import logging import struct import time import typing import uuid from struct import unpack, pack from collections import defaultdict import random from MultiServer import mark_raw from NetUtils import ClientStatus, color from Utils import async_start from worlds.AutoSNIClient import SNIClient from .locations import boss_locations from .gifting import kdl3_gifting_options, kdl3_trap_gifts, kdl3_gifts, update_object, pop_object, initialize_giftboxes from .client_addrs import consumable_addrs, star_addrs from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from SNIClient import SNIClientCommandProcessor, SNIContext snes_logger = logging.getLogger("SNES") # FXPAK Pro protocol memory mapping used by SNI ROM_START = 0x000000 SRAM_1_START = 0xE00000 # KDL3 KDL3_HALKEN = SRAM_1_START + 0x80F0 KDL3_NINTEN = SRAM_1_START + 0x8FF0 KDL3_ROMNAME = SRAM_1_START + 0x8100 KDL3_DEATH_LINK_ADDR = SRAM_1_START + 0x9010 KDL3_GOAL_ADDR = SRAM_1_START + 0x9012 KDL3_CONSUMABLE_FLAG = SRAM_1_START + 0x9018 KDL3_STARS_FLAG = SRAM_1_START + 0x901A KDL3_GIFTING_FLAG = SRAM_1_START + 0x901C KDL3_LEVEL_ADDR = SRAM_1_START + 0x9020 KDL3_IS_DEMO = SRAM_1_START + 0x5AD5 KDL3_GAME_SAVE = SRAM_1_START + 0x3617 KDL3_CURRENT_WORLD = SRAM_1_START + 0x363F KDL3_CURRENT_LEVEL = SRAM_1_START + 0x3641 KDL3_GAME_STATE = SRAM_1_START + 0x36D0 KDL3_LIFE_COUNT = SRAM_1_START + 0x39CF KDL3_KIRBY_HP = SRAM_1_START + 0x39D1 KDL3_BOSS_HP = SRAM_1_START + 0x39D5 KDL3_STAR_COUNT = SRAM_1_START + 0x39D7 KDL3_LIFE_VISUAL = SRAM_1_START + 0x39E3 KDL3_HEART_STARS = SRAM_1_START + 0x53A7 KDL3_WORLD_UNLOCK = SRAM_1_START + 0x53CB KDL3_LEVEL_UNLOCK = SRAM_1_START + 0x53CD KDL3_BOSS_STATUS = SRAM_1_START + 0x53D5 KDL3_INVINCIBILITY_TIMER = SRAM_1_START + 0x54B1 KDL3_MG5_STATUS = SRAM_1_START + 0x5EE4 KDL3_BOSS_BUTCH_STATUS = SRAM_1_START + 0x5EEA KDL3_JUMPING_STATUS = SRAM_1_START + 0x5EF0 KDL3_CURRENT_BGM = SRAM_1_START + 0x733E KDL3_SOUND_FX = SRAM_1_START + 0x7F62 KDL3_ANIMAL_FRIENDS = SRAM_1_START + 0x8000 KDL3_ABILITY_ARRAY = SRAM_1_START + 0x8020 KDL3_RECV_COUNT = SRAM_1_START + 0x8050 KDL3_HEART_STAR_COUNT = SRAM_1_START + 0x8070 KDL3_GOOEY_TRAP = SRAM_1_START + 0x8080 KDL3_SLOWNESS_TRAP = SRAM_1_START + 0x8082 KDL3_ABILITY_TRAP = SRAM_1_START + 0x8084 KDL3_GIFTING_SEND = SRAM_1_START + 0x8086 KDL3_COMPLETED_STAGES = SRAM_1_START + 0x8200 KDL3_CONSUMABLES = SRAM_1_START + 0xA000 KDL3_STARS = SRAM_1_START + 0xB000 KDL3_ITEM_QUEUE = SRAM_1_START + 0xC000 deathlink_messages = defaultdict(lambda: " was defeated.", { 0x0200: " was bonked by apples from Whispy Woods.", 0x0201: " was out-maneuvered by Acro.", 0x0202: " was out-numbered by Pon & Con.", 0x0203: " was defeated by Ado's powerful paintings.", 0x0204: " was clobbered by King Dedede.", 0x0205: " lost their battle against Dark Matter.", 0x0300: " couldn't overcome the Boss Butch.", 0x0400: " is bad at jumping.", }) @mark_raw def cmd_gift(self: "SNIClientCommandProcessor") -> None: """Toggles gifting for the current game.""" handler = self.ctx.client_handler assert isinstance(handler, KDL3SNIClient) handler.gifting = not handler.gifting self.output(f"Gifting set to {handler.gifting}") async_start(update_object(self.ctx, f"Giftboxes;{}", { f"{self.ctx.slot}": { "IsOpen": handler.gifting, **kdl3_gifting_options } })) class KDL3SNIClient(SNIClient): game = "Kirby's Dream Land 3" patch_suffix = ".apkdl3" levels: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[int]] = {} consumables: typing.Optional[bool] = None stars: typing.Optional[bool] = None item_queue: typing.List[int] = [] initialize_gifting: bool = False gifting: bool = False giftbox_key: str = "" motherbox_key: str = "" client_random: random.Random = random.Random() async def deathlink_kill_player(self, ctx: "SNIContext") -> None: from SNIClient import DeathState, snes_buffered_write, snes_flush_writes, snes_read game_state = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_GAME_STATE, 1) if game_state[0] == 0xFF: return # despite how funny it is, don't try to kill Kirby in a menu current_stage = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_CURRENT_LEVEL, 1) if current_stage[0] == 0x7: # boss stage boss_hp = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_BOSS_HP, 1) if boss_hp[0] == 0: return # receiving a deathlink after defeating a boss has softlock potential current_hp = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, 