#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import copy import textwrap import shlex """Legacy module, undergoing dismantling.""" class ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter(argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter): def _get_help_string(self, action): return textwrap.dedent(action.help) def parse_arguments(argv, no_defaults=False): def defval(value): return value if not no_defaults else None # we need to know how many players we have first parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--multi', default=defval(1), type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 1), 255)) multiargs, _ = parser.parse_known_args(argv) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--logic', default=defval('noglitches'), const='noglitches', nargs='?', choices=['noglitches', 'minorglitches', 'owglitches', 'hybridglitches', 'nologic'], help='''\ Select Enforcement of Item Requirements. (default: %(default)s) No Glitches: Minor Glitches: May require Fake Flippers, Bunny Revival and Dark Room Navigation. Overworld Glitches: May require overworld glitches. Hybrid Major Glitches: May require both overworld and underworld clipping. No Logic: Distribute items without regard for item requirements. ''') parser.add_argument('--glitch_triforce', help='Allow glitching to Triforce from Ganon\'s room', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--mode', default=defval('open'), const='open', nargs='?', choices=['standard', 'open', 'inverted'], help='''\ Select game mode. (default: %(default)s) Open: World starts with Zelda rescued. Standard: Fixes Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance and Front Door but may lead to weird rain state issues if you exit through the Hyrule Castle side exits before rescuing Zelda in a full shuffle. Inverted: Starting locations are Dark Sanctuary in West Dark World or at Link's House, which is shuffled freely. Requires the moon pearl to be Link in the Light World instead of a bunny. ''') parser.add_argument('--goal', default=defval('ganon'), const='ganon', nargs='?', choices=['ganon', 'pedestal', 'bosses', 'triforcehunt', 'localtriforcehunt', 'ganontriforcehunt', 'localganontriforcehunt', 'crystals', 'ganonpedestal'], help='''\ Select completion goal. (default: %(default)s) Ganon: Collect all crystals, beat Agahnim 2 then defeat Ganon. Crystals: Collect all crystals then defeat Ganon. Pedestal: Places the Triforce at the Master Sword Pedestal. Ganon Pedestal: Pull the Master Sword Pedestal, then defeat Ganon. All Dungeons: Collect all crystals, pendants, beat both Agahnim fights and then defeat Ganon. Triforce Hunt: Places 30 Triforce Pieces in the world, collect 20 of them to beat the game. Local Triforce Hunt: Places 30 Triforce Pieces in your world, collect 20 of them to beat the game. Ganon Triforce Hunt: Places 30 Triforce Pieces in the world, collect 20 of them, then defeat Ganon. Local Ganon Triforce Hunt: Places 30 Triforce Pieces in your world, collect 20 of them, then defeat Ganon. ''') parser.add_argument('--triforce_pieces_available', default=defval(30), type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 1), 90), help='''Set Triforce Pieces available in item pool.''') parser.add_argument('--triforce_pieces_required', default=defval(20), type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 1), 90), help='''Set Triforce Pieces required to win a Triforce Hunt''') parser.add_argument('--difficulty', default=defval('normal'), const='normal', nargs='?', choices=['easy', 'normal', 'hard', 'expert'], help='''\ Select game difficulty. Affects available itempool. (default: %(default)s) Easy: An easier setting with some equipment duplicated and increased health. Normal: Normal difficulty. Hard: A harder setting with less equipment and reduced health. Expert: A harder yet setting with minimum equipment and health. ''') parser.add_argument('--item_functionality', default=defval('normal'), const='normal', nargs='?', choices=['easy', 'normal', 'hard', 'expert'], help='''\ Select limits on item functionality to increase difficulty. (default: %(default)s) Easy: Easy functionality. (Medallions usable without sword) Normal: Normal functionality. Hard: Reduced functionality. Expert: Greatly reduced functionality. ''') parser.add_argument('--timer', default=defval('none'), const='normal', nargs='?', choices=['none', 'display', 'timed', 'timed-ohko', 'ohko', 'timed-countdown'], help='''\ Select game timer setting. Affects available itempool. (default: %(default)s) None: No timer. Display: Displays a timer but does not affect the itempool. Timed: Starts with clock at zero. Green Clocks subtract 4 minutes (Total: 20), Blue Clocks subtract 2 