import itertools from .TotalSMZ3.Text.Texts import openFile def range_union(ranges): ret = [] for rg in sorted([[r.start, r.stop] for r in ranges]): begin, end = rg[0], rg[-1] if ret and ret[-1][1] > begin: ret[-1][1] = max(ret[-1][1], end) else: ret.append([begin, end]) return [range(r[0], r[1]) for r in ret] # adapted from ips-util for python 3.2 ( class IPS_Patch(object): def __init__(self, patchDict=None): self.records = [] self.truncate_length = None self.max_size = 0 if patchDict is not None: for addr, data in patchDict.items(): byteData = bytearray(data) self.add_record(addr, byteData) def toDict(self): ret = {} for record in self.records: if 'rle_count' in record: ret[record['address']] = [int.from_bytes(record['data'],'little')]*record['rle_count'] else: ret[record['address']] = [int(b) for b in record['data']] return ret @staticmethod def load(filename): loaded_patch = IPS_Patch() with openFile(filename, 'rb') as file: header = if header != b'PATCH': raise Exception('Not a valid IPS patch file!') while True: address_bytes = if address_bytes == b'EOF': break address = int.from_bytes(address_bytes, byteorder='big') length = int.from_bytes(, byteorder='big') rle_count = 0 if length == 0: rle_count = int.from_bytes(, byteorder='big') length = 1 data = if rle_count > 0: loaded_patch.add_rle_record(address, data, rle_count) else: loaded_patch.add_record(address, data) truncate_bytes = if len(truncate_bytes) == 3: loaded_patch.set_truncate_length(int.from_bytes(truncate_bytes, byteorder='big')) return loaded_patch @staticmethod def create(original_data, patched_data): # The heuristics for optimizing a patch were chosen with reference to # the source code of Flips: patch = IPS_Patch() run_in_progress = False current_run_start = 0 current_run_data = bytearray() runs = [] if len(original_data) > len(patched_data): patch.set_truncate_length(len(patched_data)) original_data = original_data[:len(patched_data)] elif len(original_data) < len(patched_data): original_data += bytes([0] * (len(patched_data) - len(original_data))) if original_data[-1] == 0 and patched_data[-1] == 0: patch.add_record(len(patched_data) - 1, bytes([0])) for index, (original, patched) in enumerate(zip(original_data, patched_data)): if not run_in_progress: if original != patched: run_in_progress = True current_run_start = index current_run_data = bytearray([patched]) else: if original == patched: runs.append((current_run_start, current_run_data)) run_in_progress = False else: current_run_data.append(patched) if run_in_progress: runs.append((current_run_start, current_run_data)) for start, data in runs: if start == int.from_bytes(b'EOF', byteorder='big'): start -= 1 data = bytes([patched_data[start - 1]]) + data grouped_byte_data = list([ {'val': key, 'count': sum(1 for _ in group), 'is_last': False} for key,group in itertools.groupby(data) ]) grouped_byte_data[-1]['is_last'] = True record_in_progress = bytearray() pos = start for group in grouped_byte_data: if len(record_in_progress) > 0: # We don't want to interrupt a record in progress with a new header unless # this group is longer than two complete headers. if group['count'] > 13: patch.add_record(pos, record_in_progress) pos += len(record_in_progress) record_in_progress = bytearray() patch.add_rle_record(pos, bytes([group['val']]), group['count']) pos += group['count'] else: record_in_progress += bytes([group['val']] * group['count']) elif (group['count'] > 3 and group['is_last']) or group['count'] > 8: # We benefit from making this an RLE record if the length is at least 8, # or the length is at least 3 and we know it to be the last part of this diff. # Make sure not to overflow the maximum length. Split it up if necessary. remaining_length = group['count'] while remaining_length > 0xffff: patch.add_rle_record(pos, bytes([group['val']]), 0xffff) remaining_length -= 0xffff pos += 0xffff patch.add_rle_record(pos, bytes([group['val']]), remaining_length) pos += remaining_length else: # Just begin a new standard record. record_in_progress += bytes([group['val']] * group['count']) if len(record_in_progress) > 0xffff: patch.add_record(pos, record_in_progress[:0xffff]) record_in_progress = record_in_progress[0xffff:] pos += 0xffff # Finalize any record still in progress. if len(record_in_progress) > 0: patch.add_record(pos, record_in_progress) return patch def add_record(self, address, data): if address == int.from_bytes(b'EOF', byteorder='big'): raise RuntimeError('Start address {0:x} is invalid in the IPS format. Please shift your starting address back by one byte to avoid it.'