import random import logging import os import threading from BaseClasses import Item, CollectionState from .SubClasses import ALttPItem from ..AutoWorld import World from .Options import alttp_options from .Items import as_dict_item_table, item_name_groups, item_table from .Regions import lookup_name_to_id, create_regions, mark_light_world_regions from .Rules import set_rules from .ItemPool import generate_itempool from .Shops import create_shops from .Dungeons import create_dungeons from .Rom import LocalRom, patch_rom, patch_race_rom, patch_enemizer, apply_rom_settings, get_hash_string import Patch from .InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions, mark_dark_world_regions from .EntranceShuffle import link_entrances, link_inverted_entrances, plando_connect lttp_logger = logging.getLogger("A Link to the Past") class ALTTPWorld(World): game: str = "A Link to the Past" options = alttp_options topology_present = True item_name_groups = item_name_groups item_names = frozenset(item_table) location_names = frozenset(lookup_name_to_id) hint_blacklist = {"Triforce"} item_name_to_id = {name: data.item_code for name, data in item_table.items() if type(data.item_code) == int} location_name_to_id = lookup_name_to_id data_version = 7 remote_items: bool = False set_rules = set_rules create_items = generate_itempool def create_regions(self): self.rom_name_available_event = threading.Event() player = self.player world = if world.open_pyramid[player] == 'goal': world.open_pyramid[player] = world.goal[player] in {'crystals', 'ganontriforcehunt', 'localganontriforcehunt', 'ganonpedestal'} elif world.open_pyramid[player] == 'auto': world.open_pyramid[player] = world.goal[player] in {'crystals', 'ganontriforcehunt', 'localganontriforcehunt', 'ganonpedestal'} and \ (world.shuffle[player] in {'vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonscrossed'} or not world.shuffle_ganon) else: world.open_pyramid[player] = {'on': True, 'off': False, 'yes': True, 'no': False}.get( world.open_pyramid[player], 'auto') world.triforce_pieces_available[player] = max(world.triforce_pieces_available[player], world.triforce_pieces_required[player]) if world.mode[player] != 'inverted': create_regions(world, player) else: create_inverted_regions(world, player) create_shops(world, player) create_dungeons(world, player) if world.logic[player] not in ["noglitches", "minorglitches"] and world.shuffle[player] in \ {"vanilla", "dungeonssimple", "dungeonsfull", "simple", "restricted", "full"}: world.fix_fake_world[player] = False # seeded entrance shuffle old_random = world.random world.random = random.Random(world.er_seeds[player]) if world.mode[player] != 'inverted': link_entrances(world, player) mark_light_world_regions(world, player) else: link_inverted_entrances(world, player) mark_dark_world_regions(world, player) world.random = old_random plando_connect(world, player) def collect_item(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item): if'Progressive '): if 'Sword' in if state.has('Golden Sword', item.player): pass elif state.has('Tempered Sword', item.player) and[ item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 4: return 'Golden Sword' elif state.has('Master Sword', item.player) and[ item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 3: return 'Tempered Sword' elif state.has('Fighter Sword', item.player) and[item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 2: return 'Master Sword' elif[item.player].progressive_sword_limit >= 1: return 'Fighter Sword' elif 'Glove' in if state.has('Titans Mitts', item.player): return elif state.has('Power Glove', item.player): return 'Titans Mitts' else: return 'Power Glove' elif 'Shield' in if state.has('Mirror Shield', item.player): return elif state.has('Red Shield', item.player) and[item.player].progressive_shield_limit >= 3: return 'Mirror Shield' elif state.has('Blue Shield', item.player) and[item.player].progressive_shield_limit >= 2: return 'Red Shield' elif[item.player].progressive_shield_limit >= 1: return 'Blue Shield' elif 'Bow' in if state.has('Silver', item.player): return elif state.has('Bow', item.player) and[item.player].progressive_bow_limit >= 2: return 'Silver Bow' elif[item.player].progressive_bow_limit >= 1: return 'Bow' elif item.advancement: return def pre_fill(self): from Fill import fill_restrictive, FillError attempts = 5 world = player = self.player all_state = world.get_all_state(keys=True) crystals = [self.create_item(name) for name in ['Red Pendant', 'Blue Pendant', 'Green Pendant', 'Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 7', 'Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6']] crystal_locations = [world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Prize', player), world.get_location('Eastern Palace - Prize', player), world.get_location('Desert Palace - Prize', player), world.get_location('Tower of Hera - Prize', player), world.get_location('Palace of Darkness - Prize', player), world.get_location('Thieves\' Town - Prize', player), world.get_location('Skull Woods - Prize', player), world.get_location('Swamp Palace - Prize', player), world.get_location('Ice Palace - Prize', player), world.get_location('Misery Mire - Prize', player)] placed_prizes = { for loc in crystal_locations if loc.item} unplaced_prizes = [crystal