import copy from enum import Enum, unique import logging import json from collections import OrderedDict from Utils import int16_as_bytes class World(object): def __init__(self, shuffle, logic, mode, difficulty, timer, progressive, goal, algorithm, place_dungeon_items, check_beatable_only, shuffle_ganon, quickswap, fastmenu, disable_music, keysanity, retro, custom, customitemarray, boss_shuffle, hints): self.shuffle = shuffle self.logic = logic self.mode = mode self.difficulty = difficulty self.timer = timer = progressive self.goal = goal self.algorithm = algorithm self.dungeons = [] self.regions = [] self.shops = [] self.itempool = [] self.seed = None self.state = CollectionState(self) self.required_medallions = ['Ether', 'Quake'] self._cached_entrances = None self._cached_locations = None self._entrance_cache = {} self._region_cache = {} self._entrance_cache = {} self._location_cache = {} self.required_locations = [] self.place_dungeon_items = place_dungeon_items # configurable in future self.shuffle_bonk_prizes = False self.swamp_patch_required = False self.powder_patch_required = False self.ganon_at_pyramid = True self.ganonstower_vanilla = True self.sewer_light_cone = mode == 'standard' self.light_world_light_cone = False self.dark_world_light_cone = False self.treasure_hunt_count = 0 self.treasure_hunt_icon = 'Triforce Piece' self.clock_mode = 'off' self.rupoor_cost = 10 self.aga_randomness = True self.lock_aga_door_in_escape = False self.fix_trock_doors = self.shuffle != 'vanilla' self.save_and_quit_from_boss = True self.check_beatable_only = check_beatable_only self.fix_skullwoods_exit = self.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple'] self.fix_palaceofdarkness_exit = self.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple'] self.fix_trock_exit = self.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple'] self.shuffle_ganon = shuffle_ganon self.fix_gtower_exit = self.shuffle_ganon self.can_access_trock_eyebridge = None self.quickswap = quickswap self.fastmenu = fastmenu self.disable_music = disable_music self.keysanity = keysanity self.retro = retro self.custom = custom self.customitemarray = customitemarray self.can_take_damage = True self.difficulty_requirements = None self.fix_fake_world = True self.boss_shuffle = boss_shuffle self.hints = hints self.dynamic_regions = [] self.dynamic_locations = [] self.spoiler = Spoiler(self) self.lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms = 1 def intialize_regions(self): for region in self.regions: = self def get_region(self, regionname): if isinstance(regionname, Region): return regionname try: return self._region_cache[regionname] except KeyError: for region in self.regions: if == regionname: self._region_cache[regionname] = region return region raise RuntimeError('No such region %s' % regionname) def get_entrance(self, entrance): if isinstance(entrance, Entrance): return entrance try: return self._entrance_cache[entrance] except KeyError: for region in self.regions: for exit in region.exits: if == entrance: self._entrance_cache[entrance] = exit return exit raise RuntimeError('No such entrance %s' % entrance) def get_location(self, location): if isinstance(location, Location): return location try: return self._location_cache[location] except KeyError: for region in self.regions: for r_location in region.locations: if == location: self._location_cache[location] = r_location return r_location raise RuntimeError('No such location %s' % location) def get_dungeon(self, dungeonname): if isinstance(dungeonname, Dungeon): return dungeonname for dungeon in self.dungeons: if == dungeonname: return dungeon raise RuntimeError('No such dungeon %s' % dungeonname) def get_all_state(self, keys=False): ret = CollectionState(self) def soft_collect(item): if'Progressive '): if 'Sword' in if ret.has('Golden Sword'): pass elif ret.has('Tempered Sword') and self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_sword_limit >= 4: ret.prog_items.append('Golden Sword') elif ret.has('Master Sword') and self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_sword_limit >= 3: ret.prog_items.append('Tempered Sword') elif ret.has('Fighter Sword') and self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_sword_limit >= 2: ret.prog_items.append('Master Sword') elif self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_sword_limit >= 1: ret.prog_items.append('Fighter Sword') elif 'Glove' in if ret.has('Titans Mitts'): pass elif ret.has('Power Glove'): ret.prog_items.append('Titans