minutes (Total: 10), Red Clocks add 2 minutes (Total: 10). Winner is player with lowest time at the end. Timed OHKO: Starts clock at 10 minutes. Green Clocks add 5 minutes (Total: 25). As long as clock is at 0, Link will die in one hit. OHKO: Like Timed OHKO, but no clock items are present and the clock is permenantly at zero. Timed Countdown: Starts with clock at 40 minutes. Same clocks as Timed mode. If time runs out, you lose (but can still keep playing). ''') parser.add_argument('--countdown_start_time', default=defval(10), type=int, help='''Set amount of time, in minutes, to start with in Timed Countdown and Timed OHKO modes''') parser.add_argument('--red_clock_time', default=defval(-2), type=int, help='''Set amount of time, in minutes, to add from picking up red clocks; negative removes time instead''') parser.add_argument('--blue_clock_time', default=defval(2), type=int, help='''Set amount of time, in minutes, to add from picking up blue clocks; negative removes time instead''') parser.add_argument('--green_clock_time', default=defval(4), type=int, help='''Set amount of time, in minutes, to add from picking up green clocks; negative removes time instead''') parser.add_argument('--dungeon_counters', default=defval('default'), const='default', nargs='?', choices=['default', 'on', 'pickup', 'off'], help='''\ Select dungeon counter display settings. (default: %(default)s) (Note, since timer takes up the same space on the hud as dungeon counters, timer settings override dungeon counter settings.) Default: Dungeon counters only show when the compass is picked up, or otherwise sent, only when compass shuffle is turned on. On: Dungeon counters are always displayed. Pickup: Dungeon counters are shown when the compass is picked up, even when compass shuffle is turned off. Off: Dungeon counters are never shown. ''') parser.add_argument('--algorithm', default=defval('balanced'), const='balanced', nargs='?', choices=['freshness', 'flood', 'vt25', 'vt26', 'balanced'], help='''\ Select item filling algorithm. (default: %(default)s balanced: vt26 derivitive that aims to strike a balance between the overworld heavy vt25 and the dungeon heavy vt26 algorithm. vt26: Shuffle items and place them in a random location that it is not impossible to be in. This includes dungeon keys and items. vt25: Shuffle items and place them in a random location that it is not impossible to be in. Flood: Push out items starting from Link\'s House and slightly biased to placing progression items with less restrictions. ''') parser.add_argument('--shuffle', default=defval('vanilla'), const='vanilla', nargs='?', choices=['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'full', 'crossed', 'insanity', 'restricted_legacy', 'full_legacy', 'madness_legacy', 'insanity_legacy', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonscrossed'], help='''\ Select Entrance Shuffling Algorithm. (default: %(default)s) Full: Mix cave and dungeon entrances freely while limiting multi-entrance caves to one world. Simple: Shuffle Dungeon Entrances/Exits between each other and keep all 4-entrance dungeons confined to one location. All caves outside of death mountain are shuffled in pairs and matched by original type. Restricted: Use Dungeons shuffling from Simple but freely connect remaining entrances. Crossed: Mix cave and dungeon entrances freely while allowing caves to cross between worlds. Insanity: Decouple entrances and exits from each other and shuffle them freely. Caves that used to be single entrance will still exit to the same location from which they are entered. Vanilla: All entrances are in the same locations they were in the base game. Legacy shuffles preserve behavior from older versions of the entrance randomizer including significant technical limitations. The dungeon variants only mix up dungeons and keep the rest of the overworld vanilla. ''') parser.add_argument('--open_pyramid', default=defval('auto'), help='''\ Pre-opens the pyramid hole, this removes the Agahnim 2 requirement for it. Depending on goal, you might still need to beat Agahnim 2 in order to beat ganon. fast ganon goals are crystals, ganontriforcehunt, localganontriforcehunt, pedestalganon auto - Only opens pyramid hole if the goal specifies a fast ganon, and entrance shuffle is vanilla, dungeonssimple or dungeonsfull. goal - Opens pyramid hole if the goal specifies a fast ganon. yes - Always opens the pyramid hole. no - Never opens the pyramid hole. ''', choices=['auto', 'goal', 'yes', 'no']) parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default=defval('info'), const='info', nargs='?', choices=['error', 'info', 'warning', 'debug'], help='Select level of logging for