from collections import OrderedDict def shop_address(shop_id, shelf_id): return 0xC71ED0 + (0x40 * shop_id) + (0x08 * shelf_id) # Abbreviations # DMC Death Mountain Crater # DMT Death Mountain Trail # GC Goron City # GF Gerudo Fortress # GS Gold Skulltula # GV Gerudo Valley # HC Hyrule Castle # HF Hyrule Field # KF Kokiri Forest # LH Lake Hylia # LLR Lon Lon Ranch # LW Lost Woods # OGC Outside Ganon's Castle # SFM Sacred Forest Meadow # TH Thieves' Hideout # ToT Temple of Time # ZD Zora's Domain # ZF Zora's Fountain # ZR Zora's River # The order of this table is reflected in the spoiler's list of locations (except Hints aren't included). # Within a section, the order of types is: gifts/freestanding/chests, Deku Scrubs, Cows, Gold Skulltulas, Shops. # Scrubs are on the overworld, while GrottoScrub is a special handler for Grottos # Grottos scrubs are the same scene and actor, so we use a unique grotto ID for the scene # Note that the scene for skulltulas is not the actual scene the token appears in # Rather, it is the index of the grouping used when storing skulltula collection # For example, zora river, zora's domain, and zora fountain are all a single 'scene' for skulltulas # For pot/crate/freestanding locations, the Default variable contains a tuple of the format (Room ID, Scene Setup, Actor ID) where: # Room ID - The room index in the scene # Scene Setup - The scene setup that the location exists in. This is a number 0-3: 0=Child Day, 1=Child Night, 2=Adult Day, 3=Adult Night. # Actor ID - The position of the actor in the actor table. # The default variable can also be a list of such tuples in the case that multiple scene setups contain the same locations to be shuffled together. # Note: for ActorOverride locations, the "Addresses" variable is in the form ([addresses], [bytes]) where addresses is a list of memory locations in ROM to be updated, and bytes is the data that will be written to that location # Location: Type Scene Default Addresses Vanilla Item Categories location_table = OrderedDict([ ## Dungeon Rewards ("Links Pocket", ("Boss", None, None, None, 'Light Medallion', None)), ("Queen Gohma", ("Boss", None, 0x6C, (0x0CA315F, 0x2079571), 'Kokiri Emerald', None)), ("King Dodongo", ("Boss", None, 0x6D, (0x0CA30DF, 0x2223309), 'Goron Ruby', None)), ("Barinade", ("Boss", None, 0x6E, (0x0CA36EB, 0x2113C19), 'Zora Sapphire', None)), ("Phantom Ganon", ("Boss", None, 0x66, (0x0CA3D07, 0x0D4ED79), 'Forest Medallion', None)), ("Volvagia", ("Boss", None, 0x67, (0x0CA3D93, 0x0D10135), 'Fire Medallion', None)), ("Morpha", ("Boss", None, 0x68, (0x0CA3E1F, 0x0D5A3A9), 'Water Medallion', None)), ("Bongo Bongo", ("Boss", None, 0x6A, (0x0CA3F43, 0x0D13E19), 'Shadow Medallion', None)), ("Twinrova", ("Boss", None, 0x69, (0x0CA3EB3, 0x0D39FF1), 'Spirit Medallion', None)), ("Ganon", ("Event", None, None, None, 'Triforce', None)), ("Gift from Sages", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x03, None, None, None)), ## Songs ("Song from Impa", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x26, (0x2E8E925, 0x2E8E925), 'Zeldas Lullaby', ("Hyrule Castle", "Market", "Songs"))), ("Song from Malon", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x27, (0x0D7EB53, 0x0D7EBCF), 'Eponas Song', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Songs",))), ("Song from Saria", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x28, (0x20B1DB1, 0x20B1DB1), 'Sarias Song', ("Sacred Forest Meadow", "Forest", "Songs"))), ("Song from Royal Familys Tomb", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x29, (0x332A871, 0x332A871), 'Suns Song', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Songs"))), ("Song from Ocarina of Time", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x2A, (0x252FC89, 0x252FC89), 'Song of Time', ("Hyrule Field", "Songs", "Need Spiritual Stones"))), ("Song from Windmill", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x2B, (0x0E42C07, 0x0E42B8B), 'Song of Storms', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Songs"))), ("Sheik in Forest", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x20, (0x20B0809, 0x20B0809), 'Minuet of Forest', ("Sacred Forest Meadow", "Forest", "Songs"))), ("Sheik in Crater", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x21, (0x224D7F1, 0x224D7F1), 'Bolero of Fire', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Songs"))), ("Sheik in Ice Cavern", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x22, (0x2BEC889, 0x2BEC889), 'Serenade of Water', ("Ice Cavern", "Songs",))), ("Sheik at Colossus", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x23, (0x218C57D, 0x218C57D), 'Requiem of Spirit', ("Desert Colossus", "Songs",))), ("Sheik in Kakariko", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x24, (0x2000FE1, 0x2000FE1), 'Nocturne of Shadow', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Songs"))), ("Sheik at Temple", ("Song", 0xFF, 0x25, (0x2531329, 0x2531329), 'Prelude of Light', ("Temple of Time", "Market", "Songs"))), ## Overworld # Kokiri Forest ("KF Midos Top Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x28, 0x00, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest"))), ("KF Midos Top Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x28, 0x01, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest"))), ("KF Midos Bottom Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x28, 0x02, None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest"))), ("KF Midos Bottom Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x28, 0x03, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest"))), ("KF Kokiri Sword Chest", ("Chest", 0x55, 0x00, None, 'Kokiri Sword', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest"))), ("KF Storms Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x0C, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Grottos"))), ("KF Links House Cow", ("NPC", 0x34, 0x15, None, 'Milk', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Cow", "Minigames"))), ("KF GS Know It All House", ("GS Token", 0x0C, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kokiri Forest", "Skulltulas"))), ("KF GS Bean Patch", ("GS Token", 0x0C, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kokiri Forest", "Skulltulas"))), ("KF GS House of Twins", ("GS Token", 0x0C, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kokiri Forest", "Skulltulas"))), ("KF Shop Item 1", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x30, (shop_address(0, 0), None), 'Buy Deku Shield', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), ("KF Shop Item 2", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x31, (shop_address(0, 1), None), 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), ("KF Shop Item 3", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x32, (shop_address(0, 2), None), 'Buy Deku Nut (10)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), ("KF Shop Item 4", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x33, (shop_address(0, 3), None), 'Buy Deku Stick (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), ("KF Shop Item 5", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x34, (shop_address(0, 4), None), 'Buy Deku Seeds (30)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), ("KF Shop Item 6", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x35, (shop_address(0, 5), None), 'Buy Arrows (10)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), ("KF Shop Item 7", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x36, (shop_address(0, 6), None), 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), ("KF Shop Item 8", ("Shop", 0x2D, 0x37, (shop_address(0, 7), None), 'Buy Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Shops"))), # Kokiri Forest Freestanding ("KF Behind Midos Blue Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Boulder Maze Blue Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (2,0,1), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Boulder Maze Blue Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (2,0,2), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF End of Bridge Blue Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Top of Sarias Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,20), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Top of Sarias Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,21), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Top of Sarias Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,22), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Bean Platform Green Rupee 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x55, [(0,2,0x40), (0,3,0x40)], ([0x020816A0, 0x2081910], None), 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "RupeeTower"))), ("KF Bean Platform Green Rupee 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x55, [(0,2,0x41), (0,3,0x41)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "RupeeTower"))), ("KF Bean Platform Green Rupee 3", ("RupeeTower", 0x55, [(0,2,0x42), (0,3,0x42)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "RupeeTower"))), ("KF Bean Platform Green Rupee 4", ("RupeeTower", 0x55, [(0,2,0x43), (0,3,0x43)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "RupeeTower"))), ("KF Bean Platform Green Rupee 5", ("RupeeTower", 0x55, [(0,2,0x44), (0,3,0x44)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "RupeeTower"))), ("KF Bean Platform Green Rupee 6", ("RupeeTower", 0x55, [(0,2,0x45), (0,3,0x45)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "RupeeTower"))), ("KF Bean Platform Red Rupee", ("RupeeTower", 0x55, [(0,2,0x46), (0,3,0x46)], None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "RupeeTower"))), ("KF Grass Near Ramp Green Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Grass Near Ramp Green Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Grass Near Midos Green Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Grass Near Midos Green Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x55, (0,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Sarias House Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x29, (0,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Sarias House Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x29, (0,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Sarias House Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x29, (0,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Sarias House Recovery Heart 4", ("Freestanding", 0x29, (0,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("KF Shop Blue Rupee", ("ActorOverride",0x2D, 0x01, ([0x02587098], [ 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x06 ]), 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), # Kokiri Forest Pots ("KF Links House Pot", ("Pot", 0x34, (0,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Pot"))), ("KF Know it All House Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x26, (0,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Pot"))), ("KF Know it All House Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x26, (0,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Pot"))), ("KF House of Twins Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x27, (0,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Pot"))), ("KF House of Twins Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x27, (0,0,4), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Pot"))), # Kokiri Forest Beehives ("KF Storms Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0, 0x48 + (0x0C * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("KF Storms Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0, 0x49 + (0x0C * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Kokiri Forest", "Forest", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Lost Woods ("LW Gift from Saria", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x02, None, 'Ocarina', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest"))), ("LW Ocarina Memory Game", ("NPC", 0x5B, 0x76, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Minigames"))), ("LW Target in Woods", ("NPC", 0x5B, 0x60, None, 'Slingshot', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest"))), ("LW Near Shortcuts Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x14, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Grottos"))), ("Deku Theater Skull Mask", ("NPC", 0x3E, 0x77, None, 'Deku Stick Capacity', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Grottos"))), ("Deku Theater Mask of Truth", ("NPC", 0x3E, 0x7A, None, 'Deku Nut Capacity', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Need Spiritual Stones", "Grottos"))), ("LW Skull Kid", ("NPC", 0x5B, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest"))), ("LW Deku Scrub Near Bridge", ("Scrub", 0x5B, 0x77, None, 'Deku Stick Capacity', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Deku Scrub", "Deku Scrub Upgrades"))), ("LW Deku Scrub Near Deku Theater Left", ("Scrub", 0x5B, 0x31, None, 'Buy Deku Stick (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("LW Deku Scrub Near Deku Theater Right", ("Scrub", 0x5B, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("LW Deku Scrub Grotto Front", ("GrottoScrub", 0xF5, 0x79, None, 'Deku Nut Capacity', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Deku Scrub", "Deku Scrub Upgrades", "Grottos"))), ("LW Deku Scrub Grotto Rear", ("GrottoScrub", 0xF5, 0x33, None, 'Buy Deku Seeds (30)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("LW GS Bean Patch Near Bridge", ("GS Token", 0x0D, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("the Lost Woods", "Skulltulas"))), ("LW GS Bean Patch Near Theater", ("GS Token", 0x0D, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("the Lost Woods", "Skulltulas"))), ("LW GS Above Theater", ("GS Token", 0x0D, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("the Lost Woods", "Skulltulas"))), # Lost Woods Freestanding ("LW Under Boulder Blue Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, [(7,0,5), (7,2,2)], None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Green Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Green Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Shortcut Green Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Green Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Green Rupee 4", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Green Rupee 5", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Green Rupee 6", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), ("LW Underwater Green Rupee 7", ("Freestanding", 0x5B, (3,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Freestanding"))), # Lost Woods Beehives ("LW Near Shortcuts Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x14 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("LW Near Shortcuts Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x14 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("LW Scrubs Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (6,0,0x44 + (0x15 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("the Lost Woods", "Forest", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Sacred Forest Meadow ("SFM Wolfos Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x11, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Sacred Forest Meadow", "Forest", "Grottos"))), ("SFM Deku Scrub Grotto Front", ("GrottoScrub", 0xEE, 0x3A, None, 'Buy Green Potion', ("Sacred Forest Meadow", "Forest", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("SFM Deku Scrub Grotto Rear", ("GrottoScrub", 0xEE, 0x39, None, 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Sacred Forest Meadow", "Forest", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("SFM GS", ("GS Token", 0x0D, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Sacred Forest Meadow", "Skulltulas"))), # Sacred Forest Meadow Beehives ("SFM Storms Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (9,0,0x43 + (0x0E * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Sacred Forest Meadow", "Forest", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Hyrule Field ("HF Ocarina of Time Item", ("NPC", 0x51, 0x0C, None, 'Ocarina', ("Hyrule Field", "Need Spiritual Stones"))), ("HF Near Market Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x00, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos"))), ("HF Tektite Grotto Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x3E, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos"))), ("HF Southeast Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x02, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos"))), ("HF Open Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x03, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos"))), ("HF Deku Scrub Grotto", ("GrottoScrub", 0xE6, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Hyrule Field", "Deku Scrub", "Deku Scrub Upgrades", "Grottos"))), ("HF Cow Grotto Cow", ("NPC", 0x3E, 0x16, None, 'Milk', ("Hyrule Field", "Cow", "Grottos"))), ("HF GS Cow Grotto", ("GS Token", 0x0A, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Hyrule Field", "Skulltulas", "Grottos"))), ("HF GS Near Kak Grotto", ("GS Token", 0x0A, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Hyrule Field", "Skulltulas", "Grottos"))), # Hyrule Field Pots ("HF Cow Grotto Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x3E, (4,0,6), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Pot"))), ("HF Cow Grotto Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x3E, (4,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Pot"))), # Hyrule Field Beehives ("HF Near Market Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x00 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("HF Near Market Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x00 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("HF Open Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x03 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("HF Open Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x03 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("HF Southeast Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x02 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("HF Southeast Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x02 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("HF Inside Fence Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (1,0,0x42 + (0x06 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Hyrule Field", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Market ("Market Shooting Gallery Reward", ("NPC", 0x42, 0x60, None, 'Slingshot', ("the Market", "Market", "Minigames"))), ("Market Bombchu Bowling First Prize", ("NPC", 0x4B, 0x34, None, 'Bomb Bag', ("the Market", "Market", "Minigames"))), ("Market Bombchu Bowling Second Prize", ("NPC", 0x4B, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Minigames"))), ("Market Bombchu Bowling Bombchus", ("Event", 0x4B, None, None, 'Bombchu Drop', ("the Market", "Market", "Minigames"))), ("Market Lost Dog", ("NPC", 0x35, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Market", "Market"))), ("Market Treasure Chest Game Reward", ("Chest", 0x10, 0x0A, None, 'Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest Game)', ("the Market", "Market", "Minigames"))), ("Market 10 Big Poes", ("NPC", 0x4D, 0x0F, None, 'Bottle', ("the Market", "Hyrule Castle"))), ("Market GS Guard House", ("GS Token", 0x0E, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("the Market", "Skulltulas"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 1", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x30, (shop_address(4, 0), None), 'Buy Hylian Shield', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 2", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x31, (shop_address(4, 1), None), 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 3", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x32, (shop_address(4, 2), None), 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 4", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x33, (shop_address(4, 3), None), 'Buy Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 5", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x34, (shop_address(4, 4), None), 'Buy Arrows (10)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 6", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x35, (shop_address(4, 5), None), 'Buy Arrows (50)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 7", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x36, (shop_address(4, 6), None), 'Buy Deku Stick (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bazaar Item 8", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x37, (shop_address(4, 7), None), 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 1", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x30, (shop_address(3, 0), None), 'Buy Green Potion', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 2", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x31, (shop_address(3, 1), None), 'Buy Blue Fire', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 3", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x32, (shop_address(3, 2), None), 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 4", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x33, (shop_address(3, 3), None), 'Buy Fairy\'s Spirit', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 5", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x34, (shop_address(3, 4), None), 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 6", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x35, (shop_address(3, 5), None), 'Buy Bottle Bug', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 7", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x36, (shop_address(3, 6), None), 'Buy Poe', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Potion Shop Item 8", ("Shop", 0x31, 0x37, (shop_address(3, 7), None), 'Buy Fish', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 1", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x30, (shop_address(2, 0), None), 'Buy Bombchu (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 2", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x31, (shop_address(2, 1), None), 'Buy Bombchu (10)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 3", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x32, (shop_address(2, 2), None), 'Buy Bombchu (10)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 4", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x33, (shop_address(2, 3), None), 'Buy Bombchu (10)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 5", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x34, (shop_address(2, 4), None), 'Buy Bombchu (20)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 6", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x35, (shop_address(2, 5), None), 'Buy Bombchu (20)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 7", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x36, (shop_address(2, 6), None), 'Buy Bombchu (20)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("Market Bombchu Shop Item 8", ("Shop", 0x32, 0x37, (shop_address(2, 7), None), 'Buy Bombchu (20)', ("the Market", "Market", "Shops"))), ("ToT Light Arrows Cutscene", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x01, None, 'Light Arrows', ("Temple of Time", "Market"))), # Market Pots/Crates ("Market Night Red Rupee Crate", ("Crate", 0x21, (0,0,23), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("the Market", "Market", "Crate"))), ("Market Night Green Rupee Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x21, (0,0,24), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Crate"))), ("Market Night Green Rupee Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x21, (0,0,25), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Crate"))), ("Market Night Green Rupee Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x21, (0,0,26), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Crate"))), ("Market Dog Lady House Crate", ("Crate", 0x35, (0,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Crate"))), ("Market Guard House Child Crate", ("Crate", 0x4D, (0,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Crate"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,13), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 7", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 8", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,16), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 9", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,17), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 10", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,18), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 11", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,19), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 12", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,20), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 13", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,21), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 14", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,22), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 15", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,23), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 16", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,24), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 17", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,25), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 18", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,26), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 19", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,27), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 20", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,28), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 21", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,29), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 22", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,30), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 23", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,31), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 24", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,32), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 25", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,33), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 26", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,34), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 27", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,35), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 28", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,36), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 29", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,37), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 30", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,38), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 31", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,39), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 32", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,40), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 33", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,41), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 34", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,42), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 35", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,43), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 36", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,44), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 37", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,45), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 38", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,46), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 39", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,47), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 40", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,48), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 41", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,49), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 42", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,50), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 43", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,51), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Child Pot 44", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,0,52), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Adult Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,2,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Adult Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,2,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Adult Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,2,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Adult Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,2,7), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Adult Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,2,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Adult Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,2,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Guard House Adult Pot 7", ("Pot", 0x4D, (0,2,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Man in Green House Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x2B, (0,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Man in Green House Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x2B, (0,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), ("Market Man in Green House Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x2B, (0,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("the Market", "Market", "Pot"))), # Hyrule Castle ("HC Malon Egg", ("NPC", 0x5F, 0x47, None, 'Weird Egg', ("Hyrule Castle", "Market"))), ("HC Zeldas Letter", ("NPC", 0x4A, 0x0B, None, 'Zeldas Letter', ("Hyrule Castle", "Market"))), ("HC Great Fairy Reward", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x11, None, 'Dins Fire', ("Hyrule Castle", "Market", "Fairies"))), ("HC GS Tree", ("GS Token", 0x0E, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Hyrule Castle", "Skulltulas"))), ("HC GS Storms Grotto", ("GS Token", 0x0E, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Hyrule Castle", "Skulltulas", "Grottos"))), ("HC Storms Grotto Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x3E, (8,0,7), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Hyrule Castle", "Grottos", "Pot"))), ("HC Storms Grotto Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x3E, (8,0,8), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Hyrule Castle", "Grottos", "Pot"))), ("HC Storms Grotto Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x3E, (8,0,10), None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Hyrule Castle", "Grottos", "Pot"))), ("HC Storms Grotto Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x3E, (8,0,12), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Hyrule Castle", "Grottos", "Pot"))), # Lon Lon Ranch ("LLR Talons Chickens", ("NPC", 0x4C, 0x14, None, 'Bottle with Milk', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Minigames"))), ("LLR Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x4C, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Lon Lon Ranch"))), ("LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Left", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFC, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Center", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFC, 0x33, None, 'Buy Deku Seeds (30)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Right", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFC, 0x37, None, 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("LLR Stables Left Cow", ("NPC", 0x36, 0x15, None, 'Milk', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Cow"))), ("LLR Stables Right Cow", ("NPC", 0x36, 0x16, None, 'Milk', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Cow"))), ("LLR Tower Left Cow", ("NPC", 0x4C, 0x16, None, 'Milk', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Cow"))), ("LLR Tower Right Cow", ("NPC", 0x4C, 0x15, None, 'Milk', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Cow"))), ("LLR GS House Window", ("GS Token", 0x0B, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Skulltulas"))), ("LLR GS Tree", ("GS Token", 0x0B, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Skulltulas"))), ("LLR GS Rain Shed", ("GS Token", 0x0B, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Skulltulas"))), ("LLR GS Back Wall", ("GS Token", 0x0B, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Skulltulas"))), # Lon Lon Ranch Pots/Crates ("LLR Front Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x63, [(0,0,6), (0,1,5)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Front Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x63, [(0,0,4), (0,1,3)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Front Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x63, [(0,0,7), (0,1,6)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Front Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x63, [(0,0,5), (0,1,4)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Rain Shed Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x63, [(0,0,8), (0,1,7)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Rain Shed Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x63, [(0,0,9), (0,1,8)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Rain Shed Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x63, [(0,0,10), (0,1,9)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Talons House Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x4C, (2,0,1), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Talons House Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x4C, (2,0,2), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Talons House Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x4C, (2,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Pot"))), ("LLR Child Crate", ("Crate", 0x63, [(0,0,25), (0,1,30)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Crate"))), # Lon Lon Ranch Beehives ("LLR Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (12,0,0x44 + (0x1C * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Lon Lon Ranch", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Kakariko ("Kak Anju as Child", ("NPC", 0x52, 0x0F, None, 'Bottle', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Minigames"))), ("Kak Anju as Adult", ("NPC", 0x52, 0x1D, None, 'Pocket Egg', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko"))), ("Kak Impas House Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x37, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko"))), ("Kak Windmill Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x48, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko"))), ("Kak Man on Roof", ("NPC", 0x52, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko"))), ("Kak Open Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x08, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Grottos"))), ("Kak Redead Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x0A, None, 'Rupees (200)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Grottos"))), ("Kak Shooting Gallery Reward", ("NPC", 0x42, 0x30, None, 'Bow', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Minigames"))), ("Kak 10 Gold Skulltula Reward", ("NPC", 0x50, 0x45, None, 'Progressive Wallet', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Skulltula House"))), ("Kak 20 Gold Skulltula Reward", ("NPC", 0x50, 0x39, None, 'Stone of Agony', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Skulltula House"))), ("Kak 30 Gold Skulltula Reward", ("NPC", 0x50, 0x46, None, 'Progressive Wallet', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Skulltula House"))), ("Kak 40 Gold Skulltula Reward", ("NPC", 0x50, 0x03, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Skulltula House"))), ("Kak 50 Gold Skulltula Reward", ("NPC", 0x50, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Skulltula House"))), ("Kak Impas House Cow", ("NPC", 0x37, 0x15, None, 'Milk', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Cow"))), ("Kak GS Tree", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x20, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kakariko Village", "Skulltulas"))), ("Kak GS Near Gate Guard", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kakariko Village", "Skulltulas"))), ("Kak GS Watchtower", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kakariko Village", "Skulltulas"))), ("Kak GS Skulltula House", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kakariko Village", "Skulltulas"))), ("Kak GS House Under Construction", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kakariko Village", "Skulltulas"))), ("Kak GS Above Impas House", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x40, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Kakariko Village", "Skulltulas"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 1", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x38, (shop_address(5, 0), None), 'Buy Hylian Shield', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 2", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x39, (shop_address(5, 1), None), 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 3", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x3A, (shop_address(5, 2), None), 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 4", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x3B, (shop_address(5, 3), None), 'Buy Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 5", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x3D, (shop_address(5, 4), None), 'Buy Arrows (10)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 6", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x3E, (shop_address(5, 5), None), 'Buy Arrows (50)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 7", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x3F, (shop_address(5, 6), None), 'Buy Deku Stick (1)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Bazaar Item 8", ("Shop", 0x2C, 0x40, (shop_address(5, 7), None), 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 1", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x30, (shop_address(1, 0), None), 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 2", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x31, (shop_address(1, 1), None), 'Buy Fish', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 3", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x32, (shop_address(1, 2), None), 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 4", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x33, (shop_address(1, 3), None), 'Buy Green Potion', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 5", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x34, (shop_address(1, 4), None), 'Buy Blue Fire', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 6", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x35, (shop_address(1, 5), None), 'Buy Bottle Bug', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 7", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x36, (shop_address(1, 6), None), 'Buy Poe', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), ("Kak Potion Shop Item 8", ("Shop", 0x30, 0x37, (shop_address(1, 7), None), 'Buy Fairy\'s Spirit', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Shops"))), # Kak Pots ("Kak Near Potion Shop Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,9),(0,1,8)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Potion Shop Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,10),(0,1,9)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Potion Shop Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,11),(0,1,10)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Impas House Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,12),(0,1,11)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Impas House Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,13),(0,1,12)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Impas House Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,14),(0,1,13)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Guards House Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,15),(0,1,14)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Guards House Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,16),(0,1,15)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Guards House Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,17),(0,1,16)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Odd Medicine Building Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,18),(0,1,17)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Near Odd Medicine Building Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x52, [(0,0,19),(0,1,18)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Kak Adult Red Rupee Crate", ("Crate", 0x52, [(0,2,46),(0,3,43)], None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Crate"))), # update crate flags to not conflict w/ child pots. These move day/night ("Kak Adult Arrows Crate", ("Crate", 0x52, [(0,2,37),(0,3,40)], None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Crate"))), # update crate flags to not conflict w/ child pots. These move day/night # Kak Beehives ("Kak Open Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x08 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("Kak Open Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x08 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Kakariko Village", "Kakariko", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Graveyard ("Graveyard Shield Grave Chest", ("Chest", 0x40, 0x00, None, 'Hylian Shield', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko"))), ("Graveyard Heart Piece Grave Chest", ("Chest", 0x3F, 0x00, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko"))), ("Graveyard Royal Familys Tomb Chest", ("Chest", 0x41, 0x00, None, 'Bombs (5)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko"))), ("Graveyard Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x53, 0x04, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Gravedigging Tour", ("Collectable", 0x53, 0x08, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Hookshot Chest", ("Chest", 0x48, 0x00, None, 'Progressive Hookshot', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x48, 0x07, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Minigames"))), ("Graveyard GS Bean Patch", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("the Graveyard", "Skulltulas"))), ("Graveyard GS Wall", ("GS Token", 0x10, 0x80, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("the Graveyard", "Skulltulas"))), # Graveyard Freestanding ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (1,0,1), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (1,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (1,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 4", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (2,0,1), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 5", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (2,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 6", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (2,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 7", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (3,0,1), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Race Rupee 8", ("Freestanding", 0x48, (3,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Freestanding"))), # Graveyard Pots/Crates ("Graveyard Dampe Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x48, (0,0,1), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x48, (0,0,2), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x48, (0,0,3), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x48, (0,0,4), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x48, (0,0,5), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), ("Graveyard Dampe Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x48, (0,0,6), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("the Graveyard", "Kakariko", "Pot"))), # Death Mountain Trail ("DMT Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x60, 0x1E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain",))), ("DMT Chest", ("Chest", 0x60, 0x01, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain",))), ("DMT Storms Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x17, None, 'Rupees (200)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos"))), ("DMT Great Fairy Reward", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x13, None, 'Magic Meter', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Fairies"))), ("DMT Biggoron", ("NPC", 0x60, 0x57, None, 'Biggoron Sword', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain",))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Cow", ("NPC", 0x3E, 0x15, None, 'Milk', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Cow", "Grottos"))), ("DMT GS Near Kak", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Skulltulas",))), ("DMT GS Bean Patch", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Skulltulas",))), ("DMT GS Above Dodongos Cavern", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Skulltulas",))), ("DMT GS Falling Rocks Path", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Skulltulas",))), # Death Mountain Trail Freestanding ("DMT Rock Red Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x60, (0,0,2), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding"))), ("DMT Rock Blue Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x60, (0,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Green Rupee 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x3E, (3,0,0x40), ([0x026D2098], None), 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Green Rupee 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x3E, (3,0,0x41), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Green Rupee 3", ("RupeeTower", 0x3E, (3,0,0x42), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Green Rupee 4", ("RupeeTower", 0x3E, (3,0,0x43), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Green Rupee 5", ("RupeeTower", 0x3E, (3,0,0x44), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Green Rupee 6", ("RupeeTower", 0x3E, (3,0,0x45), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Red Rupee", ("RupeeTower", 0x3E, (3,0,0x46), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (3,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (3,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (3,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("DMT Cow Grotto Recovery Heart 4", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (3,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), # Death Mountain Trial Beehives ("DMT Cow Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (3,0,0x44 + (0x18 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("DMT Storms Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x17 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("DMT Storms Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x17 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Trail", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Goron City ("GC Darunias Joy", ("NPC", 0x62, 0x54, None, 'Progressive Strength Upgrade', ("Goron City"))), ("GC Pot Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x62, 0x1F, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Goron City", "Goron City"))), ("GC Rolling Goron as Child", ("NPC", 0x62, 0x34, None, 'Bomb Bag', ("Goron City"))), ("GC Rolling Goron as Adult", ("NPC", 0x62, 0x2C, None, 'Goron Tunic', ("Goron City"))), ("GC Medigoron", ("NPC", 0x62, 0x28, None, 'Giants Knife', ("Goron City"))), ("GC Maze Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x62, 0x00, None, 'Rupees (200)', ("Goron City"))), ("GC Maze Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x62, 0x01, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Goron City"))), ("GC Maze Center Chest", ("Chest", 0x62, 0x02, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Goron City"))), ("GC Deku Scrub Grotto Left", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFB, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Goron City", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("GC Deku Scrub Grotto Center", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFB, 0x33, None, 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("Goron City", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("GC Deku Scrub Grotto Right", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFB, 0x37, None, 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Goron City", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("GC GS Center Platform", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x20, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Goron City", "Skulltulas"))), ("GC GS Boulder Maze", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x40, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Goron City", "Skulltulas"))), ("GC Shop Item 1", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x30, (shop_address(8, 0), None), 'Buy Bombs (5) for 25 Rupees', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Shop Item 2", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x31, (shop_address(8, 1), None), 'Buy Bombs (10)', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Shop Item 3", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x32, (shop_address(8, 2), None), 'Buy Bombs (20)', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Shop Item 4", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x33, (shop_address(8, 3), None), 'Buy Bombs (30)', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Shop Item 5", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x34, (shop_address(8, 4), None), 'Buy Goron Tunic', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Shop Item 6", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x35, (shop_address(8, 5), None), 'Buy Heart', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Shop Item 7", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x36, (shop_address(8, 6), None), 'Buy Red Potion for 40 Rupees', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Shop Item 8", ("Shop", 0x2E, 0x37, (shop_address(8, 7), None), 'Buy Heart', ("Goron City", "Shops"))), ("GC Spinning Pot Bomb Drop 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x41), ([0x22A82F4], None), 'Bombs (5)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), ("GC Spinning Pot Bomb Drop 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x42), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), ("GC Spinning Pot Bomb Drop 3", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x43), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), ("GC Spinning Pot Rupee Drop 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x44), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), ("GC Spinning Pot Rupee Drop 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x45), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), ("GC Spinning Pot Rupee Drop 3", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x46), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), ("GC Spinning Pot PoH Drop Rupee 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x47), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), ("GC Spinning Pot PoH Drop Rupee 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x62, (3,0,0x48), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Goron City", "RupeeTower"))), # Goron City Pots. ("GC Darunia Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x62, [(1,0,6),(1,2,2)], None, 'Deku Stick (1)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Darunia Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x62, [(1,0,7),(1,2,3)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Darunia Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x62, [(1,0,8),(1,2,4)], None, 'Deku Stick (1)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Medigoron Pot", ("Pot", 0x62, [(2,0,4),(2,2,4)], None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Lower Staircase Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x62, [(3,0,42),(3,2,9)], None, 'Deku Stick (1)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Lower Staircase Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x62, [(3,0,46),(3,2,13)],None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Upper Staircase Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x62, [(3,0,43),(3,2,10)],None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Upper Staircase Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x62, [(3,0,44),(3,2,11)],None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Upper