Mitts') else: ret.prog_items.append('Power Glove') elif 'Shield' in if ret.has('Mirror Shield'): pass elif ret.has('Red Shield') and self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_shield_limit >= 3: ret.prog_items.append('Mirror Shield') elif ret.has('Blue Shield') and self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_shield_limit >= 2: ret.prog_items.append('Red Shield') elif self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_shield_limit >= 1: ret.prog_items.append('Blue Shield') elif'Bottle'): if ret.bottle_count() < self.difficulty_requirements.progressive_bottle_limit: ret.prog_items.append( elif item.advancement or item.key: ret.prog_items.append( for item in self.itempool: soft_collect(item) if keys: from Items import ItemFactory for item in ItemFactory(['Small Key (Escape)', 'Big Key (Eastern Palace)', 'Big Key (Desert Palace)', 'Small Key (Desert Palace)', 'Big Key (Tower of Hera)', 'Small Key (Tower of Hera)', 'Small Key (Agahnims Tower)', 'Small Key (Agahnims Tower)', 'Big Key (Palace of Darkness)'] + ['Small Key (Palace of Darkness)'] * 6 + ['Big Key (Thieves Town)', 'Small Key (Thieves Town)', 'Big Key (Skull Woods)'] + ['Small Key (Skull Woods)'] * 3 + ['Big Key (Swamp Palace)', 'Small Key (Swamp Palace)', 'Big Key (Ice Palace)'] + ['Small Key (Ice Palace)'] * 2 + ['Big Key (Misery Mire)', 'Big Key (Turtle Rock)', 'Big Key (Ganons Tower)'] + ['Small Key (Misery Mire)'] * 3 + ['Small Key (Turtle Rock)'] * 4 + ['Small Key (Ganons Tower)'] * 4): soft_collect(item) ret.sweep_for_events() ret.clear_cached_unreachable() return ret def get_items(self): return [loc.item for loc in self.get_filled_locations()] + self.itempool def find_items(self, item): return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is not None and == item] def push_item(self, location, item, collect=True): if not isinstance(location, Location): location = self.get_location(location) if location.can_fill(self.state, item, False): location.item = item item.location = location if collect: self.state.collect(item, location.event, location) logging.getLogger('').debug('Placed %s at %s', item, location) else: raise RuntimeError('Cannot assign item %s to location %s.' % (item, location)) def get_entrances(self): if self._cached_entrances is None: self._cached_entrances = [] for region in self.regions: self._cached_entrances.extend(region.entrances) return self._cached_entrances def clear_entrance_cache(self): self._cached_entrances = None def get_locations(self): if self._cached_locations is None: self._cached_locations = [] for region in self.regions: self._cached_locations.extend(region.locations) return self._cached_locations def clear_location_cache(self): self._cached_locations = None def get_unfilled_locations(self): return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is None] def get_filled_locations(self): return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is not None] def get_reachable_locations(self, state=None): if state is None: state = self.state return [location for location in self.get_locations() if state.can_reach(location)] def get_placeable_locations(self, state=None): if state is None: state = self.state return [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is None and state.can_reach(location)] def unlocks_new_location(self, item): temp_state = self.state.copy() temp_state.clear_cached_unreachable() temp_state.collect(item, True) for location in self.get_unfilled_locations(): if temp_state.can_reach(location) and not self.state.can_reach(location): return True return False def has_beaten_game(self, state): if state.has('Triforce'): return True if self.goal in ['triforcehunt']: if state.item_count('Triforce Piece') + state.item_count('Power Star') > self.treasure_hunt_count: return True return False def can_beat_game(self, starting_state=None): if starting_state: state = starting_state.copy() else: state = CollectionState(self) if self.has_beaten_game(state): return True prog_locations = [location for location in self.get_locations() if location.item is not None and (location.item.advancement or location.event) and location not in state.locations_checked] treasure_pieces_collected = state.item_count('Triforce Piece') + state.item_count('Power Star') while prog_locations: sphere = [] # build up spheres of collection radius. Everything in each sphere is independent from each other in dependencies and only depends on lower spheres for location in prog_locations: if