for crystal in crystals if not in placed_prizes] empty_crystal_locations = [loc for loc in crystal_locations if not loc.item] for attempt in range(attempts): try: prizepool = unplaced_prizes.copy() prize_locs = empty_crystal_locations.copy() world.random.shuffle(prize_locs) fill_restrictive(world, all_state, prize_locs, prizepool, True, lock=True) except FillError as e: lttp_logger.exception("Failed to place dungeon prizes (%s). Will retry %s more times", e, attempts - attempt) for location in empty_crystal_locations: location.item = None continue break else: raise FillError('Unable to place dungeon prizes') @classmethod def stage_pre_fill(cls, world): from .Dungeons import fill_dungeons_restrictive fill_dungeons_restrictive(world) def generate_output(self, output_directory: str): world = player = self.player try: use_enemizer = (world.boss_shuffle[player] != 'none' or world.enemy_shuffle[player] or world.enemy_health[player] != 'default' or world.enemy_damage[player] != 'default' or world.shufflepots[player] or world.bush_shuffle[player] or world.killable_thieves[player]) rom = LocalRom(world.alttp_rom) patch_rom(world, rom, player, use_enemizer) if use_enemizer: patch_enemizer(world, player, rom, world.enemizer, output_directory) if world.is_race: patch_race_rom(rom, world, player) world.spoiler.hashes[player] = get_hash_string(rom.hash) palettes_options = { 'dungeon': world.uw_palettes[player], 'overworld': world.ow_palettes[player], 'hud': world.hud_palettes[player], 'sword': world.sword_palettes[player], 'shield': world.shield_palettes[player], 'link': world.link_palettes[player] } palettes_options = {key: option.current_key for key, option in palettes_options.items()} apply_rom_settings(rom, world.heartbeep[player].current_key, world.heartcolor[player].current_key, world.quickswap[player], world.menuspeed[player].current_key,[player], world.sprite[player], palettes_options, world, player, True, reduceflashing=world.reduceflashing[player] or world.is_race, triforcehud=world.triforcehud[player].current_key) outfilepname = f'_P{player}' outfilepname += f"_{world.player_name[player].replace(' ', '_')}" \ if world.player_name[player] != 'Player%d' % player else '' rompath = os.path.join(output_directory, f'AP_{world.seed_name}{outfilepname}.sfc') rom.write_to_file(rompath, hide_enemizer=True) Patch.create_patch_file(rompath, player=player, player_name=world.player_name[player]) os.unlink(rompath) self.rom_name = except: raise finally: self.rom_name_available_event.set() # make sure threading continues and errors are collected def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict): import base64 # wait for self.rom_name to be available. self.rom_name_available_event.wait() rom_name = getattr(self, "rom_name", None) # we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised if rom_name: new_name = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.rom_name)).decode() payload = multidata["connect_names"][[self.player]] multidata["connect_names"][new_name] = payload del (multidata["connect_names"][[self.player]]) def get_required_client_version(self) -> tuple: return max((0, 1, 4), super(ALTTPWorld, self).get_required_client_version()) def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item: return ALttPItem(name, self.player, **as_dict_item_table[name]) @classmethod def stage_fill_hook(cls, world, progitempool, nonexcludeditempool, localrestitempool, restitempool, fill_locations): trash_counts = {} standard_keyshuffle_players = set() for player in world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past"): if world.mode[player] == 'standard' and world.keyshuffle[player] is True: standard_keyshuffle_players.add(player) if not world.ganonstower_vanilla[player] or \ world.logic[player] in {'owglitches', 'hybridglitches', "nologic"}: pass elif 'triforcehunt' in world.goal[player] and ('local' in world.goal[player] or world.players == 1): trash_counts[player] = world.random.randint(world.crystals_needed_for_gt[player] * 2, world.crystals_needed_for_gt[player] * 4) else: trash_counts[player] = world.random.randint(0, world.crystals_needed_for_gt[player] * 2) # Make sure the escape small key is placed first in standard with key shuffle to prevent running out of spots if standard_keyshuffle_players: progitempool.sort( key=lambda item: 1 if == 'Small Key (Hyrule Castle)' and item.player in standard_keyshuffle_players else 0) if trash_counts: locations_mapping = {player: [] for player in trash_counts} for location in fill_locations: if 'Ganons Tower' in and location.player in locations_mapping: locations_mapping[location.player].append(location) for player, trash_count in trash_counts.items(): gtower_locations = locations_mapping[player] world.random.shuffle(gtower_locations) localrest = localrestitempool[player] if localrest: gt_item_pool = restitempool + localrest world.random.shuffle(gt_item_pool) else: gt_item_pool = restitempool.copy() while gtower_locations and gt_item_pool and trash_count > 0: spot_to_fill = gtower_locations.pop() item_to_place = gt_item_pool.pop() if item_to_place in localrest: localrest.remove(item_to_place) else: restitempool.remove(item_to_place) world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False) fill_locations.remove(spot_to_fill) # very slow, unfortunately trash_count -= 1