from collections import namedtuple from itertools import chain from .Items import item_table from .Location import DisableType from .LocationList import location_groups from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP # Generates item pools and places fixed items based on settings. plentiful_items = ([ 'Biggoron Sword', 'Boomerang', 'Lens of Truth', 'Megaton Hammer', 'Iron Boots', 'Goron Tunic', 'Zora Tunic', 'Hover Boots', 'Mirror Shield', 'Fire Arrows', 'Light Arrows', 'Dins Fire', 'Progressive Hookshot', 'Progressive Strength Upgrade', 'Progressive Scale', 'Progressive Wallet', 'Magic Meter', 'Deku Stick Capacity', 'Deku Nut Capacity', 'Bow', 'Slingshot', 'Bomb Bag', 'Double Defense'] + ['Heart Container'] * 8 ) # Ludicrous replaces all health upgrades with heart containers # as done in plentiful. The item list is used separately to # dynamically replace all junk with even levels of each item. ludicrous_health = ['Heart Container'] * 8 # List of items that can be multiplied in ludicrous mode. # Used to filter the pre-plando pool for candidates instead # of appending directly, making this list settings-independent. # Excludes Gold Skulltula Tokens, Triforce Pieces, and health # upgrades as they are directly tied to win conditions and # already have a large count relative to available locations # in the game. # # Base items will always be candidates to replace junk items, # even if the player starts with all "normal" copies of an item. ludicrous_items_base = [ 'Light Arrows', 'Megaton Hammer', 'Progressive Hookshot', 'Progressive Strength Upgrade', 'Dins Fire', 'Hover Boots', 'Mirror Shield', 'Boomerang', 'Iron Boots', 'Fire Arrows', 'Progressive Scale', 'Progressive Wallet', 'Magic Meter', 'Bow', 'Slingshot', 'Bomb Bag', 'Bombchus', 'Lens of Truth', 'Goron Tunic', 'Zora Tunic', 'Biggoron Sword', 'Double Defense', 'Farores Wind', 'Nayrus Love', 'Stone of Agony', 'Ice Arrows', 'Deku Stick Capacity', 'Deku Nut Capacity' ] ludicrous_items_extended = [ 'Zeldas Lullaby', 'Eponas Song', 'Suns Song', 'Sarias Song', 'Song of Time', 'Song of Storms', 'Minuet of Forest', 'Prelude of Light', 'Bolero of Fire', 'Serenade of Water', 'Nocturne of Shadow', 'Requiem of Spirit', 'Ocarina', 'Kokiri Sword', 'Boss Key (Ganons Castle)', 'Boss Key (Forest Temple)', 'Boss Key (Fire Temple)', 'Boss Key (Water Temple)', 'Boss Key (Shadow Temple)', 'Boss Key (Spirit Temple)', 'Gerudo Membership Card', 'Small Key (Thieves Hideout)', 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', 'Small Key (Ganons Castle)', 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', 'Small Key (Water Temple)', 'Small Key (Bottom of the Well)', 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', 'Small Key Ring (Thieves Hideout)', 'Small Key Ring (Shadow Temple)', 'Small Key Ring (Ganons Castle)', 'Small Key Ring (Forest Temple)', 'Small Key Ring (Spirit Temple)', 'Small Key Ring (Fire Temple)', 'Small Key Ring (Water Temple)', 'Small Key Ring (Bottom of the Well)', 'Small Key Ring (Gerudo Training Ground)', 'Magic Bean Pack' ] ludicrous_exclusions = [ 'Triforce Piece', 'Gold Skulltula Token', 'Rutos Letter', 'Heart Container', 'Piece of Heart', 'Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest Game)' ] item_difficulty_max = { 'ludicrous': { 'Piece of Heart': 3, }, 'plentiful': { 'Piece of Heart': 3, }, 'balanced': {}, 'scarce': { 'Bombchus': 3, 'Bombchus (5)': 1, 'Bombchus (10)': 2, 'Bombchus (20)': 0, 'Magic Meter': 1, 'Double Defense': 0, 'Deku Stick Capacity': 1, 'Deku Nut Capacity': 1, 'Bow': 2, 'Slingshot': 2, 'Bomb Bag': 2, 'Heart