28E3080, [0x0000, 0x0001]) # entrance list rom.write_int16(0x28E4076, 0x0005) # Change shop to Kakariko Bazaar #rom.write_int16(0x3489076, 0x0005) # Change shop to Kakariko Bazaar # Load Message and Shop Data messages = read_messages(rom) remove_unused_messages(messages) shop_items = read_shop_items(rom, shop_item_file.start + 0x1DEC) # Set Big Poe count to get reward from buyer poe_points = world.big_poe_count * 100 rom.write_int16(0xEE69CE, poe_points) # update dialogue new_message = "\x08Hey, young man. What's happening \x01today? If you have a \x05\x41Poe\x05\x40, I will \x01buy it.\x04\x1AIf you earn \x05\x41%d points\x05\x40, you'll\x01be a happy man! Heh heh.\x04\x08Your card now has \x05\x45\x1E\x01 \x05\x40points.\x01Come back again!\x01Heh heh heh!\x02" % poe_points update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70F5, new_message) if world.big_poe_count != 10: new_message = "\x1AOh, you brought a Poe today!\x04\x1AHmmmm!\x04\x1AVery interesting!\x01This is a \x05\x41Big Poe\x05\x40!\x04\x1AI'll buy it for \x05\x4150 Rupees\x05\x40.\x04On top of that, I'll put \x05\x41100\x01points \x05\x40on your card.\x04\x1AIf you earn \x05\x41%d points\x05\x40, you'll\x01be a happy man! Heh heh." % poe_points update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70f7, new_message) new_message = "\x1AWait a minute! WOW!\x04\x1AYou have earned \x05\x41%d points\x05\x40!\x04\x1AYoung man, you are a genuine\x01\x05\x41Ghost Hunter\x05\x40!\x04\x1AIs that what you expected me to\x01say? Heh heh heh!\x04\x1ABecause of you, I have extra\x01inventory of \x05\x41Big Poes\x05\x40, so this will\x01be the last time I can buy a \x01ghost.\x04\x1AYou're thinking about what I \x01promised would happen when you\x01earned %d points. Heh heh.\x04\x1ADon't worry, I didn't forget.\x01Just take this." % (poe_points, poe_points) update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70f8, new_message) # Update Child Anju's dialogue new_message = "\x08What should I do!?\x01My \x05\x41Cuccos\x05\x40 have all flown away!\x04You, little boy, please!\x01Please gather at least \x05\x41%d Cuccos\x05\x40\x01for me.\x02" % world.chicken_count update_message_by_id(messages, 0x5036, new_message) # Find an item location behind the Jabu boss door by searching regions breadth-first without going back into Jabu proper if world.logic_rules == 'glitched': location = world.get_location('Barinade') else: jabu_reward_regions = {world.get_entrance('Jabu Jabus Belly Boss Door -> Barinade Boss Room').connected_region} already_checked = set() location = None while jabu_reward_regions: locations = [ loc for region in jabu_reward_regions for loc in region.locations if loc.item is not None ] if locations: # Location types later in the list will be preferred over earlier ones or ones not in the list. # This ensures that if the region behind the boss door is a boss arena, the medallion or stone will be used. priority_types = ("GS Token", "GrottoScrub", "Scrub", "Shop", "NPC", "Collectable", "Freestanding", "ActorOverride", "RupeeTower", "Pot", "Crate", "FlyingPot", "SmallCrate", "Beehive", "Chest", "Cutscene", "Song", "BossHeart", "Boss") best_type = max((location.type for location in locations), key=lambda type: priority_types.index(type) if type in priority_types else -1) location = world.hint_rng.choice(list(filter(lambda loc: loc.type == best_type, locations))) break already_checked |= jabu_reward_regions jabu_reward_regions = [ exit.connected_region for region in jabu_reward_regions for exit in region.exits if exit.connected_region.dungeon != 'Jabu Jabus Belly' and not in already_checked ] if location is None: jabu_item = None reward_text = None elif getattr(location.item, 'looks_like_item', None) is not None: jabu_item = location.item.looks_like_item reward_text = create_fake_name(getHint(getItemGenericName(location.item.looks_like_item), True).text) else: jabu_item = location.item reward_text = getHint(getItemGenericName(location.item), True).text # Update "Princess Ruto got the Spiritual Stone!" text before the midboss in Jabu if reward_text is None: new_message = f"\x08Princess Ruto got \x01\x05\x43nothing\x05\x40!\x01Well, that's disappointing...\x02" else: reward_texts = { 'Kokiri Emerald': "the \x05\x42Kokiri Emerald\x05\x40", 'Goron Ruby': "the \x05\x41Goron Ruby\x05\x40", 'Zora Sapphire': "the \x05\x43Zora Sapphire\x05\x40", 'Forest Medallion': "the \x05\x42Forest Medallion\x05\x40", 'Fire Medallion': "the \x05\x41Fire Medallion\x05\x40", 'Water Medallion': "the \x05\x43Water Medallion\x05\x40", 'Spirit Medallion': "the \x05\x46Spirit Medallion\x05\x40", 'Shadow Medallion': "the \x05\x45Shadow Medallion\x05\x40", 'Light Medallion': "the \x05\x44Light Medallion\x05\x40", } reward_text = reward_texts.get(, f'\x05\x43{reward_text}\x05\x40') new_message = f"\x08Princess Ruto got \x01{reward_text}!\x01But why Princess Ruto?\x02" update_message_by_id(messages, 0x4050, new_message) # Set Dungeon Reward Actor in Jabu Jabu to be accurate # Vanilla and MQ Jabu Jabu addresses are the same for this object and actor if location is not None: #TODO make actor invisible if no item? jabu_item = location.item jabu_stone_object = jabu_item.special['object_id'] rom.write_int16(0x277D068, jabu_stone_object) rom.write_int16(0x277D168, jabu_stone_object) jabu_stone_type = jabu_item.special['actor_type'] rom.write_byte(0x277D0BB, jabu_stone_type) rom.write_byte(0x277D19B, jabu_stone_type) jabu_actor_type = jabu_item.special['actor_type'] set_jabu_stone_actors(rom, jabu_actor_type) # Also set the right object for the actor, since medallions and stones require different objects # MQ is handled separately, as we include both objects in the object list in mqu.json (Scene 2, Room 6) if not world.dungeon_mq['Jabu Jabus Belly']: rom.write_int16(0x277D068, jabu_stone_object) rom.write_int16(0x277D168, jabu_stone_object) # use faster jabu elevator if not world.dungeon_mq['Jabu Jabus Belly'] and world.shuffle_scrubs == 'off': symbol = rom.sym('JABU_ELEVATOR_ENABLE') rom.write_byte(symbol, 0x01) if world.skip_some_minigame_phases: save_context.write_bits(0x00D4 + 0x48 * 0x1C + 0x08 + 0x3, 0x10) # Beat First Dampe Race (& Chest Spawned) rom.write_byte(rom.sym('CHAIN_HBA_REWARDS'), 1) # Update the first horseback archery text to make it clear both rewards are available from the start update_message_by_id(messages, 0x6040, "Hey newcomer, you have a fine \x01horse!\x04I don't know where you stole \x01it from, but...\x04OK, how about challenging this \x01\x05\x41horseback archery\x05\x40?\x04Once the horse starts galloping,\x01shoot the targets with your\x01arrows. \x04Let's see how many points you \x01can score. You get 20 arrows.\x04If you can score \x05\x411,000 points\x05\x40, I will \x01give you something good! And even \x01more if you score \x05\x411,500 points\x05\x40!