Staircase Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x62, [(3,0,45),(3,2,12)],None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Goron City", "Pot"))), ("GC Boulder Maze Crate", ("Crate", 0x62, [(0,0,50),(0,2,47)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Goron City", "Crate"))), # Goron City Beehives ("GC Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (12,0,0x44 + (0x1B * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Goron City", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Death Mountain Crater ("DMC Volcano Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x61, 0x08, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain"))), ("DMC Wall Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x61, 0x02, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain"))), ("DMC Upper Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x1A, None, 'Bombs (20)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Grottos"))), ("DMC Great Fairy Reward", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x14, None, 'Magic Meter', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Fairies"))), ("DMC Deku Scrub", ("Scrub", 0x61, 0x37, None, 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Deku Scrub"))), ("DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Left", ("GrottoScrub", 0xF9, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Center", ("GrottoScrub", 0xF9, 0x33, None, 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Right", ("GrottoScrub", 0xF9, 0x37, None, 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("DMC GS Crate", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x80, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Skulltulas"))), ("DMC GS Bean Patch", ("GS Token", 0x0F, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Skulltulas"))), # Death Mountain Crater Freestanding ("DMC Adult Green Rupee 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x61, (1,2,0x40),([0x0225E63C], None ), 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMC Adult Green Rupee 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x61, (1,2,0x41), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMC Adult Green Rupee 3", ("RupeeTower", 0x61, (1,2,0x42), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMC Adult Green Rupee 4", ("RupeeTower", 0x61, (1,2,0x43), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMC Adult Green Rupee 5", ("RupeeTower", 0x61, (1,2,0x44), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMC Adult Green Rupee 6", ("RupeeTower", 0x61, (1,2,0x45), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMC Adult Red Rupee", ("RupeeTower", 0x61, (1,2,0x46), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "RupeeTower"))), ("DMC Child Red Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,2), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain","Freestanding",))), ("DMC Child Red Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,3), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding",))), ("DMC Child Blue Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,4), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding",))), ("DMC Child Blue Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding",))), ("DMC Child Blue Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding",))), ("DMC Child Blue Rupee 4", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding",))), ("DMC Child Blue Rupee 5", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding",))), ("DMC Child Blue Rupee 6", ("Freestanding", 0x61, (1,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Freestanding",))), # Death Mountain Crater Pots ("DMC Near GC Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x61, (1,2,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Pot"))), ("DMC Near GC Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x61, (1,2,15), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Pot"))), ("DMC Near GC Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x61, (1,2,16), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Pot"))), ("DMC Near GC Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x61, (1,2,17), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Pot"))), # Death mountain Crater Beehives ("DMC Upper Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x1A * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("DMC Upper Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x1A * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("DMC Hammer Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (12,0,0x44 + (0x19 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Death Mountain Crater", "Death Mountain", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Zora's River ("ZR Magic Bean Salesman", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x16, None, 'Buy Magic Bean', ("Zora's River"))), ("ZR Open Grotto Chest", ("Chest", 0x3E, 0x09, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's River", "Grottos"))), ("ZR Frogs Zeldas Lullaby", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x65, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Zora's River", "Minigames"))), ("ZR Frogs Eponas Song", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x66, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Zora's River", "Minigames"))), ("ZR Frogs Sarias Song", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x67, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Zora's River", "Minigames"))), ("ZR Frogs Suns Song", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x68, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Zora's River", "Minigames"))), ("ZR Frogs Song of Time", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x69, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Zora's River", "Minigames"))), ("ZR Frogs in the Rain", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Zora's River", "Minigames"))), ("ZR Frogs Ocarina Game", ("NPC", 0x54, 0x76, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Zora's River"))), ("ZR Near Open Grotto Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x54, 0x04, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Zora's River"))), ("ZR Near Domain Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x54, 0x0B, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Zora's River"))), ("ZR Deku Scrub Grotto Front", ("GrottoScrub", 0xEB, 0x3A, None, 'Buy Green Potion', ("Zora's River", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("ZR Deku Scrub Grotto Rear", ("GrottoScrub", 0xEB, 0x39, None, 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Zora's River", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("ZR GS Tree", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's River", "Skulltulas"))), ("ZR GS Ladder", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's River", "Skulltulas"))), ("ZR GS Near Raised Grottos", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's River", "Skulltulas"))), ("ZR GS Above Bridge", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's River", "Skulltulas"))), # Zora's River Freestanding ("ZR Waterfall Red Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x54, (1,2,2), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's River", "Freestanding"))), ("ZR Waterfall Red Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x54, (1,2,3), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's River", "Freestanding"))), ("ZR Waterfall Red Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x54, (1,2,4), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's River", "Freestanding"))), ("ZR Waterfall Red Rupee 4", ("Freestanding", 0x54, (1,2,5), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's River", "Freestanding"))), # Zora's River Beehives ("ZR Open Grotto Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x48 + (0x09 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Zora's River", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("ZR Open Grotto Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (0,0,0x49 + (0x09 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's River", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), ("ZR Storms Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (9,0,0x43 + (0x0B * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's River", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Zora's Domain ("ZD Diving Minigame", ("NPC", 0x58, 0x37, None, 'Progressive Scale', ("Zora's Domain", "Minigames"))), ("ZD Chest", ("Chest", 0x58, 0x00, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Zora's Domain", ))), ("ZD King Zora Thawed", ("NPC", 0x58, 0x2D, None, 'Zora Tunic', ("Zora's Domain",))), ("ZD GS Frozen Waterfall", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x40, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's Domain", "Skulltulas"))), ("ZD Shop Item 1", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x30, (shop_address(7, 0), None), 'Buy Zora Tunic', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), ("ZD Shop Item 2", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x31, (shop_address(7, 1), None), 'Buy Arrows (10)', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), ("ZD Shop Item 3", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x32, (shop_address(7, 2), None), 'Buy Heart', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), ("ZD Shop Item 4", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x33, (shop_address(7, 3), None), 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), ("ZD Shop Item 5", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x34, (shop_address(7, 4), None), 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), ("ZD Shop Item 6", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x35, (shop_address(7, 5), None), 'Buy Arrows (50)', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), ("ZD Shop Item 7", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x36, (shop_address(7, 6), None), 'Buy Fish', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), ("ZD Shop Item 8", ("Shop", 0x2F, 0x37, (shop_address(7, 7), None), 'Buy Red Potion for 50 Rupees', ("Zora's Domain", "Shops"))), # Zora's Domain Pots ("ZD Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x58, [(1,2,6),(1,0,22)], None, 'Deku Stick (1)', ("Zora's Domain", "Pot"))), ("ZD Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x58, [(1,2,5),(1,0,23)], None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Zora's Domain", "Pot"))), ("ZD Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x58, [(1,2,4),(1,0,24)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Zora's Domain", "Pot"))), ("ZD Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x58, [(1,2,3),(1,0,25)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Zora's Domain", "Pot"))), ("ZD Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x58, [(1,2,2),(1,0,26)], None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Zora's Domain", "Pot"))), # Zora's Domain Beehives ("ZD In Front of King Zora Beehive 1", ("Beehive", 0x58, (0,0,10), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's Domain", "Beehive"))), ("ZD In Front of King Zora Beehive 2", ("Beehive", 0x58, (0,0,11), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's Domain", "Beehive"))), ("ZD Behind King Zora Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x58, (0,0,12), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Zora's Domain", "Beehive"))), # Zora's Fountain ("ZF Great Fairy Reward", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x10, None, 'Farores Wind', ("Zora's Fountain", "Fairies"))), ("ZF Iceberg Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x59, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Zora's Fountain"))), ("ZF Bottom Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x59, 0x14, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Zora's Fountain"))), ("ZF GS Above the Log", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's Fountain", "Skulltulas"))), ("ZF GS Tree", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x80, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's Fountain", "Skulltulas"))), ("ZF GS Hidden Cave", ("GS Token", 0x11, 0x20, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Zora's Fountain", "Skulltulas"))), # Zora's Fountain Freestanding ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,1), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 4", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 5", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 6", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 7", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 8", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 9", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 10", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 11", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 12", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 13", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 14", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 15", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 16", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 17", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,17), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), ("ZF Bottom Green Rupee 18", ("Freestanding", 0x59, (0,2,18), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Freestanding"))), # Zora's Fountain Pots ("ZF Hidden Cave Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x59, (0,2,43), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Pot"))), ("ZF Hidden Cave Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x59, (0,2,44), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Pot"))), ("ZF Hidden Cave Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x59, (0,2,45), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Pot"))), ("ZF Near Jabu Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x59, [(0,0,20),(0,1,20)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Pot"))), ("ZF Near Jabu Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x59, [(0,0,22),(0,1,22)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Pot"))), ("ZF Near Jabu Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x59, [(0,0,23),(0,1,23)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Zora's Fountain", "Pot"))), ("ZF Near Jabu Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x59, [(0,0,24),(0,1,24)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Zora's Fountain", "Pot"))), # Lake Hylia ("LH Underwater Item", ("NPC", 0x57, 0x15, None, 'Rutos Letter', ("Lake Hylia"))), ("LH Child Fishing", ("NPC", 0x49, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Lake Hylia", "Minigames"))), ("LH Adult Fishing", ("NPC", 0x49, 0x38, None, 'Progressive Scale', ("Lake Hylia", "Minigames"))), ("LH Lab Dive", ("NPC", 0x38, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Lake Hylia"))), ("LH Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x57, 0x1E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Lake Hylia"))), ("LH Sun", ("NPC", 0x57, 0x58, None, 'Fire Arrows', ("Lake Hylia"))), ("LH Deku Scrub Grotto Left", ("GrottoScrub", 0xEF, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Lake Hylia", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("LH Deku Scrub Grotto Center", ("GrottoScrub", 0xEF, 0x33, None, 'Buy Deku Seeds (30)', ("Lake Hylia", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("LH Deku Scrub Grotto Right", ("GrottoScrub", 0xEF, 0x37, None, 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Lake Hylia", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("LH GS Bean Patch", ("GS Token", 0x12, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lake Hylia", "Skulltulas"))), ("LH GS Lab Wall", ("GS Token", 0x12, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lake Hylia", "Skulltulas"))), ("LH GS Small Island", ("GS Token", 0x12, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lake Hylia", "Skulltulas"))), ("LH GS Lab Crate", ("GS Token", 0x12, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lake Hylia", "Skulltulas"))), ("LH GS Tree", ("GS Token", 0x12, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Lake Hylia", "Skulltulas"))), # Lake Hylia Freestanding ("LH Underwater Near Shore Green Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x57, (0,0,50), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Lake Hylia", "Freestanding"))), ("LH Underwater Green Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x57, (0,0,51), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Lake Hylia", "Freestanding"))), ("LH Underwater Green Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x57, (0,0,52), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Lake Hylia", "Freestanding"))), ("LH Lab Dive Red Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x38, (0,0,2), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Lake Hylia", "Freestanding"))), ("LH Lab Dive Red Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x38, (0,0,3), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Lake Hylia", "Freestanding"))), ("LH Lab Dive Red Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x38, (0,0,4), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Lake Hylia", "Freestanding"))), #Lake Hylia Beehives ("LH Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (12,0,0x44 + (0x0F * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Lake Hylia", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Gerudo Valley ("GV Crate Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x5A, 0x02, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo"))), ("GV Waterfall Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x5A, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo"))), ("GV Chest", ("Chest", 0x5A, 0x00, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo"))), ("GV Deku Scrub Grotto Front", ("GrottoScrub", 0xF0, 0x3A, None, 'Buy Green Potion', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("GV Deku Scrub Grotto Rear", ("GrottoScrub", 0xF0, 0x39, None, 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("GV Cow", ("NPC", 0x5A, 0x15, None, 'Milk', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Cow"))), ("GV GS Small Bridge", ("GS Token", 0x13, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Gerudo Valley", "Skulltulas"))), ("GV GS Bean Patch", ("GS Token", 0x13, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Gerudo Valley", "Skulltulas"))), ("GV GS Behind Tent", ("GS Token", 0x13, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Gerudo Valley", "Skulltulas"))), ("GV GS Pillar", ("GS Token", 0x13, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Gerudo Valley", "Skulltulas"))), # Gerudo Valley Freestanding ("GV Octorok Grotto Red Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,9), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("GV Octorok Grotto Blue Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,2), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("GV Octorok Grotto Blue Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("GV Octorok Grotto Blue Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,4), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("GV Octorok Grotto Green Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("GV Octorok Grotto Green Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("GV Octorok Grotto Green Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), ("GV Octorok Grotto Green Rupee 4", ("Freestanding", 0x3E, (5,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Freestanding"))), # Gerudo Valley Pots/Crates ("GV Crate Near Cow", ("Crate", 0x5A, (0,0,38), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("GV Freestanding PoH Crate", ("Crate", 0x5A, [(0,2,31),(0,0,39)], None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), # Gerudo Valley Beehives ("GV Storms Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (9,0,0x43 + (0x10 * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Gerudo's Fortress ("GF Chest", ("Chest", 0x5D, 0x00, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Gerudo's Fortress", "Gerudo"))), ("GF HBA 1000 Points", ("NPC", 0x5D, 0x3E, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Gerudo's Fortress", "Gerudo", "Minigames"))), ("GF HBA 1500 Points", ("NPC", 0x5D, 0x30, None, 'Bow', ("Gerudo's Fortress", "Gerudo", "Minigames"))), ("GF GS Top Floor", ("GS Token", 0x14, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Gerudo's Fortress", "Skulltulas"))), ("GF GS Archery Range", ("GS Token", 0x14, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Gerudo's Fortress", "Skulltulas"))), # Gerudo's Fortress Crates/Pots ("GF Above Jail Crate", ("Crate", 0x5D, [(0,2,19),(0,3,19)], None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Gerudo's Fortress", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), # Thieves' Hideout ("Hideout 1 Torch Jail Gerudo Key", ("Collectable", 0x0C, 0x0C, None, 'Small Key (Thieves Hideout)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo"))), ("Hideout 2 Torches Jail Gerudo Key", ("Collectable", 0x0C, 0x0F, None, 'Small Key (Thieves Hideout)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo"))), ("Hideout 3 Torches Jail Gerudo Key", ("Collectable", 0x0C, 0x0A, None, 'Small Key (Thieves Hideout)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo"))), ("Hideout 4 Torches Jail Gerudo Key", ("Collectable", 0x0C, 0x0E, None, 'Small Key (Thieves Hideout)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo"))), ("Hideout Gerudo Membership Card", ("NPC", 0x0C, 0x3A, None, 'Gerudo Membership Card', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo"))), # Thieves' Hideout Pots/Crates ("Hideout Break Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0C, (0,0,5), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout Break Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0C, (0,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 1 Torch Jail Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0C, (2,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 1 Torch Jail Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0C, (2,0,8), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 1 Torch Jail Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x0C, (2,0,9), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout Kitchen Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0C, (3,0,6), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout Kitchen Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0C, (3,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 4 Torch Jail Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0C, (4,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 4 Torch Jail Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0C, (4,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0C, (5,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0C, (5,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x0C, (5,0,10), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail In Cell Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0C, (5,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail In Cell Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0C, (5,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail In Cell Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x0C, (5,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail In Cell Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x0C, (5,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Pot"))), ("Hideout Break Room Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x0C, (0,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Break Room Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x0C, (0,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Break Room Hallway Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x0C, (0,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Break Room Hallway Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x0C, (0,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout 3 Torch Jail Crate", ("Crate", 0x0C, (1,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout 1 Torch Jail Crate", ("Crate", 0x0C, (2,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Near Kitchen Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x0C, (3,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Near Kitchen Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x0C, (3,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Near Kitchen Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x0C, (3,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Near Kitchen Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x0C, (3,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout Near Kitchen Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x0C, (3,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x0C, (5,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), ("Hideout 2 Torch Jail Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x0C, (5,0,17), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Thieves' Hideout", "Gerudo", "Crate"))), # Wasteland ("Wasteland Bombchu Salesman", ("NPC", 0x5E, 0x03, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Haunted Wasteland"))), ("Wasteland Chest", ("Chest", 0x5E, 0x00, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Haunted Wasteland"))), ("Wasteland GS", ("GS Token", 0x15, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Skulltulas"))), # Wasteland Pots/Crates ("Wasteland Near GS Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x5E, (0,0,1), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Pot"))), ("Wasteland Near GS Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x5E, (0,0,2), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Pot"))), #("Wasteland Near GS Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x5E, (0,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Pot"))), Fairy ("Wasteland Near GS Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x5E, (0,0,4), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Pot"))), ("Wasteland Crate Before Quicksand", ("Crate", 0x5E, (1,0,38),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Crate"))), ("Wasteland Crate After Quicksand 1", ("Crate", 0x5E, (1,0,35),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Crate"))), ("Wasteland Crate After Quicksand 2", ("Crate", 0x5E, (1,0,36),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Crate"))), ("Wasteland Crate After Quicksand 3", ("Crate", 