import copy, random, sys, logging, os from enum import Enum, unique from ..utils import log from ..utils.parameters import infinity from ..rando.ItemLocContainer import getLocListStr, getItemListStr, getItemLocStr, ItemLocation from ..logic.helpers import Bosses # used to specify whether we want to come back from locations @unique class ComebackCheckType(Enum): Undefined = 0 # do not check whether we should come back NoCheck = 1 # come back with the placed item JustComeback = 2 # come back without the placed item ComebackWithoutItem = 3 # collection of stateless services to be used mainly by fillers class RandoServices(object): def __init__(self, graph, restrictions, cache=None): self.restrictions = restrictions self.settings = restrictions.settings self.areaGraph = graph self.cache = cache self.log = log.get('RandoServices') # collect an item/loc with logic in a container from a given AP # return new AP def collect(self, ap, container, itemLoc, pickup=True): if pickup == True: # walk the graph to update AP if self.cache: self.cache.reset() self.currentLocations(ap, container) container.collect(itemLoc, pickup=pickup) self.log.debug("COLLECT "+itemLoc.Item.Type+" at "+itemLoc.Location.Name) sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() return itemLoc.Location.accessPoint if pickup == True else ap # gives all the possible theoretical locations for a given item def possibleLocations(self, item, ap, emptyContainer, bossesKilled=True): assert len(emptyContainer.currentItems) == 0, "Invalid call to possibleLocations. emptyContainer had collected items" self.log.debug('possibleLocations. item='+item.Type) if bossesKilled: itemLambda = lambda it: it.Type != item.Type else: itemLambda = lambda it: it.Type != item.Type and it.Category != 'Boss' allBut = emptyContainer.getItems(itemLambda) self.log.debug('possibleLocations. allBut='+getItemListStr(allBut))[it.Type for it in allBut]) ret = [loc for loc in self.currentLocations(ap, emptyContainer, post=True) if self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(item, loc, emptyContainer)] self.log.debug('possibleLocations='+getLocListStr(ret)) return ret # gives current accessible locations within a container from an AP, given an optional item. # post: checks post available? # diff: max difficulty to use (None for max diff from settings) def currentLocations(self, ap, container, item=None, post=False, diff=None): if self.cache is not None: request = self.cache.request('currentLocations', ap, container, None if item is None else item.Type, post, diff) ret = self.cache.get(request) if ret is not None: return ret sm = if diff is None: diff = self.settings.maxDiff itemType = None if item is not None: itemType = item.Type sm.addItem(itemType) ret = sorted(self.getAvailLocs(container, ap, diff), key=lambda loc: loc.Name) if post is True: ret = [loc for loc in ret if self.locPostAvailable(sm, loc, itemType)] if item is not None: sm.removeItem(itemType) if self.cache is not None:, ret) return ret def locPostAvailable(self, sm, loc, item): if loc.PostAvailable is None: return True result = sm.withItem(item, loc.PostAvailable) if item is not None else loc.PostAvailable(sm) return result.bool == True and result.difficulty <= self.settings.maxDiff def getAvailLocs(self, container, ap, diff): sm = locs = container.unusedLocations return self.areaGraph.getAvailableLocations(locs, sm, diff, ap) # gives current accessible APs within a container from an AP, given an optional item. def currentAccessPoints(self, ap, container, item=None): if self.cache is not None: request = self.cache.request('currentAccessPoints', ap, container, None if item is None else item.Type) ret = self.cache.get(request) if ret is not None: return ret sm = if item is not None: itemType = item.Type sm.addItem(itemType) nodes = sorted(self.areaGraph.getAvailableAccessPoints(self.areaGraph.accessPoints[ap], sm, self.settings.maxDiff), key=lambda ap: ap.Name) if item is not None: sm.removeItem(itemType) if self.cache is not None:, nodes) return nodes def isSoftlockPossible(self, container, ap, item, loc, comebackCheck): sm = # usually early game if comebackCheck == ComebackCheckType.NoCheck: return False # some specific early/late game checks if loc.Name == 'Bomb' or loc.Name == 'Mother Brain': return False # if the loc forces us to go to an area we can't come back from comeBack = loc.accessPoint == ap or \ self.areaGraph.canAccess(sm, loc.accessPoint, ap, self.settings.maxDiff, item.Type if item is not None else None) if not comeBack: self.log.debug("KO come back from " + loc.accessPoint + " to " + ap + " when trying to place " + ("None" if item is None else item.Type) + " at " + loc.Name) return True # else: # self.log.debug("OK come back from " + loc.accessPoint + " to " + ap + " when trying to place " + item.Type + " at " + loc.Name) if item is not None and comebackCheck == ComebackCheckType.ComebackWithoutItem and self.isProgression(item, ap, container): # we know that loc is avail and post avail with the item # if it is not post avail without it, then the item prevents the # possible softlock if not self.locPostAvailable(sm, loc, None): return True # item allows us to come back from a softlock possible zone comeBackWithout = self.areaGraph.canAccess(sm, loc.accessPoint, ap, self.settings.maxDiff, None) if