from __future__ import annotations import shutil import json import bsdiff4 # type: ignore import yaml import os import lzma import threading import concurrent.futures import zipfile import sys from typing import ClassVar, List, Tuple, Optional, Dict, Any, Union, BinaryIO import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() import Utils current_patch_version = 5 class AutoPatchRegister(type): patch_types: ClassVar[Dict[str, AutoPatchRegister]] = {} file_endings: ClassVar[Dict[str, AutoPatchRegister]] = {} def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoPatchRegister: # construct class new_class = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) if "game" in dct: AutoPatchRegister.patch_types[dct["game"]] = new_class if not dct["patch_file_ending"]: raise Exception(f"Need an expected file ending for {name}") AutoPatchRegister.file_endings[dct["patch_file_ending"]] = new_class return new_class @staticmethod def get_handler(file: str) -> Optional[AutoPatchRegister]: for file_ending, handler in AutoPatchRegister.file_endings.items(): if file.endswith(file_ending): return handler return None class APContainer: """A zipfile containing at least archipelago.json""" version: int = current_patch_version compression_level: int = 9 compression_method: int = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED game: Optional[str] = None # instance attributes: path: Optional[str] player: Optional[int] player_name: str server: str def __init__(self, path: Optional[str] = None, player: Optional[int] = None, player_name: str = "", server: str = ""): self.path = path self.player = player self.player_name = player_name self.server = server def write(self, file: Optional[Union[str, BinaryIO]] = None) -> None: zip_file = file if file else self.path if not zip_file: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot write {self.__class__.__name__} due to no path provided.") with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, "w", self.compression_method, True, self.compression_level) \ as zf: if file: self.path = zf.filename self.write_contents(zf) def write_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None: manifest = self.get_manifest() try: manifest_str = json.dumps(manifest) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Manifest {manifest} did not convert to json.") from e else: opened_zipfile.writestr("archipelago.json", manifest_str) def read(self, file: Optional[Union[str, BinaryIO]] = None) -> None: """Read data into patch object. file can be file-like, such as an outer zip file's stream.""" zip_file = file if file else self.path if not zip_file: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot read {self.__class__.__name__} due to no path provided.") with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, "r") as zf: if file: self.path = zf.filename self.read_contents(zf) def read_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None: with"archipelago.json", "r") as f: manifest = json.load(f) if manifest["compatible_version"] > self.version: raise Exception(f"File (version: {manifest['compatible_version']}) too new " f"for this handler (version: {self.version})") self.player = manifest["player"] self.server = manifest["server"] self.player_name = manifest["player_name"] def get_manifest(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "server": self.server, # allow immediate connection to server in multiworld. Empty string otherwise "player": self.player, "player_name": self.player_name, "game":, # minimum version of patch system expected for patching to be successful "compatible_version": 4, "version": current_patch_version, } class APDeltaPatch(APContainer, metaclass=AutoPatchRegister): """An APContainer that additionally has delta.bsdiff4 containing a delta patch to get the desired file, often a rom.""" hash: Optional[str] # base checksum of source file patch_file_ending: str = "" delta: Optional[bytes] = None result_file_ending: str = ".sfc" source_data: bytes def __init__(self, *args: Any, patched_path: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.patched_path = patched_path super(APDeltaPatch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_manifest(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: manifest = super(APDeltaPatch, self).get_manifest() manifest["base_checksum"] = self.hash manifest["result_file_ending"] = self.result_file_ending manifest["patch_file_ending"] = self.patch_file_ending return manifest @classmethod def get_source_data(cls) -> bytes: """Get Base data""" raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def get_source_data_with_cache(cls) -> bytes: if not hasattr(cls, "source_data"): cls.source_data = cls.get_source_data() return cls.source_data def write_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile): super(APDeltaPatch, self).write_contents(opened_zipfile) # write