from BaseClasses import Item from .data import iname from .locations import base_id, get_location_info from .options import DraculasCondition, SpareKeys from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Union if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import CV64World import math class CV64Item(Item): game: str = "Castlevania 64" # # # KEY # # # # "code" = The unique part of the Item's AP code attribute, as well as the value to call the in-game "prepare item # textbox" function with to give the Item in-game. Add this + base_id to get the actual AP code. # "default classification" = The AP Item Classification that gets assigned to instances of that Item in create_item # by default, unless I deliberately override it (as is the case for some Special1s). # "inventory offset" = What offset from the start of the in-game inventory array (beginning at 0x80389C4B) stores the # current count for that Item. Used for start inventory purposes. # "pickup actor id" = The ID for the Item's in-game Item pickup actor. If it's not in the Item's data dict, it's the # same as the Item's code. This is what gets written in the ROM to replace non-NPC/shop items. # "sub equip id" = For sub-weapons specifically, this is the number to put in the game's "current sub-weapon" value to # indicate the player currently having that weapon. Used for start inventory purposes. item_info = { # White jewel iname.red_jewel_s: {"code": 0x02, "default classification": "filler"}, iname.red_jewel_l: {"code": 0x03, "default classification": "filler"}, iname.special_one: {"code": 0x04, "default classification": "progression_skip_balancing", "inventory offset": 0}, iname.special_two: {"code": 0x05, "default classification": "progression_skip_balancing", "inventory offset": 1}, iname.roast_chicken: {"code": 0x06, "default classification": "filler", "inventory offset": 2}, iname.roast_beef: {"code": 0x07, "default classification": "filler", "inventory offset": 3}, iname.healing_kit: {"code": 0x08, "default classification": "useful", "inventory offset": 4}, iname.purifying: {"code": 0x09, "default classification": "filler", "inventory offset": 5}, iname.cure_ampoule: {"code": 0x0A, "default classification": "filler", "inventory offset": 6}, # pot-pourri iname.powerup: {"code": 0x0C, "default classification": "filler"}, iname.permaup: {"code": 0x10C, "default classification": "useful", "pickup actor id": 0x0C, "inventory offset": 8}, iname.knife: {"code": 0x0D, "default classification": "filler", "pickup actor id": 0x10, "sub equip id": 1}, iname.holy_water: {"code": 0x0E, "default classification": "filler", "pickup actor id": 0x0D, "sub equip id": 2}, iname.cross: {"code": 0x0F, "default classification": "filler", "pickup actor id": 0x0E, "sub equip id": 3}, iname.axe: {"code": 0x10, "default classification": "filler", "pickup actor id": 0x0F, "sub equip id": 4}, # Wooden stake (AP item) iname.ice_trap: {"code": 0x12, "default classification": "trap"}, # The contract # engagement ring iname.magical_nitro: {"code": 0x15, "default classification": "progression", "inventory offset": 17}, iname.mandragora: {"code": 0x16, "default classification": "progression", "inventory offset": 18}, iname.sun_card: {"code": 0x17, "default classification": "filler", "inventory offset": 19}, iname.moon_card: {"code": 0x18, "default classification": "filler", "inventory offset": 20}, # Incandescent gaze iname.archives_key: {"code": 0x1A, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x1D, "inventory offset": 22}, iname.left_tower_key: {"code": 0x1B, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x1E, "inventory offset": 23}, iname.storeroom_key: {"code": 0x1C, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x1F, "inventory offset": 24}, iname.garden_key: {"code": 0x1D, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x20, "inventory offset": 25}, iname.copper_key: {"code": 0x1E, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x21, "inventory offset": 26}, iname.chamber_key: {"code": 0x1F, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x22, "inventory offset": 27}, iname.execution_key: {"code": 0x20, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x23, "inventory offset": 28}, iname.science_key1: {"code": 0x21, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x24, "inventory offset": 29}, iname.science_key2: {"code": 0x22, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x25, "inventory offset": 30}, iname.science_key3: {"code": 0x23, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x26, "inventory offset": 31}, iname.clocktower_key1: {"code": 0x24, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x27, "inventory offset": 32}, iname.clocktower_key2: {"code": 0x25, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x28, "inventory offset": 33}, iname.clocktower_key3: {"code": 0x26, "default classification": "progression", "pickup actor id": 0x29, "inventory offset": 34}, iname.five_hundred_gold: {"code": 0x27, "default classification": "filler", "pickup actor id": 0x1A}, iname.three_hundred_gold: {"code": 