not comeBackWithout: return True return False def fullComebackCheck(self, container, ap, item, loc, comebackCheck): sm = tmpItems = [] # draygon special case: there are two locations, and we can # place one item, but we might need both the item and the boss # dead to get out if loc.SolveArea == "Draygon Boss" and Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Draygon').bool == False: # temporary kill draygon tmpItems.append('Draygon') sm.addItems(tmpItems) ret = self.locPostAvailable(sm, loc, item.Type if item is not None else None) and not self.isSoftlockPossible(container, ap, item, loc, comebackCheck) for tmp in tmpItems: sm.removeItem(tmp) return ret def isProgression(self, item, ap, container): sm = # no need to test nothing items if item.Category == 'Nothing': return False if self.cache is not None: request = self.cache.request('isProgression', item.Type, ap, container) ret = self.cache.get(request) if ret is not None: return ret oldLocations = self.currentLocations(ap, container) ret = any(self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(item, loc, container) for loc in oldLocations) if ret == True: newLocations = [loc for loc in self.currentLocations(ap, container, item) if loc not in oldLocations] ret = len(newLocations) > 0 and any(self.restrictions.isItemLocMatching(item, loc) for loc in newLocations) self.log.debug('isProgression. item=' + item.Type + ', newLocs=' + str([loc.Name for loc in newLocations])) if ret == False and len(newLocations) > 0 and self.restrictions.split == 'Major': # in major/minor split, still consider minor locs as # progression if not all types are distributed ret = not sm.haveItem('Missile').bool \ or not sm.haveItem('Super').bool \ or not sm.haveItem('PowerBomb').bool if self.cache is not None:, ret) return ret def getPlacementLocs(self, ap, container, comebackCheck, itemObj, locs): return [loc for loc in locs if (itemObj is None or self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(itemObj, loc, container)) and self.fullComebackCheck(container, ap, itemObj, loc, comebackCheck)] def processEarlyMorph(self, ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs): morph = container.getNextItemInPool('Morph') if morph is not None: self.log.debug("processEarlyMorph. morph not placed yet") morphLocItem = next((item for item in itemLocDict if item.Type == morph.Type), None) if morphLocItem is not None: morphLocs = itemLocDict[morphLocItem] itemLocDict.clear() itemLocDict[morphLocItem] = morphLocs elif len(curLocs) >= 2: self.log.debug("processEarlyMorph. early morph placement check") # we have to place morph early, it's still not placed, and not detected as placeable # let's see if we can place it anyway in the context of a combo morphLocs = self.getPlacementLocs(ap, container, comebackCheck, morph, curLocs) if len(morphLocs) > 0: # copy our context to do some destructive checks containerCpy = copy.copy(container) # choose a morph item location in that context morphItemLoc = ItemLocation( morph, random.choice(morphLocs) ) # acquire morph in new context and see if we can still open new locs newAP = self.collect(ap, containerCpy, morphItemLoc) (ild, poss) = self.getPossiblePlacements(newAP, containerCpy, comebackCheck) if poss: # it's possible, only offer morph as possibility itemLocDict.clear() itemLocDict[morph] = morphLocs def processLateMorph(self, container, itemLocDict): morphLocItem = next((item for item in itemLocDict if item.Type == 'Morph'), None) if morphLocItem is None or len(itemLocDict) == 1: # no morph, or it is the only possibility: nothing to do return morphLocs = self.restrictions.lateMorphCheck(container, itemLocDict[morphLocItem]) if morphLocs is not None: itemLocDict[morphLocItem] = morphLocs else: del itemLocDict[morphLocItem] def processNoComeback(self, ap, container, itemLocDict): comebackDict = {} for item,locList in itemLocDict.items(): comebackLocs = [loc for loc in locList if self.fullComebackCheck(container, ap, item, loc, ComebackCheckType.JustComeback)] if len(comebackLocs) > 0: comebackDict[item] = comebackLocs if len(comebackDict) > 0: itemLocDict.clear() itemLocDict.update(comebackDict) def processPlacementRestrictions(self, ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs): if self.restrictions.isEarlyMorph(): self.processEarlyMorph(ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs) elif self.restrictions.isLateMorph(): self.processLateMorph(container, itemLocDict) if comebackCheck == ComebackCheckType.NoCheck: self.processNoComeback(ap, container, itemLocDict) # main logic function to be used by fillers. gives possible locations for each item. # ap: AP to check from # container: our item/loc container # comebackCheck: how to check for comebacks (cf ComebackCheckType) # return a dictionary with Item instances as keys and locations lists as values def getPossiblePlacements(self, ap, container, comebackCheck): curLocs = self.currentLocations(ap, container) self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. nCurLocs='+str(len(curLocs))) self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. curLocs='+getLocListStr(curLocs)) self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. comebackCheck='+str(comebackCheck)) sm = poolDict = container.getPoolDict() itemLocDict = {} possibleProg = False nonProgList = None def getLocList(itemObj): nonlocal curLocs return self.getPlacementLocs(ap, container, comebackCheck, itemObj, curLocs) def getNonProgLocList(): nonlocal nonProgList if nonProgList is None: nonProgList = [loc for loc in self.currentLocations(ap, container) if self.fullComebackCheck(container, ap, None, loc, comebackCheck)] self.log.debug("nonProgLocList="+str([loc.Name for loc in nonProgList])) return [loc for loc in nonProgList if self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(itemObj, loc, container)] for itemType,items in sorted(poolDict.items()): itemObj = items[0] cont = True prog = False if self.isProgression(itemObj, ap, container): cont = False prog = True elif not possibleProg: cont = False if cont: # ignore non prog items if a prog item has already been found continue # check possible locations for this item type # self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. itemType=' + itemType + ', curLocs='+str([loc.Name for loc in curLocs])) locations = getLocList(itemObj) if prog else getNonProgLocList() if len(locations) == 0: continue if prog and not possibleProg: possibleProg = True itemLocDict = {} # forget all the crap ones we stored just in case # self.log.debug('getPossiblePlacements. itemType=' + itemType + ', locs='+str([loc.Name for loc in locations])) for item in items: itemLocDict[item] = locations self.processPlacementRestrictions(ap, container, comebackCheck, itemLocDict, curLocs) self.printItemLocDict(itemLocDict) self.log.debug('possibleProg='+str(possibleProg)) return (itemLocDict, possibleProg) def printItemLocDict(self, itemLocDict): if self.log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: debugDict = {} for item, locList in itemLocDict.items(): if item.Type not in debugDict: debugDict[item.Type] = [loc.Name for loc in locList] self.log.debug('itemLocDict='+str(debugDict)) # same as getPossiblePlacements, without any logic check def getPossiblePlacementsNoLogic(self, container): poolDict = container.getPoolDict() itemLocDict = {} def getLocList(itemObj, baseList): return [loc for loc in baseList if self.restrictions.canPlaceAtLocation(itemObj, loc, container)] for itemType,items in sorted(poolDict.items()): itemObj = items[0] locList = getLocList(itemObj, container.unusedLocations) for item in items: itemLocDict[item] = locList self.printItemLocDict(itemLocDict) return (itemLocDict, False) # check if bosses are blocking the last remaining locations. # accurate most of the time, still a heuristic def onlyBossesLeft(self, ap, container): if self.settings.maxDiff == infinity: return False self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft, diff=' + str(self.settings.maxDiff) + ", ap="+ap) sm = bossesLeft = container.getAllItemsInPoolFromCategory('Boss') if len(bossesLeft) == 0: return False def getLocList(): curLocs = self.currentLocations(ap, container) self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft, curLocs=' + getLocListStr(curLocs)) return self.getPlacementLocs(ap, container, ComebackCheckType.JustComeback, None, curLocs) prevLocs = getLocList() self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft. prevLocs="+getLocListStr(prevLocs)) # fake kill remaining bosses and see if we can access the rest of the game if self.cache is not None: self.cache.reset() for boss in bossesLeft: self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft. kill '+boss.Name) sm.addItem(boss.Type) # get bosses locations and newly accessible locations (for bosses that open up locs) newLocs = getLocList() self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft. newLocs="+getLocListStr(newLocs)) locs = newLocs + container.getLocs(lambda loc: loc.isBoss() and not loc in newLocs) self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft. locs="+getLocListStr(locs)) ret = (len(locs) > len(prevLocs) and len(locs) == len(container.unusedLocations)) # restore bosses killed state for boss in bossesLeft: self.log.debug('onlyBossesLeft. revive '+boss.Name) sm.removeItem(boss.Type) if self.cache is not None: self.cache.reset() self.log.debug("onlyBossesLeft? " +str(ret)) return ret def canEndGame(self, container): return not any(loc.Name == 'Mother Brain' for loc in container.unusedLocations) def can100percent(self, ap, container): if not self.canEndGame(container): return False curLocs = self.currentLocations(ap, container, post=True) return len(curLocs) == len(container.unusedLocations) def findStartupProgItemPair(self, ap, container): self.log.debug("findStartupProgItemPair") (itemLocDict, isProg) = self.getPossiblePlacements(ap, container, ComebackCheckType.NoCheck) assert not isProg items = list(itemLocDict.keys()) random.shuffle(items) for item in items: cont = copy.copy(container) loc = random.choice(itemLocDict[item]) itemLoc1 = ItemLocation(item, loc) self.log.debug("itemLoc1 attempt: "+getItemLocStr(itemLoc1)) newAP = self.collect(ap, cont, itemLoc1) if self.cache is not None: self.cache.reset() (ild, isProg) = self.getPossiblePlacements(newAP, cont, ComebackCheckType.NoCheck) if isProg: item2 = random.choice(list(ild.keys())) itemLoc2 = ItemLocation(item2, random.choice(ild[item2])) self.log.debug("itemLoc2: "+getItemLocStr(itemLoc2)) return (itemLoc1, itemLoc2) return None