Container': 0, }, 'minimal': { 'Bombchus': 1, 'Bombchus (5)': 1, 'Bombchus (10)': 0, 'Bombchus (20)': 0, 'Magic Meter': 1, 'Nayrus Love': 1, 'Double Defense': 0, 'Deku Stick Capacity': 0, 'Deku Nut Capacity': 0, 'Bow': 1, 'Slingshot': 1, 'Bomb Bag': 1, 'Heart Container': 0, 'Piece of Heart': 0, }, } shopsanity_rupees = ( ['Rupees (20)'] * 5 + ['Rupees (50)'] * 3 + ['Rupees (200)'] * 2 ) min_shop_items = ( ['Buy Deku Shield'] + ['Buy Hylian Shield'] + ['Buy Goron Tunic'] + ['Buy Zora Tunic'] + ['Buy Deku Nut (5)'] * 2 + ['Buy Deku Nut (10)'] + ['Buy Deku Stick (1)'] * 2 + ['Buy Deku Seeds (30)'] + ['Buy Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Buy Arrows (30)'] + ['Buy Arrows (50)'] + ['Buy Bombchu (5)'] + ['Buy Bombchu (10)'] * 2 + ['Buy Bombchu (20)'] + ['Buy Bombs (5) for 25 Rupees'] + ['Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees'] + ['Buy Bombs (10)'] + ['Buy Bombs (20)'] + ['Buy Green Potion'] + ['Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees'] + ['Buy Blue Fire'] + ["Buy Fairy's Spirit"] + ['Buy Bottle Bug'] + ['Buy Fish'] ) deku_scrubs_items = { 'Buy Deku Shield': 'Deku Shield', 'Buy Deku Nut (5)': 'Deku Nuts (5)', 'Buy Deku Stick (1)': 'Deku Stick (1)', 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees': 'Bombs (5)', 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees': 'Recovery Heart', 'Buy Green Potion': 'Rupees (5)', 'Buy Arrows (30)': [('Arrows (30)', 3), ('Deku Seeds (30)', 1)], 'Buy Deku Seeds (30)': [('Arrows (30)', 3), ('Deku Seeds (30)', 1)], } trade_items = ( "Pocket Egg", "Pocket Cucco", "Cojiro", "Odd Mushroom", #"Odd Potion", "Poachers Saw", "Broken Sword", "Prescription", "Eyeball Frog", "Eyedrops", "Claim Check", ) def get_spec(tup, key, default): special = tup[3] if special is None: return default return special.get(key, default) normal_bottles = [k for k, v in item_table.items() if get_spec(v, 'bottle', False) and k not in {'Deliver Letter', 'Sell Big Poe'}] normal_bottles.append('Bottle with Big Poe') song_list = [k for k, v in item_table.items() if v[0] == 'Song'] junk_pool_base = [(k, v[3]['junk']) for k, v in item_table.items() if get_spec(v, 'junk', -1) > 0] remove_junk_items = [k for k, v in item_table.items() if get_spec(v, 'junk', -1) >= 0] remove_junk_ludicrous_items = [ 'Ice Arrows', 'Deku Nut Capacity', 'Deku Stick Capacity', 'Double Defense', 'Biggoron Sword' ] # a useless placeholder item placed at some skipped and inaccessible locations # (e.g. HC Malon Egg with Skip Child Zelda, or the carpenters with Open Gerudo Fortress) IGNORE_LOCATION = 'Recovery Heart' pending_junk_pool = [] junk_pool = [] exclude_from_major = [ 'Deliver Letter', 'Sell Big Poe', 'Magic Bean', 'Buy Magic Bean', 'Zeldas Letter', 'Bombchus (5)', 'Bombchus (10)', 'Bombchus (20)', 'Odd Potion', 'Triforce Piece', 'Heart Container', 'Piece of Heart', 'Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest Game)', ] item_groups = { 'Junk': remove_junk_items, 'JunkSong': ('Prelude of Light', 'Serenade of Water'), 'AdultTrade': trade_items, 'Bottle': normal_bottles, 'Spell': ('Dins Fire', 'Farores Wind', 'Nayrus Love'), 'Shield': ('Deku Shield', 'Hylian Shield'), 'Song': song_list, 'NonWarpSong': song_list[6:], 'WarpSong': song_list[0:6], 'HealthUpgrade': ('Heart Container', 'Piece of Heart', 'Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest Game)'), 'ProgressItem': sorted([name for name, item in item_table.items() if item[0] == 'Item' and item[1]]), 'MajorItem': sorted([name for name, item in item_table.items() if item[0] in ['Item', 'Song'] and item[1] and name not in