output.') parser.add_argument('--seed', help='Define seed number to generate.', type=int) parser.add_argument('--count', help='''\ Use to batch generate multiple seeds with same settings. If --seed is provided, it will be used for the first seed, then used to derive the next seed (i.e. generating 10 seeds with --seed given will produce the same 10 (different) roms each time). ''', type=int) parser.add_argument('--custom', default=defval(False), help='Not supported.') parser.add_argument('--customitemarray', default=defval(False), help='Not supported.') # included for backwards compatibility parser.add_argument('--shuffleganon', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true', default=defval(True)) parser.add_argument('--no-shuffleganon', help='''\ If set, the Pyramid Hole and Ganon's Tower are not included entrance shuffle pool. ''', action='store_false', dest='shuffleganon') parser.add_argument('--sprite', help='''\ Path to a sprite sheet to use for Link. Needs to be in binary format and have a length of 0x7000 (28672) bytes, or 0x7078 (28792) bytes including palette data. Alternatively, can be a ALttP Rom patched with a Link sprite that will be extracted. ''') parser.add_argument('--gui', help='Launch the GUI', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--enemizercli', default=defval('EnemizerCLI/EnemizerCLI.Core')) parser.add_argument('--shufflebosses', default=defval('none'), choices=['none', 'basic', 'normal', 'chaos', "singularity"]) parser.add_argument('--enemy_health', default=defval('default'), choices=['default', 'easy', 'normal', 'hard', 'expert']) parser.add_argument('--enemy_damage', default=defval('default'), choices=['default', 'shuffled', 'chaos']) parser.add_argument('--beemizer', default=defval(0), type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 0), 4)) parser.add_argument('--shop_shuffle', default='', help='''\ combine letters for options: g: generate default inventories for light and dark world shops, and unique shops f: generate default inventories for each shop individually i: shuffle the default inventories of the shops around p: randomize the prices of the items in shop inventories u: shuffle capacity upgrades into the item pool w: consider witch's hut like any other shop and shuffle/randomize it too ''') parser.add_argument('--shuffle_prizes', default=defval('g'), choices=['', 'g', 'b', 'gb']) parser.add_argument('--sprite_pool', help='''\ Specifies a colon separated list of sprites used for random/randomonevent. If not specified, the full sprite pool is used.''') parser.add_argument('--dark_room_logic', default=('Lamp'), choices=["lamp", "torches", "none"], help='''\ For unlit dark rooms, require the Lamp to be considered in logic by default. Torches means additionally easily accessible Torches that can be lit with Fire Rod are considered doable. None means full traversal through dark rooms without tools is considered doable.''') parser.add_argument('--multi', default=defval(1), type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 1), 255)) parser.add_argument('--names', default=defval('')) parser.add_argument('--outputpath') parser.add_argument('--game', default="A Link to the Past") parser.add_argument('--race', default=defval(False), action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--outputname') if multiargs.multi: for player in range(1, multiargs.multi + 1): parser.add_argument(f'--p{player}', default=defval(''), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) ret = parser.parse_args(argv) # shuffle medallions ret.required_medallions = ("random", "random") # cannot be set through CLI currently ret.plando_items = [] ret.plando_texts = {} ret.plando_connections = [] if ret.timer == "none": ret.timer = False if ret.dungeon_counters == 'on': ret.dungeon_counters = True elif ret.dungeon_counters == 'off': ret.dungeon_counters = False if multiargs.multi: defaults = copy.deepcopy(ret) for player in range(1, multiargs.multi + 1): playerargs = parse_arguments(shlex.split(getattr(ret, f"p{player}")), True) for name in ['logic', 'mode', 'goal', 'difficulty', 'item_functionality', 'shuffle', 'open_pyramid', 'timer', 'countdown_start_time', 'red_clock_time', 'blue_clock_time', 'green_clock_time', 'beemizer', 'shufflebosses', 'enemy_health', 'enemy_damage', 'sprite', "triforce_pieces_available", "triforce_pieces_required", "shop_shuffle", "required_medallions", "plando_items", "plando_texts", "plando_connections", 'dungeon_counters', 'shuffle_prizes', 'sprite_pool', 'dark_room_logic', 'game']: value = getattr(defaults, name) if getattr(playerargs, name) is None else getattr(playerargs, name) if player == 1: setattr(ret, name, {1: value}) else: getattr(ret, name)[player] = value return ret