# Aquaria Randomizer Setup Guide ## Required Software - The original Aquaria Game (buyable from a lot of online game seller); - The [Aquaria randomizer](https://github.com/tioui/Aquaria_Randomizer/releases) - Optional, for sending [commands](/tutorial/Archipelago/commands/en) like `!hint`: the TextClient from [the most recent Archipelago release](https://github.com/ArchipelagoMW/Archipelago/releases) ## Installation and execution Procedures ### Windows First, you should copy the original Aquaria folder game. The randomizer will possibly modify the game so that the original game will stop working. Copying the folder will guarantee that the original game keeps on working. Also, in Windows, the save files are stored in the Aquaria folder. So copying the Aquaria folder for every Multiworld game you play will make sure that every game has their own save game. Unzip the Aquaria randomizer release and copy all unzipped files in the Aquaria game folder. The unzipped files are those: - aquaria_randomizer.exe - OpenAL32.dll - override (directory) - SDL2.dll - usersettings.xml - wrap_oal.dll - cacert.pem If there is a conflict between file in the original game folder and the unzipped files, you should override the original files with the one of the unzipped randomizer. Finally, to launch the randomizer, you must use the command line interface (you can open the command line interface by writing `cmd` in the address bar of the Windows file explorer). Here is the command line to use to start the randomizer: ```bash aquaria_randomizer.exe --name YourName --server theServer:thePort ``` or, if the room has a password: ```bash aquaria_randomizer.exe --name YourName --server theServer:thePort --password thePassword ``` ### Linux when using the AppImage If you use the AppImage, just copy it in the Aquaria game folder. You then have to make it executable. You can do that from command line by using ```bash chmod +x Aquaria_Randomizer-*.AppImage ``` or by using the Graphical Explorer of your system. To launch the randomizer, just launch in command line: ```bash ./Aquaria_Randomizer-*.AppImage --name YourName --server theServer:thePort ``` or, if the room has a password: ```bash ./Aquaria_Randomizer-*.AppImage --name YourName --server theServer:thePort --password thePassword ``` Note that you should not have multiple Aquaria_Randomizer AppImage file in the same folder. If this situation occurred, the preceding commands will launch the game multiple times. ### Linux when using the tar file First, you should copy the original Aquaria folder game. The randomizer will possibly modify the game so that the original game will stop working. Copying the folder will guarantee that the original game keeps on working. Untar the Aquaria randomizer release and copy all extracted files in the Aquaria game folder. The extracted files are those: - aquaria_randomizer - override (directory) - usersettings.xml - cacert.pem If there is a conflict between file in the original game folder and the extracted files, you should override the original files with the one of the extracted randomizer files. Then, you should use your system package manager to install liblua5, libogg, libvorbis, libopenal and libsdl2. On Debian base system (like Ubuntu), you can use the following command: ```bash sudo apt install liblua5.1-0-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libsdl2-dev ``` Also, if there is some `.so` files in the Aquaria original game folder (`libgcc_s.so.1`, `libopenal.so.1`, `libSDL-1.2.so.0` and `libstdc++.so.6`), you should remove them from the Aquaria Randomizer game folder. Those are old libraries that will not work on the recent build of the randomizer. To launch the randomizer, just launch in command line: ```bash ./aquaria_randomizer --name YourName --server theServer:thePort ``` or, if the room has a password: ```bash ./aquaria_randomizer --name YourName --server theServer:thePort --password thePassword ``` Note: If you have a permission denied error when using the command line, you can use this command line to be sure that your executable has executable permission: ```bash chmod +x aquaria_randomizer ```