exclude_from_major]), 'DungeonReward': [name for name in sorted([n for n, i in item_table.items() if i[0] == 'DungeonReward'], key=lambda x: item_table[x][3]['item_id'])], 'Map': sorted([name for name, item in item_table.items() if item[0] == 'Map']), 'Compass': sorted([name for name, item in item_table.items() if item[0] == 'Compass']), 'BossKey': sorted([name for name, item in item_table.items() if item[0] == 'BossKey']), 'SmallKey': sorted([name for name, item in item_table.items() if item[0] == 'SmallKey']), 'ForestFireWater': ('Forest Medallion', 'Fire Medallion', 'Water Medallion'), 'FireWater': ('Fire Medallion', 'Water Medallion'), } random = None def get_junk_pool(ootworld): junk_pool[:] = list(junk_pool_base) if ootworld.junk_ice_traps == 'on': junk_pool.append(('Ice Trap', 10)) elif ootworld.junk_ice_traps in ['mayhem', 'onslaught']: junk_pool[:] = [('Ice Trap', 1)] return junk_pool def get_junk_item(count=1, pool=None, plando_pool=None): global random if count < 1: raise ValueError("get_junk_item argument 'count' must be greater than 0.") return_pool = [] if pending_junk_pool: pending_count = min(len(pending_junk_pool), count) return_pool = [pending_junk_pool.pop() for _ in range(pending_count)] count -= pending_count if pool and plando_pool: jw_list = [(junk, weight) for (junk, weight) in junk_pool if junk not in plando_pool or pool.count(junk) < plando_pool[junk].count] try: junk_items, junk_weights = zip(*jw_list) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Not enough junk is available in the item pool to replace removed items.") else: junk_items, junk_weights = zip(*junk_pool) return_pool.extend(random.choices(junk_items, weights=junk_weights, k=count)) return return_pool def replace_max_item(items, item, max): count = 0 for i,val in enumerate(items): if val == item: if count >= max: items[i] = get_junk_item()[0] count += 1 def generate_itempool(ootworld): world = ootworld.multiworld player = ootworld.player global random random = world.random junk_pool = get_junk_pool(ootworld) # set up item pool (pool, placed_items) = get_pool_core(ootworld) ootworld.itempool = [ootworld.create_item(item) for item in pool] for (location_name, item) in placed_items.items(): location = world.get_location(location_name, player) location.place_locked_item(ootworld.create_item(item)) def get_pool_core(world): global random pool = [] placed_items = {} remain_shop_items = [] ruto_bottles = 1 if world.zora_fountain == 'open': ruto_bottles = 0 if world.shopsanity not in ['off', '0']: pending_junk_pool.append('Progressive Wallet') if world.item_pool_value == 'plentiful': pending_junk_pool.extend(plentiful_items) if world.zora_fountain != 'open': ruto_bottles += 1 if world.shuffle_kokiri_sword: pending_junk_pool.append('Kokiri Sword') if world.shuffle_ocarinas: pending_junk_pool.append('Ocarina') if world.shuffle_beans and world.multiworld.start_inventory[world.player].value.get('Magic Bean Pack', 0): pending_junk_pool.append('Magic Bean Pack') if (world.gerudo_fortress != "open" and world.shuffle_hideoutkeys in ['any_dungeon', 'overworld', 'keysanity', 'regional']): if 'Thieves Hideout' in world.key_rings and world.gerudo_fortress != "fast": pending_junk_pool.extend(['Small Key Ring (Thieves Hideout)']) else: pending_junk_pool.append('Small Key (Thieves Hideout)') if world.shuffle_gerudo_card: pending_junk_pool.append('Gerudo Membership Card') if world.shuffle_smallkeys in ['any_dungeon', 'overworld', 'keysanity', 'regional']: for dungeon in ['Forest Temple', 'Fire Temple', 'Water Temple', 'Shadow Temple', 'Spirit Temple', 