import typing from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, Region, Entrance from .Items import LegacyItem from .Locations import LegacyLocation, diary_location_table, location_table, base_location_table from .Names import LocationName, ItemName def create_regions(world, player: int): locations: typing.List[str] = [] # Add required locations. locations += [location for location in base_location_table] locations += [location for location in diary_location_table] # Add chests per settings. if world.universal_fairy_chests[player]: fairies = int(world.fairy_chests_per_zone[player]) * 4 for i in range(0, fairies): locations += [f"Fairy Chest {i + 1}"] else: fairies = int(world.fairy_chests_per_zone[player]) for i in range(0, fairies): locations += [f"{LocationName.castle} - Fairy Chest {i + 1}"] locations += [f"{} - Fairy Chest {i + 1}"] locations += [f"{LocationName.tower} - Fairy Chest {i + 1}"] locations += [f"{LocationName.dungeon} - Fairy Chest {i + 1}"] if world.universal_chests[player]: chests = int(world.chests_per_zone[player]) * 4 for i in range(0, chests): locations += [f"Chest {i + 1}"] else: chests = int(world.chests_per_zone[player]) for i in range(0, chests): locations += [f"{LocationName.castle} - Chest {i + 1}"] locations += [f"{} - Chest {i + 1}"] locations += [f"{LocationName.tower} - Chest {i + 1}"] locations += [f"{LocationName.dungeon} - Chest {i + 1}"] # Set up the regions correctly. world.regions += [ create_region(world, player, "Menu", None, [LocationName.outside]), create_region(world, player, LocationName.castle, locations), ] # Connect entrances and set up events. world.get_entrance(LocationName.outside, player).connect(world.get_region(LocationName.castle, player)) world.get_location(LocationName.castle, player).place_locked_item(LegacyItem(ItemName.boss_castle, True, None, player)) world.get_location(, player).place_locked_item(LegacyItem(ItemName.boss_forest, True, None, player)) world.get_location(LocationName.tower, player).place_locked_item(LegacyItem(ItemName.boss_tower, True, None, player)) world.get_location(LocationName.dungeon, player).place_locked_item(LegacyItem(ItemName.boss_dungeon, True, None, player)) world.get_location(LocationName.fountain, player).place_locked_item(LegacyItem(ItemName.boss_fountain, True, None, player)) def create_region(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None): # Shamelessly stolen from the ROR2 definition, lol ret = Region(name, None, name, player) = world if locations: for location in locations: loc_id = location_table.get(location, 0) location = LegacyLocation(player, location, loc_id, ret) ret.locations.append(location) if exits: for exit in exits: ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret)) return ret