state.can_reach(location): if == 'Triforce': return True elif in ['Triforce Piece', 'Power Star']: treasure_pieces_collected += 1 if self.goal in ['triforcehunt'] and treasure_pieces_collected >= self.treasure_hunt_count: return True sphere.append(location) if not sphere: # ran out of places and did not find triforce yet, quit return False for location in sphere: prog_locations.remove(location) state.collect(location.item, True, location) return False @property def option_identifier(self): id_value = 0 id_value_max = 1 def markbool(value): nonlocal id_value, id_value_max id_value += id_value_max * bool(value) id_value_max *= 2 def marksequence(options, value): nonlocal id_value, id_value_max id_value += id_value_max * options.index(value) id_value_max *= len(options) markbool(self.logic == 'noglitches') marksequence(['standard', 'open', 'swordless'], self.mode) markbool(self.place_dungeon_items) marksequence(['ganon', 'pedestal', 'dungeons', 'triforcehunt', 'crystals'], self.goal) marksequence(['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'full', 'crossed', 'insanity', 'restricted_legacy', 'full_legacy', 'madness_legacy', 'insanity_legacy', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonssimple'], self.shuffle) marksequence(['easy', 'normal', 'hard', 'expert', 'insane'], self.difficulty) marksequence(['none', 'display', 'timed', 'timed-ohko', 'timed-countdown', 'ohko'], self.timer) marksequence(['on', 'off', 'random'], marksequence(['freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25', 'vt26', 'balanced'], self.algorithm) markbool(self.check_beatable_only) markbool(self.shuffle_ganon) markbool(self.keysanity) markbool(self.retro) assert id_value_max <= 0xFFFFFFFF return id_value class CollectionState(object): def __init__(self, parent): self.prog_items = [] = parent self.region_cache = {} self.location_cache = {} self.entrance_cache = {} self.recursion_count = 0 = [] self.path = {} self.locations_checked = set() def clear_cached_unreachable(self): # we only need to invalidate results which were False, places we could reach before we can still reach after adding more items self.region_cache = {k: v for k, v in self.region_cache.items() if v} self.location_cache = {k: v for k, v in self.location_cache.items() if v} self.entrance_cache = {k: v for k, v in self.entrance_cache.items() if v} def copy(self): ret = CollectionState( ret.prog_items = copy.copy(self.prog_items) ret.region_cache = copy.copy(self.region_cache) ret.location_cache = copy.copy(self.location_cache) ret.entrance_cache = copy.copy(self.entrance_cache) = copy.copy( ret.path = copy.copy(self.path) ret.locations_checked = copy.copy(self.locations_checked) return ret def can_reach(self, spot, resolution_hint=None): try: spot_type = spot.spot_type if spot_type == 'Location': correct_cache = self.location_cache elif spot_type == 'Region': correct_cache = self.region_cache elif spot_type == 'Entrance': correct_cache = self.entrance_cache else: raise AttributeError except AttributeError: # try to resolve a name if resolution_hint == 'Location': spot = correct_cache = self.location_cache elif resolution_hint == 'Entrance': spot = correct_cache = self.entrance_cache else: # default to Region spot = correct_cache = self.region_cache if spot.recursion_count > 0: return False if spot not in correct_cache: # for the purpose of evaluating results, recursion is resolved by always denying recursive access (as that ia what we are trying to figure out right now in the first place spot.recursion_count += 1 self.recursion_count += 1 can_reach = spot.can_reach(self) spot.recursion_count -= 1 self.recursion_count -= 1 # we only store qualified false results (i.e. ones not inside a hypothetical) if not can_reach: if self.recursion_count == 0: correct_cache[spot] = can_reach else: correct_cache[spot] = can_reach return can_reach return correct_cache[spot] def sweep_for_events(self, key_only=False): # this may need improvement new_locations = True checked_locations = 0 while new_locations: reachable_events = [location for location in if location.event and (not key_only or location.item.key) and self.can_reach(location)] for event in reachable_events: if not in self.collect(event.item, True, event) new_locations = len(reachable_events) > checked_locations checked_locations = len(reachable_events) def has(self, item, count=1): if count == 1: return item in self.prog_items return self.item_count(item) >= count def has_key(self, item, count=1): if return self.can_buy_unlimited('Small