import logging import typing import collections import itertools from BaseClasses import CollectionState, Location, MultiWorld from worlds.generic import PlandoItem from worlds.AutoWorld import call_all class FillError(RuntimeError): pass def fill_restrictive(world: MultiWorld, base_state: CollectionState, locations, itempool, single_player_placement=False, lock=False): def sweep_from_pool(): new_state = base_state.copy() for item in itempool: new_state.collect(item, True) new_state.sweep_for_events() return new_state unplaced_items = [] placements = [] reachable_items = {} for item in itempool: reachable_items.setdefault(item.player, []).append(item) while any(reachable_items.values()) and locations: items_to_place = [items.pop() for items in reachable_items.values() if items] # grab one item per player for item in items_to_place: itempool.remove(item) maximum_exploration_state = sweep_from_pool() has_beaten_game = world.has_beaten_game(maximum_exploration_state) for item_to_place in items_to_place: if world.accessibility[item_to_place.player] == 'none': perform_access_check = not world.has_beaten_game(maximum_exploration_state, item_to_place.player) if single_player_placement else not has_beaten_game else: perform_access_check = True for i, location in enumerate(locations): if (not single_player_placement or location.player == item_to_place.player) \ and location.can_fill(maximum_exploration_state, item_to_place, perform_access_check): spot_to_fill = locations.pop(i) # poping by index is faster than removing by content, # skipping a scan for the element break else: # we filled all reachable spots. Maybe the game can be beaten anyway? unplaced_items.append(item_to_place) if world.accessibility[item_to_place.player] != 'none' and world.can_beat_game(): logging.warning( f'Not all items placed. Game beatable anyway. (Could not place {item_to_place})') continue raise FillError(f'No more spots to place {item_to_place}, locations {locations} are invalid. ' f'Already placed {len(placements)}: {", ".join(str(place) for place in placements)}') world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False) spot_to_fill.locked = lock placements.append(spot_to_fill) spot_to_fill.event = True itempool.extend(unplaced_items) def distribute_items_restrictive(world: MultiWorld, fill_locations=None): # If not passed in, then get a shuffled list of locations to fill in if not fill_locations: fill_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations() world.random.shuffle(fill_locations) # get items to distribute world.random.shuffle(world.itempool) progitempool = [] nonexcludeditempool = [] localrestitempool = {player: [] for player in range(1, world.players + 1)} nonlocalrestitempool = [] restitempool = [] for item in world.itempool: if item.advancement: progitempool.append(item) elif item.never_exclude: # this only gets nonprogression items which should not appear in excluded locations nonexcludeditempool.append(item) elif in world.local_items[item.player]: localrestitempool[item.player].append(item) elif in world.non_local_items[item.player]: nonlocalrestitempool.append(item) else: restitempool.append(item) world.random.shuffle(fill_locations) call_all(world, "fill_hook", progitempool, nonexcludeditempool, localrestitempool, nonlocalrestitempool, restitempool, fill_locations) fill_restrictive(world, world.state, fill_locations, progitempool) if nonexcludeditempool: world.random.shuffle(fill_locations) fill_restrictive(world, world.state, fill_locations, nonexcludeditempool) # needs logical fill to not conflict with local items if any(localrestitempool.values()): # we need to make sure some fills are limited to certain worlds local_locations = {player: [] for player in world.player_ids} for location in fill_locations: local_locations[location.player].append(location) for locations in local_locations.values(): world.random.shuffle(locations) for player, items in localrestitempool.items(): # items already shuffled player_local_locations = local_locations[player] for item_to_place in items: if not player_local_locations: logging.warning(f"Ran out of local locations for player {player}, " f"cannot place {item_to_place}.") break spot_to_fill = player_local_locations.pop() world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False) fill_locations.remove(spot_to_fill) for item_to_place in nonlocalrestitempool: for i, location in enumerate(fill_locations): if location.player != item_to_place.player: world.push_item(fill_locations.pop(i), item_to_place, False) break else: logging.warning(f"Could not place non_local_item {item_to_place} among {fill_locations}, tossing.") world.random.shuffle(fill_locations) restitempool, fill_locations = fast_fill(world, restitempool, fill_locations) unplaced = progitempool + restitempool unfilled = [ for location in fill_locations] if unplaced or unfilled: logging.warning(f'Unplaced items({len(unplaced)}): {unplaced} - Unfilled Locations({len(unfilled)}): {unfilled}') def fast_fill(world: MultiWorld, item_pool: typing.List, fill_locations: typing.List) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List, typing.List]: placing = min(len(item_pool), len(fill_locations)) for item, location in zip(item_pool, fill_locations): world.push_item(location, item, False) return item_pool[placing:], fill_locations[placing:] def flood_items(world: MultiWorld): # get items to distribute world.random.shuffle(world.itempool) itempool = world.itempool progress_done = False # sweep once to pick up preplaced items world.state.sweep_for_events() # fill world from top of itempool while we can while not progress_done: location_list = world.get_unfilled_locations() world.random.shuffle(location_list) spot_to_fill = None for location in location_list: if location.can_fill(world.state, itempool[0]): spot_to_fill = location break if spot_to_fill: item = itempool.pop(0) world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item, True) continue # ran out of spots, check if we need to step in and correct things if len(world.get_reachable_locations()) == len(world.get_locations()): progress_done = True continue # need to place a progress item instead of an already placed item, find candidate item_to_place = None candidate_item_to_place = None for item in itempool: if item.advancement: candidate_item_to_place = item if world.unlocks_new_location(item): item_to_place = item break # we might be in a situation where all new locations require multiple items to reach. If that is the case, just place any advancement item we've found and continue trying if item_to_place is None: if candidate_item_to_place is not None: item_to_place = candidate_item_to_place else: raise FillError('No more progress items left to place.') # find item to replace with progress item location_list = world.get_reachable_locations() world.random.shuffle(location_list) for location in location_list: if location.item is not None and not location.item.advancement: # safe to replace replace_item = location.item replace_item.location = None itempool.append(replace_item) world.push_item(location, item_to_place, True) itempool.remove(item_to_place) break def balance_multiworld_progression(world: MultiWorld): balanceable_players = {player for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if world.progression_balancing[player]} if not balanceable_players:'Skipping multiworld progression balancing.') else:'Balancing multiworld progression for {len(balanceable_players)} Players.') state = CollectionState(world) checked_locations = set() unchecked_locations = set(world.get_locations()) reachable_locations_count = {player: 0 for player in world.player_ids} def get_sphere_locations(sphere_state, locations): sphere_state.sweep_for_events(key_only=True, locations=locations) return {loc for loc in locations if sphere_state.can_reach(loc)} while True: sphere_locations = get_sphere_locations(state, unchecked_locations) for location in sphere_locations: unchecked_locations.remove(location) reachable_locations_count[location.player] += 1 if checked_locations: threshold = max(reachable_locations_count.values()) - 20 balancing_players = {player for player, reachables in reachable_locations_count.items() if reachables < threshold and player in balanceable_players} if balancing_players: balancing_state = state.copy() balancing_unchecked_locations = unchecked_locations.copy() balancing_reachables = reachable_locations_count.copy() balancing_sphere = sphere_locations.copy() candidate_items = collections.defaultdict(set) while True: for location in balancing_sphere: if location.event: balancing_state.collect(location.item, True, location) player = location.item.player # only replace items that end up in another player's world if not location.locked and player in balancing_players and location.player != player: candidate_items[player].add(location) balancing_sphere = get_sphere_locations(balancing_state, balancing_unchecked_locations) for location in balancing_sphere: balancing_unchecked_locations.remove(location) balancing_reachables[location.player] += 1 if world.has_beaten_game(balancing_state) or all( reachables >= threshold for reachables in balancing_reachables.values()): break elif not balancing_sphere: raise RuntimeError('Not all required items reachable. Something went terribly wrong here.') unlocked_locations = collections.defaultdict(set) for l in unchecked_locations: if l not in balancing_unchecked_locations: unlocked_locations[l.player].add(l) items_to_replace = [] for player in balancing_players: locations_to_test = unlocked_locations[player] items_to_test = candidate_items[player] while items_to_test: testing = items_to_test.pop() reducing_state = state.copy() for location in itertools.chain((l for l in items_to_replace if l.item.player == player), items_to_test): reducing_state.collect(location.item, True, location) reducing_state.sweep_for_events(locations=locations_to_test) if world.has_beaten_game(balancing_state): if not world.has_beaten_game(reducing_state): items_to_replace.append(testing) else: reduced_sphere = get_sphere_locations(reducing_state, locations_to_test) if