\x0B\x02") # Sets hooks for gossip stone changes symbol = rom.sym("GOSSIP_HINT_CONDITION"); if world.hints == 'none': rom.write_int32(symbol, 0) else: writeGossipStoneHints(world, messages) if world.hints == 'mask': rom.write_int32(symbol, 0) elif world.hints == 'always': rom.write_int32(symbol, 2) else: rom.write_int32(symbol, 1) # build silly ganon lines if 'ganondorf' in world.misc_hints: buildGanonText(world, messages) # build misc. item hints buildMiscItemHints(world, messages) # build misc. location hints buildMiscLocationHints(world, messages) # Patch freestanding items if world.shuffle_freestanding_items: # Get freestanding item locations actor_override_locations = [location for location in world.get_locations() if location.disabled == DisableType.ENABLED and location.type == 'ActorOverride'] rupeetower_locations = [location for location in world.get_locations() if location.disabled == DisableType.ENABLED and location.type == 'RupeeTower'] for location in actor_override_locations: patch_actor_override(location, rom) for location in rupeetower_locations: patch_rupee_tower(location, rom) # Write flag table data collectible_flag_table, alt_list = get_collectible_flag_table(world) collectible_flag_table_bytes, num_collectible_flags = get_collectible_flag_table_bytes(collectible_flag_table) alt_list_bytes = get_alt_list_bytes(alt_list) if(len(collectible_flag_table_bytes) > 600): raise(RuntimeError(f'Exceeded collectible override table size: {len(collectible_flag_table_bytes)}')) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('collectible_scene_flags_table'), collectible_flag_table_bytes) num_collectible_flags += num_collectible_flags % 8 rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('num_override_flags'), num_collectible_flags.to_bytes(2, 'big')) if(len(alt_list) > 64): raise(RuntimeError(f'Exceeded alt override table size: {len(alt_list)}')) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('alt_overrides'), alt_list_bytes) # Gather addresses and bitflags for client world.collectible_override_flags = rom.sym('collectible_override_flags') - rom.sym('RANDO_CONTEXT') world.collectible_flag_offsets = get_collectible_flag_addresses(world, collectible_flag_table_bytes) world.collectible_flags_available.set() # Write item overrides # check_location_dupes(world) override_table = get_override_table(world) if len(override_table) >= 1536: raise(RuntimeError(f'Exceeded override table size: {len(override_table)}')) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('cfg_item_overrides'), get_override_table_bytes(override_table)) rom.write_byte(rom.sym('PLAYER_ID'), min(world.player, 255)) # Write player ID rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('AP_PLAYER_NAME'), bytearray(world.connect_name, encoding='ascii')) if world.death_link: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('DEATH_LINK'), 0x01) rom.write_byte(rom.sym('MW_SEND_OWN_ITEMS'), 0x01) # Revert Song Get Override Injection if not songs_as_items: # general get song rom.write_int32(0xAE5DF8, 0x240200FF) rom.write_int32(0xAE5E04, 0xAD0F00A4) # requiem of spirit rom.write_int32s(0xAC9ABC, [0x3C010001, 0x00300821]) # sun song -- commented for AP to always set the relevant bit in event_chk_inf # rom.write_int32(0xE09F68, 0x8C6F00A4) # rom.write_int32(0xE09F74, 0x01CFC024) # rom.write_int32(0xE09FB0, 0x240F0001) # song of time rom.write_int32(0xDB532C, 0x24050003) # Set damage multiplier if world.damage_multiplier == 'half': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('CFG_DAMAGE_MULTIPLYER'), 0xFF) if world.damage_multiplier == 'normal': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('CFG_DAMAGE_MULTIPLYER'), 0) if world.damage_multiplier == 'double': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('CFG_DAMAGE_MULTIPLYER'), 1) if world.damage_multiplier == 'quadruple': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('CFG_DAMAGE_MULTIPLYER'), 2) if world.damage_multiplier == 'ohko': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('CFG_DAMAGE_MULTIPLYER'), 3) if world.deadly_bonks != 'none': rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DEADLY_BONKS'), 1) if world.deadly_bonks == 'half': rom.write_int16(rom.sym('CFG_BONK_DAMAGE'), 0x0004) if world.deadly_bonks == 'normal': rom.write_int16(rom.sym('CFG_BONK_DAMAGE'), 0x0008) if world.deadly_bonks == 'double': rom.write_int16(rom.sym('CFG_BONK_DAMAGE'), 0x0010) if world.deadly_bonks == 'quadruple': rom.write_int16(rom.sym('CFG_BONK_DAMAGE'), 0x0020) if world.deadly_bonks == 'ohko': rom.write_int16(rom.sym('CFG_BONK_DAMAGE'), 0xFFFE) # Patch songs and boss rewards for location in world.multiworld.get_filled_locations(world.player): item = location.item special = item.special if == 'Ocarina of Time' else {} # this shouldn't matter hopefully locationaddress = location.address1 secondaryaddress = location.address2 if location.type == 'Song' and not songs_as_items: bit_mask_pointer = 0x8C34 + ((special['item_id'] - 0x65) * 4) rom.write_byte(locationaddress, special['song_id']) next_song_id = special['song_id'] + 0x0D rom.write_byte(secondaryaddress, next_song_id) if == 'Song from Impa': rom.write_byte(0x0D12ECB, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(0x2E8E931, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Song from Malon': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('MALON_TEXT_ID'), special['text_id']) elif == 'Song from Royal Familys Tomb': rom.write_int16(0xE09F66, bit_mask_pointer) rom.write_byte(0x332A87D, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Song from Saria': rom.write_byte(0x0E2A02B, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(0x20B1DBD, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Song from Ocarina of Time': rom.write_byte(0x252FC95, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Song from Windmill': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('WINDMILL_SONG_ID'), next_song_id) rom.write_byte(rom.sym('WINDMILL_TEXT_ID'), special['text_id']) elif == 'Sheik in Forest': rom.write_byte(0x0C7BAA3, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(0x20B0815, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Sheik at Temple': rom.write_byte(0x0C805EF, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(0x2531335, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Sheik in Crater': rom.write_byte(0x0C7BC57, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(0x224D7FD, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Sheik in Ice Cavern': rom.write_byte(0x0C7BD77, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(0x2BEC895, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Sheik in Kakariko': rom.write_byte(0x0AC9A5B, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(0x2000FED, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif == 'Sheik at Colossus': rom.write_byte(0x218C589, special['text_id']) #Fix text box elif location.type == 'Boss': if == 'Links Pocket': save_context.give_item(world, else: rom.write_byte(locationaddress, special['item_id']) rom.write_byte(secondaryaddress, special['addr2_data']) bit_mask_hi = special['bit_mask'] >> 16 bit_mask_lo = special['bit_mask'] & 0xFFFF if == 'Bongo Bongo': rom.write_int16(0xCA3F32, bit_mask_hi) rom.write_int16(0xCA3F36, bit_mask_lo) elif == 'Twinrova': rom.write_int16(0xCA3EA2, bit_mask_hi) rom.write_int16(0xCA3EA6, bit_mask_lo) # add a cheaper bombchu pack to the bombchu shop # describe update_message_by_id(messages, 0x80FE, '\x08\x05\x41Bombchu (5 pieces) 60 Rupees\x01\x05\x40This looks like a toy mouse, but\x01it\'s actually a self-propelled time\x01bomb!