Key (Universal)') if count == 1: return item in self.prog_items return self.item_count(item) >= count def can_buy_unlimited(self, item): for shop in if shop.has_unlimited(item) and shop.region.can_reach(self): return True return False def item_count(self, item): return len([pritem for pritem in self.prog_items if pritem == item]) def can_lift_rocks(self): return self.has('Power Glove') or self.has('Titans Mitts') def has_bottle(self): return self.bottle_count() > 0 def bottle_count(self): return len([pritem for pritem in self.prog_items if pritem.startswith('Bottle')]) def has_hearts(self, count): # Warning: This only considers items that are marked as advancement items return self.heart_count() >= count def heart_count(self): # Warning: This only considers items that are marked as advancement items return ( self.item_count('Boss Heart Container') + self.item_count('Sanctuary Heart Container') + self.item_count('Piece of Heart') // 4 + 3 # starting hearts ) def can_lift_heavy_rocks(self): return self.has('Titans Mitts') def can_extend_magic(self, smallmagic=16, fullrefill=False): #This reflects the total magic Link has, not the total extra he has. basemagic = 8 if self.has('Quarter Magic'): basemagic = 32 elif self.has('Half Magic'): basemagic = 16 if self.can_buy_unlimited('Green Potion') or self.can_buy_unlimited('Blue Potion'): if == 'hard' and not fullrefill: basemagic = basemagic + int(basemagic * 0.5 * self.bottle_count()) elif == 'expert' and not fullrefill: basemagic = basemagic + int(basemagic * 0.25 * self.bottle_count()) elif == 'insane' and not fullrefill: basemagic = basemagic else: basemagic = basemagic + basemagic * self.bottle_count() return basemagic >= smallmagic def can_kill_most_things(self, enemies=5): return (self.has_blunt_weapon() or self.has('Cane of Somaria') or (self.has('Cane of Byrna') and (enemies < 6 or self.can_extend_magic())) or self.can_shoot_arrows() or self.has('Fire Rod') ) def can_shoot_arrows(self): if #TODO: need to decide how we want to handle wooden arrows longer-term (a can-buy-a check, or via dynamic shop location) #FIXME: Should do something about hard+ ganon only silvers. For the moment, i believe they effective grant wooden, so we are safe return self.has('Bow') and (self.has('Silver Arrows') or self.can_buy_unlimited('Single Arrow')) return self.has('Bow') def can_get_good_bee(self): cave ='Good Bee Cave') return ( self.has_bottle() and self.has('Bug Catching Net') and (self.has_Boots() or (self.has_sword() and self.has('Quake'))) and cave.can_reach(self) and (cave.is_light_world or self.has_Pearl()) ) def has_sword(self): return self.has('Fighter Sword') or self.has('Master Sword') or self.has('Tempered Sword') or self.has('Golden Sword') def has_beam_sword(self): return self.has('Master Sword') or self.has('Tempered Sword') or self.has('Golden Sword') def has_blunt_weapon(self): return self.has_sword() or self.has('Hammer') def has_Mirror(self): return self.has('Magic Mirror') def has_Boots(self): return self.has('Pegasus Boots') def has_Pearl(self): return self.has('Moon Pearl') def has_fire_source(self): return self.has('Fire Rod') or self.has('Lamp') def has_misery_mire_medallion(self): return self.has([0]) def has_turtle_rock_medallion(self): return self.has([1]) def collect(self, item, event=False, location=None): if location: self.locations_checked.add(location) changed = False if'Progressive '): if 'Sword' in if self.has('Golden Sword'): pass elif self.has('Tempered Sword') and >= 4: self.prog_items.append('Golden Sword') changed = True elif self.has('Master Sword') and >= 3: self.prog_items.append('Tempered Sword') changed = True elif self.has('Fighter Sword') and >= 2: self.prog_items.append('Master Sword') changed = True elif >= 1: self.prog_items.append('Fighter Sword') changed = True elif 'Glove' in if self.has('Titans Mitts'): pass elif self.has('Power Glove'): self.prog_items.append('Titans Mitts') changed = True else: self.prog_items.append('Power Glove') changed = True elif 'Shield' in if self.has('Mirror Shield'): pass elif self.has('Red Shield') and >= 3: self.prog_items.append('Mirror Shield') changed = True elif self.has('Blue Shield') and >= 2: self.prog_items.append('Red Shield') changed = True elif >= 1: self.prog_items.append('Blue Shield') changed = True elif'Bottle'): if self.bottle_count() < self.prog_items.append( changed = True elif event or item.advancement: self.prog_items.append( changed = True if changed: self.clear_cached_unreachable() if