import argparse import asyncio import json import logging import urllib.parse import atexit import time import functools import webbrowser import multiprocessing import socket import sys import typing import os import subprocess from random import randrange from Utils import get_item_name_from_id, get_location_name_from_address, ReceivedItem exit_func = atexit.register(input, "Press enter to close.") import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() import colorama import websockets import prompt_toolkit from prompt_toolkit.patch_stdout import patch_stdout from NetUtils import Endpoint import WebUI import Regions import Utils def create_named_task(coro, *args, name=None): if not name: name = coro.__name__ if sys.version_info.major > 2 and sys.version_info.minor > 7: return asyncio.create_task(coro, *args, name=name) else: return asyncio.create_task(coro, *args) class Context(): def __init__(self, snes_address, server_address, password, found_items, port: int): self.snes_address = snes_address self.server_address = server_address # WebUI Stuff self.ui_node = WebUI.WebUiClient() self.custom_address = None self.webui_socket_port: typing.Optional[int] = port self.hint_cost = 0 self.check_points = 0 self.forfeit_mode = '' self.remaining_mode = '' self.hint_points = 0 # End WebUI Stuff self.exit_event = asyncio.Event() self.watcher_event = asyncio.Event() self.input_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.input_requests = 0 self.snes_socket = None self.snes_state = SNES_DISCONNECTED self.snes_attached_device = None self.snes_reconnect_address = None self.snes_recv_queue = asyncio.Queue() self.snes_request_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.is_sd2snes = False self.snes_write_buffer = [] self.server_task = None self.server: typing.Optional[Endpoint] = None self.password = password self.server_version = (0, 0, 0) = None self.slot = None self.player_names: typing.Dict[int: str] = {} self.locations_checked = set() self.locations_scouted = set() self.items_received = [] self.locations_info = {} self.awaiting_rom = False self.rom = None self.prev_rom = None self.auth = None self.found_items = found_items self.finished_game = False self.slow_mode = False @property def endpoints(self): if self.server: return [self.server] else: return [] async def disconnect(self): if self.server and not self.server.socket.closed: await self.server.socket.close() self.ui_node.send_connection_status(self) if self.server_task is not None: await self.server_task async def send_msgs(self, msgs): if not self.server or not or self.server.socket.closed: return await self.server.socket.send(json.dumps(msgs)) color_codes = {'reset': 0, 'bold': 1, 'underline': 4, 'black': 30, 'red': 31, 'green': 32, 'yellow': 33, 'blue': 34, 'magenta': 35, 'cyan': 36, 'white': 37, 'black_bg': 40, 'red_bg': 41, 'green_bg': 42, 'yellow_bg': 43, 'blue_bg': 44, 'purple_bg': 45, 'cyan_bg': 46, 'white_bg': 47} def color_code(*args): return '\033[' + ';'.join([str(color_codes[arg]) for arg in args]) + 'm' def color(text, *args): return color_code(*args) + text + color_code('reset') RECONNECT_DELAY = 5 ROM_START = 0x000000 WRAM_START = 0xF50000 WRAM_SIZE = 0x20000 SRAM_START = 0xE00000 ROMNAME_START = SRAM_START + 0x2000 ROMNAME_SIZE = 0x15 INGAME_MODES = {0x07, 0x09, 0x0b} ENDGAME_MODES = {0x19, 0x1a} SAVEDATA_START = WRAM_START + 0xF000 SAVEDATA_SIZE = 0x500 RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D0 # 2 bytes RECV_ITEM_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D2 # 1 byte RECV_ITEM_PLAYER_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D3 # 1 byte ROOMID_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D4 # 2 bytes ROOMDATA_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D6 # 1 byte SCOUT_LOCATION_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D7 # 1 byte SCOUTREPLY_LOCATION_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D8 # 1 byte SCOUTREPLY_ITEM_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D9 # 1 byte SCOUTREPLY_PLAYER_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4DA # 1 byte location_table_uw = {"Blind's Hideout - Top": (0x11d, 0x10), "Blind's Hideout - Left": (0x11d, 0x20), "Blind's Hideout - Right": (0x11d, 0x40), "Blind's Hideout - Far Left": (0x11d, 0x80), "Blind's Hideout - Far Right": (0x11d, 0x100), 'Secret Passage': (0x55, 0x10), 'Waterfall Fairy - Left': (0x114, 0x10), 'Waterfall Fairy - Right': (0x114, 0x20), "King's Tomb": (0x113, 0x10), 'Floodgate Chest': (0x10b, 0x10), "Link's House": (0x104, 0x10), 'Kakariko Tavern': (0x103, 0x10), 'Chicken House': (0x108, 0x10), "Aginah's Cave": (0x10a, 0x10), "Sahasrahla's Hut - Left": (0x105, 0x10), "Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle": (0x105, 0x20), "Sahasrahla's Hut - Right": (0x105, 0x40), 'Kakariko Well - Top': (0x2f, 0x10), 'Kakariko Well - Left': (0x2f, 0x20), 'Kakariko Well - Middle': (0x2f, 0x40), 'Kakariko Well - Right': (0x2f, 0x80), 'Kakariko Well - Bottom': (0x2f, 0x100), 'Lost Woods Hideout': (0xe1, 0x200), 'Lumberjack Tree': (0xe2, 0x200), 'Cave 45': (0x11b, 0x400), 'Graveyard Cave': (0x11b, 0x200), 'Checkerboard Cave': (0x126, 0x200), 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left': (0x123, 0x10), 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Left': (0x123, 0x20), 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Right': (0x123, 0x40), 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right': (0x123, 0x80), 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy': (0x123, 0x400), 'Ice Rod Cave': (0x120, 0x10), 'Bonk Rock Cave': (0x124, 0x10), 'Desert Palace - Big Chest': (0x73, 0x10), 'Desert Palace - Torch': (0x73, 0x400), 'Desert Palace - Map Chest': (0x74, 0x10), 'Desert Palace - Compass Chest': (0x85, 0x10), 'Desert Palace - Big Key Chest': (0x75, 0x10), 'Desert Palace - Boss': (0x33, 0x800), 'Eastern Palace - Compass Chest': (0xa8, 0x10), 'Eastern Palace - Big Chest': (0xa9, 0x10), 'Eastern Palace - Cannonball Chest': (0xb9, 0x10), 'Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xb8, 0x10), 'Eastern Palace - Map Chest': (0xaa, 