""" This is a utility file that converts logic in the form of CSV files into Python files that can be imported and used directly by the world implementation. Whenever the logic files are updated, this script should be run to re-generate the python files containing the data. """ import requests # The CSVs are updated at this repository to be shared between generator and client. data_repository_address = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/digiholic/osrs-archipelago-logic/" # The Github tag of the CSVs this was generated with data_csv_tag = "v1.5" if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import os import csv import typing # makes this module runnable from its world folder. Shamelessly stolen from Subnautica sys.path.remove(os.path.dirname(__file__)) new_home = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)) os.chdir(new_home) sys.path.append(new_home) def load_location_csv(): this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(this_dir, "locations_generated.py"), 'w+') as locPyFile: locPyFile.write('"""\nThis file was auto generated by LogicCSVToPython.py\n"""\n') locPyFile.write("from ..Locations import LocationRow, SkillRequirement\n") locPyFile.write("\n") locPyFile.write("location_rows = [\n") with requests.get(data_repository_address + "/" + data_csv_tag + "/locations.csv") as req: locations_reader = csv.reader(req.text.splitlines()) for row in locations_reader: row_line = "LocationRow(" row_line += str_format(row[0]) row_line += str_format(row[1].lower()) region_strings = row[2].split(", ") if row[2] else [] row_line += f"{str_list_to_py(region_strings)}, " skill_strings = row[3].split(", ") row_line += "[" if skill_strings: split_skills = [skill.split(" ") for skill in skill_strings if skill != ""] if split_skills: for split in split_skills: row_line += f"SkillRequirement('{split[0]}', {split[1]}), " row_line += "], " item_strings = row[4].split(", ") if row[4] else [] row_line += f"{str_list_to_py(item_strings)}, " row_line += f"{row[5]})" if row[5] != "" else "0)" locPyFile.write(f"\t{row_line},\n") locPyFile.write("]\n") def load_region_csv(): this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(this_dir, "regions_generated.py"), 'w+') as regPyFile: regPyFile.write('"""\nThis file was auto generated by LogicCSVToPython.py\n"""\n') regPyFile.write("from ..Regions import RegionRow\n") regPyFile.write("\n") regPyFile.write("region_rows = [\n") with requests.get(data_repository_address + "/" + data_csv_tag + "/regions.csv") as req: regions_reader = csv.reader(req.text.splitlines()) for row in regions_reader: row_line = "RegionRow(" row_line += str_format(row[0]) row_line += str_format(row[1]) connections = row[2].replace("'", "\\'") row_line += f"{str_list_to_py(connections.split(', '))}, " resources = row[3].replace("'", "\\'") row_line += f"{str_list_to_py(resources.split(', '))})" regPyFile.write(f"\t{row_line},\n") regPyFile.write("]\n") def load_resource_csv(): this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(this_dir, "resources_generated.py"), 'w+') as resPyFile: resPyFile.write('"""\nThis file was auto generated by LogicCSVToPython.py\n"""\n') resPyFile.write("from ..Regions import ResourceRow\n") resPyFile.write("\n") resPyFile.write("resource_rows = [\n") with requests.get(data_repository_address + "/" + data_csv_tag + "/resources.csv") as req: resource_reader = csv.reader(req.text.splitlines()) for row in resource_reader: name = row[0].replace("'", "\\'") row_line = f"ResourceRow('{name}')" resPyFile.write(f"\t{row_line},\n") resPyFile.write("]\n") def load_item_csv(): this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(this_dir, "items_generated.py"), 'w+') as itemPyfile: itemPyfile.write('"""\nThis file was auto generated by LogicCSVToPython.py\n"""\n') itemPyfile.write("from BaseClasses import ItemClassification\n") itemPyfile.write("from ..Items import ItemRow\n") itemPyfile.write("\n") itemPyfile.write("item_rows = [\n") with requests.get(data_repository_address + "/" + data_csv_tag + "/items.csv") as req: item_reader = csv.reader(req.text.splitlines()) for row in item_reader: row_line = "ItemRow(" row_line += str_format(row[0]) row_line += f"{row[1]}, " row_line += f"ItemClassification.{row[2]})" itemPyfile.write(f"\t{row_line},\n") itemPyfile.write("]\n") def str_format(s) -> str: ret_str = s.replace("'", "\\'") return f"'{ret_str}', " def str_list_to_py(str_list) -> str: ret_str = "[" for s in str_list: ret_str += f"'{s}', " ret_str += "]" return ret_str load_location_csv() print("Generated locations py") load_region_csv() print("Generated regions py") load_resource_csv() print("Generated resource py") load_item_csv() print("Generated item py")