from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging import typing import enum from json import JSONEncoder, JSONDecoder import websockets from Utils import Version class JSONMessagePart(typing.TypedDict, total=False): text: str # optional type: str color: str # mainly for items, optional found: bool class CLientStatus(enum.IntEnum): CLIENT_UNKNOWN = 0 CLIENT_CONNECTED = 5 CLIENT_READY = 10 CLIENT_PLAYING = 20 CLIENT_GOAL = 30 class NetworkPlayer(typing.NamedTuple): team: int slot: int alias: str name: str class NetworkItem(typing.NamedTuple): item: int location: int player: int def _scan_for_TypedTuples(obj: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, "_fields"): # NamedTuple is not actually a parent class data = obj._asdict() data["class"] = obj.__class__.__name__ return data if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)): return tuple(_scan_for_TypedTuples(o) for o in obj) if isinstance(obj, dict): return {key: _scan_for_TypedTuples(value) for key, value in obj.items()} return obj _encode = JSONEncoder( ensure_ascii=False, check_circular=False, ).encode def encode(obj): return _encode(_scan_for_TypedTuples(obj)) whitelist = {"NetworkPlayer": NetworkPlayer, "NetworkItem": NetworkItem, "Version": Version} def _object_hook(o: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if isinstance(o, dict): cls = whitelist.get(o.get("class", None), None) if cls: for key in tuple(o): if key not in cls._fields: del(o[key]) return cls(**o) return o decode = JSONDecoder(object_hook=_object_hook).decode class Node: endpoints: typing.List dumper = staticmethod(encode) loader = staticmethod(decode) def __init__(self): self.endpoints = [] super(Node, self).__init__() def broadcast_all(self, msgs): msgs = self.dumper(msgs) for endpoint in self.endpoints: asyncio.create_task(self.send_encoded_msgs(endpoint, msgs)) async def send_msgs(self, endpoint: Endpoint, msgs: typing.Iterable[dict]): if not endpoint.socket or not or endpoint.socket.closed: return msg = self.dumper(msgs) try: await endpoint.socket.send(msg) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: logging.exception(f"Exception during send_msgs, could not send {msg}") await self.disconnect(endpoint) async def send_encoded_msgs(self, endpoint: Endpoint, msg: str): if not endpoint.socket or not or endpoint.socket.closed: return try: await endpoint.socket.send(msg) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: logging.exception("Exception during send_msgs") await self.disconnect(endpoint) async def disconnect(self, endpoint): if endpoint in self.endpoints: self.endpoints.remove(endpoint) class Endpoint: socket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol def __init__(self, socket): self.socket = socket async def disconnect(self): raise NotImplementedError class HandlerMeta(type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): handlers = attrs["handlers"] = {} trigger: str = "_handle_" for base in bases: handlers.update(base.commands) handlers.update({handler_name[len(trigger):]: method for handler_name, method in attrs.items() if handler_name.startswith(trigger)}) orig_init = attrs.get('__init__', None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # turn functions into bound methods self.handlers = {name: method.__get__(self, type(self)) for name, method in handlers.items()} if orig_init: orig_init(self, *args, **kwargs) attrs['__init__'] = __init__ return super(HandlerMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) class JSONTypes(str, enum.Enum): color = "color" text = "text" player_id = "player_id" player_name = "player_name" item_name = "item_name" item_id = "item_id" location_name = "location_name" location_id = "location_id" entrance_name = "entrance_name" class JSONtoTextParser(metaclass=HandlerMeta): def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx def __call__(self, input_object: typing.List[JSONMessagePart]) -> str: return "".join(self.handle_node(section) for section in input_object) def handle_node(self, node: JSONMessagePart): type = node.get("type", None) handler = self.handlers.get(type, self.handlers["text"]) return handler(node) def _handle_color(self, node: JSONMessagePart): codes = node["color"].split(";") buffer = "".join(color_code(code) for code in codes) return buffer + self._handle_text(node) + color_code("reset") def _handle_text(self, node: JSONMessagePart): return node.get("text", "") def _handle_player_id(self, node: JSONMessagePart): player = int(node["text"]) node["color"] = 'magenta' if player == self.ctx.slot else 'yellow' node["text"] = self.ctx.player_names[player] return self._handle_color(node) # for other teams, spectators etc.? Only useful if player isn't in the clientside mapping def _handle_player_name(self, node: JSONMessagePart): node["color"] = 'yellow' return self._handle_color(node) def _handle_item_name(self, node: JSONMessagePart): # todo: use a better info source from worlds.alttp.Items import progression_items node["color"] = 'green' if node.get("found", False) else 'cyan' if node["text"] in progression_items: node["color"] += ";white_bg" return self._handle_color(node) def _handle_item_id(self, node: JSONMessagePart): item_id = int(node["text"]) node["text"] = self.ctx.item_name_getter(item_id) return self._handle_item_name(node) def _handle_location_name(self, node: JSONMessagePart): node["color"] = 'blue_bg;white' return self._handle_color(node) def _handle_location_id(self, node: JSONMessagePart): item_id = int(node["text"]) node["text"] = self.ctx.location_name_getter(item_id) return self._handle_item_name(node) def _handle_entrance_name(self, node: JSONMessagePart): node["color"] = 'white_bg;black' return self._handle_color(node) color_codes = {'reset': 0, 'bold': 1, 'underline': 4, 'black': 30, 'red': 31, 'green': 32, 'yellow': 33, 'blue': 34, 'magenta': 35, 'cyan': 36, 'white': 37, 'black_bg': 40, 'red_bg': 41, 'green_bg': 42, 'yellow_bg': 43, 'blue_bg': 44, 'purple_bg': 45, 'cyan_bg': 46, 'white_bg': 47} def color_code(*args): return '\033[' + ';'.join([str(color_codes[arg]) for arg in args]) + 'm' def color(text, *args): return color_code(*args) + text + color_code('reset') def add_json_text(parts: list, text: typing.Any, **kwargs) -> None: parts.append({"text": str(text), **kwargs}) class Hint(typing.NamedTuple): receiving_player: int finding_player: int location: int item: int found: bool entrance: str = "" def re_check(self, ctx, team) -> Hint: if self.found: return self found = self.location in ctx.location_checks[team, self.finding_player] if found: return Hint(self.receiving_player, self.finding_player, self.location, self.item, found, self.entrance) return self def __hash__(self): return hash((self.receiving_player, self.finding_player, self.location, self.item, self.entrance)) def as_network_message(self) -> dict: parts = [] add_json_text(parts, "[Hint]: ") add_json_text(parts, self.receiving_player, type="player_id") add_json_text(parts, "'s ") add_json_text(parts, self.item, type="item_id", found=self.found) add_json_text(parts, " is at ") add_json_text(parts, self.location, type="location_id") add_json_text(parts, " in ") add_json_text(parts, self.finding_player, type ="player_id") if self.entrance: add_json_text(parts, "'s World at ") add_json_text(parts, self.entrance, type="entrance_name") else: add_json_text(parts, "'s World") if self.found: add_json_text(parts, ". (found)") else: add_json_text(parts, ".") return {"cmd": "PrintJSON", "data": parts, "type": "hint"}