from __future__ import annotations from collections import OrderedDict from threading import RLock from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Union if TYPE_CHECKING: from .bot_ai import BotAI class ExpiringDict(OrderedDict): """ An expiring dict that uses the bot.state.game_loop to only return items that are valid for a specific amount of time. Example usages:: async def on_step(iteration: int): # This dict will hold up to 10 items and only return values that have been added up to 20 frames ago my_dict = ExpiringDict(self, max_age_frames=20) if iteration == 0: # Add item my_dict["test"] = "something" if iteration == 2: # On default, one iteration is called every 8 frames if "test" in my_dict: print("test is in dict") if iteration == 20: if "test" not in my_dict: print("test is not anymore in dict") """ def __init__(self, bot: BotAI, max_age_frames: int = 1): assert max_age_frames >= -1 assert bot OrderedDict.__init__(self) BotAI = bot self.max_age: Union[int, float] = max_age_frames self.lock: RLock = RLock() @property def frame(self) -> int: return def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: """ Return True if dict has key, else False, e.g. 'key in dict' """ with self.lock: if OrderedDict.__contains__(self, key): # Each item is a list of [value, frame time] item = OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, key) if self.frame - item[1] < self.max_age: return True del self[key] return False def __getitem__(self, key, with_age=False) -> Any: """ Return the item of the dict using d[key] """ with self.lock: # Each item is a list of [value, frame time] item = OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, key) if self.frame - item[1] < self.max_age: if with_age: return item[0], item[1] return item[0] OrderedDict.__delitem__(self, key) raise KeyError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Set d[key] = value """ with self.lock: OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, (value, self.frame)) def __repr__(self): """ Printable version of the dict instead of getting memory adress """ print_list = [] with self.lock: for key, value in OrderedDict.items(self): if self.frame - value[1] < self.max_age: print_list.append(f"{repr(key)}: {repr(value)}") print_str = ", ".join(print_list) return f"ExpiringDict({print_str})" def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __iter__(self): """ Override 'for key in dict:' """ with self.lock: return self.keys() # TODO find a way to improve len def __len__(self): """Override len method as key value pairs aren't instantly being deleted, but only on __get__(item). This function is slow because it has to check if each element is not expired yet.""" with self.lock: count = 0 for _ in self.values(): count += 1 return count def pop(self, key, default=None, with_age=False): """ Return the item and remove it """ with self.lock: if OrderedDict.__contains__(self, key): item = OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, key) if self.frame - item[1] < self.max_age: del self[key] if with_age: return item[0], item[1] return item[0] del self[key] if default is None: raise KeyError(key) if with_age: return default, self.frame return default def get(self, key, default=None, with_age=False): """ Return the value for key if key is in dict, else default """ with self.lock: if OrderedDict.__contains__(self, key): item = OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, key) if self.frame - item[1] < self.max_age: if with_age: return item[0], item[1] return item[0] if default is None: raise KeyError(key) if with_age: return default, self.frame return None return None def update(self, other_dict: dict): with self.lock: for key, value in other_dict.items(): self[key] = value def items(self) -> Iterable: """ Return iterator of zipped list [keys, values] """ with self.lock: for key, value in OrderedDict.items(self): if self.frame - value[1] < self.max_age: yield key, value[0] def keys(self) -> Iterable: """ Return iterator of keys """ with self.lock: for key, value in OrderedDict.items(self): if self.frame - value[1] < self.max_age: yield key def values(self) -> Iterable: """ Return iterator of values """ with self.lock: for value in OrderedDict.values(self): if self.frame - value[1] < self.max_age: yield value[0]