from typing import List, Dict, Any from BaseClasses import Region, Tutorial from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World from .Items import CliqueItem, item_data_table, item_table from .Locations import CliqueLocation, location_data_table, location_table, locked_locations from .Options import CliqueOptions from .Regions import region_data_table from .Rules import get_button_rule class CliqueWebWorld(WebWorld): theme = "partyTime" setup_en = Tutorial( tutorial_name="Start Guide", description="A guide to playing Clique.", language="English", file_name="", link="guide/en", authors=["Phar"] ) setup_de = Tutorial( tutorial_name="Anleitung zum Anfangen", description="Eine Anleitung um Clique zu spielen.", language="Deutsch", file_name="", link="guide/de", authors=["Held_der_Zeit"] ) tutorials = [setup_en, setup_de] class CliqueWorld(World): """The greatest game of all time.""" game = "Clique" web = CliqueWebWorld() options: CliqueOptions options_dataclass = CliqueOptions location_name_to_id = location_table item_name_to_id = item_table def create_item(self, name: str) -> CliqueItem: return CliqueItem(name, item_data_table[name].type, item_data_table[name].code, self.player) def create_items(self) -> None: item_pool: List[CliqueItem] = [] for name, item in item_data_table.items(): if item.code and item.can_create(self): item_pool.append(self.create_item(name)) self.multiworld.itempool += item_pool def create_regions(self) -> None: # Create regions. for region_name in region_data_table.keys(): region = Region(region_name, self.player, self.multiworld) self.multiworld.regions.append(region) # Create locations. for region_name, region_data in region_data_table.items(): region = self.get_region(region_name) region.add_locations({ location_name: location_data.address for location_name, location_data in location_data_table.items() if location_data.region == region_name and location_data.can_create(self) }, CliqueLocation) region.add_exits(region_data_table[region_name].connecting_regions) # Place locked locations. for location_name, location_data in locked_locations.items(): # Ignore locations we never created. if not location_data.can_create(self): continue locked_item = self.create_item(location_data_table[location_name].locked_item) self.get_location(location_name).place_locked_item(locked_item) # Set priority location for the Big Red Button! self.options.priority_locations.value.add("The Big Red Button") def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return "A Cool Filler Item (No Satisfaction Guaranteed)" def set_rules(self) -> None: button_rule = get_button_rule(self) self.get_location("The Big Red Button").access_rule = button_rule self.get_location("In the Player's Mind").access_rule = button_rule # Do not allow button activations on buttons. self.get_location("The Big Red Button").item_rule = lambda item: != "Button Activation" # Completion condition. self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("The Urge to Push", self.player) def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "color": self.options.color.current_key }