0x10), 'Eastern Palace - Boss': (0xc8, 0x800), 'Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest': (0x71, 0x10), 'Hyrule Castle - Map Chest': (0x72, 0x10), "Hyrule Castle - Zelda's Chest": (0x80, 0x10), 'Sewers - Dark Cross': (0x32, 0x10), 'Sewers - Secret Room - Left': (0x11, 0x10), 'Sewers - Secret Room - Middle': (0x11, 0x20), 'Sewers - Secret Room - Right': (0x11, 0x40), 'Sanctuary': (0x12, 0x10), 'Castle Tower - Room 03': (0xe0, 0x10), 'Castle Tower - Dark Maze': (0xd0, 0x10), 'Spectacle Rock Cave': (0xea, 0x400), 'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Left': (0xef, 0x10), 'Paradox Cave Lower - Left': (0xef, 0x20), 'Paradox Cave Lower - Right': (0xef, 0x40), 'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Right': (0xef, 0x80), 'Paradox Cave Lower - Middle': (0xef, 0x100), 'Paradox Cave Upper - Left': (0xff, 0x10), 'Paradox Cave Upper - Right': (0xff, 0x20), 'Spiral Cave': (0xfe, 0x10), 'Tower of Hera - Basement Cage': (0x87, 0x400), 'Tower of Hera - Map Chest': (0x77, 0x10), 'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest': (0x87, 0x10), 'Tower of Hera - Compass Chest': (0x27, 0x20), 'Tower of Hera - Big Chest': (0x27, 0x10), 'Tower of Hera - Boss': (0x7, 0x800), 'Hype Cave - Top': (0x11e, 0x10), 'Hype Cave - Middle Right': (0x11e, 0x20), 'Hype Cave - Middle Left': (0x11e, 0x40), 'Hype Cave - Bottom': (0x11e, 0x80), 'Hype Cave - Generous Guy': (0x11e, 0x400), 'Peg Cave': (0x127, 0x400), 'Pyramid Fairy - Left': (0x116, 0x10), 'Pyramid Fairy - Right': (0x116, 0x20), 'Brewery': (0x106, 0x10), 'C-Shaped House': (0x11c, 0x10), 'Chest Game': (0x106, 0x400), 'Mire Shed - Left': (0x10d, 0x10), 'Mire Shed - Right': (0x10d, 0x20), 'Superbunny Cave - Top': (0xf8, 0x10), 'Superbunny Cave - Bottom': (0xf8, 0x20), 'Spike Cave': (0x117, 0x10), 'Hookshot Cave - Top Right': (0x3c, 0x10), 'Hookshot Cave - Top Left': (0x3c, 0x20), 'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Right': (0x3c, 0x80), 'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Left': (0x3c, 0x40), 'Mimic Cave': (0x10c, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Entrance': (0x28, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Map Chest': (0x37, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Big Chest': (0x36, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Compass Chest': (0x46, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest': (0x35, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - West Chest': (0x34, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Left': (0x76, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Right': (0x76, 0x20), 'Swamp Palace - Waterfall Room': (0x66, 0x10), 'Swamp Palace - Boss': (0x6, 0x800), "Thieves' Town - Big Key Chest": (0xdb, 0x20), "Thieves' Town - Map Chest": (0xdb, 0x10), "Thieves' Town - Compass Chest": (0xdc, 0x10), "Thieves' Town - Ambush Chest": (0xcb, 0x10), "Thieves' Town - Attic": (0x65, 0x10), "Thieves' Town - Big Chest": (0x44, 0x10), "Thieves' Town - Blind's Cell": (0x45, 0x10), "Thieves' Town - Boss": (0xac, 0x800), 'Skull Woods - Compass Chest': (0x67, 0x10), 'Skull Woods - Map Chest': (0x58, 0x20), 'Skull Woods - Big Chest': (0x58, 0x10), 'Skull Woods - Pot Prison': (0x57, 0x20), 'Skull Woods - Pinball Room': (0x68, 0x10), 'Skull Woods - Big Key Chest': (0x57, 0x10), 'Skull Woods - Bridge Room': (0x59, 0x10), 'Skull Woods - Boss': (0x29, 0x800), 'Ice Palace - Compass Chest': (0x2e, 0x10), 'Ice Palace - Freezor Chest': (0x7e, 0x10), 'Ice Palace - Big Chest': (0x9e, 0x10), 'Ice Palace - Iced T Room': (0xae, 0x10), 'Ice Palace - Spike Room': (0x5f, 0x10), 'Ice Palace - Big Key Chest': (0x1f, 0x10), 'Ice Palace - Map Chest': (0x3f, 0x10), 'Ice Palace - Boss': (0xde, 0x800), 'Misery Mire - Big Chest': (0xc3, 0x10), 'Misery Mire - Map Chest': (0xc3, 0x20), 'Misery Mire - Main Lobby': (0xc2, 0x10), 'Misery Mire - Bridge Chest': (0xa2, 0x10), 'Misery Mire - Spike Chest': (0xb3, 0x10), 'Misery Mire - Compass Chest': (0xc1, 0x10), 'Misery Mire - Big Key Chest': (0xd1, 0x10), 'Misery Mire - Boss': (0x90, 0x800), 'Turtle Rock - Compass Chest': (0xd6, 0x10), 'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Left': (0xb7, 0x10), 'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Right': (0xb7, 0x20), 'Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps': (0xb6, 0x10), 'Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest': (0x14, 0x10), 'Turtle Rock - Big Chest': (0x24, 0x10), 'Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room': (0x4, 0x10), 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Left': (0xd5, 0x80), 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Right': (0xd5, 0x40), 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Left': (0xd5, 0x20), 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Right': (0xd5, 0x10), 'Turtle Rock - Boss': (0xa4, 0x800), 'Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room': (0x9, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Bridge': (0x2a, 0x20), 'Palace of Darkness - Stalfos Basement': (0xa, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest': (0x3a, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Ledge': (0x2a, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - Map Chest': (0x2b, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - Compass Chest': (0x1a, 0x20), 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Left': (0x6a, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Right': (0x6a, 0x20), 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Top': (0x19, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Bottom': (0x19, 0x20), 'Palace of Darkness - Big Chest': (0x1a, 0x10), 'Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway': (0x1a, 0x40), 'Palace of Darkness - Boss': (0x5a, 0x800), "Ganons Tower - Bob's Torch": (0x8c, 0x400), 'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left': (0x8c, 0x20), 'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Right': (0x8c, 0x40), 'Ganons Tower - Tile Room': (0x8d, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Left': (0x9d, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Right': (0x9d, 