0x5E, (1,0,37),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Crate"))), ("Wasteland Crate Near Colossus", ("Crate", 0x5E, (1,0,34),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Haunted Wasteland", "Crate"))), # Colossus ("Colossus Great Fairy Reward", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x12, None, 'Nayrus Love', ("Desert Colossus", "Fairies"))), ("Colossus Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x5C, 0x0D, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Desert Colossus"))), ("Colossus Deku Scrub Grotto Front", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFD, 0x3A, None, 'Buy Green Potion', ("Desert Colossus", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("Colossus Deku Scrub Grotto Rear", ("GrottoScrub", 0xFD, 0x39, None, 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Desert Colossus", "Deku Scrub", "Grottos"))), ("Colossus GS Bean Patch", ("GS Token", 0x15, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Desert Colossus", "Skulltulas"))), ("Colossus GS Tree", ("GS Token", 0x15, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Desert Colossus", "Skulltulas"))), ("Colossus GS Hill", ("GS Token", 0x15, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Desert Colossus", "Skulltulas"))), # Colossus Beehives ("Colossus Grotto Beehive", ("Beehive", 0x3E, (9,0,0x43 + (0x1D * 2)), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Desert Colossus", "Grottos", "Beehive"))), # Outside Ganon's Castle ("OGC Great Fairy Reward", ("Cutscene", 0xFF, 0x15, None, 'Double Defense', ("Outside Ganon's Castle", "Market", "Fairies"))), ("OGC GS", ("GS Token", 0x0E, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Outside Ganon's Castle", "Skulltulas"))), ## Dungeons # Deku Tree vanilla ("Deku Tree Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x03, None, 'Map (Deku Tree)', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla"))), ("Deku Tree Slingshot Room Side Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x05, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla"))), ("Deku Tree Slingshot Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x01, None, 'Slingshot', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla"))), ("Deku Tree Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x02, None, 'Compass (Deku Tree)', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla"))), ("Deku Tree Compass Room Side Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x06, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla"))), ("Deku Tree Basement Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x04, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla"))), ("Deku Tree GS Compass Room", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Deku Tree GS Basement Vines", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Deku Tree GS Basement Gate", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Deku Tree GS Basement Back Room", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Deku Tree Freestanding ("Deku Tree Lower Lobby Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (0,0,26), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree Upper Lobby Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (0,0,27), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree Basement Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (9,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree Basement Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (9,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree Basement Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (9,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Deku Tree MQ ("Deku Tree MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x03, None, 'Map (Deku Tree)', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Slingshot Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x06, None, 'Slingshot', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Slingshot Room Back Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x02, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x01, None, 'Compass (Deku Tree)', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Basement Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x04, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Before Spinning Log Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x05, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest"))), ("Deku Tree MQ After Spinning Log Chest", ("Chest", 0x00, 0x00, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Deku Scrub", ("Scrub", 0x00, 0x34, None, 'Buy Deku Shield', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Deku Tree MQ GS Lobby", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Deku Tree MQ GS Compass Room", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Deku Tree MQ GS Basement Graves Room", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Deku Tree MQ GS Basement Back Room", ("GS Token", 0x00, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Deku Tree MQ Freestanding ("Deku Tree MQ Lower Lobby Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (0,0,19), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Near Compass Room Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (1,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Compass Room Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (2,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Basement Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (9,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Basement Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (9,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Basement Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (9,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Slingshot Room Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x00, (10,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Deku Tree MQ Pots/Crates ("Deku Tree MQ Lobby Crate", ("Crate", 0x0, (0,0,29), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Slingshot Room Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x0, (10,0,17), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Deku Tree MQ Slingshot Room Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x0, (10,0,18), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Deku Tree", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), # Deku Tree shared ("Deku Tree Queen Gohma Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x11, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Deku Tree", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Dodongo's Cavern vanilla ("Dodongos Cavern Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x08, None, 'Map (Dodongos Cavern)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x05, None, 'Compass (Dodongos Cavern)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Bomb Flower Platform Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x06, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Bomb Bag Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x04, None, 'Bomb Bag', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Dodongos Cavern End of Bridge Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x0A, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Side Room Near Dodongos", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x31, None, 'Buy Deku Stick (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Lobby", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x34, None, 'Buy Deku Shield', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Near Bomb Bag Left", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Deku Scrub Near Bomb Bag Right", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x33, None, 'Buy Deku Seeds (30)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern GS Side Room Near Lower Lizalfos", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern GS Scarecrow", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern GS Alcove Above Stairs", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern GS Vines Above Stairs", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern GS Back Room", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Dodongo's Cavern Vanilla Freestanding ("Dodongos Cavern Lizalfos Upper Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x01, (3,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Lizalfos Upper Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x01, (3,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Blade Room Behind Block Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x01, (9,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Dodongo's Cavern Vanilla Pots ("Dodongos Cavern Right Side Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Right Side Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,14), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Right Side Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Right Side Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,17), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Right Side Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,18), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Right Side Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,19), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Lower Lizalfos Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Lower Lizalfos Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Lower Lizalfos Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,11), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Lower Lizalfos Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,12), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Torch Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,11), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Torch Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Torch Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,13), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Torch Room Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Staircase Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,24), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Staircase Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,25), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Staircase Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,26), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Staircase Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,27), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Last Block Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (7,0,7), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Last Block Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (7,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Last Block Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (8,0,7), None, 'Deku Seeds (30)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Dodongos Cavern Last Block Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, 0x21, None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Blade Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (9,0,15), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Blade Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (9,0,16), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Single Eye Switch Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (10,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Single Eye Switch Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (10,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Double Eye Switch Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (12,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Double Eye Switch Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (12,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), # Dodongo's Cavern MQ ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x00, None, 'Map (Dodongos Cavern)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Bomb Bag Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x04, None, 'Bomb Bag', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Torch Puzzle Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x03, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x02, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x05, None, 'Compass (Dodongos Cavern)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Under Grave Chest", ("Chest", 0x01, 0x01, None, 'Hylian Shield', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Lobby Front", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x33, None, 'Buy Deku Seeds (30)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Lobby Rear", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x31, None, 'Buy Deku Stick (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Side Room Near Lower Lizalfos", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x39, None, 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Staircase", ("Scrub", 0x01, 0x34, None, 'Buy Deku Shield', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Scrub Room", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Larvae Room", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Lizalfos Room", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Song of Time Block Room", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ GS Back Area", ("GS Token", 0x01, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Dodongo's Cavern MQ Freestanding ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Torch Puzzle Room Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x01, (9,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Dodongo's Cavern MQ Pots ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Right Side Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Right Side Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Right Side Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Right Side Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (1,0,11), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,17), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,18), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,19), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (2,0,20), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Upper Lizalfos Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Upper Lizalfos Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Upper Lizalfos Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Upper Lizalfos Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (3,0,11), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x01, (4,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Room Before Boss Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (7,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Room Before Boss Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (7,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Armos Army Room Upper Pot", ("Pot", 0x01, (8,0,20), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Armos Army Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (8,0,22), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Armos Army Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (8,0,23), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Torch Puzzle Room Pot Pillar", ("Pot", 0x01, (9,0,12), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Torch Puzzle Room Pot Corner", ("Pot", 0x01, (9,0,13), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Before Upper Lizalfos Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (10,0,17), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Before Upper Lizalfos Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (10,0,18), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ After Upper Lizalfos Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (12,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ After Upper Lizalfos Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (12,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Back Poe Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x01, (14,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Back Poe Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x01, (14,0,4), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Dodongo's Cavern MQ Crates ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Crate Bottom Left", ("Crate", 0x1, (2,0,41), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Crate Bottom Right", ("Crate", 0x1, (2,0,42), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Crate Mid Left", ("Crate", 0x1, (2,0,39), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Crate Top Left", ("Crate", 0x1, (2,0,40), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Crate Mid Right", ("Crate", 0x1, (2,0,43), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Crate Top Right", ("Crate", 0x1, (2,0,44), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,23),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,24),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,25),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,26),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,27),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,28),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate Near Bomb Flower", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,29),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Poes Room Crate 7", ("Crate", 0x1, (4,0,30),None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x1, (6,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x1, (6,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x1, (6,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x1, (6,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x1, (6,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x1, (6,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ After Upper Lizalfos Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x1, (12,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Dodongos Cavern MQ After Upper Lizalfos Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x1, (12,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), # Dodongo's Cavern shared ("Dodongos Cavern Lower Lizalfos Hidden Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x01, (3,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Dodongos Cavern Boss Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x12, 0x00, None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), ("Dodongos Cavern King Dodongo Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x12, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Dodongo's Cavern", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Jabu Jabu's Belly vanilla ("Jabu Jabus Belly Boomerang Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x01, None, 'Boomerang', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x02, None, 'Map (Jabu Jabus Belly)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x04, None, 'Compass (Jabu Jabus Belly)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Deku Scrub", ("Scrub", 0x02, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly GS Water Switch Room", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly GS Lobby Basement Lower", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly GS Lobby Basement Upper", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly GS Near Boss", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Jabu Jabu's Belly Vanilla Pots #("Jabu Jabus Belly Above Big Octo Pot X", ("Pot", 0x02, 0x28, None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Above Big Octo Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x02, (6,0,8), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Above Big Octo Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x02, (6,0,9), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Jabu Jabus Belly DLC Pot X", ("Pot", 0x02, 0x20, None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x02, (13,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x02, (13,0,6), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x02, (13,0,7), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Basement 2 Octoroks Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x02, (13,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Basement Switch Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x02, (14,0,8), None, 'Deku Seeds (30)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Jabu Jabus Belly Basement Switch Room Pot X", ("Pot", 0x02, (14,0,9), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Basement Switch Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x02, (14,0,10), None, 'Deku Seeds (30)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Small Wooden Crate", ("SmallCrate", 0x02, (1,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "SmallCrate"))), # Jabu Jabu's Belly MQ ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x03, None, 'Map (Jabu Jabus Belly)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ First Room Side Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x05, None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Second Room Lower Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x02, None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x00, None, 'Compass (Jabu Jabus Belly)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Basement Near Switches Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x08, None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Basement Near Vines Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x04, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Room Small Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x01, None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x06, None, 'Boomerang', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Falling Like Like Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x09, None, 'Deku Stick (1)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Second Room Upper Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x07, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Near Boss Chest", ("Chest", 0x02, 0x0A, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Cow", ("NPC", 0x02, 0x15, None, 'Milk', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Cow"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Boomerang Chest Room", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Tailpasaran Room", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Invisible Enemies Room", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ GS Near Boss", ("GS Token", 0x02, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Jabu Jabu's Belly MQ Freestanding ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Underwater Green Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x02, (1,0,1), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Underwater Green Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x02, (1,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Underwater Green Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x02, (1,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x02, (1,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x02, (1,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Jabu Jabu's Belly MQ Pots ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ First Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x02, (0,0,16), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ First Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x02, (0,0,17), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Elevator Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x02, (1,0,22), None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Elevator Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x02, (1,0,23), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Near Boss Pot", ("Pot", 0x02, 0x31, None, 'N/A', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Falling Like Like Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x02, (11,0,27), None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Falling Like Like Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x02, (11,0,31), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x02, (14,0,11), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x02, (14,0,15), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Jabu Jabu's Belly shared ("Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x13, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x13, (1,0,2), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x13, (1,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x13, (1,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x13, (1,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x13, (1,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x13, (1,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Jabu Jabu's Belly", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Bottom of the Well vanilla ("Bottom of the Well Front Left Fake Wall Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x08, None, 'Small Key (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Front Center Bombable Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x02, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Back Left Bombable Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x04, None, 'Deku Nuts (10)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Underwater Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x09, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x08, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x01, None, 'Compass (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Center Skulltula Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x0E, None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Right Bottom Fake Wall Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x05, None, 'Small Key (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Fire Keese Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x0A, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Like Like Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x0C, None, 'Hylian Shield', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x07, None, 'Map (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Underwater Front Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x10, None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x14, None, 'Rupees (200)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well Lens of Truth Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x03, None, 'Lens of Truth', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla"))), ("Bottom of the Well