0x28, "default classification": "filler", "pickup actor id": 0x1B}, iname.one_hundred_gold: {"code": 0x29, "default classification": "filler", "pickup actor id": 0x1C}, iname.crystal: {"default classification": "progression"}, iname.trophy: {"default classification": "progression"}, iname.victory: {"default classification": "progression"} } filler_item_names = [iname.red_jewel_s, iname.red_jewel_l, iname.five_hundred_gold, iname.three_hundred_gold, iname.one_hundred_gold] def get_item_info(item: str, info: str) -> Union[str, int, None]: return item_info[item].get(info, None) def get_item_names_to_ids() -> Dict[str, int]: return {name: get_item_info(name, "code")+base_id for name in item_info if get_item_info(name, "code") is not None} def get_item_counts(world: "CV64World") -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]: active_locations = world.multiworld.get_unfilled_locations(world.player) item_counts = { "progression": {}, "progression_skip_balancing": {}, "useful": {}, "filler": {}, "trap": {} } total_items = 0 extras_count = 0 # Get from each location its vanilla item and add it to the default item counts. for loc in active_locations: if loc.address is None: continue if world.options.hard_item_pool and get_location_info(, "hard item") is not None: item_to_add = get_location_info(, "hard item") else: item_to_add = get_location_info(, "normal item") classification = get_item_info(item_to_add, "default classification") if item_to_add not in item_counts[classification]: item_counts[classification][item_to_add] = 1 else: item_counts[classification][item_to_add] += 1 total_items += 1 # Replace all but 2 PowerUps with junk if Permanent PowerUps is on and mark those two PowerUps as Useful. if world.options.permanent_powerups: for i in range(item_counts["filler"][iname.powerup] - 2): item_counts["filler"][world.get_filler_item_name()] += 1 del(item_counts["filler"][iname.powerup]) item_counts["useful"][iname.permaup] = 2 # Add the total Special1s. item_counts["progression_skip_balancing"][iname.special_one] = world.options.total_special1s.value extras_count += world.options.total_special1s.value # Add the total Special2s if Dracula's Condition is Special2s. if world.options.draculas_condition == DraculasCondition.option_specials: item_counts["progression_skip_balancing"][iname.special_two] = world.options.total_special2s.value extras_count += world.options.total_special2s.value # Determine the extra key counts if applicable. Doing this before moving Special1s will ensure only the keys and # bomb components are affected by this. for key in item_counts["progression"]: spare_keys = 0 if world.options.spare_keys == SpareKeys.option_on: spare_keys = item_counts["progression"][key] elif world.options.spare_keys == SpareKeys.option_chance: if item_counts["progression"][key] > 0: for i in range(item_counts["progression"][key]): spare_keys += world.random.randint(0, 1) item_counts["progression"][key] += spare_keys extras_count += spare_keys # Move the total number of Special1s needed to warp everywhere to normal progression balancing if S1s per warp is # 3 or lower. if world.s1s_per_warp <= 3: item_counts["progression_skip_balancing"][iname.special_one] -= world.s1s_per_warp * 7 item_counts["progression"][iname.special_one] = world.s1s_per_warp * 7 # Determine the total amounts of replaceable filler and non-filler junk. total_filler_junk = 0 total_non_filler_junk = 0 for junk in item_counts["filler"]: if junk in filler_item_names: total_filler_junk += item_counts["filler"][junk] else: total_non_filler_junk += item_counts["filler"][junk] # Subtract from the filler counts total number of "extra" items we've added. get_filler_item_name() filler will be # subtracted from first until we run out of that, at which point we'll start subtracting from the rest. At this # moment, non-filler item name filler cannot run out no matter the settings, so I haven't bothered adding handling # for when it does yet. available_filler_junk = filler_item_names.copy() for i in range(extras_count): if total_filler_junk > 0: total_filler_junk -= 1 item_to_subtract = world.random.choice(available_filler_junk) else: total_non_filler_junk -= 1 item_to_subtract = world.random.choice(list(item_counts["filler"].keys())) item_counts["filler"][item_to_subtract] -= 1 if item_counts["filler"][item_to_subtract] == 0: del(item_counts["filler"][item_to_subtract]) if item_to_subtract in available_filler_junk: available_filler_junk.remove(item_to_subtract) # Determine the Ice Trap count by taking a certain % of the total filler remaining at this point. item_counts["trap"][iname.ice_trap] = math.floor((total_filler_junk + total_non_filler_junk) * (world.options.ice_trap_percentage.value / 100.0)) for i in range(item_counts["trap"][iname.ice_trap]): # Subtract the remaining filler after determining the ice trap count. item_to_subtract = world.random.choice(list(item_counts["filler"].keys())) item_counts["filler"][item_to_subtract] -= 1 if item_counts["filler"][item_to_subtract] == 0: del (item_counts["filler"][item_to_subtract]) return item_counts