from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Set from .locations import BASE_ID, get_location_names_to_ids from .items import cvcotm_item_info, MAJORS_CLASSIFICATIONS from .locations import cvcotm_location_info from .cvcotm_text import cvcotm_string_to_bytearray from .options import CompletionGoal, CVCotMDeathLink, IronMaidenBehavior from .rom import ARCHIPELAGO_IDENTIFIER_START, ARCHIPELAGO_IDENTIFIER, AUTH_NUMBER_START, QUEUED_TEXT_STRING_START from .data import iname, lname from BaseClasses import ItemClassification from NetUtils import ClientStatus import worlds._bizhawk as bizhawk import base64 from worlds._bizhawk.client import BizHawkClient if TYPE_CHECKING: from worlds._bizhawk.context import BizHawkClientContext CURRENT_STATUS_ADDRESS = 0xD0 POISON_TIMER_TILL_DAMAGE_ADDRESS = 0xD8 POISON_DAMAGE_VALUE_ADDRESS = 0xDE GAME_STATE_ADDRESS = 0x45D8 FLAGS_ARRAY_START = 0x25374 CARDS_ARRAY_START = 0x25674 NUM_RECEIVED_ITEMS_ADDRESS = 0x253D0 MAX_UPS_ARRAY_START = 0x2572C MAGIC_ITEMS_ARRAY_START = 0x2572F QUEUED_TEXTBOX_1_ADDRESS = 0x25300 QUEUED_TEXTBOX_2_ADDRESS = 0x25302 QUEUED_MSG_DELAY_TIMER_ADDRESS = 0x25304 QUEUED_SOUND_ID_ADDRESS = 0x25306 DELAY_TIMER_ADDRESS = 0x25308 CURRENT_CUTSCENE_ID_ADDRESS = 0x26000 NATHAN_STATE_ADDRESS = 0x50 CURRENT_HP_ADDRESS = 0x2562E CURRENT_MP_ADDRESS = 0x25636 CURRENT_HEARTS_ADDRESS = 0x2563C CURRENT_LOCATION_VALUES_START = 0x253FC ROM_NAME_START = 0xA0 AREA_SEALED_ROOM = 0x00 AREA_BATTLE_ARENA = 0x0E GAME_STATE_GAMEPLAY = 0x06 GAME_STATE_CREDITS = 0x21 NATHAN_STATE_SAVING = 0x34 STATUS_POISON = b"\x02" TEXT_ID_DSS_TUTORIAL = b"\x1D\x82" TEXT_ID_MULTIWORLD_MESSAGE = b"\xF2\x84" SOUND_ID_UNUSED_SIMON_FANFARE = b"\x04" SOUND_ID_MAIDEN_BREAKING = b"\x79" # SOUND_ID_NATHAN_FREEZING = b"\x7A" SOUND_ID_BAD_CONFIG = b"\x2D\x01" SOUND_ID_DRACULA_CHARGE = b"\xAB\x01" SOUND_ID_MINOR_PICKUP = b"\xB3\x01" SOUND_ID_MAJOR_PICKUP = b"\xB4\x01" ITEM_NAME_LIMIT = 300 PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT = 50 FLAG_HIT_IRON_MAIDEN_SWITCH = 0x2A FLAG_SAW_DSS_TUTORIAL = 0xB1 FLAG_WON_BATTLE_ARENA = 0xB2 FLAG_DEFEATED_DRACULA_II = 0xBC # These flags are communicated to the tracker as a bitfield using this order. # Modifying the order will cause undetectable autotracking issues. EVENT_FLAG_MAP = { FLAG_HIT_IRON_MAIDEN_SWITCH: "FLAG_HIT_IRON_MAIDEN_SWITCH", FLAG_WON_BATTLE_ARENA: "FLAG_WON_BATTLE_ARENA", 0xB3: "FLAG_DEFEATED_CERBERUS", 0xB4: "FLAG_DEFEATED_NECROMANCER", 0xB5: "FLAG_DEFEATED_IRON_GOLEM", 0xB6: "FLAG_DEFEATED_ADRAMELECH", 0xB7: "FLAG_DEFEATED_DRAGON_ZOMBIES", 0xB8: "FLAG_DEFEATED_DEATH", 0xB9: "FLAG_DEFEATED_CAMILLA", 0xBA: "FLAG_DEFEATED_HUGH", 0xBB: "FLAG_DEFEATED_DRACULA_I", FLAG_DEFEATED_DRACULA_II: "FLAG_DEFEATED_DRACULA_II" } DEATHLINK_AREA_NAMES = ["Sealed Room", "Catacomb", "Abyss Staircase", "Audience Room", "Triumph Hallway", "Machine Tower", "Eternal Corridor", "Chapel Tower", "Underground Warehouse", "Underground Gallery", "Underground Waterway", "Outer Wall", "Observation Tower", "Ceremonial Room", "Battle Arena"] class CastlevaniaCotMClient(BizHawkClient): game = "Castlevania - Circle of the Moon" system = "GBA" patch_suffix = ".apcvcotm" sent_initial_packets: bool self_induced_death: bool local_checked_locations: Set[int] client_set_events = {flag_name: False for flag, flag_name in EVENT_FLAG_MAP.items()} killed_dracula_2: bool won_battle_arena: bool sent_message_queue: list death_causes: list currently_dead: bool synced_set_events: bool saw_arena_win_message: bool saw_dss_tutorial: bool async def validate_rom(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> bool: from CommonClient import logger try: # Check ROM name/patch version game_names = await, [(ROM_NAME_START, 0xC, "ROM"), (ARCHIPELAGO_IDENTIFIER_START, 12, "ROM")]) if game_names[0].decode("ascii") != "DRACULA AGB1": return False if game_names[1] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00':"ERROR: You appear to be running an unpatched version of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. " "You need to generate a patch file and use it to create a patched ROM.") return