GS West Inner Room", ("GS Token", 0x08, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Bottom of the Well GS East Inner Room", ("GS Token", 0x08, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Bottom of the Well GS Like Like Cage", ("GS Token", 0x08, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Bottom of the Well Vanilla Freestanding ("Bottom of the Well Center Room Pit Fall Blue Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,27), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well Center Room Pit Fall Blue Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,28), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well Center Room Pit Fall Blue Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,29), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well Center Room Pit Fall Blue Rupee 4", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,30), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well Center Room Pit Fall Blue Rupee 5", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,31), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well Coffin Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (2,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well Coffin Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (2,0,15), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Bottom of the Well Vanilla Pots ("Bottom of the Well Left Side Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,23), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Left Side Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,24), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Left Side Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,25), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Near Entrance Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,27), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Near Entrance Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,28), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Underwater Pot", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,30), None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,45), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,46), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,47), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,48), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,49), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,50), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 7", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,51), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 8", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,52), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 9", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,53), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 10", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,54), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 11", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,55), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Basement Pot 12", ("Pot", 0x08, (1,0,56), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well Fire Keese Pot", ("Pot", 0x08, (3,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well West Inner Room Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x08, (6,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Bottom of the Well West Inner Room Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x08, (6,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Bottom of the Well West Inner Room Flying Pot 3", ("FlyingPot", 0x08, (6,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), # Bottom of the Well MQ ("Bottom of the Well MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x03, None, 'Map (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ East Inner Room Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x08, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x02, None, 'Compass (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Dead Hand Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x08, 0x02, None, 'Small Key (Bottom of the Well)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Lens of Truth Chest", ("Chest", 0x08, 0x01, None, 'Lens of Truth', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ GS Coffin Room", ("GS Token", 0x08, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ GS West Inner Room", ("GS Token", 0x08, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ GS Basement", ("GS Token", 0x08, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Bottom of the Well MQ Freestanding ("Bottom of the Well MQ Bombable Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (0,0,37), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Bombable Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (0,0,38), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Basement Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,28), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Basement Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,29), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Basement Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (1,0,30), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Coffin Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (2,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Coffin Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x08, (2,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Bottom of the Well MQ Pots ("Bottom of the Well MQ Center Room Right Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,41), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Center Room Right Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,43), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ Center Room Right Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x08, (0,0,45), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Bottom of the Well MQ Perimiter Behind Gate Bot", ("Pot", 0x08, 0x2A, None, 'N/A', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ East Inner Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x08, (5,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ East Inner Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x08, (5,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Bottom of the Well MQ East Inner Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x08, (5,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Bottom of the Well", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Forest Temple vanilla ("Forest Temple First Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x03, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple First Stalfos Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x00, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Raised Island Courtyard Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x05, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x01, None, 'Map (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Well Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x09, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Eye Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x04, None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0E, None, 'Boss Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Floormaster Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x02, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Red Poe Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0D, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Bow Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0C, None, 'Bow', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Blue Poe Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0F, None, 'Compass (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Falling Ceiling Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x07, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple Basement Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0B, None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Forest Temple GS First Room", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple GS Lobby", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple GS Raised Island Courtyard", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple GS Level Island Courtyard", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple GS Basement", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Forest Temple Vanilla Freestanding ("Forest Temple Courtyard Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (8,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple Courtyard Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (8,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple Well Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (9,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple Well Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (9,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Forest Temple Vanilla Pots ("Forest Temple Center Room Right Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,16), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Center Room Right Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,12), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Center Room Right Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Center Room Left Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,17), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Center Room Left Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,13), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Center Room Left Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,15), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Lower Stalfos Pot", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Forest Temple Lower Stalfos Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,7), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Upper Stalfos Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Upper Stalfos Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Upper Stalfos Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Upper Stalfos Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Blue Poe Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (13,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Blue Poe Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (13,0,7), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Blue Poe Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (13,0,8), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Frozen Eye Switch Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (14,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Frozen Eye Switch Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (14,0,7), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Green Poe Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (16,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple Green Poe Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (16,0,8), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), # Forest Temple MQ ("Forest Temple MQ First Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x03, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Wolfos Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x00, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Well Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x09, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Raised Island Courtyard Lower Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Raised Island Courtyard Upper Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x05, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0E, None, 'Boss Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Redead Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x02, None, 'Small Key (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0D, None, 'Map (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Bow Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0C, None, 'Bow', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0F, None, 'Compass (Forest Temple)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Falling Ceiling Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x06, None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Basement Chest", ("Chest", 0x03, 0x0B, None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Forest Temple MQ GS First Hallway", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple MQ GS Raised Island Courtyard", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple MQ GS Level Island Courtyard", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple MQ GS Well", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Forest Temple MQ GS Block Push Room", ("GS Token", 0x03, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Forest Temple MQ Freestanding ("Forest Temple MQ Courtyard Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (8,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Courtyard Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (8,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Courtyard Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (8,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Well Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (9,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Well Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (9,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Well Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x03, (9,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Forest Temple MQ Pots ("Forest Temple MQ Center Room Right Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Center Room Right Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Center Room Right Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,14), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Center Room Left Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,11), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Center Room Left Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Center Room Left Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (2,0,15), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Wolfos Room Pot", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Forest Temple MQ Wolfos Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,8), None, 'N/A', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Upper Stalfos Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Upper Stalfos Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Upper Stalfos Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Upper Stalfos Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x03, (6,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Blue Poe Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (13,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Blue Poe Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (13,0,7), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Blue Poe Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (13,0,8), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Green Poe Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (16,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Green Poe Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (16,0,8), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Basement Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x03, (17,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Basement Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x03, (17,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Basement Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x03, (17,0,14), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Basement Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x03, (17,0,15), None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Frozen Eye Switch Room Small Wooden Crate 1", ("SmallCrate", 0x03, (14,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "SmallCrate"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Frozen Eye Switch Room Small Wooden Crate 2", ("SmallCrate", 0x03, (14,0,9), None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "SmallCrate"))), ("Forest Temple MQ Frozen Eye Switch Room Small Wooden Crate 3", ("SmallCrate", 0x03, (14,0,10), None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Forest Temple", "Master Quest", "SmallCrate"))), # Forest Temple shared ("Forest Temple Phantom Ganon Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x14, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Forest Temple", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Fire Temple vanilla ("Fire Temple Near Boss Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Flare Dancer Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x00, None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x0C, None, 'Boss Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Big Lava Room Lower Open Door Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x04, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Big Lava Room Blocked Door Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x02, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Boulder Maze Lower Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x03, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Boulder Maze Side Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x08, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x0A, None, 'Map (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Boulder Maze Shortcut Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x0B, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Boulder Maze Upper Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x06, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Scarecrow Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x0D, None, 'Rupees (200)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x07, None, 'Compass (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Megaton Hammer Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x05, None, 'Megaton Hammer', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple Highest Goron Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x09, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Fire Temple GS Boss Key Loop", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple GS Song of Time Room", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple GS Boulder Maze", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple GS Scarecrow Climb", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple GS Scarecrow Top", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Fire Temple Vanilla Freestanding ("Fire Temple Elevator Room Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (21,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Elevator Room Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (21,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Elevator Room Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (21,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Narrow Path Room Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (6,0,1), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Narrow Path Room Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (6,0,2), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Narrow Path Room Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (6,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Moving Fire Room Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (16,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Moving Fire Room Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (16,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple Moving Fire Room Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (16,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Fire Temple Vanilla Pots ("Fire Temple Big Lava Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (1,0,27), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Big Lava Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (1,0,28), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Big Lava Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x04, (1,0,29), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Near Boss Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (2,0,10), None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Near Boss Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (2,0,11), None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Right Side Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,52), None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Right Side Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,53), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Right Side Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,54), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Right Side Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,55), None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Left Side Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,56), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Left Side Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,57), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Left Side Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,58), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple Flame Maze Left Side Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,59), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), # Fire Temple MQ ("Fire Temple MQ Map Room Side Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x02, None, 'Hylian Shield', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Megaton Hammer Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x00, None, 'Megaton Hammer', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x0C, None, 'Map (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x07, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Big Lava Room Blocked Door Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x04, None, 'Boss Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Lizalfos Maze Side Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x08, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x0B, None, 'Compass (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Lizalfos Maze Upper Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x06, None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Lizalfos Maze Lower Chest", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x03, None, 'Bombs (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x04, 0x1C, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Chest On Fire", ("Chest", 0x04, 0x05, None, 'Small Key (Fire Temple)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Fire Temple MQ GS Big Lava Room Open Door", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple MQ GS Skull On Fire", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple MQ GS Flame Maze Center", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple MQ GS Flame Maze Side Room", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Fire Temple MQ GS Above Flame Maze", ("GS Token", 0x04, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Fire Temple MQ Freestanding ("Fire Temple MQ Elevator Room Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (21,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Elevator Room Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (21,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Elevator Room Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x04, (21,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Fire Temple MQ Pots/Crates ("Fire Temple MQ First Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (0,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ First Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (0,0,11), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Big Lava Room Left Pot", ("Pot", 0x04, (1,0,18), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Big Lava Room Right Pot", ("Pot", 0x04, (1,0,20), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Big Lava Room Alcove Pot", ("Pot", 0x04, (1,0,19), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (2,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (2,0,10), None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Narrow Path Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (6,0,3), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Narrow Path Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (6,0,4), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Narrow Path Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x04, (6,0,2), None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Flame Maze Right Upper Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,48), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Flame Maze Right Upper Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,49), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Flame Maze Right Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,50), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Flame Maze Right Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,51), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Flame Maze Left Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,52), None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Flame Maze Left Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (10,0,53), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (16,0,6), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (16,0,7), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,10), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,12), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,13), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,14), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,9)0x2F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,15)0x35, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 7", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,16)0x36, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Iron Knuckle Room Pot 8", ("Pot", 0x04, (18,0,11)0x31, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Pot", ("Pot", 0x04, (19,0,15), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x04, (19,0,14), None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Upper Maze Small Wooden Crate 1", ("Pot", 0x04, 0x3F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Upper Maze Small Wooden Crate 2", ("Pot", 0x04, 0x3F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Small Wooden Crate 1", ("Pot", 0x04, 