0x20), 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Left': (0x9d, 0x40), 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Right': (0x9d, 0x80), 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Left': (0x7b, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Right': (0x7b, 0x20), 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Left': (0x7b, 0x40), 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Right': (0x7b, 0x80), 'Ganons Tower - Map Chest': (0x8b, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room': (0x7d, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Left': (0x7c, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Right': (0x7c, 0x20), 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Left': (0x7c, 0x40), 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Right': (0x7c, 0x80), "Ganons Tower - Bob's Chest": (0x8c, 0x80), 'Ganons Tower - Big Chest': (0x8c, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Left': (0x1c, 0x20), 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Right': (0x1c, 0x40), 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Chest': (0x1c, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Left': (0x3d, 0x10), 'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Right': (0x3d, 0x20), 'Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest': (0x3d, 0x40), 'Ganons Tower - Validation Chest': (0x4d, 0x10)} location_table_npc = {'Mushroom': 0x1000, 'King Zora': 0x2, 'Sahasrahla': 0x10, 'Blacksmith': 0x400, 'Magic Bat': 0x8000, 'Sick Kid': 0x4, 'Library': 0x80, 'Potion Shop': 0x2000, 'Old Man': 0x1, 'Ether Tablet': 0x100, 'Catfish': 0x20, 'Stumpy': 0x8, 'Bombos Tablet': 0x200} location_table_ow = {'Flute Spot': 0x2a, 'Sunken Treasure': 0x3b, "Zora's Ledge": 0x81, 'Lake Hylia Island': 0x35, 'Maze Race': 0x28, 'Desert Ledge': 0x30, 'Master Sword Pedestal': 0x80, 'Spectacle Rock': 0x3, 'Pyramid': 0x5b, 'Digging Game': 0x68, 'Bumper Cave Ledge': 0x4a, 'Floating Island': 0x5} location_table_misc = {'Bottle Merchant': (0x3c9, 0x2), 'Purple Chest': (0x3c9, 0x10), "Link's Uncle": (0x3c6, 0x1), 'Hobo': (0x3c9, 0x1)} SNES_DISCONNECTED = 0 SNES_CONNECTING = 1 SNES_CONNECTED = 2 SNES_ATTACHED = 3 def launch_qusb2snes(ctx: Context): qusb2snes_path = Utils.get_options()["general_options"]["qusb2snes"] if not os.path.isfile(qusb2snes_path): qusb2snes_path = Utils.local_path(qusb2snes_path) if os.path.isfile(qusb2snes_path): ctx.ui_node.log_info(f"Attempting to start {qusb2snes_path}") import subprocess subprocess.Popen(qusb2snes_path, cwd=os.path.dirname(qusb2snes_path)) else: ctx.ui_node.log_info( f"Attempt to start (Q)Usb2Snes was aborted as path {qusb2snes_path} was not found, " f"please start it yourself if it is not running") async def _snes_connect(ctx: Context, address: str): address = f"ws://{address}" if "://" not in address else address ctx.ui_node.log_info("Connecting to QUsb2snes at %s ..." % address) seen_problems = set() succesful = False while not succesful: try: snes_socket = await websockets.connect(address, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None) succesful = True except Exception as e: problem = "%s" % e # only tell the user about new problems, otherwise silently lay in wait for a working connection if problem not in seen_problems: seen_problems.add(problem) ctx.ui_node.log_error(f"Error connecting to QUsb2snes ({problem})") if len(seen_problems) == 1: # this is the first problem. Let's try launching QUsb2snes if it isn't already running launch_qusb2snes(ctx) await asyncio.sleep(1) else: return snes_socket async def get_snes_devices(ctx: Context): socket = await _snes_connect(ctx, ctx.snes_address) # establish new connection to poll DeviceList_Request = { "Opcode": "DeviceList", "Space": "SNES" } await socket.send(json.dumps(DeviceList_Request)) reply = json.loads(await socket.recv()) devices = reply['Results'] if 'Results' in reply and len(reply['Results']) > 0 else None if not devices: ctx.ui_node.log_info('No SNES device found. Ensure QUsb2Snes is running and connect it to the multibridge.') while not devices: await asyncio.sleep(1) await socket.send(json.dumps(DeviceList_Request)) reply = json.loads(await socket.recv()) devices = reply['Results'] if 'Results' in reply and len(reply['Results']) > 0 else None ctx.ui_node.send_device_list(devices) await socket.close() return devices async def snes_connect(ctx: Context, address): if ctx.snes_socket is not None and ctx.snes_state == SNES_CONNECTED: ctx.ui_node.log_error('Already connected to snes') return recv_task = None ctx.snes_state = SNES_CONNECTING socket = await _snes_connect(ctx, address) ctx.snes_socket = socket ctx.snes_state = SNES_CONNECTED try: devices = await get_snes_devices(ctx) if len(devices) == 1: device = devices[0] elif ctx.ui_node.manual_snes and ctx.ui_node.manual_snes in devices: device = ctx.ui_node.manual_snes elif ctx.snes_reconnect_address: if ctx.snes_attached_device[1] in devices: device = ctx.snes_attached_device[1] else: device = devices[ctx.snes_attached_device[0]] else: await snes_disconnect(ctx) return ctx.ui_node.log_info("Attaching to " + device) Attach_Request = { "Opcode": "Attach", "Space": "SNES", "Operands": [device] } await ctx.snes_socket.send(json.dumps(Attach_Request)) ctx.snes_state = SNES_ATTACHED ctx.snes_attached_device = (devices.index(device), device) ctx.ui_node.send_connection_status(ctx) if 'sd2snes' in device.lower() or (len(device) == 4 and device[:3] == 'COM'): ctx.ui_node.log_info("SD2SNES Detected") ctx.is_sd2snes = True await ctx.snes_socket.send(json.dumps({"Opcode" : "Info", "Space" : "SNES"})) reply = json.loads(await ctx.snes_socket.recv()) if reply and 'Results' in reply: ctx.ui_node.log_info(reply['Results']) else: ctx.is_sd2snes = False ctx.snes_reconnect_address = address recv_task = asyncio.create_task(snes_recv_loop(ctx)) except Exception as e: if recv_task is not None: if not ctx.snes_socket.closed: await ctx.snes_socket.close() else: if ctx.snes_socket is not None: if not ctx.snes_socket.closed: await ctx.snes_socket.close() ctx.snes_socket = None ctx.snes_state = SNES_DISCONNECTED if not ctx.snes_reconnect_address: ctx.ui_node.log_error("Error connecting to snes (%s)" % e) else: ctx.ui_node.log_error(f"Error connecting to snes, attempt again in {RECONNECT_DELAY}s") asyncio.create_task(snes_autoreconnect(ctx)) async def snes_disconnect(ctx: Context): if ctx.snes_socket: if not ctx.snes_socket.closed: await ctx.snes_socket.close() ctx.snes_socket = None async def snes_autoreconnect(ctx: Context): # unfortunately currently broken. See: # with prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.ProgressBar() as pb: # for _ in pb(range(100)): # await asyncio.sleep(RECONNECT_DELAY/100) await asyncio.sleep(RECONNECT_DELAY) if ctx.snes_reconnect_address and ctx.snes_socket is None: await snes_connect(ctx, ctx.snes_reconnect_address) async def snes_recv_loop(ctx: Context): try: async for msg in ctx.snes_socket: ctx.snes_recv_queue.put_nowait(msg) ctx.ui_node.log_warning("Snes disconnected") except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException): logging.exception(e) ctx.ui_node.log_error("Lost connection to the snes, type /snes to reconnect") finally: socket, ctx.snes_socket = ctx.snes_socket, None if socket is not None and not socket.closed: await socket.close() ctx.snes_state = SNES_DISCONNECTED ctx.snes_recv_queue = asyncio.Queue() ctx.hud_message_queue = [] ctx.ui_node.send_connection_status(ctx) ctx.rom = None if ctx.snes_reconnect_address: ctx.ui_node.log_info(f"...reconnecting in {RECONNECT_DELAY}s") asyncio.create_task(snes_autoreconnect(ctx)) async def snes_read(ctx : Context, address, size): try: await ctx.snes_request_lock.acquire() if ctx.snes_state != SNES_ATTACHED or ctx.snes_socket is None or not or ctx.snes_socket.closed: return None GetAddress_Request = { "Opcode" : "GetAddress", "Space" : "SNES", "Operands" : [hex(address)[2:], hex(size)[2:]] } try: await ctx.snes_socket.send(json.dumps(GetAddress_Request)) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: return None data = bytes() while len(data) < size: try: data += await asyncio.wait_for(ctx.snes_recv_queue.get(), 5) except asyncio.TimeoutError: break if len(data) != size: logging.error('Error reading %s, requested %d bytes, received %d' % (hex(address), size, len(data))) if len(data): ctx.ui_node.log_error(str(data)) ctx.ui_node.log_warning('Unable to connect to SNES Device because QUsb2Snes broke temporarily.' 'Try un-selecting and re-selecting the SNES Device.') if ctx.snes_socket is not None and not ctx.snes_socket.closed: await ctx.snes_socket.close() return None return data finally: ctx.snes_request_lock.release() async def snes_write(ctx : Context, write_list): try: await ctx.snes_request_lock.acquire() if ctx.snes_state != SNES_ATTACHED or ctx.snes_socket is None or not or ctx.snes_socket.closed: return False PutAddress_Request = { "Opcode" : "PutAddress", "Operands" : [] } if ctx.is_sd2snes: cmd = b'\x00\xE2\x20\x48\xEB\x48' for address, data in write_list: if (address < WRAM_START) or ((address + len(data)) > (WRAM_START + WRAM_SIZE)): ctx.ui_node.log_error("SD2SNES: Write out of range %s (%d)" % (hex(address), len(data))) return False for ptr, byte in enumerate(data, address + 0x7E0000 - WRAM_START): cmd += b'\xA9' # LDA cmd += bytes([byte]) cmd += b'\x8F' # STA.l cmd += bytes([ptr & 0xFF, (ptr >> 8) & 0xFF, (ptr >> 16) & 0xFF]) cmd += b'\xA9\x00\x8F\x00\x2C\x00\x68\xEB\x68\x28\x6C\xEA\xFF\x08' PutAddress_Request['Space'] = 'CMD' PutAddress_Request['Operands'] = ["2C00", hex(len(cmd)-1)[2:], "2C00", "1"] try: if ctx.snes_socket is not None: await ctx.snes_socket.send(json.dumps(PutAddress_Request)) if ctx.snes_socket is not None: await ctx.snes_socket.send(cmd) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: return False else: PutAddress_Request['Space'] = 'SNES' try: #will pack those requests as soon as qusb2snes actually supports that for real for address, data in write_list: PutAddress_Request['Operands'] = [hex(address)[2:], hex(len(data))[2:]] if ctx.snes_socket is not None: await ctx.snes_socket.send(json.dumps(PutAddress_Request)) if ctx.snes_socket is not None: await ctx.snes_socket.send(data) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: return False return True finally: ctx.snes_request_lock.release() def snes_buffered_write(ctx : Context, address, data): if len(ctx.snes_write_buffer) > 0 and (ctx.snes_write_buffer[-1][0] + len(ctx.snes_write_buffer[-1][1])) == address: ctx.snes_write_buffer[-1] = (ctx.snes_write_buffer[-1][0], ctx.snes_write_buffer[-1][1] + data) else: ctx.snes_write_buffer.append((address, data)) async def snes_flush_writes(ctx : Context): if not ctx.snes_write_buffer: return await snes_write(ctx, ctx.snes_write_buffer) ctx.snes_write_buffer = [] async def send_msgs(websocket, msgs): if not websocket or not or websocket.closed: return await websocket.send(json.dumps(msgs)) async def server_loop(ctx: Context, address=None): ctx.ui_node.send_connection_status(ctx) cached_address = None if ctx.server and ctx.server.socket: ctx.ui_node.log_error('Already connected') return if address is None: # set through CLI or BMBP address = ctx.server_address if address is None: # see if this is an old connection await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # wait for snes connection to succeed if possible. rom = ctx.rom if ctx.rom else None try: servers = cached_address = Utils.persistent_load()["servers"] address = servers[rom] if rom and rom in servers else servers["default"] except Exception as e: logging.debug(f"Could not find cached server address. {e}") # Wait for the user to provide a multiworld server address if not address:'Please connect to a multiworld server.') ctx.ui_node.poll_for_server_ip() return address = f"ws://{address}" if "://" not in address else address port = urllib.parse.urlparse(address).port or 38281 ctx.ui_node.log_info('Connecting to multiworld server at %s' % address) try: socket = await websockets.connect(address, port=port, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None) ctx.server = Endpoint(socket) ctx.ui_node.log_info('Connected') ctx.server_address = address