1) if current_hp[0] == 0: return # don't kill Kirby while he's already dead snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, bytes([0x00])) await snes_flush_writes(ctx) ctx.death_state = DeathState.dead ctx.last_death_link = time.time() async def validate_rom(self, ctx: "SNIContext") -> bool: from SNIClient import snes_read rom_name = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_ROMNAME, 0x15) if rom_name is None or rom_name == bytes([0] * 0x15) or rom_name[:4] != b"KDL3": if "gift" in ctx.command_processor.commands: ctx.command_processor.commands.pop("gift") return False = ctx.rom = rom_name ctx.items_handling = 0b101 # default local items with remote start inventory ctx.allow_collect = True if "gift" not in ctx.command_processor.commands: ctx.command_processor.commands["gift"] = cmd_gift death_link = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_DEATH_LINK_ADDR, 1) if death_link: await ctx.update_death_link(bool(death_link[0] & 0b1)) ctx.items_handling |= (death_link[0] & 0b10) # set local items if enabled return True async def pop_item(self, ctx: "SNIContext", in_stage: bool) -> None: from SNIClient import snes_buffered_write, snes_read if len(self.item_queue) > 0: item = self.item_queue.pop() if not in_stage and item & 0xC0: # can't handle this item right now, send it to the back and return to handle the rest self.item_queue.append(item) return ingame_queue = list(unpack("HHHHHHHH", await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_ITEM_QUEUE, 16))) for i in range(len(ingame_queue)): if ingame_queue[i] == 0x00: ingame_queue[i] = item snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_ITEM_QUEUE, pack("HHHHHHHH", *ingame_queue)) break else: self.item_queue.append(item) # no more slots, get it next go around async def pop_gift(self, ctx: "SNIContext") -> None: if self.giftbox_key in ctx.stored_data and ctx.stored_data[self.giftbox_key]: from SNIClient import snes_read, snes_buffered_write key, gift = ctx.stored_data[self.giftbox_key].popitem() await pop_object(ctx, self.giftbox_key, key) # first, special cases traits = [trait["Trait"] for trait in gift["Traits"]] if "Candy" in traits or "Invincible" in traits: # apply invincibility candy self.item_queue.append(0x43) elif "Tomato" in traits or "tomato" in gift["ItemName"].lower(): # apply maxim tomato # only want tomatos here, no other vegetable is that good self.item_queue.append(0x42) elif "Life" in traits: # Apply 1-Up self.item_queue.append(0x41) elif "Currency" in traits or "Star" in traits: value = gift["ItemValue"] if value >= 50000: self.item_queue.append(0x46) elif value >= 30000: self.item_queue.append(0x45) else: self.item_queue.append(0x44) elif "Trap" in traits: # find the best trap to apply if "Goo" in traits or "Gel" in traits: self.item_queue.append(0x80) elif "Slow" in traits or "Slowness" in traits: self.item_queue.append(0x81) elif "Eject" in traits or "Removal" in traits: self.item_queue.append(0x82) else: # just deal damage to Kirby kirby_hp = struct.unpack("H", await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, 2))[0] snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, struct.pack("H", max(kirby_hp - 1, 0))) else: # check if it's tasty if any(x in traits for x in ["Consumable", "Food", "Drink", "Heal", "Health"]): # it's tasty!, use quality to decide how much to heal quality = max((trait["Quality"] for trait in gift["Traits"] if trait["Trait"] in ["Consumable", "Food", "Drink", "Heal", "Health"])) quality = min(10, quality * 2) else: # it's not really edible, but he'll eat it anyway quality = self.client_random.choices(range(0, 2), [75, 25])[0] kirby_hp = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, 1) gooey_hp = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP + 2, 1) snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_SOUND_FX, bytes([0x26])) if gooey_hp[0] > 0x00: snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, struct.pack("H", min(kirby_hp[0] + quality // 2, 8))) snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP + 2, struct.pack("H", min(gooey_hp[0] + quality // 2, 8))) else: snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, struct.pack("H", min(kirby_hp[0] + quality, 10))) async def pick_gift_recipient(self, ctx: "SNIContext", gift: int) -> None: assert ctx.slot if gift != 4: gift_base = kdl3_gifts[gift] else: gift_base = kdl3_trap_gifts[self.client_random.randint(0, 3)] most_applicable = -1 most_applicable_slot = ctx.slot for slot, info in ctx.stored_data[self.motherbox_key].items(): if int(slot) == ctx.slot and len(ctx.stored_data[self.motherbox_key]) > 1: continue desire = len(set(info["DesiredTraits"]).intersection([trait["Trait"] for trait in gift_base["Traits"]])) if desire > most_applicable: most_applicable = desire most_applicable_slot = int(slot) elif most_applicable_slot != ctx.slot and most_applicable == -1 and info["AcceptsAnyGift"]: # only send to ourselves if no one else will take it most_applicable_slot = int(slot) # print(most_applicable, most_applicable_slot) item_uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex item = { **gift_base, "ID": item_uuid, "Sender": ctx.player_names[ctx.slot], "Receiver": ctx.player_names[most_applicable_slot], "SenderTeam":, "ReceiverTeam":, # for the moment "IsRefund": False } # print(item) await update_object(ctx, f"Giftbox;{};{most_applicable_slot}", { item_uuid: item, }) async def game_watcher(self, ctx: "SNIContext") -> None: try: from SNIClient import snes_buffered_write, snes_flush_writes, snes_read rom = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_ROMNAME, 0x15) if rom != ctx.rom: ctx.rom = None halken = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_HALKEN, 6) if halken != b"halken": return ninten = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_NINTEN, 6) if ninten != b"ninten": return if not ctx.slot: return if not self.initialize_gifting: self.giftbox_key = f"Giftbox;{};{ctx.slot}" self.motherbox_key = f"Giftboxes;{}" enable_gifting = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_GIFTING_FLAG, 0x01) await initialize_giftboxes(ctx, self.giftbox_key, self.motherbox_key, bool(enable_gifting[0])) self.initialize_gifting = True # can't check debug anymore, without going and copying the value. might be important later. if not self.levels: self.levels = dict() for i in range(5): level_data = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_LEVEL_ADDR + (14 * i), 14) self.levels[i] = [int.from_bytes(level_data[idx:idx+1], "little") for idx in range(0, len(level_data), 2)] self.levels[5] = [0x0205, # Hyper Zone 0, # MG-5, can't send from here 0x0300, # Boss Butch 0x0400, # Jumping 0, 0, 0] if self.consumables is None: consumables = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_CONSUMABLE_FLAG, 1) self.consumables = consumables[0] == 0x01 if self.stars is None: stars = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_STARS_FLAG, 1) self.stars = stars[0] == 0x01 is_demo = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_IS_DEMO, 1) # 1 - recording a demo, 2 - playing back recorded, 3+ is a demo if is_demo[0] > 0x00: return current_save = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_GAME_SAVE, 1) goal = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_GOAL_ADDR, 1) boss_butch_status = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_BOSS_BUTCH_STATUS + (current_save[0] * 2), 1) mg5_status = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_MG5_STATUS + (current_save[0] * 2), 1) jumping_status = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_JUMPING_STATUS + (current_save[0] * 2), 1) if boss_butch_status[0] == 0xFF: return # save file is not created, ignore if (goal[0] == 0x00 and boss_butch_status[0] == 0x01) \ or (goal[0] == 0x01 and boss_butch_status[0] == 0x03) \ or (goal[0] == 0x02 and mg5_status[0] == 0x03) \ or (goal[0] == 0x03 and jumping_status[0] == 0x03): await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]) ctx.finished_game = True current_bgm = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_CURRENT_BGM, 1) if current_bgm[0] in (0x00, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x25, 0x2A, 0x2B): return # null, title screen, opening, save select, true and false endings game_state = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_GAME_STATE, 1) if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and game_state[0] == 0x00 and ctx.last_death_link + 1 < time.time(): current_hp = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_KIRBY_HP, 1) current_world = struct.unpack("H", await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_CURRENT_WORLD, 2))[0] current_level = struct.unpack("H", await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_CURRENT_LEVEL, 