0x3F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Small Wooden Crate 2", ("Pot", 0x04, 0x3F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Small Wooden Crate 3", ("Pot", 0x04, 0x3F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Small Wooden Crate 4", ("Pot", 0x04, 0x3F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Small Wooden Crate 5", ("Pot", 0x04, 0x3F, None, 'N/A', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Fire Temple MQ Crates ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Left Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x04, (2,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Left Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x04, (2,0,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Right Lower Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x04, (2,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Right Lower Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x04, (2,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Right Mid Crate", ("Crate", 0x04, (2,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Near Boss Right Upper Crate", ("Crate", 0x04, (2,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shortcut Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x04, (4,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shortcut Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x04, (4,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shortcut Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x04, (4,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shortcut Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x04, (4,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shortcut Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x04, (4,0,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shortcut Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x04, (4,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Lower Lizalfos Maze Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x04, (5,0,28), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Lower Lizalfos Maze Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x04, (5,0,29), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Lower Lizalfos Maze Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x04, (5,0,30), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Upper Lizalfos Maze Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x04, (5,0,25), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Upper Lizalfos Maze Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x04, (5,0,26), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Upper Lizalfos Maze Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x04, (5,0,27), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Right Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x04, (16,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Right Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x04, (16,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Center Crate", ("Crate", 0x04, (16,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Left Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x04, (16,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Fire Temple MQ Shoot Torch On Wall Room Left Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x04, (16,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Fire Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), # Fire Temple shared ("Fire Temple Volvagia Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x15, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Fire Temple", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Water Temple vanilla ("Water Temple Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x09, None, 'Compass (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x02, None, 'Map (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Cracked Wall Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x00, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Torches Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x05, None, 'Boss Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Central Pillar Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x06, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Central Bow Target Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x08, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Longshot Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x07, None, 'Progressive Hookshot', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple River Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x03, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple Dragon Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x0A, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Water Temple GS Behind Gate", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple GS Near Boss Key Chest", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple GS Central Pillar", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple GS Falling Platform Room", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple GS River", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Water Temple Vanilla Freestanding ("Water Temple River Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x05, (21,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Water Temple River Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x05, (21,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Water Temple River Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x05, (21,0,16), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Water Temple River Recovery Heart 4", ("Freestanding", 0x05, (21,0,17), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Water Temple Vanilla Pots ("Water Temple Main Room L2 Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (0,0,24), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Main Room L2 Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (0,0,25), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Behind Gate Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,10), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Behind Gate Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,11), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Behind Gate Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,14), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Behind Gate Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,15), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Near Compass Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (4,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Near Compass Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (4,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Near Compass Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x05, (4,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Like Like Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (6,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Like Like Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (6,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple North Basement Block Puzzle Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (14,0,12), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple North Basement Block Puzzle Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (14,0,13), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Water Temple Boss Key Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, 0x3D, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Water Temple Boss Key Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, 0x3E, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple L1 Torch Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (17,0,8), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple L1 Torch Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (17,0,9), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple River Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (21,0,14), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Water Temple River Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (21,0,15), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Central Bow Target Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (20,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple Central Bow Target Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (20,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), # Water Temple MQ ("Water Temple MQ Longshot Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x00, None, 'Progressive Hookshot', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Water Temple MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x02, None, 'Map (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Water Temple MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x01, None, 'Compass (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x06, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x05, 0x05, None, 'Boss Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x05, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Water Temple)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Water Temple MQ GS Lizalfos Hallway", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple MQ GS Before Upper Water Switch", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple MQ GS River", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple MQ GS Freestanding Key Area", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Water Temple MQ GS Triple Wall Torch", ("GS Token", 0x05, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Water Temple MQ Pots ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,20), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,21), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,26), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x05, (3,0,27), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (4,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (4,0,15), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x05, (4,0,16), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Dark Link Top Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (6,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Dark Link Top Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (6,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Dark Link Lower Pot", ("Pot", 0x05, (6,0,10), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Water Tempe MQ Before Dark Link Lower Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (6,0,11), None, 'N/A', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Water Tempe MQ Before Dark Link Lower Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x05, (6,0,12), None, 'N/A', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Room After Dark Link Pot", ("Pot", 0x05, (7,0,3), None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Water Tempe MQ Room After Dark Link Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (7,0,4), None, 'N/A', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Pot", ("Pot", 0x05, (9,0,16), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (10,0,18), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (10,0,19), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x05, (10,0,20), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dodongo Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (14,0,15), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dodongo Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (14,0,16), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Room Pot", ("Pot", 0x05, (16,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Item Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (16,0,9), None, 'N/A', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ L1 Torch Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (17,0,14), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ L1 Torch Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (17,0,15), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (20,0,18), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (20,0,19), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x05, (20,0,20), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Gate Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x05, (20,0,21), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Gate Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (20,0,22), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Water Temple MQ River Pot", ("Pot", 0x05, (21,0,19), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Water Temple MQ River Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x05, (21,0,20), None, 'N/A', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Water Temple MQ Crates ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Upper Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (1,0,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Upper Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (1,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 7", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 8", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,17), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 9", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,18), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 10", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,19), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 11", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,20), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 12", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,21), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 13", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,22), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Central Pillar Lower Crate 14", ("Crate", 0x05, (2,0,23), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Submerged Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Submerged Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Submerged Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Submerged Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Submerged Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Submerged Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Behind Gate Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Behind Gate Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Triple Wall Torch Behind Gate Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (3,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (4,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (4,0,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (4,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (4,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x05, (4,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x05, (4,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Storage Room Crate 7", ("Crate", 0x05, (4,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue By Torches Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue By Torches Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue Submerged Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue Submerged Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue Submerged Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue Submerged Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue Near Door Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dragon Statue Near Door Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (8,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Upper Crate", ("Crate", 0x05, (9,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Lower Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (9,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Lower Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (9,0,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Lower Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (9,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Boss Key Chest Room Lower Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (9,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Lower Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Lower Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Lower Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Lower Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Lower Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Lower Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Upper Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Before Upper Water Switch Upper Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (10,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Behind Gate Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Behind Gate Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Behind Gate Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Behind Gate Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Front Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Front Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,15), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Submerged Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,16), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Submerged Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,17), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Submerged Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,18), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Submerged Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,19), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Submerged Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,20), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Area Submerged Crate 6", ("Crate", 0x05, (12,0,21), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dodongo Room Lower Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (14,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dodongo Room Lower Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (14,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dodongo Room Lower Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (14,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dodongo Room Upper Crate", ("Crate", 0x05, (14,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Dodongo Room Hall Crate", ("Crate", 0x05, (14,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Room Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (16,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Room Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (16,0,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Room Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (16,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Room Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (16,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Freestanding Key Room Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x05, (16,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Gate Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Gate Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,6), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Room Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,7), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Room Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,8), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Room Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,9), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Room Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,10), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Room Crate 5", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,11), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Hall Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Hall Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Water Temple MQ Lizalfos Hallway Hall Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x05, (20,0,14), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Water Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), # Water Temple shared ("Water Temple Morpha Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x16, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Water Temple", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Shadow Temple vanilla ("Shadow Temple Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x01, None, 'Map (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Hover Boots Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x07, None, 'Hover Boots', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x03, None, 'Compass (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Early Silver Rupee Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x02, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Visible Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0C, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x16, None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Lower Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x05, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Upper Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x06, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x04, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x09, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x07, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Wind Hint Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x15, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple After Wind Enemy Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x08, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple After Wind Hidden Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x14, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Spike Walls Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0A, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0B, None, 'Boss Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple Invisible Floormaster Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0D, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Shadow Temple GS Invisible Blades Room", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple GS Falling Spikes Room", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple GS Single Giant Pot", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple GS Near Ship", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple GS Triple Giant Pot", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), # Shadow Temple Vanilla Freestanding ("Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (16,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (16,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple Before Boat Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple Before Boat Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple After Boat Upper Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple After Boat Upper Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple After Boat Lower Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,20), ([0x280D0D4, 0x280D0E4, 0x280D0F4], None), 'Rupee (1)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,21), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 3", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,22), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 4", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,23), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 5", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,24), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 6", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,25), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 7", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,26), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 8", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,27), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 9", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,28), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), #Shadow Temple Vanilla Pots ("Shadow Temple Whispering Walls Near Dead Hand Pot", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,1), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Whispering Walls Left Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,2), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Whispering Walls Left Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Whispering Walls Left Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,4), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Whispering Walls Front Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,5), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Whispering Walls Front Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Whispering Walls Flying Pot", ("FlyingPot", 0x07, (0,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple Map Chest Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (1,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Map Chest Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (1,0,5), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Lower Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,4), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Lower Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Upper Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Upper Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Spike Walls Pot", ("Pot", 0x07, (13,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Invisible Floormaster Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (17,0,2), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Invisible Floormaster Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (17,0,3), None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple After Wind Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (20,0,3), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple After Wind Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (20,0,4), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple After Wind Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x07, (20,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple After Wind Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x07, (20,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple After Boat Pot", ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,17), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Shadow Temple After Boat Pot 2" ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,18), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Near Boss Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,19), None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple Near Boss Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,20), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), # Shadow Temple MQ ("Shadow Temple MQ Early Gibdos Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x03, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x02, None, 'Map (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Near Ship Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0E, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x01, None, 'Compass (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Hover Boots Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x07, None, 'Hover Boots', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x16, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Visible Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0C, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Beamos Silver Rupees Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0F, None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Lower Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x05, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Upper Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x06, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x04, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Spikes Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x09, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Stalfos Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x10, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Wind Hint Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x15, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Hidden Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x14, None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Enemy Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x08, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0B, None, 'Boss Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Spike Walls Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0A, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x07, 0x06, None, 'Small Key (Shadow Temple)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Bomb Flower Chest", ("Chest", 0x07, 0x0D, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ GS Falling Spikes Room", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ GS Wind Hint Room", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ GS After Wind", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ GS After Ship", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ GS Near Boss", ("GS Token", 0x07, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Shadow Temple MQ Freestanding ("Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (16,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (16,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Before Boat Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Before Boat Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Boat Upper Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Boat Upper Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Boat Lower Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x07, (21,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 1", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,20), ([0x28127b8, 0x28127c8, 0x28127d8], None), 'Rupee (1)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 2", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,21), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 3", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,22), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 4", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,23), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 5", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,24), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 6", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,25), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 7", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,26), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 8", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,27), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ 3 Spinning Pots Rupee 9", ("RupeeTower", 0x07, (12,0,28), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "RupeeTower"))), # Shadow Temple MQ Pots/Crates ("Shadow Temple MQ Whispering Walls Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Whispering Walls Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (0,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Whispering Walls After Time Block Flying Pot 1",("FlyingPot", 0x07, (0,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Whispering Walls After Time Block Flying Pot 2",("FlyingPot", 0x07, (0,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Whispering Walls Before Time Block Flying Pot 1",("FlyingPot", 0x07, (0,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Whispering Walls Before Time Block Flying Pot 2",("FlyingPot", 0x07, (0,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Compass Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (1,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Compass Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (1,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Lower Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Lower Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,5), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Upper Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Upper Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (10,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (20,0,4), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (20,0,5), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x07, (20,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x07, (20,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Boat Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,20), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ After Boat Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,21), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Near Boss Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,22), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Near Boss Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (21,0,23), None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Bomb Flower Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x07, (17,0,2), None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Bomb Flower Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x07, (17,0,3), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Spike Walls Pot", ("Pot", 0x07, (13,0,9), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Truth Spinner Small Wooden Crate 1", ("SmallCrate", 0x07, (2,0,16), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "SmallCrate"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Truth Spinner Small Wooden Crate 2", ("SmallCrate", 0x07, (2,0,17), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "SmallCrate"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Truth Spinner Small Wooden Crate 3", ("SmallCrate", 0x07, (2,0,18), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "SmallCrate"))), ("Shadow Temple MQ Truth Spinner Small Wooden Crate 4", ("SmallCrate", 0x07, (2,0,19), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Shadow Temple", "Master Quest", "SmallCrate"))), # Shadow Temple shared ("Shadow Temple Bongo Bongo Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x18, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Shadow Temple", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Spirit Temple shared # Vanilla and MQ locations are mixed to ensure the positions of Silver Gauntlets/Mirror Shield chests are correct for both versions ("Spirit Temple Child Bridge Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x08, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Child Early Torches Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x00, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Child Climb North Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x06, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Child Climb East Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x0C, None, 'Deku Shield', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x03, None, 'Map (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Sun Block Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x1A, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x1F, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x1B, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x1E, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x00, None, 'Map (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Map Room Enemy Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x08, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb North Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x06, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb South Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x0C, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x03, None, 'Compass (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Silver Block Hallway Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x1C, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x01, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest", ("Chest", 0x5C, 0x0B, None, 'Progressive Strength Upgrade', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Desert Colossus"))), ("Spirit Temple Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x04, None, 'Compass (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Early Adult Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x07, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple First Mirror Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x0D, None, 'Ice Trap', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple First Mirror Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x0E, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Statue Room Northeast Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x0F, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Statue Room Hand Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x02, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Near Four Armos Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x05, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Hallway Right Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x14, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Hallway Left Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x15, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Hammer Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x1D, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Lullaby Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x0F, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x02, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Leever Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x04, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Symphony Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x07, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Beamos Room Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x19, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Chest Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x18, None, 'Ice Trap', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x05, None, 'Boss Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple Mirror Shield Chest", ("Chest", 0x5C, 0x09, None, 'Mirror Shield', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Desert Colossus"))), ("Spirit Temple Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x0A, None, 'Boss Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple Topmost Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x12, None, 'Bombs (20)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Mirror Puzzle Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x06, 0x12, None, 'Small Key (Spirit Temple)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest"))), ("Spirit Temple GS Metal Fence", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple GS Sun on Floor Room", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple GS Hall After Sun Block Room", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple GS Lobby", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple GS Boulder Room", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ GS Sun Block Room", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ GS Leever Room", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ GS Symphony Room", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x08, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ GS Nine Thrones Room West", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ GS Nine Thrones Room North", ("GS Token", 0x06, 0x10, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Spirit Temple Twinrova Heart", ("BossHeart", 0x17, 0x4F, None, 'Heart Container', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Spirit Temple Freestanding ("Spirit Temple Shifting Wall Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x06, (23,0,3), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Spirit Temple Shifting Wall Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x06, (23,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x06, (1,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x06, (1,0,15), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Spirit Temple Vanilla Pots/Crates ("Spirit Temple Lobby Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (0,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Lobby Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (0,0,12), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Lobby Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (0,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Lobby Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (0,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Child Climb Pot", ("Pot", 0x06, (4,0,11), None, 'Deku Seeds (30)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Statue Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, 0x24, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Statue Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, 0x25, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Statue Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x06, 0x26, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Statue Room Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x06, 0x27, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Statue Room Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x06, 0x28, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Statue Room Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x06, 0x29, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Hall After Sun Block Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (9,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Hall After Sun Block Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (9,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Beamos Hall Pot", ("Pot", 0x06, (16,0,6), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Child Anubis Pot", ("Pot", 0x06, (27,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Child Bridge Flying Pot", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (3,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Before Child Climb Small Wooden Crate 1", ("SmallCrate", 0x06, (1,0,10), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "SmallCrate"))), # Overwrite original flag 0x2C because it conflicts w/ Beamos hall pot ("Spirit Temple Before Child Climb Small Wooden Crate 2", ("SmallCrate", 0x06, (1,0,11), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "SmallCrate"))), #("Spirit Temple Child Anubis Pot", ("Pot", 0x07, 0x2F, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Child Anubis Pot", ("Pot", 0x07, 0x2F, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple Child Anubis Pot", ("Pot", 0x07, 0x2F, None, 'Recovery Heart' ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple Central Chamber Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (5,0,21), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Central Chamber Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (5,0,22), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Adult Climb Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (15,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Adult Climb Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (15,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Big Mirror Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (25,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Big Mirror Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (25,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Big Mirror Flying Pot 3", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (25,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Big Mirror Flying Pot 4", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (25,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Big Mirror Flying Pot 5", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (25,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple Big Mirror Flying Pot 6", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, (25,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), # Spirit Temple MQ Pots ("Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (0,0,18), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (0,0,19), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x06, (0,0,20), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Lobby Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x06, (0,0,22), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Torch Slugs Room Pot", ("Pot", 0x06, (1,0,12), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child 3 Gibdo Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (2,0,13), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child 3 Gibdo Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (2,0,14), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (27,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (27,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x06, (27,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple MQ Child Stalfos Fight Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x06, (27,0,13), None, 'N/A', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb Pot", ("Pot", 0x06, (4,0,13), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Flying Pot 1", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, 0x25, None, 'N/A', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), #("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Flying Pot 2", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, 0x28, None, 'N/A', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), #("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Flying Pot 3", ("FlyingPot", 0x06, 0x36, None, 'N/A', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "FlyingPot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Floor Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (5,0,31), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Floor Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (5,0,35), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Floor Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x06, (5,0,36), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Top Left Pot (Left)", ("Pot", 0x06, (5,0,34), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Top Left Pot (Right)", ("Pot", 0x06, (5,0,33), None, 'Arrows (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (8,0,23), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (8,0,25), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Below 4 Wallmasters Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (15,0,15), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Below 4 Wallmasters Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (15,0,16), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Shifting Wall Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (23,0,16), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Shifting Wall Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (23,0,17), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ After Shifting Wall Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (24,0,4), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ After Shifting Wall Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (24,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x06, (25,0,10), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x06, (25,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x06, (25,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x06, (25,0,13), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Spirit Temple MQ Crates ("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x06, (5,0,12), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Central Chamber Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x06, (5,0,13), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 1", ("Crate", 0x06, (25,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 2", ("Crate", 0x06, (25,0,3), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 3", ("Crate", 0x06, (25,0,4), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), ("Spirit Temple MQ Big Mirror Crate 4", ("Crate", 0x06, (25,0,5), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Spirit Temple", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), # Ice Cavern vanilla ("Ice Cavern Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x09, 0x00, None, 'Map (Ice Cavern)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Ice Cavern Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x09, 0x01, None, 'Compass (Ice Cavern)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Ice Cavern Iron Boots Chest", ("Chest", 0x09, 0x02, None, 'Iron Boots', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla"))), ("Ice Cavern GS Spinning Scythe Room", ("GS Token", 0x09, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Ice Cavern GS Heart Piece Room", ("GS Token", 0x09, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Ice Cavern GS Push Block Room", ("GS Token", 0x09, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Skulltulas"))), ("Ice Cavern Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x09, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla"))), # Ice Cavern Vanilla Freestanding ("Ice Cavern Frozen Blue Rupee", ("Freestanding", 0x09, (1,0,1), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Ice Cavern Map Room Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x09, (9,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla","Freestanding"))), ("Ice Cavern Map Room Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x09, (9,0,8), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla","Freestanding"))), ("Ice Cavern Map Room Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x09, (9,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla","Freestanding"))), ("Ice Cavern Block Room Red Rupee 1", ("Freestanding", 0x09, (5,0,1), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla","Freestanding"))), ("Ice Cavern Block Room Red Rupee 2", ("Freestanding", 0x09, (5,0,2), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla","Freestanding"))), ("Ice Cavern Block Room Red Rupee 3", ("Freestanding", 0x09, (5,0,3), None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla","Freestanding"))), # Ice Cavern Vanilla Pots ("Ice Cavern Hall Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x09, (2,0,1), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern Hall Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x09, (2,0,2), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern Spinning Blade Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x09, (3,0,9), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern Spinning Blade Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x09, (3,0,10), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern Spinning Blade Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x09, (3,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern Spinning Blade Flying Pot", ("FlyingPot", 0x09, (3,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "FlyingPot"))), ("Ice Cavern Near End Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x09, (6,0,1), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern Near End Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x09, (6,0,2), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern Frozen Pot", ("Pot", 0x09, (9,0,10), None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Ice Cavern", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), # Ice Cavern MQ ("Ice Cavern MQ Map Chest", ("Chest", 0x09, 0x01, None, 'Map (Ice Cavern)', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Compass Chest", ("Chest", 0x09, 0x00, None, 'Compass (Ice Cavern)', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Freestanding PoH", ("Collectable", 0x09, 0x01, None, 'Piece of Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Iron Boots Chest", ("Chest", 0x09, 0x02, None, 'Iron Boots', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ GS Red Ice", ("GS Token", 0x09, 0x02, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ GS Ice Block", ("GS Token", 0x09, 0x04, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ GS Scarecrow", ("GS Token", 0x09, 0x01, None, 'Gold Skulltula Token', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Skulltulas"))), # Ice Cavern MQ Pots ("Ice Cavern MQ First Hall Pot", ("Pot", 0x09, (0,0,4), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Tektite Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x09, (1,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Tektite Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x09, (1,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Center Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x09, (3,0,14), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Center Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x09, (3,0,16), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Ice Cavern MQ Center Room Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x09, (3,0,13), None, 'N/A', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Ice Cavern MQ Center Room Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x09, (3,0,19), None, 