not event: self.sweep_for_events() self.clear_cached_unreachable() def remove(self, item): if item.advancement: to_remove = if to_remove.startswith('Progressive '): if 'Sword' in to_remove: if self.has('Golden Sword'): to_remove = 'Golden Sword' elif self.has('Tempered Sword'): to_remove = 'Tempered Sword' elif self.has('Master Sword'): to_remove = 'Master Sword' elif self.has('Fighter Sword'): to_remove = 'Fighter Sword' else: to_remove = None elif 'Glove' in if self.has('Titans Mitts'): to_remove = 'Titans Mitts' elif self.has('Power Glove'): to_remove = 'Power Glove' else: to_remove = None if to_remove is not None: try: self.prog_items.remove(to_remove) except ValueError: return # invalidate caches, nothing can be trusted anymore now self.region_cache = {} self.location_cache = {} self.entrance_cache = {} self.recursion_count = 0 def __getattr__(self, item): if item.startswith('can_reach_'): return self.can_reach(item[10]) elif item.startswith('has_'): return self.has(item[4]) raise RuntimeError('Cannot parse %s.' % item) @unique class RegionType(Enum): LightWorld = 1 DarkWorld = 2 Cave = 3 # Also includes Houses Dungeon = 4 @property def is_indoors(self): """Shorthand for checking if Cave or Dungeon""" return self in (RegionType.Cave, RegionType.Dungeon) class Region(object): def __init__(self, name, type, hint): = name self.type = type self.entrances = [] self.exits = [] self.locations = [] self.dungeon = None = None = None self.is_light_world = False # will be set aftermaking connections. self.is_dark_world = False self.spot_type = 'Region' self.hint_text = hint self.recursion_count = 0 def can_reach(self, state): for entrance in self.entrances: if state.can_reach(entrance): if not self in state.path: state.path[self] = (, state.path.get(entrance, None)) return True return False def can_fill(self, item): is_dungeon_item = item.key or or item.compass sewer_hack = == 'standard' and == 'Small Key (Escape)' if sewer_hack or (is_dungeon_item and not return self.dungeon and self.dungeon.is_dungeon_item(item) return True def __str__(self): return str(self.__unicode__()) def __unicode__(self): return '%s' % class Entrance(object): def __init__(self, name='', parent=None): = name self.parent_region = parent self.connected_region = None = None self.addresses = None self.spot_type = 'Entrance' self.recursion_count = 0 self.vanilla = None self.access_rule = lambda state: True def can_reach(self, state): if self.access_rule(state) and state.can_reach(self.parent_region): if not self in state.path: state.path[self] = (, state.path.get(self.parent_region, (, None))) return True return False def connect(self, region, addresses=None, target=None, vanilla=None): self.connected_region = region = target self.addresses = addresses self.vanilla = vanilla region.entrances.append(self) def __str__(self): return str(self.__unicode__()) def __unicode__(self): return '%s' % class Dungeon(object): def __init__(self, name, regions, big_key, small_keys, dungeon_items): = name self.regions = regions self.big_key = big_key self.small_keys = small_keys self.dungeon_items = dungeon_items self.bosses = dict() @property def boss(self): return self.bosses.get(None, None) @boss.setter def boss(self, value): self.bosses[None] = value @property def keys(self): return self.small_keys + ([self.big_key] if self.big_key else []) @property def all_items(self): return self.dungeon_items + self.keys def is_dungeon_item(self, item): return in [ for dungeon_item in self.all_items] def __str__(self): return str(self.__unicode__()) def __unicode__(self): return '%s' % class Boss(object): def __init__(self, name, enemizer_name, defeat_rule): = name self.enemizer_name = enemizer_name self.defeat_rule = defeat_rule def can_defeat(self, state): return self.defeat_rule(state) class Location(object): def __init__(self, name='', address=None, crystal=False, hint_text=None, parent=None): = name self.parent_region = parent self.item = None self.crystal = crystal self.address = address self.spot_type = 'Location' self.hint_text = hint_text if hint_text is not None else 'Hyrule' self.recursion_count = 0 self.staleness_count = 0 self.event = False self.always_allow = lambda item, state: False self.access_rule = lambda state: True self.item_rule = lambda item: True def can_fill(self, state, item, check_access=True): return self.always_allow(item, self) or (self.parent_region.can_fill(item) and self.item_rule(item) and (not check_access or self.can_reach(state))) def can_reach(self, state): if self.access_rule(state) and state.can_reach(self.parent_region): return True return False def __str__(self): return str(self.