2))[0] currently_dead = current_hp[0] == 0x00 message = deathlink_messages[self.levels[current_world][current_level]] await ctx.handle_deathlink_state(currently_dead, f"{ctx.player_names[ctx.slot]}{message}") recv_count = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_RECV_COUNT, 2) recv_amount = unpack("H", recv_count)[0] if recv_amount < len(ctx.items_received): item = ctx.items_received[recv_amount] recv_amount += 1'Received %s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)' % ( color(ctx.item_names.lookup_in_game(item.item), 'red', 'bold'), color(ctx.player_names[item.player], 'yellow'), ctx.location_names.lookup_in_slot(item.location, item.player), recv_amount, len(ctx.items_received))) snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_RECV_COUNT, pack("H", recv_amount)) item_idx = item.item & 0x00000F if item.item & 0x000070 == 0: self.item_queue.append(item_idx | 0x10) elif item.item & 0x000010 > 0: self.item_queue.append(item_idx | 0x20) elif item.item & 0x000020 > 0: # Positive self.item_queue.append(item_idx | 0x40) elif item.item & 0x000040 > 0: self.item_queue.append(item_idx | 0x80) # handle gifts here gifting_status = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_GIFTING_FLAG, 0x01) if hasattr(ctx, "gifting") and ctx.gifting: if gifting_status[0]: gift = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_GIFTING_SEND, 0x01) if gift[0]: # we have a gift to send await self.pick_gift_recipient(ctx, gift[0]) snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_GIFTING_SEND, bytes([0x00])) else: snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_GIFTING_FLAG, bytes([0x01])) else: if gifting_status[0]: snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_GIFTING_FLAG, bytes([0x00])) await snes_flush_writes(ctx) new_checks = [] # level completion status world_unlocks = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_WORLD_UNLOCK, 1) if world_unlocks[0] > 0x06: return # save is not loaded, ignore stages_raw = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_COMPLETED_STAGES, 60) stages = struct.unpack("HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", stages_raw) for i in range(30): loc_id = 0x770000 + i if stages[i] == 1 and loc_id not in ctx.checked_locations: new_checks.append(loc_id) elif loc_id in ctx.checked_locations: snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_COMPLETED_STAGES + (i * 2), struct.pack("H", 1)) # heart star status heart_stars = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_HEART_STARS, 35) for i in range(5): start_ind = i * 7 for j in range(6): level_ind = start_ind + j loc_id = 0x770100 + (6 * i) + j if heart_stars[level_ind] and loc_id not in ctx.checked_locations: new_checks.append(loc_id) elif loc_id in ctx.checked_locations: snes_buffered_write(ctx, KDL3_HEART_STARS + level_ind, bytes([0x01])) if self.consumables: consumables = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_CONSUMABLES, 1920) for consumable in consumable_addrs: # TODO: see if this can be sped up in any way loc_id = 0x770300 + consumable if loc_id not in ctx.checked_locations and consumables[consumable_addrs[consumable]] == 0x01: new_checks.append(loc_id) if self.stars: stars = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_STARS, 1920) for star in star_addrs: if star not in ctx.checked_locations and stars[star_addrs[star]] == 0x01: new_checks.append(star) if not game_state: return if game_state[0] != 0xFF: await self.pop_gift(ctx) await self.pop_item(ctx, game_state[0] != 0xFF) await snes_flush_writes(ctx) # boss status boss_flag_bytes = await snes_read(ctx, KDL3_BOSS_STATUS, 2) boss_flag = int.from_bytes(boss_flag_bytes, "little") for bitmask, boss in zip(range(1, 11, 2), boss_locations.keys()): if boss_flag & (1 << bitmask) > 0 and boss not in ctx.checked_locations: new_checks.append(boss) for new_check_id in new_checks: ctx.locations_checked.add(new_check_id) location = ctx.location_names.lookup_in_game(new_check_id) f'New Check: {location} ({len(ctx.locations_checked)}/' f'{len(ctx.missing_locations) + len(ctx.checked_locations)})') await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [new_check_id]}]) except Exception as ex: # we crashed, so print log and clean up snes_logger.error("", exc_info=ex) if "gift" in ctx.command_processor.commands: ctx.command_processor.commands.pop("gift") ctx.rom = None = None