False if game_names[1].decode("ascii") != ARCHIPELAGO_IDENTIFIER:"ERROR: The patch file used to create this ROM is not compatible with " "this client. Double check your client version against the version being " "used by the generator.") return False except UnicodeDecodeError: return False except bizhawk.RequestFailedError: return False # Should verify on the next pass = ctx.items_handling = 0b001 ctx.want_slot_data = True ctx.watcher_timeout = 0.125 return True async def set_auth(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> None: auth_raw = (await, [(AUTH_NUMBER_START, 16, "ROM")]))[0] ctx.auth = base64.b64encode(auth_raw).decode("utf-8") # Initialize all the local client attributes here so that nothing will be carried over from a previous CotM if # the player tried changing CotM ROMs without resetting their Bizhawk Client instance. self.sent_initial_packets = False self.local_checked_locations = set() self.self_induced_death = False self.client_set_events = {flag_name: False for flag, flag_name in EVENT_FLAG_MAP.items()} self.killed_dracula_2 = False self.won_battle_arena = False self.sent_message_queue = [] self.death_causes = [] self.currently_dead = False self.synced_set_events = False self.saw_arena_win_message = False self.saw_dss_tutorial = False def on_package(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", cmd: str, args: dict) -> None: if cmd != "Bounced": return if "tags" not in args: return if ctx.slot is None: return if "DeathLink" in args["tags"] and args["data"]["source"] != ctx.slot_info[ctx.slot].name: if "cause" in args["data"]: cause = args["data"]["cause"] if cause == "": cause = f"{args['data']['source']} killed you without a word!" if len(cause) > ITEM_NAME_LIMIT + PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT: cause = cause[:ITEM_NAME_LIMIT + PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT] else: cause = f"{args['data']['source']} killed you without a word!" # Highlight the player that killed us in the game's orange text. if args['data']['source'] in cause: words = cause.split(args['data']['source'], 1) cause = words[0] + "「" + args['data']['source'] + "」" + words[1] self.death_causes += [cause] async def game_watcher(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> None: if ctx.server is None or ctx.server.socket.closed or ctx.slot_data is None or ctx.slot is None: return try: # Scout all Locations and get our Set events upon initial connection. if not self.sent_initial_packets: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": [code for name, code in get_location_names_to_ids().items() if code in ctx.server_locations], "create_as_hint": 0 }]) await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Get", "keys": [f"castlevania_cotm_events_{}_{ctx.slot}"] }]) self.sent_initial_packets = True read_state = await, [(GAME_STATE_ADDRESS, 1, "EWRAM"), (FLAGS_ARRAY_START, 32, "EWRAM"), (CARDS_ARRAY_START, 20, "EWRAM"), (NUM_RECEIVED_ITEMS_ADDRESS, 2, "EWRAM"), (MAX_UPS_ARRAY_START, 3, "EWRAM"), (MAGIC_ITEMS_ARRAY_START, 8, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_TEXTBOX_1_ADDRESS, 2, "EWRAM"), (DELAY_TIMER_ADDRESS, 2, "EWRAM"), (CURRENT_CUTSCENE_ID_ADDRESS, 1, "EWRAM"), (NATHAN_STATE_ADDRESS, 1, "EWRAM"), (CURRENT_HP_ADDRESS, 18, "EWRAM"), (CURRENT_LOCATION_VALUES_START, 2, "EWRAM")]) game_state = int.from_bytes(read_state[0], "little") event_flags_array = read_state[1] cards_array = list(read_state[2]) max_ups_array = list(read_state[4]) magic_items_array = list(read_state[5]) num_received_items = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[3]), "little") queued_textbox = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[6]), "little") delay_timer = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[7]), "little") cutscene = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[8]), "little") nathan_state = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[9]), "little") health_stats_array = bytearray(read_state[10]) area = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[11][0:1]), "little") room = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[11][1:]), "little") # Get out each of the individual health/magic/heart values. hp = int.from_bytes(health_stats_array[0:2], "little") max_hp = int.from_bytes(health_stats_array[4:6], "little") # mp = int.from_bytes(health_stats_array[8:10], "little") Not used. But it's here if it's ever needed! max_mp = int.from_bytes(health_stats_array[12:14], "little") hearts = int.from_bytes(health_stats_array[14:16], "little") max_hearts = int.from_bytes(health_stats_array[16:], "little") # If there's no textbox already queued, the delay timer is 0, we are not in a cutscene, and Nathan's current # state value is not 0x34 (using a save room), it should be safe to inject a textbox message. ok_to_inject = not queued_textbox and not delay_timer and not cutscene \ and nathan_state != NATHAN_STATE_SAVING # Make sure we are in the Gameplay or Credits states before detecting sent locations. # If we are in any other state, such as the Game Over state, reset the textbox buffers back to 0 so that we # don't receive the most recent item upon loading back in. # # If the intro cutscene floor broken flag is not set, then assume we are in the demo; at no point during # regular gameplay will this flag not be set. if game_state not in [GAME_STATE_GAMEPLAY, GAME_STATE_CREDITS] or not event_flags_array[6] & 0x02: self.currently_dead = False await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(QUEUED_TEXTBOX_1_ADDRESS, [0 for _ in range(12)], "EWRAM")]) return # Enable DeathLink if it's in our slot_data. if "DeathLink" not in ctx.tags and ctx.slot_data["death_link"]: await ctx.update_death_link(True) # Send a DeathLink if we died on our own independently of receiving another one. if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and hp == 0 and not self.currently_dead: self.currently_dead = True # Check if we are in Dracula II's arena. The game considers this part of the Sealed Room area, # which I don't think makes sense to be player-facing like this. if area == AREA_SEALED_ROOM and room == 2: area_of_death = "Dracula's realm" # If we aren't in Dracula II's arena, then take the name of whatever area the player is currently in. else: area_of_death = DEATHLINK_AREA_NAMES[area] await ctx.send_death(f"{ctx.player_names[ctx.slot]} perished in {area_of_death}. Dracula has won!") # Update the Dracula II and Battle Arena events already being done on past separate sessions for if the # player is running the Battle Arena and Dracula goal. if f"castlevania_cotm_events_{}_{ctx.slot}" in ctx.stored_data: if ctx.stored_data[f"castlevania_cotm_events_{}_{ctx.slot}"] is not None: if ctx.stored_data[f"castlevania_cotm_events_{}_{ctx.slot}"] & 0x2: self.won_battle_arena = True if ctx.stored_data[f"castlevania_cotm_events_{}_{ctx.slot}"] & 0x800: self.killed_dracula_2 = True # If we won the Battle Arena, haven't seen the win message yet, and are in the Arena at the moment, pop up # the win message while playing the game's unused Theme of Simon Belmont fanfare. if self.won_battle_arena and not self.saw_arena_win_message and area == AREA_BATTLE_ARENA \ and ok_to_inject and not self.currently_dead: win_message = cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(" A 「WINNER」 IS 「YOU」!▶", "little middle", 0, wrap=False) await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(QUEUED_TEXTBOX_1_ADDRESS, TEXT_ID_MULTIWORLD_MESSAGE, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_SOUND_ID_ADDRESS, SOUND_ID_UNUSED_SIMON_FANFARE, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_TEXT_STRING_START, win_message, "ROM")]) self.saw_arena_win_message = True # If we have any queued death causes, handle DeathLink giving here. elif self.death_causes and ok_to_inject and not self.currently_dead: # Inject the oldest cause as a textbox message and play the Dracula charge attack sound. death_text = self.death_causes[0] death_writes = [(QUEUED_TEXTBOX_1_ADDRESS, TEXT_ID_MULTIWORLD_MESSAGE, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_SOUND_ID_ADDRESS, SOUND_ID_DRACULA_CHARGE, "EWRAM")] # If we are in the Battle Arena and are not using