import typing from BaseClasses import Item, Tutorial, ItemClassification, Region, MultiWorld, CollectionState from Fill import fill_restrictive, FillError from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World from .Items import OSRSItem, starting_area_dict, chunksanity_starting_chunks, QP_Items, ItemRow, \ chunksanity_special_region_names from .Locations import OSRSLocation, LocationRow from .Rules import * from .Options import OSRSOptions, StartingArea from .Names import LocationNames, ItemNames, RegionNames from .LogicCSV.LogicCSVToPython import data_csv_tag from .LogicCSV.items_generated import item_rows from .LogicCSV.locations_generated import location_rows from .LogicCSV.regions_generated import region_rows from .LogicCSV.resources_generated import resource_rows from .Regions import RegionRow, ResourceRow class OSRSWeb(WebWorld): theme = "stone" setup_en = Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up the Old School Runescape Randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld", "English", "docs/", "setup/en", ["digiholic"] ) tutorials = [setup_en] class OSRSWorld(World): """ The best retro fantasy MMORPG on the planet. Old School is RuneScape but… older! This is the open world you know and love, but as it was in 2007. The Randomizer takes the form of a Chunk-Restricted f2p Ironman that takes a brand new account up through defeating the Green Dragon of Crandor and earning a spot in the fabled Champion's Guild! """ game = "Old School Runescape" options_dataclass = OSRSOptions options: OSRSOptions topology_present = True web = OSRSWeb() base_id = 0x070000 data_version = 1 explicit_indirect_conditions = False item_name_to_id = {item_rows[i].name: 0x070000 + i for i in range(len(item_rows))} location_name_to_id = {location_rows[i].name: 0x070000 + i for i in range(len(location_rows))} region_name_to_data: typing.Dict[str, Region] location_name_to_data: typing.Dict[str, OSRSLocation] location_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, LocationRow] region_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, RegionRow] resource_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, ResourceRow] item_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, ItemRow] starting_area_item: str locations_by_category: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[LocationRow]] available_QP_locations: typing.List[str] def __init__(self, multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int): super().__init__(multiworld, player) self.region_name_to_data = {} self.location_name_to_data = {} self.location_rows_by_name = {} self.region_rows_by_name = {} self.resource_rows_by_name = {} self.item_rows_by_name = {} self.starting_area_item = "" self.locations_by_category = {} self.available_QP_locations = [] def generate_early(self) -> None: location_categories = [location_row.category for location_row in location_rows] self.locations_by_category = {category: [location_row for location_row in location_rows if location_row.category == category] for category in location_categories} self.location_rows_by_name = { loc_row for loc_row in location_rows} self.region_rows_by_name = { reg_row for reg_row in region_rows} self.resource_rows_by_name = { rec_row for rec_row in resource_rows} self.item_rows_by_name = { it_row for it_row in item_rows} rnd = self.random starting_area = self.options.starting_area #UT specific override, if we are in normal gen, resolve starting area, we will get it from slot_data in UT if not hasattr(self.multiworld, "generation_is_fake"): if starting_area.value == StartingArea.option_any_bank: self.starting_area_item = rnd.choice(starting_area_dict) elif starting_area.value < StartingArea.option_chunksanity: self.starting_area_item = starting_area_dict[starting_area.value] else: self.starting_area_item = rnd.choice(chunksanity_starting_chunks) # Set Starting Chunk self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item(self.starting_area_item)) """ This function pulls from LogicCSVToPython so that it sends the correct tag of the repository to the client. _Make sure to update that value whenever the CSVs change!_ """ def fill_slot_data(self): data = self.options.as_dict("brutal_grinds") data["data_csv_tag"] = data_csv_tag data["starting_area"] = str(self.starting_area_item) #these aren't actually strings, they just play them on tv return data def interpret_slot_data(self, slot_data: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: if "starting_area" in slot_data: self.starting_area_item = slot_data["starting_area"] menu_region = self.multiworld.get_region("Menu",self.player) menu_region.exits.clear() #prevent making extra exits if players just reconnect to a differnet slot if self.starting_area_item in chunksanity_special_region_names: starting_area_region = chunksanity_special_region_names[self.starting_area_item] else: starting_area_region = self.starting_area_item[6:] # len("Area: ") starting_entrance = menu_region.create_exit(f"Start->{starting_area_region}") starting_entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(self.starting_area_item, self.player) starting_entrance.connect(self.region_name_to_data[starting_area_region]) def create_regions(self) -> None: """ called to place player's regions into the MultiWorld's regions list. If