from typing import Dict, List, Set, Optional import os import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join("worlds", "lingo")) sys.path.append(".") sys.path.append("..") from datatypes import Door, DoorType, EntranceType, Painting, Panel, Progression, Room, RoomAndDoor, RoomAndPanel,\ RoomEntrance import hashlib import pickle import sys import Utils ALL_ROOMS: List[Room] = [] DOORS_BY_ROOM: Dict[str, Dict[str, Door]] = {} PANELS_BY_ROOM: Dict[str, Dict[str, Panel]] = {} PAINTINGS: Dict[str, Painting] = {} PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS: List[str] = [] PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM: Dict[str, Dict[str, Progression]] = {} PAINTING_ENTRANCES: int = 0 PAINTING_EXIT_ROOMS: Set[str] = set() PAINTING_EXITS: int = 0 REQUIRED_PAINTING_ROOMS: List[str] = [] REQUIRED_PAINTING_WHEN_NO_DOORS_ROOMS: List[str] = [] SUNWARP_ENTRANCES: List[str] = ["", "", "", "", "", ""] SUNWARP_EXITS: List[str] = ["", "", "", "", "", ""] SPECIAL_ITEM_IDS: Dict[str, int] = {} PANEL_LOCATION_IDS: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {} DOOR_LOCATION_IDS: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {} DOOR_ITEM_IDS: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {} DOOR_GROUP_ITEM_IDS: Dict[str, int] = {} PROGRESSIVE_ITEM_IDS: Dict[str, int] = {} def hash_file(path): md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(path, 'rb') as f: content = content = content.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') md5.update(content) return md5.hexdigest() def load_static_data(ll1_path, ids_path): global PAINTING_EXITS, SPECIAL_ITEM_IDS, PANEL_LOCATION_IDS, DOOR_LOCATION_IDS, DOOR_ITEM_IDS, \ DOOR_GROUP_ITEM_IDS, PROGRESSIVE_ITEM_IDS # Load in all item and location IDs. These are broken up into groups based on the type of item/location. with open(ids_path, "r") as file: config = Utils.parse_yaml(file) if "special_items" in config: for item_name, item_id in config["special_items"].items(): SPECIAL_ITEM_IDS[item_name] = item_id if "panels" in config: for room_name in config["panels"].keys(): PANEL_LOCATION_IDS[room_name] = {} for panel_name, location_id in config["panels"][room_name].items(): PANEL_LOCATION_IDS[room_name][panel_name] = location_id if "doors" in config: for room_name in config["doors"].keys(): DOOR_LOCATION_IDS[room_name] = {} DOOR_ITEM_IDS[room_name] = {} for door_name, door_data in config["doors"][room_name].items(): if "location" in door_data: DOOR_LOCATION_IDS[room_name][door_name] = door_data["location"] if "item" in door_data: DOOR_ITEM_IDS[room_name][door_name] = door_data["item"] if "door_groups" in config: for item_name, item_id in config["door_groups"].items(): DOOR_GROUP_ITEM_IDS[item_name] = item_id if "progression" in config: for item_name, item_id in config["progression"].items(): PROGRESSIVE_ITEM_IDS[item_name] = item_id # Process the main world file. with open(ll1_path, "r") as file: config = Utils.parse_yaml(file) for room_name, room_data in config.items(): process_room(room_name, room_data) PAINTING_EXITS = len(PAINTING_EXIT_ROOMS) def process_single_entrance(source_room: str, room_name: str, door_obj) -> RoomEntrance: global PAINTING_ENTRANCES, PAINTING_EXIT_ROOMS entrance_type = EntranceType.NORMAL if "painting" in door_obj and door_obj["painting"]: entrance_type = EntranceType.PAINTING elif "sunwarp" in door_obj and door_obj["sunwarp"]: entrance_type = EntranceType.SUNWARP elif "warp" in door_obj and door_obj["warp"]: entrance_type = EntranceType.WARP elif source_room == "Crossroads" and room_name == "Roof": entrance_type = EntranceType.CROSSROADS_ROOF_ACCESS if "painting" in door_obj and door_obj["painting"]: PAINTING_EXIT_ROOMS.add(room_name) PAINTING_ENTRANCES += 1 if "door" in door_obj: return RoomEntrance(source_room, RoomAndDoor( door_obj["room"] if "room" in door_obj else None, door_obj["door"] ), entrance_type) else: return RoomEntrance(source_room, None, entrance_type) def