from BaseClasses import ItemClassification as IC from typing import NamedTuple, Dict, Set, List from enum import IntEnum class ItemType(IntEnum): technology = 1 resource = 2 group = 3 class ItemData(NamedTuple): classification: IC count: int name: str tech_type: str type: ItemType = def make_resource_bundle_data(display_name: str, internal_name: str = "") -> ItemData: if not internal_name: internal_name = display_name return ItemData(IC.filler, 0, display_name, internal_name, ItemType.resource) item_table: Dict[int, ItemData] = { 35000: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Compass", "Compass"), 35001: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Lightweight High Capacity Tank", "PlasteelTank"), 35002: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Vehicle Upgrade Console", "BaseUpgradeConsole"), 35003: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Ultra Glide Fins", "UltraGlideFins"), 35004: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Cyclops Sonar Upgrade", "CyclopsSonarModule"), 35005: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Reinforced Dive Suit", "ReinforcedDiveSuit"), 35006: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module", "CyclopsThermalReactorModule"), 35007: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Water Filtration Suit", "WaterFiltrationSuit"), 35008: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Alien Containment", "BaseWaterPark"), 35009: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Creature Decoy", "CyclopsDecoy"), 35010: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Cyclops Fire Suppression System", "CyclopsFireSuppressionModule"), 35011: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Swim Charge Fins", "SwimChargeFins"), 35012: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Repulsion Cannon", "RepulsionCannon"), 35013: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Cyclops Decoy Tube Upgrade", "CyclopsDecoyModule"), 35014: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Cyclops Shield Generator", "CyclopsShieldModule"), 35015: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Cyclops Depth Module MK1", "CyclopsHullModule1"), 35016: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module", "CyclopsSeamothRepairModule"), 35017: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Battery Charger fragment", "BatteryChargerFragment"), 35018: ItemData(IC.filler, 2, "Beacon Fragment", "BeaconFragment"), 35019: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Bioreactor Fragment", "BaseBioReactorFragment"), 35020: ItemData(IC.progression, 4, "Cyclops Bridge Fragment", "CyclopsBridgeFragment"), 35021: ItemData(IC.progression, 4, "Cyclops Engine Fragment", "CyclopsEngineFragment"), 35022: ItemData(IC.progression, 4, "Cyclops Hull Fragment", "CyclopsHullFragment"), 35023: ItemData(IC.filler, 2, "Grav Trap Fragment", "GravSphereFragment"), 35024: ItemData(IC.progression, 3, "Laser Cutter Fragment", "LaserCutterFragment"), 35025: ItemData(IC.filler, 2, "Light Stick Fragment", "TechlightFragment"), 35026: ItemData(IC.progression, 5, "Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragment", "ConstructorFragment"), 35027: ItemData(IC.progression, 3, "Modification Station Fragment", "WorkbenchFragment"), 35028: ItemData(IC.progression, 2, "Moonpool Fragment", "MoonpoolFragment"), 35029: ItemData(IC.useful, 3, "Nuclear Reactor Fragment", "BaseNuclearReactorFragment"), 35030: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Power Cell Charger Fragment", "PowerCellChargerFragment"), 35031: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Power Transmitter Fragment", "PowerTransmitterFragment"), 35032: ItemData(IC.progression, 6, "Prawn Suit Fragment", "ExosuitFragment"), 35033: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Prawn Suit Drill Arm Fragment", "ExosuitDrillArmFragment"), 35034: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Prawn Suit Grappling Arm Fragment", "ExosuitGrapplingArmFragment"), 35035: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon Fragment", "ExosuitPropulsionArmFragment"), 35036: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm Fragment", "ExosuitTorpedoArmFragment"), 35037: ItemData(IC.useful, 3, "Scanner Room Fragment", "BaseMapRoomFragment"), 35038: ItemData(IC.progression, 5, "Seamoth Fragment", "SeamothFragment"), 35039: ItemData(IC.progression, 2, "Stasis Rifle Fragment", "StasisRifleFragment"), 35040: ItemData(IC.useful, 2, "Thermal Plant Fragment", "ThermalPlantFragment"), 35041: ItemData(IC.progression, 4, "Seaglide Fragment", "SeaglideFragment"), 35042: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Radiation Suit", "RadiationSuit"), 35043: ItemData(IC.progression, 2, "Propulsion Cannon Fragment", "PropulsionCannonFragment"), 35044: ItemData(IC.progression_skip_balancing, 1, "Neptune Launch Platform", "RocketBase"), 35045: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Ion Power Cell", "PrecursorIonPowerCell"), 35046: ItemData(IC.filler, 2, "Exterior Growbed", "FarmingTray"), 35047: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Picture