.format(address)) if address > 0xffffff: raise RuntimeError('Start address {0:x} is too large for the IPS format. Addresses must fit into 3 bytes.'.format(address)) if len(data) > 0xffff: raise RuntimeError('Record with length {0} is too large for the IPS format. Records must be less than 65536 bytes.'.format(len(data))) if len(data) == 0: # ignore empty records return record = {'address': address, 'data': data, 'size':len(data)} self.appendRecord(record) def add_rle_record(self, address, data, count): if address == int.from_bytes(b'EOF', byteorder='big'): raise RuntimeError('Start address {0:x} is invalid in the IPS format. Please shift your starting address back by one byte to avoid it.'.format(address)) if address > 0xffffff: raise RuntimeError('Start address {0:x} is too large for the IPS format. Addresses must fit into 3 bytes.'.format(address)) if count > 0xffff: raise RuntimeError('RLE record with length {0} is too large for the IPS format. RLE records must be less than 65536 bytes.'.format(count)) if len(data) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Data for RLE record must be exactly one byte! Received {0}.'.format(data)) record = {'address': address, 'data': data, 'rle_count': count, 'size': count} self.appendRecord(record) def appendRecord(self, record): sz = record['address'] + record['size'] if sz > self.max_size: self.max_size = sz self.records.append(record) def set_truncate_length(self, truncate_length): self.truncate_length = truncate_length def encode(self): encoded_bytes = bytearray() encoded_bytes += 'PATCH'.encode('ascii') for record in self.records: encoded_bytes += record['address'].to_bytes(3, byteorder='big') if 'rle_count' in record: encoded_bytes += (0).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') encoded_bytes += record['rle_count'].to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') else: encoded_bytes += len(record['data']).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') encoded_bytes += record['data'] encoded_bytes += 'EOF'.encode('ascii') if self.truncate_length is not None: encoded_bytes += self.truncate_length.to_bytes(3, byteorder='big') return encoded_bytes # save patch into IPS file def save(self, path): with open(path, 'wb') as ipsFile: ipsFile.write(self.encode()) # applies patch on an existing bytearray def apply(self, in_data): out_data = bytearray(in_data) for record in self.records: if record['address'] >= len(out_data): out_data += bytes([0] * (record['address'] - len(out_data) + 1)) if 'rle_count' in record: out_data[record['address'] : record['address'] + record['rle_count']] = b''.join([record['data']] * record['rle_count']) else: out_data[record['address'] : record['address'] + len(record['data'])] = record['data'] if self.truncate_length is not None: out_data = out_data[:self.truncate_length] return out_data # applies patch on an opened file def applyFile(self, handle): for record in self.records:['address']) if 'rle_count' in record: handle.write(bytearray(b'').join([record['data']]) * record['rle_count']) else: handle.write(record['data']) # appends an IPS_Patch on top of this one def append(self, patch): if patch.truncate_length is not None and (self.truncate_length is None or patch.truncate_length > self.truncate_length): self.set_truncate_length(patch.truncate_length) for record in patch.records: if record['size'] > 0: # ignore empty records self.appendRecord(record) # gets address ranges written to by this patch def getRanges(self): def getRange(record): return range(record['address'], record['address']+record['size']) return range_union([getRange(record) for record in self.records])