\x09\x0A', 0x03) # purchase update_message_by_id(messages, 0x80FF, '\x08Bombchu 5 Pieces 60 Rupees\x01\x01\x1B\x05\x42Buy\x01Don\'t buy\x05\x40\x09', 0x03) rbl_bombchu = shop_items[0x0018] rbl_bombchu.price = 60 rbl_bombchu.pieces = 5 rbl_bombchu.get_item_id = 0x006A rbl_bombchu.description_message = 0x80FE rbl_bombchu.purchase_message = 0x80FF # Reduce 10 Pack Bombchus from 100 to 99 Rupees shop_items[0x0015].price = 99 shop_items[0x0019].price = 99 shop_items[0x001C].price = 99 update_message_by_id(messages, shop_items[0x001C].description_message, "\x08\x05\x41Bombchu (10 pieces) 99 Rupees\x01\x05\x40This looks like a toy mouse, but\x01it's actually a self-propelled time\x01bomb!\x09\x0A") update_message_by_id(messages, shop_items[0x001C].purchase_message, "\x08Bombchu 10 pieces 99 Rupees\x09\x01\x01\x1B\x05\x42Buy\x01Don't buy\x05\x40") shuffle_messages.shop_item_messages = [] # kokiri shop shop_locations = [location for location in world.get_region( 'KF Kokiri Shop').locations if location.type == 'Shop'] # Need to filter because of the freestanding item in KF Shop shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, shop_locations, True) shop_objs |= {0x00FC, 0x00B2, 0x0101, 0x0102, 0x00FD, 0x00C5} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(0x2587029, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(0x258702C, 0x0300F600) rom.write_int16s(0x2596600, list(shop_objs)) # kakariko bazaar shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, world.get_region('Kak Bazaar').locations) shop_objs |= {0x005B, 0x00B2, 0x00C5, 0x0107, 0x00C9, 0x016B} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(0x28E4029, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(0x28E402C, 0x03007A40) rom.write_int16s(0x28EBA40, list(shop_objs)) # castle town bazaar shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, world.get_region('Market Bazaar').locations) shop_objs |= {0x005B, 0x00B2, 0x00C5, 0x0107, 0x00C9, 0x016B} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(bazaar_room_file.start + 0x29, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(bazaar_room_file.start + 0x2C, 0x03007A40) rom.write_int16s(bazaar_room_file.start + 0x7A40, list(shop_objs)) # goron shop shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, world.get_region('GC Shop').locations) shop_objs |= {0x00C9, 0x00B2, 0x0103, 0x00AF} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(0x2D33029, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(0x2D3302C, 0x03004340) rom.write_int16s(0x2D37340, list(shop_objs)) # zora shop shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, world.get_region('ZD Shop').locations) shop_objs |= {0x005B, 0x00B2, 0x0104, 0x00FE} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(0x2D5B029, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(0x2D5B02C, 0x03004B40) rom.write_int16s(0x2D5FB40, list(shop_objs)) # kakariko potion shop shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, world.get_region('Kak Potion Shop Front').locations) shop_objs |= {0x0159, 0x00B2, 0x0175, 0x0122} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(0x2D83029, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(0x2D8302C, 0x0300A500) rom.write_int16s(0x2D8D500, list(shop_objs)) # market potion shop shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, world.get_region('Market Potion Shop').locations) shop_objs |= {0x0159, 0x00B2, 0x0175, 0x00C5, 0x010C, 0x016B} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(0x2DB0029, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(0x2DB002C, 0x03004E40) rom.write_int16s(0x2DB4E40, list(shop_objs)) # bombchu shop shop_objs = place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, world.get_region('Market Bombchu Shop').locations) shop_objs |= {0x0165, 0x00B2} # Shop objects rom.write_byte(0x2DD8029, len(shop_objs)) rom.write_int32(0x2DD802C, 0x03006A40) rom.write_int16s(0x2DDEA40, list(shop_objs)) # Scrub text stuff. def update_scrub_text(message, text_replacement, default_price, price, item_name=None): scrub_strip_text = ["some ", "1 piece ", "5 pieces ", "30 pieces "] for text in scrub_strip_text: message = message.replace(text.encode(), b'') message = message.replace(text_replacement[0].encode(), text_replacement[1].encode()) message = message.replace(b'they are', b'it is') if default_price != price: message = message.replace(('%d Rupees' % default_price).encode(), ('%d Rupees' % price).encode()) if item_name is not None: message = message.replace(b'mysterious item', item_name.encode()) return message single_item_scrubs = { 0x3E: world.get_location("HF Deku Scrub Grotto"), 0x77: world.get_location("LW Deku Scrub Near Bridge"), 0x79: world.get_location("LW Deku Scrub Grotto Front"), } scrub_message_dict = {} if world.shuffle_scrubs == 'off': # Revert Deku Scrubs changes rom.write_int32s(0xEBB85C, [ 0x24010002, # addiu at, zero, 2 0x3C038012, # lui v1, 0x8012 0x14410004, # bne v0, at, 0xd8 0x2463A5D0, # addiu v1, v1, -0x5a30 0x94790EF0])# lhu t9, 0xef0(v1) rom.write_int32(0xDF7CB0, 0xA44F0EF0) # sh t7, 0xef0(v0) # Replace scrub text for 3 default shuffled scrubs. for (scrub_item, default_price, text_id, text_replacement) in business_scrubs: if scrub_item not in single_item_scrubs.keys(): continue scrub_message_dict[text_id] = update_scrub_text(get_message_by_id(messages, text_id).raw_text, text_replacement, default_price, default_price) else: # Rebuild Business Scrub Item Table rom.seek_address(0xDF8684) for (scrub_item, default_price, text_id, text_replacement) in business_scrubs: price = world.scrub_prices[scrub_item] rom.write_int16(None, price) # Price rom.write_int16(None, 1) # Count rom.write_int32(None, scrub_item) # Item rom.write_int32(None, 0x80A74FF8) # Can_Buy_Func rom.write_int32(None, 0x80A75354) # Buy_Func scrub_message_dict[text_id] = update_scrub_text(get_message_by_id(messages, text_id).raw_text, text_replacement, default_price, price) # update actor IDs set_deku_salesman_data(rom) # Update scrub messages. shuffle_messages.scrubs_message_ids = [] for text_id, message in scrub_message_dict.items(): update_message_by_id(messages, text_id, message) if world.shuffle_scrubs == 'random': shuffle_messages.scrubs_message_ids.append(text_id) if world.shuffle_grotto_entrances: # Build the Grotto Load Table based on grotto entrance data for entrance in world.get_shuffled_entrances(type='Grotto'): if entrance.primary: load_table_pointer = rom.sym('GROTTO_LOAD_TABLE') + 4 *['grotto_id'] rom.write_int16(load_table_pointer,['entrance']) rom.write_byte(load_table_pointer + 2,['content']) # Update grotto actors based on their new entrance set_grotto_shuffle_data(rom, world) if world.shuffle_cows: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SHUFFLE_COWS'), 0x01) # Move some cows because they are too close from each other in vanilla rom.write_bytes(0x33650CA, [0xFE, 0xD3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4A, 0x34]) # LLR Tower right cow rom.write_bytes(0x2C550AE, [0x00, 0x82]) # LLR Stable right cow set_cow_id_data(rom, world) if world.shuffle_beans: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SHUFFLE_BEANS'), 0x01) # Update bean salesman messages to better fit the fact that he sells a randomized item update_message_by_id(messages, 0x405E, "\x1AChomp chomp chomp...\x01We have... \x05\x41a mysterious item\x05\x40! \x01Do you want it...huh? Huh?\x04\x05\x41\x0860 Rupees\x05\x40 and it's yours!\x01Keyahahah!\x01\x1B\x05\x42Yes\x01No\x05\x40\x02") update_message_by_id(messages, 0x4069, "You don't have enough money.\x01I can't sell it to you.\x01Chomp chomp...\x02") update_message_by_id(messages, 0x406C, "We hope you like it!\x01Chomp chomp chomp.