import base64 import datetime import os import platform import shutil import sys import sysconfig import typing import zipfile from import Iterable from hashlib import sha3_512 from pathlib import Path import subprocess import pkg_resources # This is a bit jank. We need cx-Freeze to be able to run anything from this script, so install it try: requirement = 'cx-Freeze>=6.14.1' pkg_resources.require(requirement) import cx_Freeze except pkg_resources.ResolutionError: if '--yes' not in sys.argv and '-y' not in sys.argv: input(f'Requirement {requirement} is not satisfied, press enter to install it')[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', requirement, '--upgrade']) import cx_Freeze # .build only exists if cx-Freeze is the right version, so we have to update/install that first before this line import if __name__ == "__main__": # need to run this early to import from Utils and Launcher # TODO: move stuff to not require this import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update(yes="--yes" in sys.argv or "-y" in sys.argv) ModuleUpdate.update_ran = False # restore for later from Launcher import components, icon_paths from Utils import version_tuple, is_windows, is_linux # On Python < 3.10 LogicMixin is not currently supported. apworlds: set = { "Subnautica", "Factorio", "Rogue Legacy", "Donkey Kong Country 3", "Super Mario World", } if os.path.exists("X:/pw.txt"): print("Using signtool") with open("X:/pw.txt", encoding="utf-8-sig") as f: pw = signtool = r'signtool sign /f X:/_SITS_Zertifikat_.pfx /p "' + pw + \ r'" /fd sha256 /tr ' else: signtool = None build_platform = sysconfig.get_platform() arch_folder = "exe.{platform}-{version}".format(platform=build_platform, version=sysconfig.get_python_version()) buildfolder = Path("build", arch_folder) build_arch = build_platform.split('-')[-1] if '-' in build_platform else platform.machine() # see on how to add scripts to exes = [ cx_Freeze.Executable( script=f'{c.script_name}.py', target_name=c.frozen_name + (".exe" if is_windows else ""), icon=icon_paths[c.icon], base="Win32GUI" if is_windows and not c.cli else None ) for c in components if c.script_name ] extra_data = ["LICENSE", "data", "EnemizerCLI", "host.yaml", "SNI"] extra_libs = ["", ""] if is_linux else [] def remove_sprites_from_folder(folder): for file in os.listdir(folder): if file != ".gitignore": os.remove(folder / file) def _threaded_hash(filepath): hasher = sha3_512() hasher.update(open(filepath, "rb").read()) return base64.b85encode(hasher.digest()).decode() # cx_Freeze's build command runs other commands. Override to accept --yes and store that. class BuildCommand( user_options = [ ('yes', 'y', 'Answer "yes" to all questions.'), ] yes: bool last_yes: bool = False # used by sub commands of build def initialize_options(self): super().initialize_options() type(self).last_yes = self.yes = False def finalize_options(self): super().finalize_options() type(self).last_yes = self.yes # Override cx_Freeze's build_exe command for pre and post build steps class BuildExeCommand(cx_Freeze.command.build_exe.BuildEXE): user_options = cx_Freeze.command.build_exe.BuildEXE.user_options + [ ('yes', 'y', 'Answer "yes" to all questions.'), ('extra-data=', None, 'Additional files to add.'), ] yes: bool extra_data: Iterable # [any] not available in 3.8 extra_libs: Iterable # work around broken include_files buildfolder: Path libfolder: Path library: Path buildtime: datetime.datetime def initialize_options(self): super().initialize_options() self.yes = BuildCommand.last_yes self.extra_data = [] self.extra_libs = [] def finalize_options(self): super().finalize_options() self.buildfolder = self.build_exe self.libfolder = Path(self.buildfolder, "lib") self.library = Path(self.libfolder, "") def installfile(self, path, subpath=None, keep_content: bool = False): folder = self.buildfolder if subpath: folder /= subpath print('copying', path, '->', folder) if