import unittest import typing from uuid import uuid4 from flask import Flask from flask.testing import FlaskClient class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): app: typing.ClassVar[Flask] client: FlaskClient @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: from WebHostLib import app as raw_app from WebHost import get_app raw_app.config["PONY"] = { "provider": "sqlite", "filename": ":memory:", "create_db": True, } raw_app.config.update({ "TESTING": True, "DEBUG": True, }) try: = get_app() except AssertionError as e: # since we only have 1 global app object, this might fail, but luckily all tests use the same config if "register_blueprint" not in e.args[0]: raise = raw_app def setUp(self) -> None: self.client =