process_entrance(source_room, doors, room_obj): # If the value of an entrance is just True, that means that the entrance is always accessible. if doors is True: room_obj.entrances.append(RoomEntrance(source_room, None, EntranceType.NORMAL)) elif isinstance(doors, dict): # If the value of an entrance is a dictionary, that means the entrance requires a door to be accessible, is a # painting-based entrance, or both. room_obj.entrances.append(process_single_entrance(source_room,, doors)) else: # If the value of an entrance is a list, then there are multiple possible doors that can give access to the # entrance. If there are multiple connections with the same door (or lack of door) that differ only by entrance # type, coalesce them into one entrance. entrances: Dict[Optional[RoomAndDoor], EntranceType] = {} for door in doors: entrance = process_single_entrance(source_room,, door) entrances[entrance.door] = entrances.get(entrance.door, EntranceType(0)) | entrance.type for door, entrance_type in entrances.items(): room_obj.entrances.append(RoomEntrance(source_room, door, entrance_type)) def process_panel(room_name, panel_name, panel_data): global PANELS_BY_ROOM full_name = f"{room_name} - {panel_name}" # required_room can either be a single room or a list of rooms. if "required_room" in panel_data: if isinstance(panel_data["required_room"], list): required_rooms = panel_data["required_room"] else: required_rooms = [panel_data["required_room"]] else: required_rooms = [] # required_door can either be a single door or a list of doors. For convenience, the room key for each door does not # need to be specified if the door is in this room. required_doors = list() if "required_door" in panel_data: if isinstance(panel_data["required_door"], dict): door = panel_data["required_door"] required_doors.append(RoomAndDoor( door["room"] if "room" in door else None, door["door"] )) else: for door in panel_data["required_door"]: required_doors.append(RoomAndDoor( door["room"] if "room" in door else None, door["door"] )) # required_panel can either be a single panel or a list of panels. For convenience, the room key for each panel does # not need to be specified if the panel is in this room. required_panels = list() if "required_panel" in panel_data: if isinstance(panel_data["required_panel"], dict): other_panel = panel_data["required_panel"] required_panels.append(RoomAndPanel( other_panel["room"] if "room" in other_panel else None, other_panel["panel"] )) else: for other_panel in panel_data["required_panel"]: required_panels.append(RoomAndPanel( other_panel["room"] if "room" in other_panel else None, other_panel["panel"] )) # colors can either be a single color or a list of colors. if "colors" in panel_data: if isinstance(panel_data["colors"], list): colors = panel_data["colors"] else: colors = [panel_data["colors"]] else: colors = [] if "check" in panel_data: check = panel_data["check"] else: check = False if "event" in panel_data: event = panel_data["event"] else: event = False if "achievement" in panel_data: achievement = True else: achievement = False if "exclude_reduce" in panel_data: exclude_reduce = panel_data["exclude_reduce"] else: exclude_reduce = False if "non_counting" in panel_data: non_counting = panel_data["non_counting"] else: non_counting = False panel_obj = Panel(required_rooms, required_doors, required_panels, colors, check, event, exclude_reduce, achievement, non_counting) PANELS_BY_ROOM[room_name][panel_name] = panel_obj def process_door(room_name, door_name, door_data): global DOORS_BY_ROOM # The item name associated with a door can be explicitly specified in the configuration. If it is not, it is # generated from the room and door name. if "item_name" in door_data: item_name = door_data["item_name"] else: item_name = f"{room_name} - {door_name}" if "skip_location" in door_data: skip_location = door_data["skip_location"] else: skip_location = False if "skip_item" in door_data: skip_item = door_data["skip_item"] else: skip_item = False if "event" in door_data: event = door_data["event"] else: event = False if "include_reduce" in door_data: include_reduce = door_data["include_reduce"] else: include_reduce = False if "door_group" in door_data: door_group = door_data["door_group"] else: door_group = None if "item_group" in door_data: item_group = door_data["item_group"] else: item_group = None # panels is a list of panels. Each panel can either be a simple string (the name of a panel in the current room) or # a dictionary specifying a panel in a different room. if "panels" in door_data: panels = list() for panel in door_data["panels"]: if isinstance(panel, dict): panels.append(RoomAndPanel(panel["room"], panel["panel"])) else: panels.append(RoomAndPanel(None, panel)) else: skip_location = True panels = [] # The location name associated with a door can be explicitly specified in the configuration. If it is not, then the # name is generated using a combination of all of the panels that would ordinarily open the door. This can get quite # messy if there are a lot of panels, especially if panels from multiple rooms are involved, so in these cases it # would be better to specify a name. if "location_name" in door_data: location_name = door_data["location_name"] elif skip_location is False: panel_per_room = dict() for panel in panels: panel_room_name = room_name if is None else panel_per_room.setdefault(panel_room_name, []).append(panel.panel) room_strs = list() for door_room_str, door_panels_str in panel_per_room.items(): room_strs.append(door_room_str + " - " + ", ".join(door_panels_str)) location_name = " and ".join(room_strs) else: location_name = None # The id field can be a single item, or a list of door IDs, in the event that the item for this logical door should # open more than one actual in-game door. has_doors = "id" in door_data # The painting_id field can be a single item, or a list of painting IDs, in the event that the item for this logical # door should move more than one actual in-game painting. if "painting_id" in door_data: if isinstance(door_data["painting_id"], list): painting_ids = door_data["painting_id"] else: painting_ids = [door_data["painting_id"]] else: painting_ids = [] door_type = DoorType.NORMAL if door_name.endswith(" Sunwarp"): door_type = DoorType.SUNWARP elif room_name == "Pilgrim Antechamber" and door_name == "Sun Painting": door_type = DoorType.SUN_PAINTING door_obj = Door(door_name, item_name, location_name, panels, skip_location, skip_item, has_doors, painting_ids, event, door_group, include_reduce, door_type, item_group) DOORS_BY_ROOM[room_name][door_name] = door_obj def process_painting(room_name, painting_data): global PAINTINGS, REQUIRED_PAINTING_ROOMS, REQUIRED_PAINTING_WHEN_NO_DOORS_ROOMS # Read in information about this painting and store it in an object. painting_id = painting_data["id"] if "disable" in painting_data: disable_painting = painting_data["disable"] else: disable_painting = False if "required" in painting_data: required_painting = painting_data["required"] if required_painting: REQUIRED_PAINTING_ROOMS.append(room_name) else: required_painting = False if "required_when_no_doors" in painting_data: rwnd = painting_data["required_when_no_doors"] if rwnd: REQUIRED_PAINTING_WHEN_NO_DOORS_ROOMS.append(room_name) else: rwnd = False if "exit_only" in painting_data: exit_only = painting_data["exit_only"] else: exit_only = False if "enter_only" in painting_data: enter_only = painting_data["enter_only"] else: enter_only = False if "req_blocked" in painting_data: req_blocked = painting_data["req_blocked"] else: req_blocked = False if "req_blocked_when_no_doors" in painting_data: req_blocked_when_no_doors = painting_data["req_blocked_when_no_doors"] else: req_blocked_when_no_doors = False required_door = None if "required_door" in painting_data: door = painting_data["required_door"] required_door = RoomAndDoor( door["room"] if "room" in door else room_name, door["door"] ) painting_obj = Painting(painting_id, room_name, enter_only, exit_only, required_painting, rwnd, required_door, disable_painting, req_blocked, req_blocked_when_no_doors) PAINTINGS[painting_id] = painting_obj def process_sunwarp(room_name, sunwarp_data): global SUNWARP_ENTRANCES, SUNWARP_EXITS if sunwarp_data["direction"] == "enter": SUNWARP_ENTRANCES[sunwarp_data["dots"] - 1] = room_name else: SUNWARP_EXITS[sunwarp_data["dots"] - 1] = room_name def process_progression(room_name, progression_name, progression_doors): global PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS, PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM # Progressive items are configured as a list of doors. PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS.append(progression_name) progression_index = 1 for door in progression_doors: if isinstance(door, Dict): door_room = door["room"] door_door = door["door"] else: door_room = room_name door_door = door room_progressions = PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM.setdefault(door_room, {}) room_progressions[door_door] = Progression(progression_name, progression_index) progression_index += 1 def process_room(room_name, room_data): global ALL_ROOMS room_obj = Room(room_name, []) if "entrances" in room_data: for source_room, doors in room_data["entrances"].items(): process_entrance(source_room, doors, room_obj) if "panels" in room_data: PANELS_BY_ROOM[room_name] = dict() for panel_name, panel_data in room_data["panels"].items(): process_panel(room_name, panel_name, panel_data) if "doors" in room_data: DOORS_BY_ROOM[room_name] = dict() for door_name, door_data in room_data["doors"].items(): process_door(room_name, door_name, door_data) if "paintings" in room_data: for painting_data in room_data["paintings"]: process_painting(room_name, painting_data) if "sunwarps" in room_data: for sunwarp_data in room_data["sunwarps"]: process_sunwarp(room_name, sunwarp_data) if "progression" in room_data: for progression_name, progression_doors in room_data["progression"].items(): process_progression(room_name, progression_name, progression_doors) ALL_ROOMS.append(room_obj) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 1: ll1_path = os.path.join("worlds", "lingo", "data", "LL1.yaml") ids_path = os.path.join("worlds", "lingo", "data", "ids.yaml") output_path = os.path.join("worlds", "lingo", "data", "generated.dat") elif len(sys.argv) != 4: print("") print("Usage: python worlds/lingo/utils/ [args]") print("Arguments:") print(" - Path to LL1.yaml") print(" - Path to ids.yaml") print(" - Path to output file") exit() else: ll1_path = sys.argv[1] ids_path = sys.argv[2] output_path = sys.argv[3] load_static_data(ll1_path, ids_path) hashes = { "LL1.yaml": hash_file(ll1_path), "ids.yaml": hash_file(ids_path), } pickdata = { "HASHES": hashes, "PAINTINGS": PAINTINGS, "ALL_ROOMS": ALL_ROOMS, "DOORS_BY_ROOM": DOORS_BY_ROOM, "PANELS_BY_ROOM": PANELS_BY_ROOM, "PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS": PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS, "PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM": PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM, "PAINTING_ENTRANCES": PAINTING_ENTRANCES, "PAINTING_EXIT_ROOMS": PAINTING_EXIT_ROOMS, "PAINTING_EXITS": PAINTING_EXITS, "REQUIRED_PAINTING_ROOMS": REQUIRED_PAINTING_ROOMS, "REQUIRED_PAINTING_WHEN_NO_DOORS_ROOMS": REQUIRED_PAINTING_WHEN_NO_DOORS_ROOMS, "SUNWARP_ENTRANCES": SUNWARP_ENTRANCES, "SUNWARP_EXITS": SUNWARP_EXITS, "SPECIAL_ITEM_IDS": SPECIAL_ITEM_IDS, "PANEL_LOCATION_IDS": PANEL_LOCATION_IDS, "DOOR_LOCATION_IDS": DOOR_LOCATION_IDS, "DOOR_ITEM_IDS": DOOR_ITEM_IDS, "DOOR_GROUP_ITEM_IDS": DOOR_GROUP_ITEM_IDS, "PROGRESSIVE_ITEM_IDS": PROGRESSIVE_ITEM_IDS, } with open(output_path, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(pickdata, file)