\x02") # Change first magic bean to cost 60 (is used as the price for the one time item when beans are shuffled) rom.write_byte(0xE209FD, 0x3C) if world.shuffle_medigoron_carpet_salesman: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SHUFFLE_CARPET_SALESMAN'), 0x01) # Update carpet salesman messages to better fit the fact that he sells a randomized item update_message_by_id(messages, 0x6077, "\x06\x41Well Come!\x04I am selling stuff, strange and \x01rare, from all over the world to \x01everybody.\x01Today's special is...\x04A mysterious item! \x01Intriguing! \x01I won't tell you what it is until \x01I see the money....\x04How about \x05\x41200 Rupees\x05\x40?\x01\x01\x1B\x05\x42Buy\x01Don't buy\x05\x40\x02") update_message_by_id(messages, 0x6078, "Thank you very much!\x04The mark that will lead you to\x01the Spirit Temple is the \x05\x41flag on\x01the left \x05\x40outside the shop.\x01Be seeing you!\x02") rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SHUFFLE_MEDIGORON'), 0x01) # Update medigoron messages to better fit the fact that he sells a randomized item update_message_by_id(messages, 0x304C, "I have something cool right here.\x01How about it...\x07\x30\x4F\x02") update_message_by_id(messages, 0x304D, "How do you like it?\x02") update_message_by_id(messages, 0x304F, "How about buying this cool item for \x01200 Rupees?\x01\x1B\x05\x42Buy\x01Don't buy\x05\x40\x02") if world.shuffle_pots != 'off': # Update the first BK door in ganon's castle to use a separate flag so it can be unlocked to get to the pots patch_ganons_tower_bk_door(rom, 0x15) # Using flag 0x15 for the door. GBK doors normally use 0x14. locked_doors = get_doors_to_unlock(rom, world) for _, [door_byte, door_bits] in locked_doors.items(): save_context.write_bits(door_byte, door_bits) # Fix chest animations BROWN_CHEST = 0 GOLD_CHEST = 2 GILDED_CHEST = 12 SILVER_CHEST = 13 SKULL_CHEST_SMALL = 14 SKULL_CHEST_BIG = 15 if world.bombchus_in_logic or world.minor_items_as_major_chest: bombchu_ids = [0x6A, 0x03, 0x6B] for i in bombchu_ids: item = read_rom_item(rom, i) item['chest_type'] = GILDED_CHEST write_rom_item(rom, i, item) if world.bridge == 'tokens' or world.lacs_condition == 'tokens' or world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'tokens': item = read_rom_item(rom, 0x5B) item['chest_type'] = SKULL_CHEST_BIG write_rom_item(rom, 0x5B, item) if world.bridge == 'hearts' or world.lacs_condition == 'hearts' or world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'hearts': heart_ids = [0x3D, 0x3E, 0x76] for i in heart_ids: item = read_rom_item(rom, i) item['chest_type'] = GILDED_CHEST write_rom_item(rom, i, item) if world.minor_items_as_major_chest: # Deku item = read_rom_item(rom, 0x29) item['chest_type'] = GILDED_CHEST write_rom_item(rom, 0x29, item) # Hylian item = read_rom_item(rom, 0x2A) item['chest_type'] = GILDED_CHEST write_rom_item(rom, 0x2A, item) # Update chest type appearance if world.correct_chest_appearances == 'textures': symbol = rom.sym('CHEST_TEXTURE_MATCH_CONTENTS') rom.write_int32(symbol, 0x00000001) if world.correct_chest_appearances == 'classic': symbol = rom.sym('CHEST_SIZE_MATCH_CONTENTS') rom.write_int32(symbol, 0x00000001) if world.correct_chest_appearances == 'both': symbol = rom.sym('CHEST_SIZE_TEXTURE') rom.write_int32(symbol, 0x00000001) # Move Ganon's Castle's Zelda's Lullaby Chest back so is reachable if large if world.correct_chest_appearances == 'classic' or world.correct_chest_appearances == 'both': if not world.dungeon_mq['Ganons Castle']: chest_name = 'Ganons Castle Light Trial Lullaby Chest' location = world.get_location(chest_name) if not location.item.trap: if == 'Ocarina of Time': item = read_rom_item(rom, location.item.index) else: item = read_rom_item(rom, AP_PROGRESSION if location.item.advancement else AP_JUNK) else: looks_like_index = get_override_entry(world, location)[5] item = read_rom_item(rom, looks_like_index) if item['chest_type'] in (GOLD_CHEST, GILDED_CHEST, SKULL_CHEST_BIG): rom.write_int16(0x321B176, 0xFC40) # original 0xFC48 # Move Spirit Temple Compass Chest if it is a small chest so it is reachable with hookshot if not world.dungeon_mq['Spirit Temple']: chest_name = 'Spirit Temple Compass Chest' chest_address = 0x2B6B07C location = world.get_location(chest_name) if not location.item.trap: if == 'Ocarina of Time': item = read_rom_item(rom, location.item.index) else: item = read_rom_item(rom, AP_PROGRESSION if location.item.advancement else AP_JUNK) else: looks_like_index = get_override_entry(world, location)[5] item = read_rom_item(rom, looks_like_index) if item['chest_type'] in (BROWN_CHEST, SILVER_CHEST, SKULL_CHEST_SMALL): rom.write_int16(chest_address + 2, 0x0190) # X pos rom.write_int16(chest_address + 6, 0xFABC) # Z pos # Move Silver Gauntlets chest if it is small so it is reachable from Spirit Hover Seam if world.logic_rules != 'glitchless': chest_name = 'Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest' chest_address_0 = 0x21A02D0 # Address in setup 0 chest_address_2 = 0x21A06E4 # Address in setup 2 location = world.get_location(chest_name) if not location.item.trap: if == 'Ocarina of Time': item = read_rom_item(rom, location.item.index) else: item = read_rom_item(rom, AP_PROGRESSION if location.item.advancement else AP_JUNK) else: looks_like_index = get_override_entry(world, location)[5] item = read_rom_item(rom, looks_like_index) if item['chest_type'] in (BROWN_CHEST, SILVER_CHEST, SKULL_CHEST_SMALL): rom.write_int16(chest_address_0 + 6, 0x0172) # Z pos rom.write_int16(chest_address_2 + 6, 0x0172) # Z pos # Make all chests invisible if world.invisible_chests: symbol = rom.sym('CHEST_LENS_ONLY') rom.write_int32(symbol, 0x00000001) # Update pot type appearance ptmc_options = { 'off': 0, 'textures_content' : 1, 'textures_unchecked': 2, } symbol = rom.sym('POTCRATE_TEXTURES_MATCH_CONTENTS') rom.write_byte(symbol, ptmc_options[world.correct_potcrate_appearances]) # give dungeon items the correct messages add_item_messages(messages, shop_items, world) if world.enhance_map_compass: reward_list = { 'Kokiri Emerald': "\x05\x42Kokiri Emerald\x05\x40", 'Goron Ruby': "\x05\x41Goron Ruby\x05\x40", 'Zora Sapphire': "\x05\x43Zora Sapphire\x05\x40", 'Forest Medallion': "\x05\x42Forest Medallion\x05\x40", 'Fire Medallion': "\x05\x41Fire Medallion\x05\x40", 'Water Medallion': "\x05\x43Water Medallion\x05\x40", 'Spirit Medallion': "\x05\x46Spirit Medallion\x05\x40", 'Shadow Medallion': "\x05\x45Shadow Medallion\x05\x40", 'Light Medallion': "\x05\x44Light Medallion\x05\x40", } dungeon_list = { # dungeon name boss name compass map 'Deku Tree': ("the \x05\x42Deku Tree", 'Queen Gohma', 0x62, 0x88), 'Dodongos Cavern': ("\x05\x41Dodongo\'s Cavern", 'King Dodongo', 0x63, 0x89), 'Jabu Jabus Belly': ("\x05\x43Jabu Jabu\'s Belly", 'Barinade', 0x64, 0x8a), 'Forest Temple': ("the \x05\x42Forest Temple", 'Phantom Ganon', 0x65, 0x8b), 'Fire Temple': ("the \x05\x41Fire Temple", 'Volvagia', 0x7c, 0x8c), 'Water Temple': ("the \x05\x43Water Temple", 'Morpha', 0x7d, 0x8e), 'Spirit Temple': ("the \x05\x46Spirit Temple", 'Twinrova', 0x7e, 0x8f), 'Ice Cavern': ("the \x05\x44Ice Cavern", None, 0x87, 0x92), 'Bottom of the Well': ("the \x05\x45Bottom of the Well", None, 0xa2, 0xa5), 'Shadow Temple': ("the \x05\x45Shadow Temple", 'Bongo Bongo', 0x7f, 0xa3), } for dungeon in world.dungeon_mq: if dungeon in ['Gerudo Training Ground', 'Ganons Castle']: pass elif dungeon in ['Bottom of the Well', 'Ice Cavern']: dungeon_name, boss_name, compass_id, map_id = dungeon_list[dungeon] if world.multiworld.players > 1: map_message = "\x13\x76\x08\x05\x42\x0F\x05\x40 found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for %s\x05\x40!