Frame", "PictureFrameFragment"), 35048: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Bench", "Bench"), 35049: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Basic Plant Pot", "PlanterPotFragment"), 35050: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Interior Growbed", "PlanterBoxFragment"), 35051: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Plant Shelf", "PlanterShelfFragment"), 35052: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Observatory", "BaseObservatory"), 35053: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Multipurpose Room", "BaseRoom"), 35054: ItemData(IC.useful, 1, "Bulkhead", "BaseBulkhead"), 35055: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Spotlight", "Spotlight"), 35056: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Desk", "StarshipDesk"), 35057: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Swivel Chair", "StarshipChair"), 35058: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Office Chair", "StarshipChair2"), 35059: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Command Chair", "StarshipChair3"), 35060: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Counter", "LabCounter"), 35061: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Single Bed", "NarrowBed"), 35062: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Basic Double Bed", "Bed1"), 35063: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Quilted Double Bed", "Bed2"), 35064: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Coffee Vending Machine", "CoffeeVendingMachine"), 35065: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Trash Can", "Trashcans"), 35066: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Floodlight", "Techlight"), 35067: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Bar Table", "BarTable"), 35068: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Vending Machine", "VendingMachine"), 35069: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Single Wall Shelf", "SingleWallShelf"), 35070: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Wall Shelves", "WallShelves"), 35071: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Round Plant Pot", "PlanterPot2"), 35072: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Chic Plant Pot", "PlanterPot3"), 35073: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Nuclear Waste Disposal", "LabTrashcan"), 35074: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Wall Planter", "BasePlanter"), 35075: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Ion Battery", "PrecursorIonBattery"), 35076: ItemData(IC.progression_skip_balancing, 1, "Neptune Gantry", "RocketBaseLadder"), 35077: ItemData(IC.progression_skip_balancing, 1, "Neptune Boosters", "RocketStage1"), 35078: ItemData(IC.progression_skip_balancing, 1, "Neptune Fuel Reserve", "RocketStage2"), 35079: ItemData(IC.progression_skip_balancing, 1, "Neptune Cockpit", "RocketStage3"), 35080: ItemData(IC.filler, 1, "Water Filtration Machine", "BaseFiltrationMachine"), 35081: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Ultra High Capacity Tank", "HighCapacityTank"), 35082: ItemData(IC.progression, 1, "Large Room", "BaseLargeRoom"), # awarded with their rooms, keeping that as-is as they"re cosmetic 35083: ItemData(IC.filler, 0, "Large Room Glass Dome", "BaseLargeGlassDome"), 35084: ItemData(IC.filler, 0, "Multipurpose Room Glass Dome", "BaseGlassDome"), 35085: ItemData(IC.filler, 0, "Partition", "BasePartition"), 35086: ItemData(IC.filler, 0, "Partition Door", "BasePartitionDoor"), # Bundles of items # Awards all furniture as a bundle 35100: ItemData(IC.filler, 0, "Furniture", "AP_Furniture",, # Awards all farming blueprints as a bundle 35101: ItemData(IC.filler, 0, "Farming", "AP_Farming",, # Awards multiple resources as a bundle 35102: ItemData(IC.filler, 0, "Resources Bundle", "AP_Resources",, # resource bundles, as convenience/filler # ores 35200: make_resource_bundle_data("Titanium"), 35201: make_resource_bundle_data("Copper Ore", "Copper"), 35202: make_resource_bundle_data("Silver Ore", "Silver"), 35203: make_resource_bundle_data("Gold"), 35204: make_resource_bundle_data("Lead"), 35205: make_resource_bundle_data("Diamond"), 35206: make_resource_bundle_data("Lithium"), 35207: make_resource_bundle_data("Ruby", "AluminumOxide"), 35208: make_resource_bundle_data("Nickel Ore", "Nickel"), 35209: make_resource_bundle_data("Crystalline Sulfur", "Sulphur"), 35210: make_resource_bundle_data("Salt Deposit", "Salt"), 35211: make_resource_bundle_data("Kyanite"), 35212: make_resource_bundle_data("Magnetite"), 35213: make_resource_bundle_data("Reactor Rod", "ReactorRod"), } items_by_type: Dict[ItemType, List[int]] = {item_type: [] for item_type in ItemType} for item_id, item_data in item_table.items(): items_by_type[item_data.type].append(item_id) group_items: Dict[int, Set[int]] = { 35100: {35025, 35047, 35048, 35056, 35057, 35058, 35059, 35060, 35061, 35062, 35063, 35064, 35065, 35067, 35068, 35069, 35070, 35073, 35074}, 35101: {35049, 35050, 35051, 35071, 35072, 35074}, 35102: set(items_by_type[ItemType.resource]), }