import logging import time import typing import uuid from logging import Logger from typing import Dict, List, Optional from NetUtils import ClientStatus, NetworkItem from worlds.AutoSNIClient import SNIClient from .Enemies import enemy_id_to_name from .Items import start_id as items_start_id from .Locations import start_id as locations_start_id from .Options import BlueChestCount if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from SNIClient import SNIContext else: SNIContext = typing.Any snes_logger: Logger = logging.getLogger("SNES") SRAM_START: int = 0xE00000 L2AC_ROMNAME_START: int = 0x007FC0 L2AC_SIGN_ADDR: int = SRAM_START + 0x2000 L2AC_GOAL_ADDR: int = SRAM_START + 0x2030 L2AC_DEATH_ADDR: int = SRAM_START + 0x203D L2AC_TX_ADDR: int = SRAM_START + 0x2040 L2AC_RX_ADDR: int = SRAM_START + 0x2800 class L2ACSNIClient(SNIClient): game: str = "Lufia II Ancient Cave" patch_suffix = ".apl2ac" async def validate_rom(self, ctx: SNIContext) -> bool: from SNIClient import snes_read rom_name: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_ROMNAME_START, 0x15) if rom_name is None or rom_name[:4] != b"L2AC": return False = ctx.items_handling = 0b111 # fully remote ctx.rom = rom_name return True async def game_watcher(self, ctx: SNIContext) -> None: from SNIClient import snes_buffered_write, snes_flush_writes, snes_read rom: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_ROMNAME_START, 0x15) if rom != ctx.rom: ctx.rom = None return if ctx.server is None or ctx.slot is None: # not successfully connected to a multiworld server, cannot process the game sending items return signature: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_SIGN_ADDR, 16) if signature != b"ArchipelagoLufia": return uuid_data: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_TX_ADDR + 16, 16) if uuid_data is None: return coop_uuid: uuid.UUID = uuid.UUID(bytes=uuid_data) if coop_uuid.version != 4: coop_uuid = uuid.uuid4() snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_TX_ADDR + 16, coop_uuid.bytes) blue_chests_key: str = f"lufia2ac_blue_chests_checked_T{}_P{ctx.slot}" ctx.set_notify(blue_chests_key) # Goal if not ctx.finished_game: goal_data: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_GOAL_ADDR, 10) if goal_data is not None and goal_data[goal_data[0]] == 0x01: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]) ctx.finished_game = True # DeathLink TX death_data: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_DEATH_ADDR, 3) if death_data is not None: await ctx.update_death_link(bool(death_data[0])) if death_data[1] != 0x00: snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_DEATH_ADDR + 1, b"\x00") if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and ctx.last_death_link + 1 < time.time(): player_name: str = ctx.player_names.get(ctx.slot, str(ctx.slot)) enemy_name: str = enemy_id_to_name.get(death_data[1] - 1, hex(death_data[1] - 1)) await ctx.send_death(f"{player_name} was totally defeated by {enemy_name}.") # TX tx_data: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_TX_ADDR, 12) if tx_data is not None: snes_blue_chests_checked: int = int.from_bytes(tx_data[:2], "little") snes_ap_items_found: int = int.from_bytes(tx_data[6:8], "little") snes_other_locations_checked: int = int.from_bytes(tx_data[10:12], "little") blue_chests_checked: Dict[str, int] = ctx.stored_data.get(blue_chests_key) or {} if blue_chests_checked.get(str(coop_uuid), 0) < snes_blue_chests_checked: blue_chests_checked[str(coop_uuid)] = snes_blue_chests_checked if blue_chests_key in ctx.stored_data: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": blue_chests_key, "default": {}, "want_reply": True, "operations": [{ "operation": "update", "value": {str(coop_uuid): snes_blue_chests_checked}, }], }]) total_blue_chests_checked: int = min(sum(blue_chests_checked.values()), BlueChestCount.overall_max) snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_TX_ADDR + 8, total_blue_chests_checked.to_bytes(2, "little")) location_ids: List[int] = [locations_start_id + i for i in range(total_blue_chests_checked)] if snes_other_locations_checked: loc_data: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_TX_ADDR + 32, snes_other_locations_checked * 2) if loc_data is not None: location_ids.extend(locations_start_id + int.from_bytes(loc_data[2 * i:2 * i + 2], "little") for i in range(snes_other_locations_checked)) if new_location_ids := [loc_id for loc_id in location_ids if loc_id not in ctx.locations_checked]: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": new_location_ids}]) for location_id in new_location_ids: ctx.locations_checked.add(location_id)"%d/%d blue chests" % ( len(list(loc for loc in ctx.locations_checked if not loc & 0x100)), len(list(loc for loc in ctx.missing_locations | ctx.checked_locations if not loc & 0x100)))) client_ap_items_found: int = sum(net_item.player != ctx.slot for net_item in ctx.locations_info.values()) if client_ap_items_found > snes_ap_items_found: snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_TX_ADDR + 4, client_ap_items_found.to_bytes(2, "little")) # RX rx_data: Optional[bytes] = await snes_read(ctx, L2AC_RX_ADDR, 4) if rx_data is not None: snes_items_received = int.from_bytes(rx_data[:2], "little") if snes_items_received < len(ctx.items_received): item: NetworkItem = ctx.items_received[snes_items_received] item_code: int = item.item - items_start_id snes_items_received += 1"Received %s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)" % ( ctx.item_names.lookup_in_game(item.item), ctx.player_names[item.player], ctx.location_names.lookup_in_slot(item.location, item.player), snes_items_received, len(ctx.items_received))) snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_RX_ADDR + 2 * (snes_items_received + 1), item_code.to_bytes(2, "little")) snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_RX_ADDR, snes_items_received.to_bytes(2, "little")) await snes_flush_writes(ctx) async def deathlink_kill_player(self, ctx: SNIContext) -> None: from SNIClient import DeathState, snes_buffered_write, snes_flush_writes # DeathLink RX if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags: snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_DEATH_ADDR + 2, b"\x01") else: snes_buffered_write(ctx, L2AC_DEATH_ADDR + 2, b"\x00") await snes_flush_writes(ctx) ctx.death_state = DeathState.dead