__unicode__()) def __unicode__(self): return '%s' % class Item(object): def __init__(self, name='', advancement=False, priority=False, type=None, code=None, pedestal_hint=None, pedestal_credit=None, sickkid_credit=None, zora_credit=None, witch_credit=None, fluteboy_credit=None): = name self.advancement = advancement self.priority = priority self.type = type self.pedestal_hint_text = pedestal_hint self.pedestal_credit_text = pedestal_credit self.sickkid_credit_text = sickkid_credit self.zora_credit_text = zora_credit self.magicshop_credit_text = witch_credit self.fluteboy_credit_text = fluteboy_credit self.code = code self.location = None @property def key(self): return self.type == 'SmallKey' or self.type == 'BigKey' @property def crystal(self): return self.type == 'Crystal' @property def map(self): return self.type == 'Map' @property def compass(self): return self.type == 'Compass' def __str__(self): return str(self.__unicode__()) def __unicode__(self): return '%s' % # have 6 address that need to be filled class Crystal(Item): pass @unique class ShopType(Enum): Shop = 0 TakeAny = 1 UpgradeShop = 2 class Shop(object): def __init__(self, region, room_id, type, shopkeeper_config, replaceable): self.region = region self.room_id = room_id self.type = type self.inventory = [None, None, None] self.shopkeeper_config = shopkeeper_config self.replaceable = replaceable = False @property def item_count(self): return (3 if self.inventory[2] else 2 if self.inventory[1] else 1 if self.inventory[0] else 0) def get_bytes(self): # [id][roomID-low][roomID-high][doorID][zero][shop_config][shopkeeper_config][sram_index] entrances = self.region.entrances config = self.item_count if len(entrances) == 1 and entrances[0].addresses: door_id = entrances[0].addresses+1 else: door_id = 0 config |= 0x40 # ignore door id if self.type == ShopType.TakeAny: config |= 0x80 if self.type == ShopType.UpgradeShop: config |= 0x10 # Alt. VRAM return [0x00]+int16_as_bytes(self.room_id)+[door_id, 0x00, config, self.shopkeeper_config, 0x00] def has_unlimited(self, item): for inv in self.inventory: if inv is None: continue if inv['max'] != 0 and inv['replacement'] is not None and inv['replacement'] == item: return True elif inv['item'] is not None and inv['item'] == item: return True return False def clear_inventory(self): self.inventory = [None, None, None] def add_inventory(self, slot, item, price, max=0, replacement=None, replacement_price=0, create_location=False): self.inventory[slot] = { 'item': item, 'price': price, 'max': max, 'replacement': replacement, 'replacement_price': replacement_price, 'create_location': create_location } class Spoiler(object): def __init__(self, world): = world self.entrances = OrderedDict() self.medallions = {} self.playthrough = {} self.locations = {} self.paths = {} self.metadata = {} self.shops = [] self.bosses = OrderedDict() def set_entrance(self, entrance, exit, direction): self.entrances[(entrance, direction)] = OrderedDict([('entrance', entrance), ('exit', exit), ('direction', direction)]) def parse_data(self): self.medallions = OrderedDict([('Misery Mire',[0]), ('Turtle Rock',[1])]) self.locations = OrderedDict() listed_locations = set() lw_locations = [loc for loc in if loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.type == RegionType.LightWorld] self.locations['Light World'] = OrderedDict([(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in lw_locations]) listed_locations.update(lw_locations) dw_locations = [loc for loc in if loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.type == RegionType.DarkWorld] self.locations['Dark World'] = OrderedDict([(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in dw_locations]) listed_locations.update(dw_locations) cave_locations = [loc for loc in if loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.type == RegionType.Cave] self.locations['Caves'] = OrderedDict([(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in cave_locations]) listed_locations.update(cave_locations) for dungeon in dungeon_locations = [loc for loc in if loc not in listed_locations and loc.parent_region and loc.parent_region.dungeon == dungeon] self.locations[] = OrderedDict([(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in dungeon_locations]) listed_locations.update(dungeon_locations) other_locations = [loc for loc in if loc not in listed_locations] if