ctx.ui_node.send_connection_status(ctx) async for data in ctx.server.socket: for msg in json.loads(data): cmd, args = (msg[0], msg[1]) if len(msg) > 1 else (msg, None) await process_server_cmd(ctx, cmd, args) ctx.ui_node.log_warning('Disconnected from multiworld server, type /connect to reconnect') except WebUI.WaitingForUiException: pass except ConnectionRefusedError: if cached_address: ctx.ui_node.log_error('Unable to connect to multiworld server at cached address. ' 'Please use the connect button above.') else: ctx.ui_node.log_error('Connection refused by the multiworld server') except (OSError, websockets.InvalidURI): ctx.ui_node.log_error('Failed to connect to the multiworld server') except Exception as e: ctx.ui_node.log_error('Lost connection to the multiworld server, type /connect to reconnect') if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException): logging.exception(e) finally: ctx.awaiting_rom = False ctx.auth = None ctx.items_received = [] ctx.locations_info = {} ctx.server_version = (0, 0, 0) if ctx.server and ctx.server.socket is not None: await ctx.server.socket.close() ctx.server = None ctx.server_task = None if ctx.server_address: ctx.ui_node.log_info(f"... reconnecting in {RECONNECT_DELAY}s") ctx.ui_node.send_connection_status(ctx) asyncio.create_task(server_autoreconnect(ctx)) async def server_autoreconnect(ctx: Context): # unfortunately currently broken. See: # with prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.ProgressBar() as pb: # for _ in pb(range(100)): # await asyncio.sleep(RECONNECT_DELAY/100) await asyncio.sleep(RECONNECT_DELAY) if ctx.server_address and ctx.server_task is None: ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx)) async def process_server_cmd(ctx: Context, cmd, args): if cmd == 'RoomInfo': ctx.ui_node.log_info('--------------------------------') ctx.ui_node.log_info('Room Information:') ctx.ui_node.log_info('--------------------------------') version = args.get("version", "unknown Bonta Protocol") if isinstance(version, list): ctx.server_version = tuple(version) version = ".".join(str(item) for item in version) else: ctx.server_version = (0, 0, 0) ctx.ui_node.log_info(f'Server protocol version: {version}') if "tags" in args: ctx.ui_node.log_info("Server protocol tags: " + ", ".join(args["tags"])) if args['password']: ctx.ui_node.log_info('Password required') if "forfeit_mode" in args: # could also be version > 2.2.1, but going with implicit content here"Forfeit setting: "+args["forfeit_mode"])"Remaining setting: "+args["remaining_mode"])"A !hint costs {args['hint_cost']} points and you get {args['location_check_points']}" f" for each location checked.") ctx.hint_cost = int(args['hint_cost']) ctx.check_points = int(args['location_check_points']) ctx.forfeit_mode = args['forfeit_mode'] ctx.remaining_mode = args['remaining_mode'] ctx.ui_node.send_game_info(ctx) if len(args['players']) < 1: ctx.ui_node.log_info('No player connected') else: args['players'].sort() current_team = -1 ctx.ui_node.log_info('Connected players:') for team, slot, name in args['players']: if team != current_team: ctx.ui_node.log_info(f' Team #{team + 1}') current_team = team ctx.ui_node.log_info(' %s (Player %d)' % (name, slot)) await server_auth(ctx, args['password']) elif cmd == 'ConnectionRefused': if 'InvalidPassword' in args: ctx.ui_node.log_error('Invalid password') ctx.password = None await server_auth(ctx, True) if 'InvalidRom' in args: if ctx.snes_socket is not None and not ctx.snes_socket.closed: asyncio.create_task(ctx.snes_socket.close()) raise Exception( 'Invalid ROM detected, please verify that you have loaded the correct rom and reconnect your snes (/snes)') if 'SlotAlreadyTaken' in args: Utils.persistent_store("servers", "default", ctx.server_address) Utils.persistent_store("servers", ctx.rom, ctx.server_address) raise Exception('Player slot already in use for that team') if 'IncompatibleVersion' in args: raise Exception('Server reported your client version as incompatible') raise Exception('Connection refused by the multiworld host') elif cmd == 'Connected': Utils.persistent_store("servers", "default", ctx.server_address) Utils.persistent_store("servers", ctx.rom, ctx.server_address), ctx.slot = args[0] ctx.player_names = {p: n for p, n in args[1]} msgs = [] if ctx.locations_checked: msgs.append(['LocationChecks', [Regions.location_table[loc][0] for loc in ctx.locations_checked]]) if ctx.locations_scouted: msgs.append(['LocationScouts', list(ctx.locations_scouted)]) if msgs: await ctx.send_msgs(msgs) if ctx.finished_game: await send_finished_game(ctx) elif cmd == 'ReceivedItems': start_index, items = args if start_index == 0: ctx.items_received = [] elif start_index != len(ctx.items_received): sync_msg = [['Sync']] if ctx.locations_checked: sync_msg.append(['LocationChecks', [Regions.location_table[loc][0] for loc in ctx.locations_checked]]) await ctx.send_msgs(sync_msg) if start_index == len(ctx.items_received): for item in items: ctx.items_received.append(ReceivedItem(*item)) ctx.watcher_event.set() elif cmd == 'LocationInfo': for location, item, player in args: if location not in ctx.locations_info: replacements = {0xA2: 'Small Key', 0x9D: 'Big Key', 0x8D: 'Compass', 0x7D: 'Map'} item_name = replacements.get(item, get_item_name_from_id(item)) ctx.ui_node.log_info( f"Saw {color(item_name, 'red', 'bold')} at {list(Regions.location_table.keys())[location - 1]}") ctx.locations_info[location] = (item, player) ctx.watcher_event.set() elif cmd == 'ItemSent': player_sent, location, player_recvd, item = args ctx.ui_node.notify_item_sent(ctx.player_names[player_sent], ctx.player_names[player_recvd], get_item_name_from_id(item), get_location_name_from_address(location), player_sent == ctx.slot, player_recvd == ctx.slot) item = color(get_item_name_from_id(item), 'cyan' if player_sent != ctx.slot else 'green') player_sent = color(ctx.player_names[player_sent], 'yellow' if player_sent != ctx.slot else 'magenta') player_recvd = color(ctx.player_names[player_recvd], 'yellow' if player_recvd != ctx.slot else 'magenta') '%s sent %s to %s (%s)' % (player_sent, item, player_recvd, color(get_location_name_from_address(location), 'blue_bg', 'white'))) elif cmd == 'ItemFound': found = ReceivedItem(*args) ctx.ui_node.notify_item_found(ctx.player_names[found.player], get_item_name_from_id(found.item), get_location_name_from_address(found.location), found.player == ctx.slot) item = color(get_item_name_from_id(found.item), 'cyan' if found.player != ctx.slot else 'green') player_sent = color(ctx.player_names[found.player], 'yellow' if found.player != ctx.slot else 'magenta')'%s found %s (%s)' % (player_sent, item, color(get_location_name_from_address(found.location), 'blue_bg', 'white'))) elif cmd == 'Missing': if 'locations' in args: locations = json.loads(args['locations']) for location in locations: ctx.ui_node.log_info(f'Missing: {location}') ctx.ui_node.log_info(f'Found {len(locations)} missing location checks') elif cmd == 'Hint': hints = [Utils.Hint(*hint) for hint in args] for hint in hints: ctx.ui_node.send_hint(ctx.player_names[hint.finding_player], ctx.player_names[hint.receiving_player], get_item_name_from_id(hint.item), get_location_name_from_address(hint.location), hint.found, hint.finding_player == ctx.slot, hint.receiving_player == ctx.slot, hint.entrance if hint.entrance else None) item = color(get_item_name_from_id(hint.item), 'green' if hint.found else 'cyan') player_find = color(ctx.player_names[hint.finding_player], 'yellow' if hint.finding_player != ctx.slot else 'magenta') player_recvd = color(ctx.player_names[hint.receiving_player], 'yellow' if hint.receiving_player != ctx.slot else 'magenta') text = f"[Hint]: {player_recvd}'s {item} is " \ f"at {color(get_location_name_from_address(hint.location), 'blue_bg', 'white')} " \ f"in {player_find}'s World" if hint.entrance: text += " at " + color(hint.entrance, 'white_bg', 'black') + (f". {color('(found)', 'green_bg', 'black')} " if hint.found else ".")) elif cmd == "AliasUpdate": ctx.player_names = {p: n for p, n in args} elif cmd == 'Print': ctx.ui_node.log_info(args) elif cmd == 'HintPointUpdate': ctx.hint_points = args[0] else: logging.debug(f"unknown command {args}") def get_tags(ctx: Context): tags = ['Berserker'] if ctx.found_items: tags.append('FoundItems') return tags async def server_auth(ctx: Context, password_requested): if password_requested and not ctx.password: ctx.ui_node.log_info('Enter the password required to join this game:') ctx.password = await console_input(ctx) if ctx.rom is None: ctx.awaiting_rom = True ctx.ui_node.log_info( 'No ROM detected, awaiting snes connection to authenticate to the multiworld server (/snes)') return ctx.awaiting_rom = False ctx.auth = ctx.rom auth = ctx.rom if ctx.server_version > (2, 4, 0) else list(ctx.rom.encode()) await ctx.send_msgs([['Connect', { 'password': ctx.password, 'rom': auth, 'version': Utils._version_tuple, 'tags': get_tags(ctx), 'uuid': Utils.get_unique_identifier() }]]) async def console_input(ctx : Context): ctx.input_requests += 1 return await ctx.input_queue.get() async def connect(ctx: Context, address=None): await ctx.disconnect() ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx, address)) from MultiServer import CommandProcessor, mark_raw class ClientCommandProcessor(CommandProcessor): def __init__(self, ctx: Context): self.ctx = ctx def output(self, text: str): self.ctx.ui_node.log_info(text) def _cmd_exit(self) -> bool: """Close connections and client""" self.ctx.exit_event.set() return True @mark_raw def _cmd_snes(self, snes_address: str = "") -> bool: """Connect to a snes. Optionally include network address of a snes to connect to, otherwise show available devices""" self.ctx.snes_reconnect_address = None asyncio.create_task(snes_connect(self.ctx, snes_address if snes_address else self.ctx.snes_address)) return True def _cmd_snes_close(self) -> bool: """Close connection to a currently connected snes""" self.ctx.snes_reconnect_address = None if self.ctx.snes_socket is not None and not self.ctx.snes_socket.closed: asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.snes_socket.close()) return True else: return False def _cmd_connect(self, address: str = "") -> bool: """Connect to a MultiWorld Server""" self.ctx.server_address = None asyncio.create_task(connect(self.ctx, address if address else None)) return True def _cmd_disconnect(self) -> bool: """Disconnect from a MultiWorld Server""" self.ctx.server_address = None asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.disconnect()) return True def _cmd_received(self) -> bool: """List all received items""" self.ctx.ui_node.log_info('Received items:') for index, item in enumerate(self.ctx.items_received, 1): self.ctx.ui_node.notify_item_received(self.ctx.player_names[item.player], get_item_name_from_id(item.item), get_location_name_from_address(item.location), index, len(self.ctx.items_received))'%s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)' % ( color(get_item_name_from_id(item.item), 'red', 'bold'), color(self.ctx.player_names[item.player], 'yellow'), get_location_name_from_address(item.location), index, len(self.ctx.items_received))) return True def _cmd_missing(self) -> bool: """List all missing location checks, from your local game state""" count = 0 for location in [k for k, v in Regions.location_table.items() if type(v[0]) is int]: if location not in self.ctx.locations_checked: self.output('Missing: ' + location) count += 1 if count: self.output(f"Found {count} missing location checks") else: self.output("No missing location checks found.") return True def _cmd_show_items(self, toggle: str = "") -> bool: """Toggle showing of items received across the team""" if toggle: self.ctx.found_items = toggle.lower() in {"1", "true", "on"} else: self.ctx.found_items = not self.ctx.found_items self.ctx.ui_node.log_info(f"Set showing team items to {self.ctx.found_items}") asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.send_msgs([['UpdateTags', get_tags(self.ctx)]])) return True def _cmd_slow_mode(self, toggle: str = ""): """Toggle slow mode, which limits how fast you send / receive items.""" if toggle: self.ctx.slow_mode = toggle.lower() in {"1", "true", "on"} else: self.ctx.slow_mode = not self.ctx.slow_mode self.ctx.ui_node.log_info(f"Setting slow mode to {self.ctx.slow_mode}") def _cmd_web(self): if self.ctx.webui_socket_port:'http://localhost:5050?port={self.ctx.webui_socket_port}') else: self.output("Web UI was never started.") def default(self, raw: str): asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.send_msgs([['Say', raw]])) async def console_loop(ctx: Context): session = prompt_toolkit.PromptSession() commandprocessor = ClientCommandProcessor(ctx) while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): try: with patch_stdout(): input_text = await session.prompt_async() if ctx.input_requests > 0: ctx.input_requests -= 1 ctx.input_queue.put_nowait(input_text) continue if not input_text: continue commandprocessor(input_text) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) await snes_flush_writes(ctx) async def track_locations(ctx : Context, roomid, roomdata): new_locations = [] def new_check(location): ctx.locations_checked.add(location) ctx.ui_node.log_info("New check: %s (%d/216)" % (location, len(ctx.locations_checked))) ctx.ui_node.send_location_check(ctx, location) new_locations.append(Regions.location_table[location][0]) for location, (loc_roomid, loc_mask) in location_table_uw.items(): if location not in ctx.locations_checked and loc_roomid == roomid and (roomdata << 4) & loc_mask != 0: new_check(location) uw_begin = 0x129 uw_end = 0 uw_unchecked = {} for location, (roomid, mask) in location_table_uw.items(): if location not in ctx.locations_checked: uw_unchecked[location] = (roomid, mask) uw_begin = min(uw_begin, roomid) uw_end = max(uw_end, roomid + 1) if uw_begin < uw_end: uw_data = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + (uw_begin * 2), (uw_end - uw_begin) * 2) if uw_data is not None: for location, (roomid, mask) in uw_unchecked.items(): offset = (roomid - uw_begin) * 2 roomdata = uw_data[offset] | (uw_data[offset + 1] << 8) if roomdata & mask != 0: new_check(location) ow_begin = 0x82 ow_end = 0 ow_unchecked = {} for location, screenid in location_table_ow.items(): if location not in ctx.locations_checked: ow_unchecked[location] = screenid ow_begin = min(ow_begin, screenid) ow_end = max(ow_end, screenid + 1) if ow_begin < ow_end: ow_data = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x280 + ow_begin, ow_end - ow_begin) if ow_data is not None: for location, screenid in ow_unchecked.items(): if ow_data[screenid - ow_begin] & 0x40 != 0: new_check(location) if not all([location in ctx.locations_checked for location in location_table_npc.keys()]): npc_data = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x410, 2) if npc_data is not None: npc_value = npc_data[0] | (npc_data[1] << 8) for location, mask in location_table_npc.items(): if npc_value & mask != 0 and location not in ctx.locations_checked: new_check(location) if not all([location in ctx.locations_checked for location in location_table_misc.keys()]): misc_data = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x3c6, 4) if misc_data is not None: for location, (offset, mask) in location_table_misc.items(): assert(0x3c6 <= offset <= 0x3c9) if misc_data[offset - 0x3c6] & mask != 0 and location not in ctx.locations_checked: new_check(location) await ctx.send_msgs([['LocationChecks', new_locations]]) async def send_finished_game(ctx: Context): try: await ctx.send_msgs([['GameFinished', '']]) ctx.finished_game = True except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) async def game_watcher(ctx : Context): prev_game_timer = 0 perf_counter = time.perf_counter() while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): try: await asyncio.wait_for(ctx.watcher_event.wait(), 0.125) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass ctx.watcher_event.clear() if not ctx.rom: ctx.finished_game = False rom = await snes_read(ctx, ROMNAME_START, ROMNAME_SIZE) if rom is None or rom == bytes([0] * ROMNAME_SIZE): continue ctx.rom = rom.decode() if not ctx.prev_rom or ctx.prev_rom != ctx.rom: ctx.locations_checked = set() ctx.locations_scouted = set() ctx.prev_rom = ctx.rom if ctx.awaiting_rom: await server_auth(ctx, False) if ctx.auth and ctx.auth != ctx.rom: ctx.ui_node.log_warning("ROM change detected, please reconnect to the multiworld server") await ctx.disconnect() gamemode = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x10, 1) gameend = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x443, 1) game_timer = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x42E, 4) if gamemode is None or gameend is None or game_timer is None or \ (gamemode[0] not in INGAME_MODES and gamemode[0] not in ENDGAME_MODES): continue delay = 7 if ctx.slow_mode else 2 if gameend[0]: if not ctx.finished_game: await(send_finished_game(ctx)) if time.perf_counter() - perf_counter < delay: continue else: perf_counter = time.perf_counter() else: game_timer = game_timer[0] | (game_timer[1] << 8) | (game_timer[2] << 16) | (game_timer[3] << 24) if abs(game_timer - prev_game_timer) < (delay * 60): continue else: prev_game_timer = game_timer if gamemode in ENDGAME_MODES: # triforce room and credits continue data = await snes_read(ctx, RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR, 8) if data is None: continue recv_index = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) assert RECV_ITEM_ADDR == RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 2 recv_item = data[2] assert ROOMID_ADDR == RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 4 roomid = data[4] | (data[5] << 8) assert ROOMDATA_ADDR == RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 6 roomdata = data[6] assert SCOUT_LOCATION_ADDR == RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 7 scout_location = data[7] if recv_index < len(ctx.items_received) and recv_item == 0: item = ctx.items_received[recv_index] ctx.ui_node.notify_item_received(ctx.player_names[item.player], get_item_name_from_id(item.item), get_location_name_from_address(item.location), recv_index + 1, len(ctx.items_received))'Received %s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)' % ( color(get_item_name_from_id(item.item), 