\x09" % (dungeon_name) else: map_message = "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for %s\x05\x40!\x01It\'s %s!\x09" % (dungeon_name, "masterful" if world.dungeon_mq[dungeon] else "ordinary") if world.mq_dungeons_random or world.mq_dungeons_count != 0 and world.mq_dungeons_count != 12: update_message_by_id(messages, map_id, map_message) else: dungeon_name, boss_name, compass_id, map_id = dungeon_list[dungeon] if world.multiworld.players > 1: compass_message = "\x13\x75\x08\x05\x42\x0F\x05\x40 found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for %s\x05\x40!\x09" % (dungeon_name) elif world.shuffle_bosses != 'off': vanilla_reward = world.get_location(boss_name).vanilla_item vanilla_reward_location = world.multiworld.find_item(vanilla_reward, world.player) # hinted_dungeon_reward_locations[] area =, preposition=True) compass_message = "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for %s\x05\x40!\x01The %s can be found\x01%s!\x09" % (dungeon_name, vanilla_reward, area) else: boss_location = next(filter(lambda loc: loc.type == 'Boss', world.get_entrance(f'{dungeon} Boss Door -> {boss_name} Boss Room').connected_region.locations)) dungeon_reward = reward_list[] compass_message = "\x13\x75\x08You found the \x05\x41Compass\x05\x40\x01for %s\x05\x40!\x01It holds the %s!\x09" % (dungeon_name, dungeon_reward) update_message_by_id(messages, compass_id, compass_message) if world.mq_dungeons_random or world.mq_dungeons_count != 0 and world.mq_dungeons_count != 12: if world.multiworld.players > 1: map_message = "\x13\x76\x08\x05\x42\x0F\x05\x40 found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for %s\x05\x40!\x09" % (dungeon_name) else: map_message = "\x13\x76\x08You found the \x05\x41Dungeon Map\x05\x40\x01for %s\x05\x40!\x01It\'s %s!\x09" % (dungeon_name, "masterful" if world.dungeon_mq[dungeon] else "ordinary") update_message_by_id(messages, map_id, map_message) # Set hints on the altar inside ToT rom.write_int16(0xE2ADB2, 0x707A) rom.write_int16(0xE2ADB6, 0x7057) buildAltarHints(world, messages, include_rewards='altar' in world.misc_hints and not world.enhance_map_compass, include_wincons='altar' in world.misc_hints) # Fix Dead Hand spawn coordinates in vanilla shadow temple and bottom of the well to be the exact centre of the room # This prevents the extremely small possibility of Dead Hand spawning outside of collision if not world.dungeon_mq['Shadow Temple']: rom.write_int16(0x27DC0AE, 0xF67E) # x-coordinate spawn in shadow temple rom.write_int16(0x27DC0B2, 0xFE6B) # z-coordinate spawn in shadow temple if not world.dungeon_mq['Bottom of the Well']: rom.write_int16(0x32FB08E, 0x0500) # x-coordinate spawn in bottom of the well rom.write_int16(0x32FB092, 0x00D2) # z-coordinate spawn in bottom of the well # update happy mask shop to use new SOLD OUT text id rom.write_int16(shop_item_file.start + 0x1726, shop_items[0x26].description_message) # Add 3rd Wallet Upgrade rom.write_int16(0xB6D57E, 0x0003) rom.write_int16(0xB6EC52, 999) tycoon_message = "\x08\x13\x57You got a \x05\x43Tycoon's Wallet\x05\x40!\x01Now you can hold\x01up to \x05\x46999\x05\x40 \x05\x46Rupees\x05\x40." if world.multiworld.players > 1: tycoon_message = make_player_message(tycoon_message) update_message_by_id(messages, 0x00F8, tycoon_message, 0x23) write_shop_items(rom, shop_item_file.start + 0x1DEC, shop_items) # set end credits text to automatically fade without player input, # with timing depending on the number of lines in the text box for message_id in (0x706F, 0x7091, 0x7092, 0x7093, 0x7094, 0x7095): text_codes = [] chars_in_section = 1 for code in get_message_by_id(messages, message_id).text_codes: if code.code == 0x04: # box-break text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x0c, 80 + chars_in_section)) chars_in_section = 1 elif code.code == 0x02: # end text_codes.append(Text_Code(0x0e, 80 + chars_in_section)) text_codes.append(code) else: chars_in_section += 1 text_codes.append(code) update_message_by_id(messages, message_id, ''.join(code.get_string() for code in text_codes)) permutation = None # text shuffle if world.text_shuffle == 'except_hints': permutation = shuffle_messages(messages, except_hints=True) elif world.text_shuffle == 'complete': permutation = shuffle_messages(messages, except_hints=False) # update warp song preview text boxes update_warp_song_text(messages, world) if world.blue_fire_arrows: rom.write_byte(0xC230C1, 0x29) #Adds AT_TYPE_OTHER to arrows to allow collision with red ice rom.write_byte(0xDB38FE, 0xEF) #disables ice arrow collision on secondary cylinder for red ice crystals rom.write_byte(0xC9F036, 0x10) #enable ice arrow collision on mud walls #increase cylinder radius/height for red ice sheets rom.write_byte(0xDB391B, 0x50) rom.write_byte(0xDB3927, 0x5A) bfa_message = "\x08\x13\x0CYou got the \x05\x43Blue Fire Arrow\x05\x40!\x01This is a cool arrow you can\x01use on red ice." if world.multiworld.players > 1: bfa_message = make_player_message(bfa_message) update_message_by_id(messages, 0x0071, bfa_message, 0x23) with open(data_path('blue_fire_arrow_item_name_eng.ia4'), 'rb') as stream: bfa_name_bytes = rom.write_bytes(0x8a1c00, bfa_name_bytes) repack_messages(rom, messages, permutation) # output a text dump, for testing... #with open('keysanity_' + str(world.seed) + '_dump.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-16') as f: # messages = read_messages(rom) # f.write('item_message_strings = {\n') # for m in messages: # f.write("\t0x%04X: \"%s\",\n" % (, m.get_python_string())) # f.write('}\n') if world.free_scarecrow: # Played song as adult save_context.write_bits(0x0EE6, 0x10) # Direct scarecrow behavior symbol = rom.sym('FREE_SCARECROW_ENABLED') rom.write_byte(symbol, 0x01) # Enable MM-like Bunny Hood behavior (1.5× speed) if world.fast_bunny_hood: symbol = rom.sym('FAST_BUNNY_HOOD_ENABLED') rom.write_byte(symbol, 0x01) # actually write the save table to rom for (name, count) in world.starting_items.items(): if count == 0: continue save_context.give_item(world, name, count) if world.fix_broken_drops: symbol = rom.sym('FIX_BROKEN_DROPS') rom.write_byte(symbol, 0x01) # Autocollect incoming_item_id for magic jars are swapped in vanilla code rom.write_int16(0xA88066, 0x0044) # Change GI_MAGIC_SMALL to GI_MAGIC_LARGE rom.write_int16(0xA88072, 0x0043) # Change GI_MAGIC_LARGE to GI_MAGIC_SMALL else: # Remove deku shield drop from spirit pot because it's "vanilla behavior" # Replace actor parameters in scene 06, room 27 actor list rom.write_int16(0x2BDC0C6, 0x603F) # Have the Gold Skulltula Count in the pause menu turn red when equal to the # available number of skulls in the world instead of 100. rom.write_int16(0xBB340E, world.available_tokens) # replace_songs(world, rom, # frog=world.ocarina_songs in ('frog', 'all'), # warp=world.ocarina_songs in ('warp', 'all'), # ) # Sets the torch count to open the entrance to Shadow Temple if world.easier_fire_arrow_entry: torch_count = world.fae_torch_count rom.write_byte(0xCA61E3, torch_count) if world.blue_fire_arrows: rom.write_byte(0xC230C1, 0x29) #Adds AT_TYPE_OTHER to