'Bottom of the Well', 'Gerudo Training Ground', 'Ganons Castle']: if dungeon in world.key_rings: pending_junk_pool.append(f"Small Key Ring ({dungeon})") else: pending_junk_pool.append(f"Small Key ({dungeon})") if world.shuffle_bosskeys in ['any_dungeon', 'overworld', 'keysanity', 'regional']: for dungeon in ['Forest Temple', 'Fire Temple', 'Water Temple', 'Shadow Temple', 'Spirit Temple']: pending_junk_pool.append(f"Boss Key ({dungeon})") if world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey in ['any_dungeon', 'overworld', 'keysanity', 'regional']: pending_junk_pool.append('Boss Key (Ganons Castle)') if world.shuffle_song_items == 'any': pending_junk_pool.extend(song_list) if world.item_pool_value == 'ludicrous': pending_junk_pool.extend(ludicrous_health) if world.triforce_hunt: triforce_count = int((Decimal(100 + world.extra_triforce_percentage)/100 * world.triforce_goal).to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)) pending_junk_pool.extend(['Triforce Piece'] * triforce_count) # Use the vanilla items in the world's locations when appropriate. for location in world.get_locations(): if location.vanilla_item is None: continue item = location.vanilla_item shuffle_item = None # None for don't handle, False for place item, True for add to pool. # Always Placed Items if (location.vanilla_item in ['Zeldas Letter', 'Triforce', 'Scarecrow Song', 'Deliver Letter', 'Time Travel', 'Bombchu Drop'] or location.type == 'Drop'): shuffle_item = False if location.vanilla_item != 'Zeldas Letter': location.show_in_spoiler = False # Gold Skulltula Tokens elif location.vanilla_item == 'Gold Skulltula Token': shuffle_item = (world.tokensanity == 'all' or (world.tokensanity == 'dungeons' and location.dungeon) or (world.tokensanity == 'overworld' and not location.dungeon)) location.show_in_spoiler = shuffle_item # Shops elif location.type == "Shop": if world.shopsanity == 'off': if world.bombchus_in_logic and in ['KF Shop Item 8', 'Market Bazaar Item 4', 'Kak Bazaar Item 4']: item = 'Buy Bombchu (5)' shuffle_item = False location.show_in_spoiler = False else: remain_shop_items.append(item) # Business Scrubs elif location.type in ["Scrub", "GrottoScrub"]: if location.vanilla_item in ['Piece of Heart', 'Deku Stick Capacity', 'Deku Nut Capacity']: shuffle_item = True elif world.shuffle_scrubs == 'off': shuffle_item = False location.show_in_spoiler = False else: item = deku_scrubs_items[location.vanilla_item] if isinstance(item, list): item = random.choices([i[0] for i in item], weights=[i[1] for i in item], k=1)[0] shuffle_item = True # Kokiri Sword elif location.vanilla_item == 'Kokiri Sword': shuffle_item = world.shuffle_kokiri_sword # Weird Egg elif location.vanilla_item == 'Weird Egg': if world.shuffle_child_trade == 'skip_child_zelda': item = IGNORE_LOCATION shuffle_item = False location.show_in_spoiler = False world.multiworld.push_precollected(world.create_item('Weird Egg')) world.remove_from_start_inventory.append('Weird Egg') else: shuffle_item = world.shuffle_child_trade != 'vanilla' # Ocarinas elif location.vanilla_item == 'Ocarina': shuffle_item = world.shuffle_ocarinas # Giant's Knife elif location.vanilla_item == 'Giants Knife': shuffle_item = world.shuffle_medigoron_carpet_salesman if not shuffle_item: location.show_in_spoiler = False # Bombchus elif location.vanilla_item in ['Bombchus', 'Bombchus (5)', 'Bombchus (10)', 'Bombchus (20)']: if world.bombchus_in_logic: item = 'Bombchus' shuffle_item = != 'Wasteland Bombchu Salesman' or world.shuffle_medigoron_carpet_salesman if not shuffle_item: location.show_in_spoiler = False # Cows elif location.vanilla_item == 'Milk': if world.shuffle_cows: item = get_junk_item()[0] shuffle_item = world.shuffle_cows if not shuffle_item: location.show_in_spoiler = False # Gerudo Card elif location.vanilla_item == 'Gerudo Membership Card': shuffle_item = world.shuffle_gerudo_card and world.gerudo_fortress != 'open' if world.shuffle_gerudo_card and world.gerudo_fortress == 'open': pending_junk_pool.append(item) item = IGNORE_LOCATION location.show_in_spoiler = False # Bottles elif location.vanilla_item in ['Bottle', 'Bottle with Milk', 'Rutos Letter']: if ruto_bottles: item = 'Rutos Letter' ruto_bottles -= 1 else: item = random.choice(normal_bottles) shuffle_item = True # Magic Beans elif location.vanilla_item == 'Buy Magic Bean': if world.shuffle_beans: item = 'Magic Bean Pack' if not world.multiworld.start_inventory[world.player].value.get('Magic Bean Pack', 0) else get_junk_item()[0] shuffle_item = world.shuffle_beans if not shuffle_item: location.show_in_spoiler = False # Frogs Purple Rupees elif location.scene == 0x54 and location.vanilla_item == 'Rupees (50)': shuffle_item = world.shuffle_frog_song_rupees if not shuffle_item: location.show_in_spoiler = False # Adult Trade Item elif location.vanilla_item == 'Pocket Egg': potential_trade_items = world.adult_trade_start if world.adult_trade_start else trade_items item = random.choice(sorted(potential_trade_items)) world.selected_adult_trade_item = item shuffle_item = True # Thieves' Hideout elif location.vanilla_item == 'Small Key (Thieves Hideout)': shuffle_item = world.shuffle_hideoutkeys != 'vanilla' if (world.gerudo_fortress == 'open' or world.gerudo_fortress == 'fast' and != 'Hideout 1 Torch Jail Gerudo Key'): item = IGNORE_LOCATION shuffle_item = False location.show_in_spoiler = False if shuffle_item and world.gerudo_fortress == 'normal' and 'Thieves Hideout' in world.key_rings: item = get_junk_item()[0] if != 'Hideout 1 Torch Jail Gerudo Key' else 'Small Key Ring (Thieves Hideout)' # Freestanding Rupees and Hearts elif location.type in ['ActorOverride', 'Freestanding', 'RupeeTower']: if world.shuffle_freestanding_items == 'all': shuffle_item = True elif world.shuffle_freestanding_items == 'dungeons' and location.dungeon is not None: shuffle_item = True elif world.shuffle_freestanding_items == 'overworld' and location.dungeon is None: shuffle_item = True else: shuffle_item = False location.disabled = DisableType.DISABLED location.show_in_spoiler = False # Pots elif location.type in ['Pot', 'FlyingPot']: if world.shuffle_pots == 'all': shuffle_item = True elif world.shuffle_pots == 'dungeons' and (location.dungeon is not None or location.parent_region.is_boss_room): shuffle_item = True elif world.shuffle_pots == 'overworld' and not (location.dungeon is not None or location.parent_region.is_boss_room): shuffle_item = True else: shuffle_item = False location.disabled = DisableType.DISABLED location.show_in_spoiler = False # Crates elif location.type in ['Crate', 'SmallCrate']: if world.shuffle_crates == 'all': shuffle_item = True elif world.shuffle_crates == 'dungeons' and location.dungeon is not None: shuffle_item = True elif world.shuffle_crates == 'overworld' and location.dungeon is None: shuffle_item = True else: shuffle_item = False location.disabled = DisableType.DISABLED location.show_in_spoiler = False # Beehives elif location.type == 'Beehive': if world.shuffle_beehives: shuffle_item = True else: shuffle_item = False location.disabled = DisableType.DISABLED location.show_in_spoiler = False # Dungeon Items elif location.dungeon is not None: dungeon = location.dungeon shuffle_setting = None dungeon_collection = None # Boss Key if location.vanilla_item == dungeon.item_name("Boss Key"): shuffle_setting = world.shuffle_bosskeys if != 'Ganons Castle' else world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey dungeon_collection = dungeon.boss_key if shuffle_setting == 'vanilla': shuffle_item = False # Map or Compass elif location.vanilla_item in [dungeon.item_name("Map"), dungeon.item_name("Compass")]: shuffle_setting = world.shuffle_mapcompass dungeon_collection = dungeon.dungeon_items if shuffle_setting == 'vanilla': shuffle_item = False # Small Key elif location.vanilla_item == dungeon.item_name("Small Key"): shuffle_setting = world.shuffle_smallkeys dungeon_collection = dungeon.small_keys if shuffle_setting == 'vanilla': shuffle_item = False elif in world.key_rings and not dungeon.small_keys: item = dungeon.item_name("Small Key Ring") elif in world.key_rings: item = get_junk_item()[0] shuffle_item = True # Any other item in a dungeon. elif location.type in ["Chest", "NPC", "Song", "Collectable", "Cutscene", "BossHeart"]: shuffle_item = True # Handle dungeon item. if shuffle_setting is not None and not shuffle_item: dungeon_collection.append(world.create_item(item)) if shuffle_setting in ['remove', 'startwith']: world.multiworld.push_precollected(dungeon_collection[-1]) world.remove_from_start_inventory.append(dungeon_collection[-1].name) item = get_junk_item()[0] shuffle_item = True elif shuffle_setting in ['any_dungeon', 'overworld', 'regional']: dungeon_collection[-1].priority = True # The rest of the overworld items. elif location.type in ["Chest", "NPC", "Song", "Collectable", "Cutscene", "BossHeart"]: shuffle_item = True # Now, handle the item as necessary. if shuffle_item: pool.append(item) elif shuffle_item is not None: placed_items[] = item # End of Locations loop. # add unrestricted dungeon items to main item pool pool.extend([ for item in get_unrestricted_dungeon_items(world)]) if world.shopsanity != 'off': pool.extend(min_shop_items) for item in min_shop_items: remain_shop_items.remove(item) shop_slots_count = len(remain_shop_items) shop_non_item_count = len(world.shop_prices) shop_item_count = shop_slots_count - shop_non_item_count pool.extend(random.sample(remain_shop_items, shop_item_count)) if shop_non_item_count: pool.extend(get_junk_item(shop_non_item_count)) # Extra rupees for shopsanity. if world.shopsanity not in ['off', '0']: for rupee in shopsanity_rupees: if 'Rupees (5)' in pool: pool[pool.index('Rupees (5)')] = rupee else: pending_junk_pool.append(rupee) if world.free_scarecrow: world.multiworld.push_precollected(world.create_item('Scarecrow Song')) world.remove_from_start_inventory.append('Scarecrow Song') if world.no_epona_race: world.multiworld.push_precollected(world.create_item('Epona')) world.remove_from_start_inventory.append('Epona') if world.shuffle_smallkeys == 'vanilla': # Logic cannot handle vanilla key layout in some dungeons # this is because vanilla expects the dungeon major item to be # locked behind the keys, which is not always true in rando. # We can resolve this by starting with some extra keys if world.dungeon_mq['Spirit Temple']: # Yes somehow you need 3 keys. This dungeon is bonkers keys = [world.create_item('Small Key (Spirit Temple)') for _ in range(3)] for k in keys: world.multiworld.push_precollected(k) world.remove_from_start_inventory.append( if 'Shadow Temple' in world.dungeon_shortcuts: # Reverse Shadow is broken with vanilla keys in both vanilla/MQ keys = [world.create_item('Small Key (Shadow Temple)') for _ in range(2)] for k in keys: world.multiworld.push_precollected(k) world.remove_from_start_inventory.append( if (not world.keysanity or (world.empty_dungeons['Fire Temple'] and world.shuffle_smallkeys != 'remove'))\ and not world.dungeon_mq['Fire Temple']: world.multiworld.push_precollected(world.create_item('Small Key (Fire Temple)')) world.remove_from_start_inventory.append('Small Key (Fire Temple)') if world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey == 'on_lacs': placed_items['ToT Light Arrows Cutscene'] = 'Boss Key (Ganons Castle)' if world.shuffle_ganon_bosskey in ['stones', 'medallions', 'dungeons', 'tokens', 'hearts', 'triforce']: placed_items['Gift from Sages'] = 'Boss Key (Ganons Castle)' pool.extend(get_junk_item()) else: placed_items['Gift from Sages'] = IGNORE_LOCATION world.get_location('Gift from Sages').show_in_spoiler = False if world.junk_ice_traps == 'off': replace_max_item(pool, 'Ice Trap', 0) elif world.junk_ice_traps == 'onslaught': for item in [item for item, weight in junk_pool_base] + ['Recovery Heart', 'Bombs (20)', 'Arrows (30)']: replace_max_item(pool, item, 0) for item, maximum in item_difficulty_max[world.item_pool_value].items(): replace_max_item(pool, item, maximum) # world.distribution.alter_pool(world, pool) # Make sure our pending_junk_pool is empty. If not, remove some random junk here. if pending_junk_pool: # for item in set(pending_junk_pool): # # Ensure pending_junk_pool contents don't exceed values given by distribution file # if item in world.distribution.item_pool: # while pending_junk_pool.count(item) > world.distribution.item_pool[item].count: # pending_junk_pool.remove(item) # # Remove pending junk already added to the pool by alter_pool from the pending_junk_pool # if item in pool: # count = min(pool.count(item), pending_junk_pool.count(item)) # for _ in range(count): # pending_junk_pool.remove(item) remove_junk_pool, _ = zip(*junk_pool_base) # Omits Rupees (200) and Deku Nuts (10) remove_junk_pool = list(remove_junk_pool) + ['Recovery Heart', 'Bombs (20)', 'Arrows (30)', 'Ice Trap'] junk_candidates = [item for item in pool if item in remove_junk_pool] if len(pending_junk_pool) > len(junk_candidates): excess = len(pending_junk_pool) - len(junk_candidates) if world.triforce_hunt: raise RuntimeError(f"Items in the pool for player {world.player} exceed locations. Add {excess} location(s) or remove {excess} triforce piece(s).") while pending_junk_pool: pending_item = pending_junk_pool.pop() if not junk_candidates: raise RuntimeError("Not enough junk exists in item pool for %s (+%d others) to be added." % (pending_item, len(pending_junk_pool) - 1)) junk_item = random.choice(junk_candidates) junk_candidates.remove(junk_item) pool.remove(junk_item) pool.append(pending_item) return pool, placed_items def get_unrestricted_dungeon_items(ootworld): """Adds maps, compasses, small keys, boss keys, and Ganon boss key into item pool if they are not placed.""" unrestricted_dungeon_items = [] add_settings = {'dungeon', 'any_dungeon', 'overworld', 'keysanity', 'regional'} for dungeon in ootworld.dungeons: if ootworld.shuffle_mapcompass in add_settings: unrestricted_dungeon_items.extend(dungeon.dungeon_items) if ootworld.shuffle_smallkeys in add_settings: unrestricted_dungeon_items.extend(dungeon.small_keys) if != 'Ganons Castle' and ootworld.shuffle_bosskeys in add_settings: unrestricted_dungeon_items.extend(dungeon.boss_key) if == 'Ganons Castle' and ootworld.shuffle_ganon_bosskey in add_settings: unrestricted_dungeon_items.extend(dungeon.boss_key) return unrestricted_dungeon_items