the On Including Arena DeathLink option, extend the # DeathLink message and don't actually kill Nathan. if ctx.slot_data["death_link"] != CVCotMDeathLink.option_arena_on and area == AREA_BATTLE_ARENA: death_text += "◊The Battle Arena nullified the DeathLink. Go fight fair and square!" else: # Otherwise, kill Nathan by giving him a 9999 damage-dealing poison status that hurts him as soon as # the death cause textbox is dismissed. death_writes += [(CURRENT_STATUS_ADDRESS, STATUS_POISON, "EWRAM"), (POISON_TIMER_TILL_DAMAGE_ADDRESS, b"\x38", "EWRAM"), (POISON_DAMAGE_VALUE_ADDRESS, b"\x0F\x27", "EWRAM")] # Add the final death text and write the whole shebang. death_writes += [(QUEUED_TEXT_STRING_START, bytes(cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(death_text + "◊", "big middle", 0)), "ROM")] await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, death_writes) # Delete the oldest death cause that we just wrote and set currently_dead to True so the client doesn't # think we just died on our own on the subsequent frames before the Game Over state. del(self.death_causes[0]) self.currently_dead = True # If we have a queue of Locations to inject "sent" messages with, do so before giving any subsequent Items. elif self.sent_message_queue and ok_to_inject and not self.currently_dead and ctx.locations_info: loc = self.sent_message_queue[0] # Truncate the Item name. ArchipIDLE's FFXIV Item is 214 characters, for comparison. item_name = ctx.item_names.lookup_in_slot(ctx.locations_info[loc].item, ctx.locations_info[loc].player) if len(item_name) > ITEM_NAME_LIMIT: item_name = item_name[:ITEM_NAME_LIMIT] # Truncate the player name. Player names are normally capped at 16 characters, but there is no limit on # ItemLink group names. player_name = ctx.player_names[ctx.locations_info[loc].player] if len(player_name) > PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT: player_name = player_name[:PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT] sent_text = cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(f"「{item_name}」 sent to 「{player_name}」◊", "big middle", 0) # Set the correct sound to play depending on the Item's classification. if item_name == iname.ironmaidens and \ ctx.slot_info[ctx.locations_info[loc].player].game == "Castlevania - Circle of the Moon": mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_MAIDEN_BREAKING sent_text = cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(f"「Iron Maidens」 broken for 「{player_name}」◊", "big middle", 0) elif ctx.locations_info[loc].flags & MAJORS_CLASSIFICATIONS: mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_MAJOR_PICKUP elif ctx.locations_info[loc].flags & ItemClassification.trap: mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_BAD_CONFIG else: # Filler mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_MINOR_PICKUP await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(QUEUED_TEXTBOX_1_ADDRESS, TEXT_ID_MULTIWORLD_MESSAGE, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_SOUND_ID_ADDRESS, mssg_sfx_id, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_TEXT_STRING_START, sent_text, "ROM")]) del(self.sent_message_queue[0]) # If the game hasn't received all items yet, it's ok to inject, and the current number of received items # still matches what we read before, then write the next incoming item into the inventory and, separately, # the textbox ID to trigger the multiworld textbox, sound effect to play when the textbox opens, number to # increment the received items count by, and the text to go into the multiworld textbox. The game will then # do the rest when it's able to. elif num_received_items < len(ctx.items_received) and ok_to_inject and not self.currently_dead: next_item = ctx.items_received[num_received_items] # Figure out what inventory array and offset from said array to increment based on what we are # receiving. flag_index = 0 flag_array = b"" inv_array = [] inv_array_start = 0 text_id_2 = b"\x00\x00" item_type = next_item.item & 0xFF00 inv_array_index = next_item.item & 0xFF if item_type == 0xE600: # Card