other_locations: self.locations['Other Locations'] = OrderedDict([(str(location), str(location.item) if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in other_locations]) listed_locations.update(other_locations) for shop in if not continue shopdata = {'location':, 'type': 'Take Any' if shop.type == ShopType.TakeAny else 'Shop' } for index, item in enumerate(shop.inventory): if item is None: continue shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)] = "{} — {}".format(item['item'], item['price']) if item['price'] else item['item'] self.shops.append(shopdata) self.bosses["Eastern Palace"] ="Eastern Palace") self.bosses["Desert Palace"] ="Desert Palace") self.bosses["Tower Of Hera"] ="Tower of Hera") self.bosses["Hyrule Castle"] = "Agahnim" self.bosses["Palace Of Darkness"] ="Palace of Darkness") self.bosses["Swamp Palace"] ="Swamp Palace") self.bosses["Skull Woods"] ="Skull Woods") self.bosses["Thieves Town"] ="Thieves Town") self.bosses["Ice Palace"] ="Ice Palace") self.bosses["Misery Mire"] ="Misery Mire") self.bosses["Turtle Rock"] ="Turtle Rock") self.bosses["Ganons Tower Basement"] ='Ganons Tower').bosses['bottom'].name self.bosses["Ganons Tower Middle"] ='Ganons Tower').bosses['middle'].name self.bosses["Ganons Tower Top"] ='Ganons Tower').bosses['top'].name self.bosses["Ganons Tower"] = "Agahnim 2" self.bosses["Ganon"] = "Ganon" from Main import __version__ as ERVersion self.metadata = {'version': ERVersion, 'seed':, 'logic':, 'mode':, 'goal':, 'shuffle':, 'algorithm':, 'difficulty':, 'timer':, 'progressive':, 'completeable': not, 'dungeonitems':, 'quickswap':, 'fastmenu':, 'disable_music':, 'keysanity':} def to_json(self): self.parse_data() out = OrderedDict() out['Entrances'] = list(self.entrances.values()) out.update(self.locations) out['Special'] = self.medallions if self.shops: out['Shops'] = self.shops out['playthrough'] = self.playthrough out['paths'] = self.paths if != 'none': out['Bosses'] = self.bosses out['meta'] = self.metadata return json.dumps(out) def to_file(self, filename): self.parse_data() with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write('ALttP Entrance Randomizer Version %s - Seed: %s\n\n' % (self.metadata['version'], self.metadata['seed'])) outfile.write('Logic: %s\n' % self.metadata['logic']) outfile.write('Mode: %s\n' % self.metadata['mode']) outfile.write('Goal: %s\n' % self.metadata['goal']) outfile.write('Entrance Shuffle: %s\n' % self.metadata['shuffle']) outfile.write('Filling Algorithm: %s\n' % self.metadata['algorithm']) outfile.write('All Locations Accessible: %s\n' % ('Yes' if self.metadata['completeable'] else 'No, some locations may be unreachable')) outfile.write('Maps and Compasses in Dungeons: %s\n' % ('Yes' if self.metadata['dungeonitems'] else 'No')) outfile.write('L\\R Quickswap enabled: %s\n' % ('Yes' if self.metadata['quickswap'] else 'No')) outfile.write('Menu speed: %s\n' % self.metadata['fastmenu']) outfile.write('Keysanity enabled: %s' % ('Yes' if self.metadata['keysanity'] else 'No')) if self.entrances: outfile.write('\n\nEntrances:\n\n') outfile.write('\n'.join(['%s %s %s' % (entry['entrance'], '<=>' if entry['direction'] == 'both' else '<=' if entry['direction'] == 'exit' else '=>', entry['exit']) for entry in self.entrances.values()])) outfile.write('\n\nMedallions') outfile.write('\n\nMisery Mire Medallion: %s' % self.medallions['Misery Mire']) outfile.write('\nTurtle Rock Medallion: %s' % self.medallions['Turtle Rock']) outfile.write('\n\nLocations:\n\n') outfile.write('\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (location, item) for grouping in self.locations.values() for (location, item) in grouping.items()])) outfile.write('\n\nShops:\n\n') outfile.write('\n'.join("{} [{}]\n {}".format(shop['location'], shop['type'], "\n ".join(item for item in [shop.get('item_0', None), shop.get('item_1', None), shop.get('item_2', None)] if item)) for shop in self.shops)) outfile.write('\n\nPlaythrough:\n\n') outfile.write('\n'.join(['%s: {\n%s\n}' % (sphere_nr, '\n'.join([' %s: %s' % (location, item) for (location, item) in sphere.items()])) for (sphere_nr, sphere) in self.playthrough.items()])) outfile.write('\n\nPaths:\n\n') path_listings = [] for location, path in sorted(self.paths.items()): path_lines = [] for region, exit in path: if exit is not None: path_lines.append("{} -> {}".format(region, exit)) else: path_lines.append(region) path_listings.append("{}\n {}".format(location, "\n => ".join(path_lines))) outfile.write('\n'.join(path_listings))