arrows to allow collision with red ice rom.write_byte(0xDB38FE, 0xEF) #disables ice arrow collision on secondary cylinder for red ice crystals rom.write_byte(0xC9F036, 0x10) #enable ice arrow collision on mud walls #increase cylinder radius/height for red ice sheets rom.write_byte(0xDB391B, 0x50) rom.write_byte(0xDB3927, 0x5A) if world.starting_age == 'adult': # When starting as adult, the pedestal doesn't handle child default equips when going back child the first time, so we have to equip them ourselves save_context.equip_default_items('child') save_context.equip_current_items(world.starting_age) save_context.write_save_table(rom) # Write numeric seed truncated to 32 bits for rng seeding # Overwritten with new seed every time a new rng value is generated rng_seed = world.multiworld.per_slot_randoms[world.player].getrandbits(32) rom.write_int32(rom.sym('RNG_SEED_INT'), rng_seed) # Static initial seed value for one-time random actions like the Hylian Shield discount rom.write_int32(rom.sym('RANDOMIZER_RNG_SEED'), rng_seed) # Write data into AP autotracking context rom.write_int32(rom.sym('DUNGEON_IS_MQ_ADDRESS'), rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_IS_MQ')) rom.write_int32(rom.sym('DUNGEON_REWARDS_ADDRESS'), rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_REWARDS')) rom.write_byte(rom.sym('BIG_POE_COUNT'), world.big_poe_count) if world.enhance_map_compass: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('ENHANCE_MAP_COMPASS'), 0x01) if world.enhance_map_compass or 'altar' in world.misc_hints: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SHOW_DUNGEON_REWARDS'), 0x01) if world.shuffle_smallkeys == 'remove': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SMALL_KEY_SHUFFLE'), 0x01) elif world.shuffle_smallkeys in ['overworld', 'any_dungeon', 'keysanity', 'regional']: rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SMALL_KEY_SHUFFLE'), 0x02) if world.shuffle_scrubs != 'off': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('SHUFFLE_SCRUBS'), 0x01) if world.open_forest == 'closed_deku': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('OPEN_FOREST'), 0x01) elif world.open_forest == 'closed': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('OPEN_FOREST'), 0x02) if world.zora_fountain == 'adult': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('OPEN_FOUNTAIN'), 0x01) elif world.zora_fountain == 'closed': rom.write_byte(rom.sym('OPEN_FOUNTAIN'), 0x02) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('SHOP_SLOTS'), [ sum(f'{shop} Item {idx}' in world.shop_prices for idx in ('7', '5', '8', '6')) for shop in ('KF Shop', 'Market Bazaar', 'Market Potion Shop', 'Market Bombchu Shop', 'Kak Bazaar', 'Kak Potion Shop', 'GC Shop', 'ZD Shop') ]) return rom NUM_VANILLA_OBJECTS = 0x192 def add_to_extended_object_table(rom, object_id, object_file): extended_id = object_id - NUM_VANILLA_OBJECTS - 1 extended_object_table = rom.sym('EXTENDED_OBJECT_TABLE') rom.write_int32s(extended_object_table + extended_id * 8, [object_file.start, object_file.end]) item_row_struct = struct.Struct('>BBHHBBIIhhBxxx') # Match item_row_t in item_table.h item_row_fields = [ 'base_item_id', 'action_id', 'text_id', 'object_id', 'graphic_id', 'chest_type', 'upgrade_fn', 'effect_fn', 'effect_arg1', 'effect_arg2', 'collectible' ] def read_rom_item(rom, item_id): addr = rom.sym('item_table') + (item_id * item_row_struct.size) row_bytes = rom.read_bytes(addr, item_row_struct.size) row = item_row_struct.unpack(row_bytes) return { item_row_fields[i]: row[i] for i in range(len(item_row_fields)) } def write_rom_item(rom, item_id, item): addr = rom.sym('item_table') + (item_id * item_row_struct.size) row = [item[f] for f in item_row_fields] row_bytes = item_row_struct.pack(*row) rom.write_bytes(addr, row_bytes) texture_struct = struct.Struct('>HBxxxxxII') # Match texture_t in textures.c texture_fields = ['texture_id', 'file_buf', 'file_vrom_start', 'file_size'] def read_rom_texture(rom, texture_id): addr = rom.sym('texture_table') + (texture_id * texture_struct.size) row_bytes = rom.read_bytes(addr, texture_struct.size) row = texture_struct.unpack(row_bytes) return {texture_fields[i]: row[i] for i in range(len(texture_fields))} def write_rom_texture(rom, texture_id, texture): addr = rom.sym('texture_table') + (texture_id * texture_struct.size) row = [texture[f] for f in texture_fields] row_bytes = texture_struct.pack(*row) rom.write_bytes(addr, row_bytes) def get_override_table(world): return list(filter(lambda val: val != None, map(partial(get_override_entry, world), world.multiworld.get_filled_locations(world.player)))) override_struct = struct.Struct('>BBHHBB') # match override_t in get_items.c def get_override_table_bytes(override_table): return b''.join(sorted(itertools.starmap(override_struct.pack, override_table))) def get_override_entry(ootworld, location): # Don't add freestanding items, pots/crates, beehives to the override table if they're disabled. We use this check to determine how to draw and interact with them if location.type in ["ActorOverride", "Freestanding", "RupeeTower", "Pot", "Crate", "FlyingPot", "SmallCrate", "Beehive"] and location.disabled != DisableType.ENABLED: return None scene = location.scene default = location.default player_id = 0 if ootworld.player == location.item.player else min(location.item.player, 255) if != 'Ocarina of Time': # This is an AP sendable. It's guaranteed to not be None. if location.item.advancement: item_id = AP_PROGRESSION else: item_id = AP_JUNK else: item_id = location.item.index if None in [scene, default, item_id]: return None if location.item.trap: item_id = 0x7C # Ice Trap ID, to get "X is a fool" message looks_like_item_id = ootworld.trap_appearances[location.address].index else: looks_like_item_id = 0 if location.type in ['NPC', 'Scrub', 'BossHeart']: type = 0 elif location.type == 'Chest': type = 1 default &= 0x1F elif location.type in ['Freestanding', 'Pot', 'Crate', 'FlyingPot', 'SmallCrate', 'RupeeTower', 'Beehive']: type = 6 if not (isinstance(location.default, list) or isinstance(location.default, tuple)): raise Exception("Not right") if(isinstance(location.default, list)): default = location.default[0] room, scene_setup, flag = default default = (room << 8) + (scene_setup << 14) + flag elif location.type in ['Collectable', 'ActorOverride']: type = 2 elif location.type == 'GS Token': type = 3 elif location.type == 'Shop' and not (isinstance(location.item, OOTItem) and location.item.type == 'Shop'): type = 0 elif location.type == 'GrottoScrub' and not (isinstance(location.item, OOTItem) and location.item.type == 'Shop'): type = 4 elif location.type in ['Song', 'Cutscene']: type = 5 else: return None return (scene, type, default, item_id, player_id, looks_like_item_id) chestTypeMap = { # small big boss 0x0000: [0x5000, 0x0000, 0x2000], #Large 0x1000: [0x7000, 0x1000, 0x1000], #Large, Appears, Clear Flag 0x2000: [0x5000, 0x0000, 0x2000], #Boss Key’s Chest 0x3000: [0x8000, 0x3000, 0x3000], #Large, Falling, Switch Flag 0x4000: [0x6000, 0x4000, 0x4000], #Large, Invisible 0x5000: [0x5000, 0x0000, 0x2000], #Small 0x6000: [0x6000, 0x4000, 0x4000], #Small, Invisible 0x7000: [0x7000, 0x1000, 0x1000], #Small, Appears, Clear Flag 0x8000: [0x8000, 0x3000, 0x3000], #Small, Falling, Switch Flag 0x9000: [0x9000, 0x9000, 0x9000], #Large, Appears, Zelda's Lullaby 0xA000: [0xA000, 0xA000, 