path.is_dir(): folder /= if folder.is_dir() and not keep_content: shutil.rmtree(folder) shutil.copytree(path, folder, dirs_exist_ok=True) elif path.is_file(): shutil.copy(path, folder) else: print('Warning,', path, 'not found') def create_manifest(self, create_hashes=False): # Since the setup is now split into components and the manifest is not, # it makes most sense to just remove the hashes for now. Not aware of anyone using them. hashes = {} manifestpath = os.path.join(self.buildfolder, "manifest.json") if create_hashes: from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor pool = ThreadPoolExecutor() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.buildfolder): for filename in filenames: path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) hashes[os.path.relpath(path, start=self.buildfolder)] = pool.submit(_threaded_hash, path) import json manifest = { "buildtime": self.buildtime.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds"), "hashes": {path: hash.result() for path, hash in hashes.items()}, "version": version_tuple} json.dump(manifest, open(manifestpath, "wt"), indent=4) print("Created Manifest") def run(self): # pre build steps print(f"Outputting to: {self.buildfolder}") os.makedirs(self.buildfolder, exist_ok=True) import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.requirements_files.add(os.path.join("WebHostLib", "requirements.txt")) ModuleUpdate.update(yes=self.yes) # regular cx build self.buildtime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() super().run() # include_files seems to not be done automatically. implement here for src, dst in self.include_files: print(f"copying {src} -> {self.buildfolder / dst}") shutil.copyfile(src, self.buildfolder / dst, follow_symlinks=False) # now that include_files is completely broken, run find_libs here for src, dst in find_libs(*self.extra_libs): print(f"copying {src} -> {self.buildfolder / dst}") shutil.copyfile(src, self.buildfolder / dst, follow_symlinks=False) # post build steps if is_windows: # kivy_deps is win32 only, linux picks them up automatically from kivy_deps import sdl2, glew for folder in sdl2.dep_bins + glew.dep_bins: shutil.copytree(folder, self.libfolder, dirs_exist_ok=True) print(f"copying {folder} -> {self.libfolder}") for data in self.extra_data: self.installfile(Path(data)) # kivi data files import kivy shutil.copytree(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(kivy.__file__), "data"), self.buildfolder / "data", dirs_exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates", exist_ok=True) from WebHostLib.options import create create() from worlds.AutoWorld import AutoWorldRegister assert not apworlds - set(AutoWorldRegister.world_types), "Unknown world designated for .apworld" folders_to_remove: typing.List[str] = [] for worldname, worldtype in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): if not worldtype.hidden: file_name = worldname+".yaml" shutil.copyfile(os.path.join("WebHostLib", "static", "generated", "configs", file_name), self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates" / file_name) if worldname in apworlds: file_name = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(worldtype.__file__))[1] world_directory = self.libfolder / "worlds" / file_name # this method creates an apworld that cannot be moved to a different OS or minor python version, # which should be ok with zipfile.ZipFile(self.libfolder / "worlds" / (file_name + ".apworld"), "x", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9) as zf: entry: os.DirEntry for path in world_directory.rglob("*.*"): relative_path = os.path.join(*["worlds")+1:]) zf.write(path, relative_path) folders_to_remove.append(file_name) shutil.rmtree(world_directory) shutil.copyfile("meta.yaml", self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates" / "meta.yaml") # TODO: fix LttP options one day shutil.copyfile("playerSettings.yaml", self.buildfolder / "Players" / "Templates" / "A Link to the Past.yaml") try: from maseya import z3pr except ImportError: print("Maseya Palette Shuffle not found, skipping data files.") else: # maseya Palette Shuffle exists and needs its data files print("Maseya Palette Shuffle found, including data files...") file = z3pr.