'N/A', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Near End Pot", ("Pot", 0x09, (6,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), #("Ice Cavern MQ Near End Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x09, (6,0,6), None, 'N/A', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Compass Room Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x09, (9,0,11), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ice Cavern MQ Compass Room Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x09, (9,0,12), None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Ice Cavern", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Gerudo Training Ground vanilla ("Gerudo Training Ground Lobby Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x13, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Lobby Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x07, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Stalfos Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x00, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Before Heavy Block Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x11, None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block First Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0F, None, 'Rupees (200)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Second Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0E, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Third Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x14, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Fourth Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x02, None, 'Ice Trap', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Eye Statue Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x03, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Near Scarecrow Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x04, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Hammer Room Clear Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x12, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Hammer Room Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x10, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x0B, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Maze Right Central Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x05, None, 'Bombchus (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Maze Right Side Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x08, None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0D, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Beamos Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Hidden Ceiling Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0B, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path First Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x06, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Second Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0A, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Third Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x09, None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Final Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0C, None, 'Ice Arrows', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla"))), # Gerudo Training Ground Vanilla Freestanding ("Gerudo Training Ground Beamos Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x0B, (7,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground Beamos Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x0B, (7,0,12), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Gerudo Training Ground MQ ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x13, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x07, None, 'Bombchus (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ First Iron Knuckle Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x00, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Before Heavy Block Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x11, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Heavy Block Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x02, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Eye Statue Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x03, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Ice Arrows Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x04, None, 'Ice Arrows', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Second Iron Knuckle Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x12, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Flame Circle Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0E, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Right Central Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x05, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Right Side Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x08, None, 'Rupee (Treasure Chest Game)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Underwater Silver Rupee Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0D, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Dinolfos Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Gerudo Training Ground)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Hidden Ceiling Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0B, None, 'Rupees (50)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path First Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x06, None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path Third Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x09, None, 'Rupee (Treasure Chest Game)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Path Second Chest", ("Chest", 0x0B, 0x0A, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest"))), # Gerudo Training Ground MQ Pots/Crates ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Left Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0B, (0,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Left Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0B, (0,0,7), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Right Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0B, (0,0,8), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Lobby Right Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0B, (0,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Gerudo Training Ground MQ Maze Crate", ("Crate", 0x0B, (8,0,2), None, 'Rupee (1)', ("Gerudo Training Ground", "Master Quest", "Crate"))), # Ganon's Castle vanilla ("Ganons Castle Forest Trial Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x09, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Water Trial Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x07, None, 'Ice Trap', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Water Trial Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x06, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Front Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x08, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Golden Gauntlets Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x05, None, 'Progressive Strength Upgrade', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial First Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x0C, None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x0B, None, 'Ice Trap', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x0D, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial First Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x0E, None, 'Ice Trap', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x0A, None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x0F, None, 'Ice Trap', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Invisible Enemies Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x10, None, 'Small Key (Ganons Castle)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Lullaby Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x11, None, 'Small Key (Ganons Castle)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Crystal Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x12, None, 'Bombchus (20)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x14, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla"))), ("Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Left", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x3A, None, 'Buy Green Potion', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Center-Left", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x37, None, 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Center-Right", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x33, None, 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Right", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x39, None, 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Deku Scrub"))), # Ganons Castle Vanilla Freestanding ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (12,0,9), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (12,0,11), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Recovery Heart 3", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (12,0,13), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Ganons Castle Fire Trial Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (14,0,20), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), ("Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (17,0,28), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Freestanding"))), # Ganons Castle Vanilla Pots ("Ganons Castle Water Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (4,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Water Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (4,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Forest Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (7,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Forest Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (7,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Boulder Pot", ("Pot", 0x0D, (8,0,11), None, 'Arrows (30)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (11,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Light Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (11,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Like Like Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (12,0,15), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Like Like Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (12,0,16), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (13,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (13,0,6), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Fire Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (15,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Fire Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (15,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (19,0,5), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (19,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Vanilla", "Pot"))), # Ganon's Castle MQ ("Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Freestanding Key", ("Collectable", 0x0D, 0x01, None, 'Small Key (Ganons Castle)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Eye Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x02, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Frozen Eye Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x03, None, 'Bombs (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Water Trial Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x01, None, 'Rupees (20)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Shadow Trial Bomb Flower Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x00, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Shadow Trial Eye Switch Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x05, None, 'Small Key (Ganons Castle)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Light Trial Lullaby Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x04, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial First Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x0A, None, 'Bombchus (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Invisible Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x14, None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Sun Front Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x09, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Sun Back Left Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x08, None, 'Small Key (Ganons Castle)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Sun Back Right Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x07, None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Golden Gauntlets Chest", ("Chest", 0x0D, 0x06, None, 'Progressive Strength Upgrade', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Left", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x3A, None, 'Buy Green Potion', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Center-Left", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x37, None, 'Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Center", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x33, None, 'Buy Arrows (30)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Center-Right", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x39, None, 'Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Deku Scrub Right", ("Scrub", 0x0D, 0x30, None, 'Buy Deku Nut (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Deku Scrub"))), # Ganon's Castle MQ Freestanding ("Ganons Castle MQ Water Trial Recovery Heart", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (2,0,30), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Light Trial Recovery Heart 1", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (8,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Light Trial Recovery Heart 2", ("Freestanding", 0x0D, (8,0,7), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Freestanding"))), # Ganon's Castle MQ Pots ("Ganons Castle MQ Water Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (4,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Water Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (4,0,6), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (7,0,5), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Forest Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (7,0,6), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Light Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (11,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Light Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (11,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Shadow Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (13,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Shadow Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (13,0,6), None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Fire Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (15,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Fire Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (15,0,6), None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0D, (19,0,5), None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Castle MQ Spirit Trial Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0D, (19,0,6), None, 'Deku Nuts (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), # Ganon's Castle shared ("Ganons Tower Boss Key Chest", ("Chest", 0x0A, 0x0B, None, 'Boss Key (Ganons Castle)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest"))), # Ganon's Tower Pots ("Ganons Tower Pot 1", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,2),(0,0,48)], None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 2", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,3),(0,0,49)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 3", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,4),(0,0,50)], None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 4", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,5),(0,0,51)], None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 5", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,6),(0,0,52)], None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 6", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,7),(0,0,53)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 7", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,8),(0,0,54)], None, 'Rupees (5)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 8", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,9),(0,0,56)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 9", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,12),(0,0,58)], None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 10", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,13),(0,0,59)], None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 11", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,14),(0,0,60)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 12", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,15),(0,0,61)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 13", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,16),(0,0,62)], None, 'Recovery Heart', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ("Ganons Tower Pot 14", ("Pot", 0x0A, [(8,0,19),(0,0,65)], None, 'Arrows (10)', ("Ganon's Castle", "Ganon's Tower", "Vanilla", "Master Quest", "Pot"))), ## Events and Drops ("Pierre", ("Event", None, None, None, 'Scarecrow Song', None)), ("Deliver Rutos Letter", ("Event", None, None, None, 'Deliver Letter', None)), ("Master Sword Pedestal", ("Event", None, None, None, 'Time Travel', None)), ("Deku Baba Sticks", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Deku Stick Drop', None)), ("Deku Baba Nuts", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Deku Nut Drop', None)), ("Stick Pot", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Deku Stick Drop', None)), ("Nut Pot", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Deku Nut Drop', None)), ("Nut Crate", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Deku Nut Drop', None)), ("Blue Fire", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Blue Fire', None)), ("Lone Fish", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fish', None)), ("Fish Group", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fish', None)), ("Bug Rock", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Bugs', None)), ("Bug Shrub", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Bugs', None)), ("Wandering Bugs", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Bugs', None)), ("Fairy Pot", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fairy', None)), ("Free Fairies", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fairy', None)), ("Wall Fairy", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fairy', None)), ("Butterfly Fairy", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fairy', None)), ("Gossip Stone Fairy", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fairy', None)), ("Bean Plant Fairy", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fairy', None)), ("Fairy Pond", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Fairy', None)), ("Big Poe Kill", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Big Poe', None)), ("Deku Shield Pot", ("Drop", None, None, None, 'Deku Shield Drop', None)), ## Hints # These are not actual locations, but are filler spots used for hint reachability. # Hint location types must start with 'Hint'. ("DMC Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("DMT Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("Colossus Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("Dodongos Cavern Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("GV Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("GC Maze Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("GC Medigoron Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("Graveyard Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("HC Malon Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("HC Rock Wall Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("HC Storms Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("HF Cow Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("KF Deku Tree Gossip Stone (Left)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("KF Deku Tree Gossip Stone (Right)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("KF Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("LH Lab Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("LH Gossip Stone (Southeast)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("LH Gossip Stone (Southwest)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("LW Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("SFM Maze Gossip Stone (Lower)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("SFM Maze Gossip Stone (Upper)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("SFM Saria Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ToT Gossip Stone (Left)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ToT Gossip Stone (Left-Center)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ToT Gossip Stone (Right)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ToT Gossip Stone (Right-Center)", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ZD Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ZF Fairy Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ZF Jabu Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ZR Near Grottos Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ZR Near Domain Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("HF Near Market Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("HF Southeast Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("HF Open Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("Kak Open Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ZR Open Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("KF Storms Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("LW Near Shortcuts Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("DMT Storms Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("DMC Upper Grotto Gossip Stone", ("HintStone", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ToT Child Altar Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("ToT Adult Altar Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("Dampe Diary Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("10 Skulltulas Reward Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("20 Skulltulas Reward Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("30 Skulltulas Reward Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("40 Skulltulas Reward Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("50 Skulltulas Reward Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ("Ganondorf Hint", ("Hint", None, None, None, None, None)), ]) location_sort_order = { loc: i for i, loc in enumerate(location_table.keys()) } # Business Scrub Details business_scrubs = [ # id price text text replacement (0x30, 20, 0x10A0, ["Deku Nuts", "a \x05\x42mysterious item\x05\x40"]), (0x31, 15, 0x10A1, ["Deku Sticks", "a \x05\x42mysterious item\x05\x40"]), (0x3E, 10, 0x10A2, ["Piece of Heart", "\x05\x42mysterious item\x05\x40"]), (0x33, 40, 0x10CA, ["\x05\x41Deku Seeds", "a \x05\x42mysterious item"]), (0x34, 50, 0x10CB, ["\x41Deku Shield", "\x42mysterious item"]), (0x37, 40, 0x10CC, ["\x05\x41Bombs", "a \x05\x42mysterious item"]), (0x38, 00, 0x10CD, ["\x05\x41Arrows", "a \x05\x42mysterious item"]), # unused (0x39, 40, 0x10CE, ["\x05\x41Red Potion", "\x05\x42mysterious item"]), (0x3A, 40, 0x10CF, ["Green Potion", "mysterious item"]), (0x77, 40, 0x10DC, ["enable you to pick up more\x01\x05\x41Deku Sticks", "sell you a \x05\x42mysterious item"]), (0x79, 40, 0x10DD, ["enable you to pick up more \x05\x41Deku\x01Nuts", "sell you a \x05\x42mysterious item"]), ] dungeons = ('Deku Tree', 'Dodongo\'s Cavern', 'Jabu Jabu\'s Belly', 'Forest Temple', 'Fire Temple', 'Water Temple', 'Spirit Temple', 'Shadow Temple', 'Ice Cavern', 'Bottom of the Well', 'Gerudo Training Ground', 'Ganon\'s Castle') location_groups = { 'Song': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] == 'Song'], 'Chest': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] == 'Chest'], 'Collectable': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] in ['Collectable']], 'Boss': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] == 'Boss'], 'ActorOverride': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] == 'ActorOverride'], 'BossHeart': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] == 'BossHeart'], 'CollectableLike': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] in ('Collectable', 'BossHeart', 'GS Token')], 'CanSee': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[0] in ('Collectable', 'BossHeart', 'GS Token', 'Shop', 'Freestanding', 'ActorOverride', 'RupeeTower', 'Pot', 'Crate', 'FlyingPot', 'SmallCrate', 'Beehive') # Treasure Box Shop, Bombchu Bowling, Hyrule Field (OoT), Lake Hylia (RL/FA) or data[0:2] in [('Chest', 0x10), ('NPC', 0x4B), ('NPC', 0x51), ('NPC', 0x57)]], 'Dungeon': [name for (name, data) in location_table.items() if data[5] is not None and any(dungeon in data[5] for dungeon in dungeons)], } def location_is_viewable(loc_name, correct_chest_appearances, fast_chests): return (((correct_chest_appearances in ['textures', 'both', 'classic'] or not fast_chests) and loc_name in location_groups['Chest']) or loc_name in location_groups['CanSee']) # relevant for both dungeon item fill and song fill dungeon_song_locations = [ "Deku Tree Queen Gohma Heart", "Dodongos Cavern King Dodongo Heart", "Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Heart", "Forest Temple Phantom Ganon Heart", "Fire Temple Volvagia Heart", "Water Temple Morpha Heart", "Shadow Temple Bongo Bongo Heart", "Spirit Temple Twinrova Heart", "Song from Impa", "Sheik in Ice Cavern", # only one exists "Bottom of the Well Lens of Truth Chest", "Bottom of the Well MQ Lens of Truth Chest", # only one exists "Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Final Chest", "Gerudo Training Ground MQ Ice Arrows Chest", ] # Function to run exactly once after after placing items in drop locations for each world # Sets all Drop locations to a unique name in order to avoid name issues and to identify locations in the spoiler # Also cause them to not be shown in the list of locations, only in playthrough def set_drop_location_names(ootworld): for region in ootworld.regions: for location in region.locations: if location.type == 'Drop': = + " " + location.show_in_spoiler = False