Delta opened_zipfile.writestr("delta.bsdiff4", bsdiff4.diff(self.get_source_data_with_cache(), open(self.patched_path, "rb").read()), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED) # bsdiff4 is a format with integrated compression def read_contents(self, opened_zipfile: zipfile.ZipFile): super(APDeltaPatch, self).read_contents(opened_zipfile) ="delta.bsdiff4") def patch(self, target: str): """Base + Delta -> Patched""" if not result = bsdiff4.patch(self.get_source_data_with_cache(), with open(target, "wb") as f: f.write(result) # legacy patch handling follows: GAME_ALTTP = "A Link to the Past" GAME_SM = "Super Metroid" GAME_SOE = "Secret of Evermore" GAME_SMZ3 = "SMZ3" GAME_DKC3 = "Donkey Kong Country 3" GAME_SMW = "Super Mario World" supported_games = {"A Link to the Past", "Super Metroid", "Secret of Evermore", "SMZ3", "Donkey Kong Country 3"} preferred_endings = { GAME_ALTTP: "apbp", GAME_SM: "apm3", GAME_SOE: "apsoe", GAME_SMZ3: "apsmz", GAME_DKC3: "apdkc3" } def generate_yaml(patch: bytes, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, game: str = GAME_ALTTP) -> bytes: if game == GAME_ALTTP: from worlds.alttp.Rom import LTTPJPN10HASH as HASH elif game == GAME_SM: from import SMJUHASH as HASH elif game == GAME_SOE: from worlds.soe.Patch import USHASH as HASH elif game == GAME_SMZ3: from worlds.alttp.Rom import LTTPJPN10HASH as ALTTPHASH from import SMJUHASH as SMHASH HASH = ALTTPHASH + SMHASH elif game == GAME_DKC3: from worlds.dkc3.Rom import USHASH as HASH else: raise RuntimeError(f"Selected game {game} for base rom not found.") patch = yaml.dump({"meta": metadata, "patch": patch, "game": game, # minimum version of patch system expected for patching to be successful "compatible_version": 3, "version": current_patch_version, "base_checksum": HASH}) return patch.encode(encoding="utf-8-sig") def generate_patch(rom: bytes, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, game: str = GAME_ALTTP) -> bytes: if metadata is None: metadata = {} patch = bsdiff4.diff(get_base_rom_data(game), rom) return generate_yaml(patch, metadata, game) def create_patch_file(rom_file_to_patch: str, server: str = "", destination: Optional[str] = None, player: int = 0, player_name: str = "", game: str = GAME_ALTTP) -> str: meta = {"server": server, # allow immediate connection to server in multiworld. Empty string otherwise "player_id": player, "player_name": player_name} bytes = generate_patch(load_bytes(rom_file_to_patch), meta, game) target = destination if destination else os.path.splitext(rom_file_to_patch)[0] + ( ".apbp" if game == GAME_ALTTP else ".apsmz" if game == GAME_SMZ3 else ".apdkc3" if game == GAME_DKC3 else ".apm3") write_lzma(bytes, target) return target def create_rom_bytes(patch_file: str, ignore_version: bool = False) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], str, bytearray]: data = Utils.parse_yaml(lzma.decompress(load_bytes(patch_file)).decode("utf-8-sig")) game_name = data["game"] if not ignore_version and data["compatible_version"] > current_patch_version: raise RuntimeError("Patch file is incompatible with this patcher, likely an update is required.") patched_data: bytearray = bsdiff4.patch(get_base_rom_data(game_name), data["patch"]) rom_hash = patched_data[int(0x7FC0):int(0x7FD5)] data["meta"]["hash"] = "".join(chr(x) for x in rom_hash) target = os.path.splitext(patch_file)[0] + ".sfc" return data["meta"], target, patched_data def get_base_rom_data(game: str) -> bytes: if game == GAME_ALTTP: from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes elif game == "alttp": # old version for A Link to the Past from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes elif game == GAME_SM: from import get_base_rom_bytes elif game == GAME_SOE: from worlds.soe.Patch import get_base_rom_path get_base_rom_bytes = lambda: bytes(read_rom(open(get_base_rom_path(), "rb"))) elif game == GAME_SMZ3: from worlds.smz3.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes elif game == GAME_DKC3: from worlds.dkc3.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes else: raise RuntimeError("Selected game for base rom not found.") return get_base_rom_bytes() def create_rom_file(patch_file: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], str]: auto_handler = AutoPatchRegister.get_handler(patch_file) if auto_handler: handler: APDeltaPatch = auto_handler(patch_file) target = os.path.splitext(patch_file)[0]+handler.result_file_ending handler.patch(target) return {"server": handler.server, "player": handler.player, "player_name": handler.player_name}, target else: data, target, patched_data = create_rom_bytes(patch_file) with open(target, "wb") as f: f.write(patched_data) return data, target def update_patch_data(patch_data: bytes, server: str = "") -> bytes: data = Utils.parse_yaml(lzma.decompress(patch_data).decode("utf-8-sig")) data["meta"]["server"] = server bytes = generate_yaml(data["patch"], data["meta"], data["game"]) return lzma.compress(bytes) def load_bytes(path: str) -> bytes: with open(path, "rb") as f: return def write_lzma(data: bytes, path: str): with lzma.LZMAFile(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) def read_rom(stream: BinaryIO, strip_header: bool = True) -> bytearray: """Reads rom into bytearray and optionally strips off any smc header""" buffer = bytearray( if strip_header and len(buffer) % 0x400 == 0x200: return buffer[0x200:] return buffer if __name__ == "__main__": host = Utils.get_public_ipv4() options = Utils.get_options()['server_options'] if options['host']: host = options['host'] address = f"{host}:{options['port']}" ziplock = threading.Lock() print(f"Host for patches to be created is {address}") with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: for rom in sys.argv: try: if rom.endswith(".sfc"): print(f"Creating patch for {rom}") result = pool.submit(create_patch_file, rom, address) result.add_done_callback(lambda task: print(f"Created patch {task.result()}")) elif rom.endswith(".apbp"): print(f"Applying patch {rom}") data, target = create_rom_file(rom) # romfile, adjusted = Utils.get_adjuster_settings(target) adjuster_settings = Utils.get_adjuster_settings(GAME_ALTTP) adjusted = False if adjuster_settings: import pprint from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_path adjuster_settings.rom = target adjuster_settings.baserom = get_base_rom_path() = None whitelist = {"music", "menuspeed", "heartbeep", "heartcolor", "ow_palettes", "quickswap", "uw_palettes", "sprite", "sword_palettes", "shield_palettes", "hud_palettes", "reduceflashing", "deathlink"} printed_options = {name: value for name, value in vars(adjuster_settings).items() if name in whitelist} if hasattr(adjuster_settings, "sprite_pool"): sprite_pool = {} for sprite in getattr(adjuster_settings, "sprite_pool"): if sprite in sprite_pool: sprite_pool[sprite] += 1 else: sprite_pool[sprite] = 1 if sprite_pool: printed_options["sprite_pool"] = sprite_pool adjust_wanted = str('no') if not hasattr(adjuster_settings, 'auto_apply') or 'ask' in adjuster_settings.auto_apply: adjust_wanted = input(f"Last used adjuster settings were found. Would you like to apply these? \n" f"{pprint.pformat(printed_options)}\n" f"Enter yes, no, always or never: ") if adjuster_settings.auto_apply == 'never': # never adjust, per user request adjust_wanted = 'no' elif adjuster_settings.auto_apply == 'always': adjust_wanted = 'yes' if adjust_wanted and "never" in adjust_wanted: adjuster_settings.auto_apply = 'never' Utils.persistent_store("adjuster", GAME_ALTTP, adjuster_settings) elif adjust_wanted and "always" in adjust_wanted: adjuster_settings.auto_apply = 'always' Utils.persistent_store("adjuster", GAME_ALTTP, adjuster_settings) if adjust_wanted and adjust_wanted.startswith("y"): if hasattr(adjuster_settings, "sprite_pool"): from LttPAdjuster import AdjusterWorld = AdjusterWorld(getattr(adjuster_settings, "sprite_pool")) adjusted = True import LttPAdjuster _, romfile = LttPAdjuster.adjust(adjuster_settings) if hasattr(adjuster_settings, "world"): delattr(adjuster_settings, "world") else: adjusted = False if adjusted: try: shutil.move(romfile, target) romfile = target except Exception as e: print(e) print(f"Created rom {romfile if adjusted else target}.") if 'server' in data: Utils.persistent_store("servers", data['hash'], data['server']) print(f"Host is {data['server']}") elif rom.endswith(".apm3") \ or rom.endswith(".apsmz") \ or rom.endswith(".apdkc3"): print(f"Applying patch {rom}") data, target = create_rom_file(rom) print(f"Created rom {target}.") if 'server' in data: Utils.persistent_store("servers", data['hash'], data['server']) print(f"Host is {data['server']}") elif rom.endswith(".zip"): print(f"Updating host in patch files contained in {rom}") def _handle_zip_file_entry(zfinfo: zipfile.ZipInfo, server: str) -> str: data = if zfinfo.filename.endswith(".apbp") or \ zfinfo.filename.endswith(".apm3") or \ zfinfo.filename.endswith(".apdkc3"): data = update_patch_data(data, server) with ziplock: zfw.writestr(zfinfo, data) return zfinfo.filename futures: List[concurrent.futures.Future[str]] = [] with zipfile.ZipFile(rom, "r") as zfr: updated_zip = os.path.splitext(rom)[0] + "" with zipfile.ZipFile(updated_zip, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9) as zfw: for zfname in zfr.namelist(): futures.append(pool.submit(_handle_zip_file_entry, zfr.getinfo(zfname), address)) for future in futures: print(f"File {future.result()} added to {os.path.split(updated_zip)[1]}") except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() input("Press enter to close.")