__file__ self.installfile(Path(os.path.dirname(file)) / "data", keep_content=True) if signtool: for exe in self.distribution.executables: print(f"Signing {exe.target_name}") os.system(signtool + os.path.join(self.buildfolder, exe.target_name)) print(f"Signing SNI") os.system(signtool + os.path.join(self.buildfolder, "SNI", "SNI.exe")) print(f"Signing OoT Utils") for exe_path in (("Compress", "Compress.exe"), ("Decompress", "Decompress.exe")): os.system(signtool + os.path.join(self.buildfolder, "lib", "worlds", "oot", "data", *exe_path)) remove_sprites_from_folder(self.buildfolder / "data" / "sprites" / "alttpr") self.create_manifest() if is_windows: # Inno setup stuff with open("setup.ini", "w") as f: min_supported_windows = "6.2.9200" if sys.version_info > (3, 9) else "6.0.6000" f.write(f"[Data]\nsource_path={self.buildfolder}\nmin_windows={min_supported_windows}\n") with open("installdelete.iss", "w") as f: f.writelines("Type: filesandordirs; Name: \"{app}\\lib\\worlds\\"+world_directory+"\"\n" for world_directory in folders_to_remove) else: # make sure extra programs are executable enemizer_exe = self.buildfolder / 'EnemizerCLI/EnemizerCLI.Core' sni_exe = self.buildfolder / 'SNI/sni' extra_exes = (enemizer_exe, sni_exe) for extra_exe in extra_exes: if extra_exe.is_file(): extra_exe.chmod(0o755) # rewrite windows-specific things in host.yaml host_yaml = self.buildfolder / 'host.yaml' with'r+b') as f: data = data = data.replace(b'factorio\\\\bin\\\\x64\\\\factorio', b'factorio/bin/x64/factorio'), os.SEEK_SET) f.write(data) f.truncate() class AppImageCommand(setuptools.Command): description = "build an app image from build output" user_options = [ ("build-folder=", None, "Folder to convert to AppImage."), ("dist-file=", None, "AppImage output file."), ("app-dir=", None, "Folder to use for packaging."), ("app-icon=", None, "The icon to use for the AppImage."), ("app-exec=", None, "The application to run inside the image."), ("yes", "y", 'Answer "yes" to all questions.'), ] build_folder: typing.Optional[Path] dist_file: typing.Optional[Path] app_dir: typing.Optional[Path] app_name: str app_exec: typing.Optional[Path] app_icon: typing.Optional[Path] # source file app_id: str # lower case name, used for icon and .desktop yes: bool def write_desktop(self): desktop_filename = self.app_dir / f'{self.app_id}.desktop' with open(desktop_filename, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(( "[Desktop Entry]", f'Name={self.app_name}', f'Exec={self.app_exec}', "Type=Application", "Categories=Game", f'Icon={self.app_id}', '' ))) desktop_filename.chmod(0o755) def write_launcher(self, default_exe: Path): launcher_filename = self.app_dir / f'AppRun' with open(launcher_filename, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(f"""#!/bin/sh exe="{default_exe}" match="${{1#--executable=}}" if [ "${{#match}}" -lt "${{#1}}" ]; then exe="$match" shift elif [ "$1" = "-executable" ] || [ "$1" = "--executable" ]; then exe="$2" shift; shift fi tmp="${{exe#*/}}" if [ ! "${{#tmp}}" -lt "${{#exe}}" ]; then exe="{default_exe.parent}/$exe" fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$APPDIR/{default_exe.parent}/lib" $APPDIR/$exe "$@" """) launcher_filename.chmod(0o755) def install_icon(self, src: Path, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, symlink: typing.Optional[Path] = None): try: from PIL import Image except ModuleNotFoundError: if not self.yes: input(f'Requirement PIL is not satisfied, press enter to install it')[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'Pillow', '--upgrade']) from PIL import Image im = res, _ = im.size if not name: name = src.stem ext = src.suffix dest_dir = Path(self.app_dir / f'usr/share/icons/hicolor/{res}x{res}/apps') dest_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) dest_file = dest_dir / f'{name}{ext}' shutil.copy(src, dest_file) if symlink: symlink.symlink_to(dest_file.relative_to(symlink.parent)) def initialize_options(self): self.build_folder = None self.app_dir = None self.app_name = self.app_icon = self.distribution.executables[0].icon self.app_exec = Path('opt/{app_name}/{exe}'.format(, exe=self.distribution.executables[0].target_name )) self.dist_file = Path("dist", "{app_name}_{app_version}_{platform}.AppImage".format(, app_version=self.distribution.metadata.version, platform=sysconfig.get_platform() )) self.yes = False def finalize_options(self): if not self.app_dir: self.app_dir = self.build_folder.parent / "AppDir" self.app_id = self.app_name.lower() def run(self): self.dist_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.app_dir.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(self.app_dir) self.app_dir.mkdir(parents=True) opt_dir = self.app_dir / "opt" / shutil.copytree(self.build_folder, opt_dir) root_icon = self.app_dir / f'{self.app_id}{self.app_icon.suffix}' self.install_icon(self.app_icon, self.app_id, symlink=root_icon) shutil.copy(root_icon, self.app_dir / '.DirIcon') self.write_desktop() self.write_launcher(self.app_exec) print(f'{self.app_dir} -> {self.dist_file}')'ARCH={build_arch} ./appimagetool -n "{self.app_dir}" "{self.dist_file}"', shell=True) def find_libs(*args: str) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]]: """Try to find system libraries to be included.""" if not args: return [] arch = build_arch.replace('_', '-') libc = 'libc6' # we currently don't support musl def parse(line): lib, path = line.strip().split(' => ') lib, typ = lib.split(' ', 1) for test_arch in ('x86-64', 'i386', 'aarch64'): if test_arch in typ: lib_arch = test_arch break else: lib_arch = '' for test_libc in ('libc6',): if test_libc in typ: lib_libc = test_libc break else: lib_libc = '' return (lib, lib_arch, lib_libc), path if not hasattr(find_libs, "cache"): data =[shutil.which('ldconfig'), '-p'], capture_output=True, text=True).stdout.split('\n')[1:] find_libs.cache = {k: v for k, v in (parse(line) for line in data if '=>' in line)} def find_lib(lib, arch, libc): for k, v in find_libs.cache.items(): if k == (lib, arch, libc): return v for k, v, in find_libs.cache.items(): if k[0].startswith(lib) and k[1] == arch and k[2] == libc: return v return None res = [] for arg in args: # try exact match, empty libc, empty arch, empty arch and libc file = find_lib(arg, arch, libc) file = file or find_lib(arg, arch, '') file = file or find_lib(arg, '', libc) file = file or find_lib(arg, '', '') # resolve symlinks for n in range(0, 5): res.append((file, os.path.join('lib', os.path.basename(file)))) if not os.path.islink(file): break dirname = os.path.dirname(file) file = os.readlink(file) if not os.path.isabs(file): file = os.path.join(dirname, file) return res cx_Freeze.setup( name="Archipelago", version=f"{version_tuple.major}.{version_tuple.minor}.{}", description="Archipelago", executables=exes, ext_modules=[], # required to disable auto-discovery with setuptools>=61 options={ "build_exe": { "packages": ["websockets", "worlds", "kivy"], "includes": [], "excludes": ["numpy", "Cython", "PySide2", "PIL", "pandas"], "zip_include_packages": ["*"], "zip_exclude_packages": ["worlds", "sc2"], "include_files": [], # broken in cx 6.14.0, we use more special sauce now "include_msvcr": False, "replace_paths": ["*."], "optimize": 1, "build_exe": buildfolder, "extra_data": extra_data, "extra_libs": extra_libs, "bin_includes": ["", ""] if is_linux else [] }, "bdist_appimage": { "build_folder": buildfolder, }, }, # override commands to get custom stuff in cmdclass={ "build": BuildCommand, "build_exe": BuildExeCommand, "bdist_appimage": AppImageCommand, }, )