0xA000], #Large, Appears, Sun's Song Triggered 0xB000: [0xB000, 0xB000, 0xB000], #Large, Appears, Switch Flag 0xC000: [0x5000, 0x0000, 0x2000], #Large 0xD000: [0x5000, 0x0000, 0x2000], #Large 0xE000: [0x5000, 0x0000, 0x2000], #Large 0xF000: [0x5000, 0x0000, 0x2000], #Large } def room_get_actors(rom, actor_func, room_data, scene, alternate=None): actors = {} room_start = alternate if alternate else room_data command = 0 while command != 0x14: # 0x14 = end header command = rom.read_byte(room_data) if command == 0x01: # actor list actor_count = rom.read_byte(room_data + 1) actor_list = room_start + (rom.read_int32(room_data + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF) for _ in range(0, actor_count): actor_id = rom.read_int16(actor_list) entry = actor_func(rom, actor_id, actor_list, scene) if entry: actors[actor_list] = entry actor_list = actor_list + 16 if command == 0x18: # Alternate header list header_list = room_start + (rom.read_int32(room_data + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF) for alt_id in range(0,3): header_data = room_start + (rom.read_int32(header_list) & 0x00FFFFFF) if header_data != 0 and not alternate: actors.update(room_get_actors(rom, actor_func, header_data, scene, room_start)) header_list = header_list + 4 room_data = room_data + 8 return actors def scene_get_actors(rom, actor_func, scene_data, scene, alternate=None, processed_rooms=None): if processed_rooms == None: processed_rooms = [] actors = {} scene_start = alternate if alternate else scene_data command = 0 while command != 0x14: # 0x14 = end header command = rom.read_byte(scene_data) if command == 0x04: #room list room_count = rom.read_byte(scene_data + 1) room_list = scene_start + (rom.read_int32(scene_data + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF) for _ in range(0, room_count): room_data = rom.read_int32(room_list); if not room_data in processed_rooms: actors.update(room_get_actors(rom, actor_func, room_data, scene)) processed_rooms.append(room_data) room_list = room_list + 8 if command == 0x0E: #transition actor list actor_count = rom.read_byte(scene_data + 1) actor_list = scene_start + (rom.read_int32(scene_data + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF) for _ in range(0, actor_count): actor_id = rom.read_int16(actor_list + 4) entry = actor_func(rom, actor_id, actor_list, scene) if entry: actors[actor_list] = entry actor_list = actor_list + 16 if command == 0x18: # Alternate header list header_list = scene_start + (rom.read_int32(scene_data + 4) & 0x00FFFFFF) for alt_id in range(0,3): header_data = scene_start + (rom.read_int32(header_list) & 0x00FFFFFF) if header_data != 0 and not alternate: actors.update(scene_get_actors(rom, actor_func, header_data, scene, scene_start, processed_rooms)) header_list = header_list + 4 scene_data = scene_data + 8 return actors def get_actor_list(rom, actor_func): actors = {} scene_table = 0x00B71440 for scene in range(0x00, 0x65): scene_data = rom.read_int32(scene_table + (scene * 0x14)); actors.update(scene_get_actors(rom, actor_func, scene_data, scene)) return actors def get_override_itemid(override_table, scene, type, flags): for entry in override_table: if entry[0] == scene and (entry[1] & 0x07) == type and entry[2] == flags: return entry[4] return None def remove_entrance_blockers(rom): def remove_entrance_blockers_do(rom, actor_id, actor, scene): if actor_id == 0x014E and scene == 97: actor_var = rom.read_int16(actor + 14); if actor_var == 0xFF01: rom.write_int16(actor + 14, 0x0700) get_actor_list(rom, remove_entrance_blockers_do) def set_cow_id_data(rom, world): def set_cow_id(rom, actor_id, actor, scene): nonlocal last_scene nonlocal cow_count nonlocal last_actor if actor_id == 0x01C6: #Cow if scene == last_scene and last_actor != actor: cow_count += 1 else: cow_count = 1 last_scene = scene last_actor = actor if world.dungeon_mq['Jabu Jabus Belly'] and scene == 2: #If its an MQ jabu cow rom.write_int16(actor + 0x8, 1 if cow_count == 17 else 0) #Give all wall cows ID 0, and set cow 11's ID to 1 else: rom.write_int16(actor + 0x8, cow_count) last_actor = -1 last_scene = -1 cow_count = 1 get_actor_list(rom, set_cow_id) def set_grotto_shuffle_data(rom, world): def override_grotto_data(rom, actor_id, actor, scene): if actor_id == 0x009B: #Grotto actor_zrot = rom.read_int16(actor + 12) actor_var = rom.read_int16(actor + 14) grotto_type = (actor_var >> 8) & 0x0F grotto_actor_id = (scene << 8) + (actor_var & 0x00FF) rom.write_int16(actor + 12, grotto_entrances_override[grotto_actor_id]) rom.write_byte(actor + 14, grotto_type + 0x20) # Build the override table based on shuffled grotto entrances grotto_entrances_override = {} for entrance in world.get_shuffled_entrances(type='Grotto'): if entrance.primary: grotto_actor_id = (['scene'] << 8) +['content'] grotto_entrances_override[grotto_actor_id] =['index'] else: rom.write_int16(rom.sym('GROTTO_EXIT_LIST') + 2 *['grotto_id'],['index']) # Override grotto actors data with the new data get_actor_list(rom, override_grotto_data) def set_deku_salesman_data(rom): def set_deku_salesman(rom, actor_id, actor, scene): if actor_id == 0x0195: #Salesman actor_var = rom.read_int16(actor + 14) if actor_var == 6: rom.write_int16(actor + 14, 0x0003) get_actor_list(rom, set_deku_salesman) def set_jabu_stone_actors(rom, jabu_actor_type): def set_jabu_stone_actor(rom, actor_id, actor, scene): if scene == 2 and actor_id == 0x008B: # Demo_Effect in Jabu Jabu actor_type = rom.read_byte(actor + 15) if actor_type == 0x15: rom.write_byte(actor + 15, jabu_actor_type) get_actor_list(rom, set_jabu_stone_actor) def set_spirit_shortcut_actors(rom): def set_spirit_shortcut(rom, actor_id, actor, scene): if actor_id == 0x018e and scene == 6: # raise initial elevator height rom.write_int16(actor + 4, 0x015E) get_actor_list(rom, set_spirit_shortcut) # Gets a dict of doors to unlock based on settings # Returns: dict with entries address: [byte_offset, bit] # Where: address = rom address of the door # byte_offset = the offset, in bytes, of the door flag in the SaveContext # bit = the bit offset within the byte for the door flag # If small keys are set to remove, returns all small key doors # If boss keys are set to remove, returns boss key doors # If ganons boss key is set to remove, returns ganons boss key doors # If pot/crate shuffle is enabled, returns the first ganon's boss key door so that it can be unlocked separately to allow access to the room w/ the pots.. def get_doors_to_unlock(rom, world): def get_door_to_unlock(rom, actor_id, actor, scene): actor_var = rom.read_int16(actor + 14) door_type = actor_var >> 6 switch_flag = actor_var & 0x003F flag_id = (1 << switch_flag) flag_byte = 3 - (switch_flag >> 3) flag_bits = 1 << (switch_flag & 0x07) # Return small key doors that should be unlocked if world.shuffle_smallkeys == 'remove': if actor_id == 0x0009 and door_type == 0x02: return [0x00D4 + scene * 0x1C + 0x04 + flag_byte, flag_bits] if actor_id == 0x002E and door_type == 0x0B: return [0x00D4 + scene * 0x1C + 0x04 + flag_byte, flag_bits] # Return Boss Doors that should be unlocked if (world.shuffle_bosskeys == 'remove' and scene != 0x0A) or (world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'remove' and scene == 0x0A) or (world.shuffle_pots and scene == 0x0A and switch_flag == 0x15): if actor_id == 0x002E and door_type == 0x05: return [0x00D4 + scene * 0x1C + 0x04 + flag_byte, flag_bits] return get_actor_list(rom, get_door_to_unlock) # Too difficult to keep the censor around with arbitrary item names being passed in here. def create_fake_name(item_name): return item_name + "???" def place_shop_items(rom, world, shop_items, messages, locations, init_shop_id=False): if init_shop_id: world.current_shop_id = 0x32 shop_objs = { 0x0148 } # "Sold Out" object for location in locations: if isinstance(location.item, OOTItem) and location.item.type == 'Shop': shop_objs.add(location.item.special['object']) rom.write_int16(location.address1, location.item.index) else: if location.item.trap: item_display = world.trap_appearances[location.address] else: item_display = location.item # bottles in shops should look like empty bottles # so that that are different than normal shop refils if location.item.trap or == "Ocarina of Time": if 'shop_object' in item_display.special: rom_item = read_rom_item(rom, item_display.special['shop_object']) else: rom_item = read_rom_item(rom, item_display.index) else: display_index = AP_PROGRESSION if location.item.advancement else AP_JUNK rom_item = read_rom_item(rom, display_index) shop_objs.add(rom_item['object_id']) shop_id = world.current_shop_id rom.write_int16(location.address1, shop_id) shop_item = shop_items[shop_id] shop_item.object = rom_item['object_id'] shop_item.model = rom_item['graphic_id'] - 1 shop_item.price = location.price shop_item.pieces = 1 shop_item.get_item_id = location.default shop_item.func1 = 0x808648CC shop_item.func2 = 0x808636B8 shop_item.func3 = 0x00000000 shop_item.func4 = 0x80863FB4 message_id = (shop_id - 0x32) * 2 shop_item.description_message = 0x8100 + message_id shop_item.purchase_message = 0x8100 + message_id + 1 shuffle_messages.shop_item_messages.extend( [shop_item.description_message, shop_item.purchase_message]) if getattr(item_display, 'dungeonitem', False) and == "Ocarina of Time": split_item_name ='(') split_item_name[1] = '(' + split_item_name[1] if == 'Ice Trap': split_item_name[0] = create_fake_name(split_item_name[0]) if len(world.multiworld.worlds) > 1: # OOTWorld.MultiWorld.AutoWorld[] description_text = '\x08\x05\x41%s %d Rupees\x01%s\x01\x05\x42%s\x05\x40\x01Special deal! ONE LEFT!\x09\x0A\x02' % (split_item_name[0], location.price, split_item_name[1], rom_safe_text(world.multiworld.get_player_name(location.item.player))) else: description_text = '\x08\x05\x41%s %d Rupees\x01%s\x01\x05\x40Special deal! ONE LEFT!\x01Get it while it lasts!\x09\x0A\x02' % (split_item_name[0], location.price, split_item_name[1]) purchase_text = '\x08%s %d Rupees\x09\x01%s\x01\x1B\x05\x42Buy\x01Don\'t buy\x05\x40\x02' % (split_item_name[0], location.price, split_item_name[1]) else: if == "Ocarina of Time": shop_item_name = getSimpleHintNoPrefix(item_display) else: shop_item_name = if location.item.trap: shop_item_name = create_fake_name(shop_item_name) if len(world.multiworld.worlds) > 1: shop_item_name = rom_safe_text(shop_item_name) do_line_break = sum(character_table[char] for char in f"{shop_item_name} {location.price} Rupees") > NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH description_text = '\x08\x05\x41%s%s%d Rupees\x01\x05\x42%s\x05\x40\x01Special deal! ONE LEFT!\x09\x0A\x02' % (shop_item_name, '\x01' if do_line_break else ' ', location.price, rom_safe_text(world.multiworld.get_player_name(location.item.player))) else: description_text = '\x08\x05\x41%s %d Rupees\x01\x05\x40Special deal! ONE LEFT!\x01Get it while it lasts!\x09\x0A\x02' % (shop_item_name, location.price) purchase_text = '\x08%s %d Rupees\x09\x01\x01\x1B\x05\x42Buy\x01Don\'t buy\x05\x40\x02' % (shop_item_name, location.price) update_message_by_id(messages, shop_item.description_message, description_text, 0x03) update_message_by_id(messages, shop_item.purchase_message, purchase_text, 0x03) if any(filter(lambda c: c in, {'5', '6', '7', '8'})): world.current_shop_id += 1 return shop_objs def boss_reward_index(item): code = item.special['item_id'] if code >= 0x6C: return code - 0x6C else: return 3 + code - 0x66 def configure_dungeon_info(rom, world): mq_enable = (world.mq_dungeons_mode == 'random' or world.mq_dungeons_random or world.mq_dungeons_count != 0 and world.mq_dungeons_count != 12) enhance_map_compass = world.enhance_map_compass codes = ['Deku Tree', 'Dodongos Cavern', 'Jabu Jabus Belly', 'Forest Temple', 'Fire Temple', 'Water Temple', 'Spirit Temple', 'Shadow Temple', 'Bottom of the Well', 'Ice Cavern', 'Tower (N/A)', 'Gerudo Training Ground', 'Hideout (N/A)', 'Ganons Castle'] dungeon_rewards = [0xff] * 14 dungeon_reward_areas = bytearray() for reward in ('Kokiri Emerald', 'Goron Ruby', 'Zora Sapphire', 'Light Medallion', 'Forest Medallion', 'Fire Medallion', 'Water Medallion', 'Shadow Medallion', 'Spirit Medallion'): location = next(filter(lambda loc: == reward, world.multiworld.get_filled_locations(player=world.player))) area = dungeon_reward_areas += area.short_name.encode('ascii').ljust(0x16) + b'\0' if area.is_dungeon: dungeon_rewards[codes.index(area.dungeon_name)] = boss_reward_index(location.item) dungeon_is_mq = [1 if world.dungeon_mq.get(c) else 0 for c in codes] rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_INFO_ENABLE'), 2) rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_INFO_MQ_ENABLE'), int(mq_enable)) rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_INFO_MQ_NEED_MAP'), int(enhance_map_compass)) rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_INFO_REWARD_ENABLE'), int('altar' in world.misc_hints or enhance_map_compass)) rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_INFO_REWARD_NEED_COMPASS'), (2 if False else 1) if enhance_map_compass else 0) #TODO set to 2 if boss reward shuffle and/or mixed pools bosses are on rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_INFO_REWARD_NEED_ALTAR'), int(not enhance_map_compass)) # if hasattr(world, 'mix_entrance_pools'): # rom.write_int32(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_INFO_REWARD_SUMMARY_ENABLE'), int('Boss' not in world.mix_entrance_pools)) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_REWARDS'), dungeon_rewards) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_IS_MQ'), dungeon_is_mq) rom.write_bytes(rom.sym('CFG_DUNGEON_REWARD_AREAS'), dungeon_reward_areas) # Overwrite an actor in rom w/ the actor data from LocationList def patch_actor_override(location, rom: Rom): addresses = location.address1 patch = location.address2 if addresses is not None and patch is not None: for address in addresses: rom.write_bytes(address, patch) # Patch rupee towers (circular patterns of rupees) to include their flag in their actor initialization data z rotation. # Also used for goron pot, shadow spinning pots def patch_rupee_tower(location, rom: Rom): flag = location.default if(isinstance(location.default, tuple)): room, scene_setup, flag = location.default elif isinstance(location.default, list): room, scene_setup, flag = location.default[0] flag = flag + (room << 8) if location.address1: for address in location.address1: rom.write_bytes(address + 12, flag.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')) # Patch the first boss key door in ganons tower that leads to the room w/ the pots def patch_ganons_tower_bk_door(rom: Rom, flag): var = (0x05 << 6) + (flag & 0x3F) bytes = [(var & 0xFF00) >> 8, var & 0xFF] rom.write_bytes(0x2EE30FE, bytes)