""" Archipelago launcher for bundled app. * if run with APBP as argument, launch corresponding client. * if run with executable as argument, run it passing argv[2:] as arguments * if run without arguments, open launcher GUI Scroll down to components= to add components to the launcher as well as setup.py """ import argparse import itertools import logging import multiprocessing import shlex import subprocess import sys import webbrowser from os.path import isfile from shutil import which from typing import Sequence, Union, Optional import Utils from worlds.LauncherComponents import Component, components, Type, SuffixIdentifier, icon_paths if __name__ == "__main__": import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() from Utils import is_frozen, user_path, local_path, init_logging, open_filename, messagebox, \ is_windows, is_macos, is_linux def open_host_yaml(): file = user_path('host.yaml') if is_linux: exe = which('sensible-editor') or which('gedit') or \ which('xdg-open') or which('gnome-open') or which('kde-open') subprocess.Popen([exe, file]) elif is_macos: exe = which("open") subprocess.Popen([exe, file]) else: webbrowser.open(file) def open_patch(): suffixes = [] for c in components: if isfile(get_exe(c)[-1]): suffixes += c.file_identifier.suffixes if c.type == Type.CLIENT and \ isinstance(c.file_identifier, SuffixIdentifier) else [] try: filename = open_filename('Select patch', (('Patches', suffixes),)) except Exception as e: messagebox('Error', str(e), error=True) else: file, component = identify(filename) if file and component: launch([*get_exe(component), file], component.cli) def generate_yamls(): from Options import generate_yaml_templates target = Utils.user_path("Players", "Templates") generate_yaml_templates(target, False) open_folder(target) def browse_files(): open_folder(user_path()) def open_folder(folder_path): if is_linux: exe = which('xdg-open') or which('gnome-open') or which('kde-open') subprocess.Popen([exe, folder_path]) elif is_macos: exe = which("open") subprocess.Popen([exe, folder_path]) else: webbrowser.open(folder_path) components.extend([ # Functions Component("Open host.yaml", func=open_host_yaml), Component("Open Patch", func=open_patch), Component("Generate Template Settings", func=generate_yamls), Component("Discord Server", icon="discord", func=lambda: webbrowser.open("https://discord.gg/8Z65BR2")), Component("18+ Discord Server", icon="discord", func=lambda: webbrowser.open("https://discord.gg/fqvNCCRsu4")), Component("Browse Files", func=browse_files), ]) def identify(path: Union[None, str]): if path is None: return None, None for component in components: if component.handles_file(path): return path, component elif path == component.display_name or path == component.script_name: return None, component return None, None def get_exe(component: Union[str, Component]) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: if isinstance(component, str): name = component component = None if name.startswith('Archipelago'): name = name[11:] if name.endswith('.exe'): name = name[:-4] if name.endswith('.py'): name = name[:-3] if not name: return None for c in components: if c.script_name == name or c.frozen_name == f'Archipelago{name}': component = c break if not component: return None if is_frozen(): suffix = '.exe' if is_windows else '' return [local_path(f'{component.frozen_name}{suffix}')] else: return [sys.executable, local_path(f'{component.script_name}.py')] def launch(exe, in_terminal=False): if in_terminal: if is_windows: subprocess.Popen(['start', *exe], shell=True) return elif is_linux: terminal = which('x-terminal-emulator') or which('gnome-terminal') or which('xterm') if terminal: subprocess.Popen([terminal, '-e', shlex.join(exe)]) return elif is_macos: terminal = [which('open'), '-W', '-a', 'Terminal.app'] subprocess.Popen([*terminal, *exe]) return subprocess.Popen(exe) def run_gui(): from kvui import App, ContainerLayout, GridLayout, Button, Label from kivy.uix.image import AsyncImage from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout class Launcher(App): base_title: str = "Archipelago Launcher" container: ContainerLayout grid: GridLayout _tools = {c.display_name: c for c in components if c.type == Type.TOOL} _clients = {c.display_name: c for c in components if c.type == Type.CLIENT} _adjusters = {c.display_name: c for c in components if c.type == Type.ADJUSTER} _miscs = {c.display_name: c for c in components if c.type == Type.MISC} def __init__(self, ctx=None): self.title = self.base_title self.ctx = ctx self.icon = r"data/icon.png" super().__init__() def build(self): self.container = ContainerLayout() self.grid = GridLayout(cols=2) self.container.add_widget(self.grid) self.grid.add_widget(Label(text="General")) self.grid.add_widget(Label(text="Clients")) button_layout = self.grid # make buttons fill the window def build_button(component: Component): """ Builds a button widget for a given component. Args: component (Component): The component associated with the button. Returns: None. The button is added to the parent grid layout. """ button = Button(text=component.display_name) button.component = component button.bind(on_release=self.component_action) if component.icon != "icon": image = AsyncImage(source=icon_paths[component.icon], size=(38, 38), size_hint=(None, 1), pos=(5, 0)) box_layout = RelativeLayout() box_layout.add_widget(button) box_layout.add_widget(image) button_layout.add_widget(box_layout) else: button_layout.add_widget(button) for (tool, client) in itertools.zip_longest(itertools.chain( self._tools.items(), self._miscs.items(), self._adjusters.items()), self._clients.items()): # column 1 if tool: build_button(tool[1]) else: button_layout.add_widget(Label()) # column 2 if client: build_button(client[1]) else: button_layout.add_widget(Label()) return self.container @staticmethod def component_action(button): if button.component.func: button.component.func() else: launch(get_exe(button.component), button.component.cli) Launcher().run() def run_component(component: Component, *args): if component.func: component.func(*args) elif component.script_name: subprocess.run([*get_exe(component.script_name), *args]) else: logging.warning(f"Component {component} does not appear to be executable.") def main(args: Optional[Union[argparse.Namespace, dict]] = None): if isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace): args = {k: v for k, v in args._get_kwargs()} elif not args: args = {} if "Patch|Game|Component" in args: file, component = identify(args["Patch|Game|Component"]) if file: args['file'] = file if component: args['component'] = component if not component: logging.warning(f"Could not identify Component responsible for {args['Patch|Game|Component']}") if 'file' in args: run_component(args["component"], args["file"], *args["args"]) elif 'component' in args: run_component(args["component"], *args["args"]) else: run_gui() if __name__ == '__main__': init_logging('Launcher') Utils.freeze_support() multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn") # if launched process uses kivy, fork won't work parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Archipelago Launcher') parser.add_argument('Patch|Game|Component', type=str, nargs='?', help="Pass either a patch file, a generated game or the name of a component to run.") parser.add_argument('args', nargs="*", help="Arguments to pass to component.") main(parser.parse_args())