it's hard to separate, this can be done during generate_early or basic as well. """ # First, create the "Menu" region to start menu_region = self.create_region("Menu") for region_row in region_rows: self.create_region( for resource_row in resource_rows: self.create_region( # Removes the word "Area: " from the item name to get the region it applies to. # I figured tacking "Area: " at the beginning would make it _easier_ to tell apart. Turns out it made it worse # if area hasn't been set, then we shouldn't connect it if self.starting_area_item != "": if self.starting_area_item in chunksanity_special_region_names: starting_area_region = chunksanity_special_region_names[self.starting_area_item] else: starting_area_region = self.starting_area_item[6:] # len("Area: ") starting_entrance = menu_region.create_exit(f"Start->{starting_area_region}") starting_entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(self.starting_area_item, self.player) starting_entrance.connect(self.region_name_to_data[starting_area_region]) # Create entrances between regions for region_row in region_rows: region = self.region_name_to_data[] for outbound_region_name in region_row.connections: parsed_outbound = outbound_region_name.replace('*', '') entrance = region.create_exit(f"{}->{parsed_outbound}") entrance.connect(self.region_name_to_data[parsed_outbound]) item_name = self.region_rows_by_name[parsed_outbound].itemReq entrance.access_rule = lambda state, item_name=item_name.replace("*",""): state.has(item_name, self.player) generate_special_rules_for(entrance, region_row, outbound_region_name, self.player, self.options) for resource_region in region_row.resources: if not resource_region: continue entrance = region.create_exit(f"{}->{resource_region.replace('*', '')}") if "*" not in resource_region: entrance.connect(self.region_name_to_data[resource_region]) else: entrance.connect(self.region_name_to_data[resource_region.replace('*', '')]) generate_special_rules_for(entrance, region_row, resource_region, self.player, self.options) self.roll_locations() def task_within_skill_levels(self, skills_required): # Loop through each required skill. If any of its requirements are out of the defined limit, return false for skill in skills_required: max_level_for_skill = getattr(self.options, f"max_{skill.skill.lower()}_level") if skill.level > max_level_for_skill: return False return True def roll_locations(self): generation_is_fake = hasattr(self.multiworld, "generation_is_fake") # UT specific override locations_required = 0 for item_row in item_rows: locations_required += item_row.amount locations_added = 1 # At this point we've already added the starting area, so we start at 1 instead of 0 # Quests are always added first, before anything else is rolled for i, location_row in enumerate(location_rows): if location_row.category in {"quest", "points", "goal"}: if self.task_within_skill_levels(location_row.skills): self.create_and_add_location(i) if location_row.category == "quest": locations_added += 1 # Build up the weighted Task Pool rnd = self.random # Start with the minimum general tasks general_tasks = [task for task in self.locations_by_category["general"]] if not self.options.progressive_tasks: rnd.shuffle(general_tasks) else: general_tasks.reverse() for i in range(self.options.minimum_general_tasks): task = general_tasks.pop() self.add_location(task) locations_added += 1 general_weight = self.options.general_task_weight if len(general_tasks) > 0 else 0 tasks_per_task_type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[LocationRow]] = {} weights_per_task_type: typing.Dict[str, int] = {} task_types = ["prayer", "magic", "runecraft", "mining", "crafting", "smithing", "fishing", "cooking", "firemaking", "woodcutting", "combat"] for task_type in task_types: max_amount_for_task_type = getattr(self.options, f"max_{task_type}_tasks") tasks_for_this_type = [task for task in self.locations_by_category[task_type] if self.task_within_skill_levels(task.skills)] if not self.options.progressive_tasks: rnd.shuffle(tasks_for_this_type) else: tasks_for_this_type.reverse() tasks_for_this_type = tasks_for_this_type[:max_amount_for_task_type] weight_for_this_type = getattr(self.options, f"{task_type}_task_weight") if weight_for_this_type > 0 and tasks_for_this_type: tasks_per_task_type[task_type] = tasks_for_this_type weights_per_task_type[task_type] = weight_for_this_type # Build a list of collections and weights in a matching order for rnd.choices later all_tasks = [] all_weights = [] for task_type in task_types: if task_type in tasks_per_task_type: all_tasks.append(tasks_per_task_type[task_type]) all_weights.append(weights_per_task_type[task_type]) # Even after the initial forced generals, they can still be rolled randomly if general_weight > 0: all_tasks.append(general_tasks) all_weights.append(general_weight) while locations_added < locations_required or (generation_is_fake and len(all_tasks) > 0): if all_tasks: chosen_task = rnd.choices(all_tasks, all_weights)[0] if chosen_task: task = chosen_task.pop() self.add_location(task) locations_added += 1 # This isn't an else because chosen_task can become empty in the process of resolving the above block # We still want to clear this list out while we're doing that if not chosen_task: index = all_tasks.index(chosen_task) del all_tasks[index] del all_weights[index] else: if len(general_tasks) == 0: raise Exception(f"There are not enough available tasks to fill the remaining pool for OSRS " + f"Please adjust {self.player_name}'s settings to be less restrictive of tasks.") task = general_tasks.pop() self.add_location(task) locations_added += 1 def add_location(self, location): index = [i for i in range(len(location_rows)) if location_rows[i].name ==][0] self.create_and_add_location(index) def create_items(self) -> None: for item_row in item_rows: if != self.starting_area_item: for c in range(item_row.amount): item = self.create_item( self.multiworld.itempool.append(item) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return self.random.choice( [ItemNames.Progressive_Armor, ItemNames.Progressive_Weapons, ItemNames.Progressive_Magic, ItemNames.Progressive_Tools, ItemNames.Progressive_Range_Armor, ItemNames.Progressive_Range_Weapon]) def create_and_add_location(self, row_index) -> None: location_row = location_rows[row_index] # Quest Points are handled differently now, but in case this gets fed an older version of the data sheet, # the points might still be listed in a different row if location_row.category == "points": return # Create Location location_id = self.base_id + row_index if location_row.category == "goal": location_id = None location = OSRSLocation(self.player,, location_id) self.location_name_to_data[] = location # Add the location to its first region, or if it doesn't belong to one, to Menu region = self.region_name_to_data["Menu"] if location_row.regions: region = self.region_name_to_data[location_row.regions[0]] location.parent_region = region region.locations.append(location) # If it's a quest, generate a "Points" location we'll add an event to if location_row.category == "quest": points_name ="Quest:", "Points:") points_location = OSRSLocation(self.player, points_name) self.location_name_to_data[points_name] = points_location points_location.parent_region = region region.locations.append(points_location) def set_rules(self) -> None: """ called to set access and item rules on locations and entrances. """ quest_attr_names = ["Cooks_Assistant", "Demon_Slayer", "Restless_Ghost", "Romeo_Juliet", "Sheep_Shearer", "Shield_of_Arrav", "Ernest_the_Chicken", "Vampyre_Slayer", "Imp_Catcher", "Prince_Ali_Rescue", "Dorics_Quest", "Black_Knights_Fortress", "Witchs_Potion", "Knights_Sword", "Goblin_Diplomacy", "Pirates_Treasure", "Rune_Mysteries", "Misthalin_Mystery", "Corsair_Curse", "X_Marks_the_Spot", "Below_Ice_Mountain"] for quest_attr_name in quest_attr_names: qp_loc_name = getattr(LocationNames, f"QP_{quest_attr_name}") qp_loc = self.location_name_to_data.get(qp_loc_name) q_loc_name = getattr(LocationNames, f"Q_{quest_attr_name}") q_loc = self.location_name_to_data.get(q_loc_name) # Checks to make sure the task is actually in the list before trying to create its rules if qp_loc and q_loc: # Create the QP Event Item item_name = getattr(ItemNames, f"QP_{quest_attr_name}") qp_loc.place_locked_item(self.create_event(item_name)) # If a quest is excluded, don't actually consider it for quest point progression if q_loc_name not in self.options.exclude_locations: self.available_QP_locations.append(item_name) # Set the access rule for the QP Location add_rule(qp_loc, lambda state, loc=q_loc: (loc.can_reach(state))) # place "Victory" at "Dragon Slayer" and set collection as win condition self.multiworld.get_location(LocationNames.Q_Dragon_Slayer, self.player) \ .place_locked_item(self.create_event("Victory")) self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: (state.has("Victory", self.player)) for location_name, location in self.location_name_to_data.items(): location_row = self.location_rows_by_name[location_name] # Set up requirements for region for region_required_name in location_row.regions: region_required = self.region_name_to_data[region_required_name] add_rule(location, lambda state, region_required=region_required: state.can_reach(region_required, "Region", self.player)) for skill_req in location_row.skills: add_rule(location, get_skill_rule(skill_req.skill, skill_req.level, self.player, self.options)) for item_req in location_row.items: add_rule(location, lambda state, item_req=item_req: state.has(item_req, self.player)) if location_row.qp: add_rule(location, lambda state, location_row=location_row: self.quest_points(state) > location_row.qp) def create_region(self, name: str) -> "Region": region = Region(name, self.player, self.multiworld) self.region_name_to_data[name] = region self.multiworld.regions.append(region) return region def create_item(self, item_name: str) -> "Item": items = [item for item in item_rows if == item_name] assert len(items) > 0, f"No matching item found for name {item_name} for player {self.player_name}" item = items[0] index = item_rows.index(item) return OSRSItem(, item.progression, self.base_id + index, self.player) def create_event(self, event: str): # while we are at it, we can also add a helper to create events return OSRSItem(event, ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player) def quest_points(self, state): qp = 0 for qp_event in self.available_QP_locations: if state.has(qp_event, self.player): qp += int(qp_event[0]) return qp