general_options: # Where to place output files output_path: "output" # Options for MultiServer # Null means nothing, for the server this means to default the value # These overwrite command line arguments! server_options: host: null port: 38281 password: null multidata: null savefile: null disable_save: false loglevel: "info" # Allows for clients to log on and manage the server. If this is null, no remote administration is possible. server_password: null # Disallow !getitem. disable_item_cheat: false # Client hint system # Points given to a player for each acquired item in their world location_check_points: 1 # Relative point cost to receive a hint via !hint for players # so for example hint_cost: 20 would mean that for every 20% of available checks, you get the ability to hint, for a total of 5 hint_cost: 10 # Set to 0 if you want free hints # Forfeit modes # A Forfeit sends out the remaining items *from* a world that forfeits # "disabled" -> clients can't forfeit, # "enabled" -> clients can always forfeit # "auto" -> automatic forfeit on goal completion # "auto-enabled" -> automatic forfeit on goal completion and manual forfeit is also enabled # "goal" -> forfeit is allowed after goal completion forfeit_mode: "goal" # Collect modes # A Collect sends the remaining items *to* a world that collects # "disabled" -> clients can't collect, # "enabled" -> clients can always collect # "auto" -> automatic collect on goal completion # "auto-enabled" -> automatic collect on goal completion and manual collect is also enabled # "goal" -> collect is allowed after goal completion collect_mode: "goal" # Remaining modes # !remaining handling, that tells a client which items remain in their pool # "enabled" -> Client can always ask for remaining items # "disabled" -> Client can never ask for remaining items # "goal" -> Client can ask for remaining items after goal completion remaining_mode: "goal" # Automatically shut down the server after this many seconds without new location checks, 0 to keep running auto_shutdown: 0 # Compatibility handling # 2 -> Recommended for casual/cooperative play, attempt to be compatible with everything across all versions # 1 -> No longer in use, kept reserved in case of future use # 0 -> Recommended for tournaments to force a level playing field, only allow an exact version match compatibility: 2 # log all server traffic, mostly for dev use log_network: 0 # Options for Generation generator: # Location of your Enemizer CLI, available here: enemizer_path: "EnemizerCLI/EnemizerCLI.Core.exe" # Folder from which the player yaml files are pulled from player_files_path: "Players" #amount of players, 0 to infer from player files players: 0 # general weights file, within the stated player_files_path location # gets used if players is higher than the amount of per-player files found to fill remaining slots weights_file_path: "weights.yaml" # Meta file name, within the stated player_files_path location meta_file_path: "meta.yaml" # Create a spoiler file # 0 -> None # 1 -> Spoiler without playthrough # 2 -> Full spoiler spoiler: 2 # Glitch to Triforce room from Ganon # When disabled, you have to have a weapon that can hurt ganon (master sword or swordless/easy item functionality + hammer) # and have completed the goal required for killing ganon to be able to access the triforce room. # 1 -> Enabled. # 0 -> Disabled (except in no-logic) glitch_triforce_room: 1 # Create encrypted race roms and flag games as race mode race: 0 # List of options that can be plando'd. Can be combined, for example "bosses, items" # Available options: bosses, items, texts, connections plando_options: "bosses" lttp_options: # File name of the v1.0 J rom rom_file: "Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc" # Set this to your SNI folder location if you want the MultiClient to attempt an auto start, does nothing if not found sni: "SNI" # Set this to false to never autostart a rom (such as after patching) # True for operating system default program # Alternatively, a path to a program to open the .sfc file with rom_start: true sm_options: # File name of the v1.0 J rom rom_file: "Super Metroid (JU).sfc" # Set this to your SNI folder location if you want the MultiClient to attempt an auto start, does nothing if not found sni: "SNI" # Set this to false to never autostart a rom (such as after patching) # True for operating system default program # Alternatively, a path to a program to open the .sfc file with rom_start: true factorio_options: executable: "factorio\\bin\\x64\\factorio" minecraft_options: forge_directory: "Minecraft Forge server" max_heap_size: "2G" oot_options: # File name of the OoT v1.0 ROM rom_file: "The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64" soe_options: # File name of the SoE US ROM rom_file: "Secret of Evermore (USA).sfc" ffr_options: display_msgs: true smz3_options: # Set this to your SNI folder location if you want the MultiClient to attempt an auto start, does nothing if not found sni: "SNI" # Set this to false to never autostart a rom (such as after patching) # True for operating system default program # Alternatively, a path to a program to open the .sfc file with rom_start: true