inv_array_start = CARDS_ARRAY_START inv_array = cards_array mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_MAJOR_PICKUP # If skip_tutorials is off and the saw DSS tutorial flag is not set, set the flag and display it # for the second textbox. if not self.saw_dss_tutorial and not ctx.slot_data["skip_tutorials"]: flag_index = FLAG_SAW_DSS_TUTORIAL flag_array = event_flags_array text_id_2 = TEXT_ID_DSS_TUTORIAL elif item_type == 0xE800 and inv_array_index == 0x09: # Maiden Detonator flag_index = FLAG_HIT_IRON_MAIDEN_SWITCH flag_array = event_flags_array mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_MAIDEN_BREAKING elif item_type == 0xE800: # Any other Magic Item inv_array_start = MAGIC_ITEMS_ARRAY_START inv_array = magic_items_array mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_MAJOR_PICKUP if inv_array_index > 5: # The unused Map's index is skipped over. inv_array_index -= 1 else: # Max Up inv_array_start = MAX_UPS_ARRAY_START mssg_sfx_id = SOUND_ID_MINOR_PICKUP inv_array = max_ups_array item_name = ctx.item_names.lookup_in_slot(next_item.item) player_name = ctx.player_names[next_item.player] # Truncate the player name. if len(player_name) > PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT: player_name = player_name[:PLAYER_NAME_LIMIT] # If the Item came from a different player, display a custom received message. Otherwise, display the # vanilla received message for that Item. if next_item.player != ctx.slot: text_id_1 = TEXT_ID_MULTIWORLD_MESSAGE if item_name == iname.ironmaidens: received_text = cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(f"「Iron Maidens」 broken by " f"「{player_name}」◊", "big middle", 0) else: received_text = cvcotm_string_to_bytearray(f"「{item_name}」 received from " f"「{player_name}」◊", "big middle", 0) text_write = [(QUEUED_TEXT_STRING_START, bytes(received_text), "ROM")] # If skip_tutorials is off, display the Item's tutorial for the second textbox (if it has one). if not ctx.slot_data["skip_tutorials"] and cvcotm_item_info[item_name].tutorial_id is not None: text_id_2 = cvcotm_item_info[item_name].tutorial_id else: text_id_1 = cvcotm_item_info[item_name].text_id text_write = [] # Check if the player has 255 of the item being received. If they do, don't increment that counter # further. refill_write = [] count_write = [] flag_write = [] count_guard = [] flag_guard = [] # If there's a value to increment in an inventory array, do so here after checking to see if we can. if inv_array_start: if inv_array[inv_array_index] + 1 > 0xFF: # If it's a stat max up being received, manually give a refill of that item's stat. # Normally, the game does this automatically by incrementing the number of that max up. if item_name == iname.hp_max: refill_write = [(CURRENT_HP_ADDRESS, int.to_bytes(max_hp, 2, "little"), "EWRAM")] elif item_name == iname.mp_max: refill_write = [(CURRENT_MP_ADDRESS, int.to_bytes(max_mp, 2, "little"), "EWRAM")] elif item_name == iname.heart_max: # If adding +6 Hearts doesn't put us over the player's current max Hearts, do so. # Otherwise, set the player's current Hearts to the current max. if hearts + 6 > max_hearts: new_hearts = max_hearts else: new_hearts = hearts + 6 refill_write = [(CURRENT_HEARTS_ADDRESS, int.to_bytes(new_hearts, 2, "little"), "EWRAM")] else: # If our received count of that item is not more than 255, increment it normally. inv_address = inv_array_start + inv_array_index count_guard = [(inv_address, int.to_bytes(inv_array[inv_array_index], 1, "little"), "EWRAM")] count_write = [(inv_address, int.to_bytes(inv_array[inv_array_index] + 1, 1, "little"), "EWRAM")] # If there's a flag value to set, do so here. if flag_index: flag_bytearray_index = flag_index // 8 flag_address = FLAGS_ARRAY_START + flag_bytearray_index flag_guard = [(flag_address, int.to_bytes(flag_array[flag_bytearray_index], 1, "little"), "EWRAM")] flag_write = [(flag_address, int.to_bytes(flag_array[flag_bytearray_index] | (0x01 << (flag_index % 8)), 1, "little"), "EWRAM")] await