'red', 'bold'), color(ctx.player_names[item.player], 'yellow'), get_location_name_from_address(item.location), recv_index + 1, len(ctx.items_received))) recv_index += 1 snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR, bytes([recv_index & 0xFF, (recv_index >> 8) & 0xFF])) snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_ITEM_ADDR, bytes([item.item])) snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_ITEM_PLAYER_ADDR, bytes([item.player if item.player != ctx.slot else 0])) if scout_location > 0 and scout_location in ctx.locations_info: snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_LOCATION_ADDR, bytes([scout_location])) snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_ITEM_ADDR, bytes([ctx.locations_info[scout_location][0]])) snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_PLAYER_ADDR, bytes([ctx.locations_info[scout_location][1]])) await snes_flush_writes(ctx) if scout_location > 0 and scout_location not in ctx.locations_scouted: ctx.locations_scouted.add(scout_location) ctx.ui_node.log_info(f'Scouting item at {list(Regions.location_table.keys())[scout_location - 1]}') await ctx.send_msgs([['LocationScouts', [scout_location]]]) await track_locations(ctx, roomid, roomdata) async def run_game(romfile): auto_start = Utils.get_options()["general_options"].get("rom_start", True) if auto_start is True: import webbrowser elif os.path.isfile(auto_start): subprocess.Popen([auto_start, romfile], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) async def websocket_server(websocket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol, path, ctx: Context): endpoint = Endpoint(websocket) ctx.ui_node.endpoints.append(endpoint) process_command = ClientCommandProcessor(ctx) try: async for incoming_data in websocket: try: data = json.loads(incoming_data) logging.debug(f"WebUIData:{data}") if ('type' not in data) or ('content' not in data): raise Exception('Invalid data received in websocket') elif data['type'] == 'webStatus': if data['content'] == 'connections': ctx.ui_node.send_connection_status(ctx) elif data['content'] == 'devices': await get_snes_devices(ctx) elif data['content'] == 'gameInfo': ctx.ui_node.send_game_info(ctx) elif data['content'] == 'checkData': ctx.ui_node.send_location_check(ctx, 'Waiting for check...') elif data['type'] == 'webConfig': if 'serverAddress' in data['content']: ctx.server_address = data['content']['serverAddress'] await connect(ctx, data['content']['serverAddress']) elif 'deviceId' in data['content']: # Allow a SNES disconnect via UI sending -1 as new device if data['content']['deviceId'] == "-1": ctx.ui_node.manual_snes = None ctx.snes_reconnect_address = None await snes_disconnect(ctx) else: await snes_disconnect(ctx) ctx.ui_node.manual_snes = data['content']['deviceId'] await snes_connect(ctx, ctx.snes_address) elif data['type'] == 'webControl': if 'disconnect' in data['content']: await ctx.disconnect() elif data['type'] == 'webCommand': process_command(data['content']) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException): logging.exception(e) finally: await ctx.ui_node.disconnect(endpoint) async def main(): multiprocessing.freeze_support() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('diff_file', default="", type=str, nargs="?", help='Path to a Berserker Multiworld Binary Patch file') parser.add_argument('--snes', default='localhost:8080', help='Address of the QUsb2snes server.') parser.add_argument('--connect', default=None, help='Address of the multiworld host.') parser.add_argument('--password', default=None, help='Password of the multiworld host.') parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default='info', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']) parser.add_argument('--founditems', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show items found by other players for themselves.') parser.add_argument('--disable_web_ui', default=False, action='store_true', help="Turn off emitting a webserver for the webbrowser based user interface.") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), logging.INFO)) if args.diff_file: import Patch"Patch file was supplied. Creating sfc rom..") meta, romfile = Patch.create_rom_file(args.diff_file) args.connect = meta["server"]"Wrote rom file to {romfile}") adjustedromfile, adjusted = Utils.get_adjuster_settings(romfile) if adjusted: try: os.replace(adjustedromfile, romfile) adjustedromfile = romfile except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) asyncio.create_task(run_game(adjustedromfile if adjusted else romfile)) port = None if not args.disable_web_ui: # Find an available port on the host system to use for hosting the websocket server while True: port = randrange(49152, 65535) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: if not sock.connect_ex(('localhost', port)) == 0: break import threading WebUI.start_server( port, on_start=threading.Timer(1,, (f'http://localhost:5050?port={port}',)).start) ctx = Context(args.snes, args.connect, args.password, args.founditems, port) input_task = create_named_task(console_loop(ctx), name="Input") if not args.disable_web_ui: ui_socket = websockets.serve(functools.partial(websocket_server, ctx=ctx), 'localhost', port, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None) await ui_socket if ctx.server_task is None: ctx.server_task = create_named_task(server_loop(ctx), name="ServerLoop") watcher_task = create_named_task(game_watcher(ctx), name="GameWatcher") await ctx.exit_event.wait() ctx.server_address = None ctx.snes_reconnect_address = None await watcher_task if ctx.server is not None and not ctx.server.socket.closed: await ctx.server.socket.close() if ctx.server_task is not None: await ctx.server_task if ctx.snes_socket is not None and not ctx.snes_socket.closed: await ctx.snes_socket.close() while ctx.input_requests > 0: ctx.input_queue.put_nowait(None) ctx.input_requests -= 1 await input_task if __name__ == '__main__': colorama.init() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) loop.close() colorama.deinit() atexit.unregister(exit_func)