reachable_locations_count[player] + len(reduced_sphere) < threshold: items_to_replace.append(testing) replaced_items = False # sort then shuffle to maintain deterministic behaviour, # while allowing use of set for better algorithm growth behaviour elsewhere replacement_locations = sorted(l for l in checked_locations if not l.event and not l.locked) world.random.shuffle(replacement_locations) items_to_replace.sort() world.random.shuffle(items_to_replace) while replacement_locations and items_to_replace: old_location = items_to_replace.pop() for new_location in replacement_locations: if new_location.can_fill(state, old_location.item, False) and \ old_location.can_fill(state, new_location.item, False): replacement_locations.remove(new_location) swap_location_item(old_location, new_location) logging.debug(f"Progression balancing moved {new_location.item} to {new_location}, " f"displacing {old_location.item} into {old_location}") state.collect(new_location.item, True, new_location) replaced_items = True break else: logging.warning(f"Could not Progression Balance {old_location.item}") if replaced_items: unlocked = {fresh for player in balancing_players for fresh in unlocked_locations[player]} for location in get_sphere_locations(state, unlocked): unchecked_locations.remove(location) reachable_locations_count[location.player] += 1 sphere_locations.add(location) for location in sphere_locations: if location.event: state.collect(location.item, True, location) checked_locations |= sphere_locations if world.has_beaten_game(state): break elif not sphere_locations: logging.warning("Progression Balancing ran out of paths.") break def swap_location_item(location_1: Location, location_2: Location, check_locked=True): """Swaps Items of locations. Does NOT swap flags like shop_slot or locked, but does swap event""" if check_locked: if location_1.locked: logging.warning(f"Swapping {location_1}, which is marked as locked.") if location_2.locked: logging.warning(f"Swapping {location_2}, which is marked as locked.") location_2.item, location_1.item = location_1.item, location_2.item location_1.item.location = location_1 location_2.item.location = location_2 location_1.event, location_2.event = location_2.event, location_1.event def distribute_planned(world: MultiWorld): # TODO: remove. Preferably by implementing key drop from worlds.alttp.Regions import key_drop_data world_name_lookup = world.world_name_lookup for player in world.player_ids: try: placement: PlandoItem for placement in world.plando_items[player]: if placement.location in key_drop_data: placement.warn( f"Can't place '{placement.item}' at '{placement.location}', as key drop shuffle locations are not supported yet.") continue item = world.worlds[player].create_item(placement.item) target_world: int = if target_world is False or world.players == 1: target_world = player # in own world elif target_world is True: # in any other world unfilled = list(location for location in world.get_unfilled_locations_for_players( placement.location, set(world.player_ids) - {player}) if location.item_rule(item) ) if not unfilled: placement.failed(f"Could not find a world with an unfilled location {placement.location}", FillError) continue target_world = world.random.choice(unfilled).player elif target_world is None: # any random world unfilled = list(location for location in world.get_unfilled_locations_for_players( placement.location, set(world.player_ids)) if location.item_rule(item) ) if not unfilled: placement.failed(f"Could not find a world with an unfilled location {placement.location}", FillError) continue target_world = world.random.choice(unfilled).player elif type(target_world) == int: # target world by player id if target_world not in range(1, world.players + 1): placement.failed( f"Cannot place item in world {target_world} as it is not in range of (1, {world.players})", ValueError) continue else: # find world by name if target_world not in world_name_lookup: placement.failed(f"Cannot place item to {target_world}'s world as that world does not exist.", ValueError) continue target_world = world_name_lookup[target_world] location = world.get_location(placement.location, target_world) if location.item: placement.failed(f"Cannot place item into already filled location {location}.") continue if location.can_fill(world.state, item, False): world.push_item(location, item, collect=False) location.event = True # flag location to be checked during fill location.locked = True logging.debug(f"Plando placed {item} at {location}") else: placement.failed(f"Can't place {item} at {location} due to fill condition not met.") continue if placement.from_pool: # Should happen AFTER the item is placed, in case it was allowed to skip failed placement. try: world.itempool.remove(item) except ValueError: placement.warn(f"Could not remove {item} from pool as it's already missing from it.") except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Error running plando for player {player} ({world.player_name[player]})") from e