bizhawk.guarded_write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(QUEUED_TEXTBOX_1_ADDRESS, text_id_1, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_TEXTBOX_2_ADDRESS, text_id_2, "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_MSG_DELAY_TIMER_ADDRESS, b"\x01", "EWRAM"), (QUEUED_SOUND_ID_ADDRESS, mssg_sfx_id, "EWRAM")] + count_write + flag_write + text_write + refill_write, # Make sure the number of received items and number to overwrite are still # what we expect them to be. [(NUM_RECEIVED_ITEMS_ADDRESS, read_state[3], "EWRAM")] + count_guard + flag_guard), locs_to_send = set() # Check each bit in each flag byte for set Location and event flags. checked_set_events = {flag_name: False for flag, flag_name in EVENT_FLAG_MAP.items()} for byte_index, byte in enumerate(event_flags_array): for i in range(8): and_value = 0x01 << i if byte & and_value != 0: flag_id = byte_index * 8 + i location_id = flag_id + BASE_ID if location_id in ctx.server_locations: locs_to_send.add(location_id) # If the flag for pressing the Iron Maiden switch is set, and the Iron Maiden behavior is # vanilla (meaning we really pressed the switch), send the Iron Maiden switch as checked. if flag_id == FLAG_HIT_IRON_MAIDEN_SWITCH and ctx.slot_data["iron_maiden_behavior"] == \ IronMaidenBehavior.option_vanilla: locs_to_send.add(cvcotm_location_info[lname.ct21].code + BASE_ID) # If the DSS tutorial flag is set, let the client know, so it's not shown again for # subsequently-received cards. if flag_id == FLAG_SAW_DSS_TUTORIAL: self.saw_dss_tutorial = True if flag_id in EVENT_FLAG_MAP: checked_set_events[EVENT_FLAG_MAP[flag_id]] = True # Update the client's statuses for the Battle Arena and Dracula goals. if flag_id == FLAG_WON_BATTLE_ARENA: self.won_battle_arena = True if flag_id == FLAG_DEFEATED_DRACULA_II: self.killed_dracula_2 = True # Send Locations if there are any to send. if locs_to_send != self.local_checked_locations: self.local_checked_locations = locs_to_send if locs_to_send is not None: # Capture all the Locations with non-local Items to send that are in ctx.missing_locations # (the ones that were definitely never sent before). if ctx.locations_info: self.sent_message_queue += [loc for loc in locs_to_send if loc in ctx.missing_locations and ctx.locations_info[loc].player != ctx.slot] # If we still don't have the locations info at this point, send another LocationScout packet just # in case something went wrong, and we never received the initial LocationInfo packet. else: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": [code for name, code in get_location_names_to_ids().items() if code in ctx.server_locations], "create_as_hint": 0 }]) await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": list(locs_to_send) }]) # Check the win condition depending on what our completion goal is. # The Dracula option requires the "killed Dracula II" flag to be set or being in the credits state. # The Battle Arena option requires the Shinning Armor pickup flag to be set. # Otherwise, the Battle Arena and Dracula option requires both of the above to be satisfied simultaneously. if ctx.slot_data["completion_goal"] == CompletionGoal.option_dracula: win_condition = self.killed_dracula_2 elif ctx.slot_data["completion_goal"] == CompletionGoal.option_battle_arena: win_condition = self.won_battle_arena else: win_condition = self.killed_dracula_2 and self.won_battle_arena # Send game clear if we've satisfied the win condition. if not ctx.finished_game and win_condition: ctx.finished_game = True await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL }]) # Update the tracker event flags if checked_set_events != self.client_set_events and ctx.slot is not None: event_bitfield = 0 for index, (flag, flag_name) in enumerate(EVENT_FLAG_MAP.items()): if checked_set_events[flag_name]: event_bitfield |= 1 << index await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"castlevania_cotm_events_{}_{ctx.slot}", "default": 0, "want_reply": False, "operations": [{"operation": "or", "value": event_bitfield}], }]) self.client_set_events = checked_set_events except bizhawk.RequestFailedError: # Exit handler and return to main loop to reconnect. pass