import typing import random from .Locations import location_table, lookup_name_to_id as locations_lookup_name_to_id from .Items import (createResourcePackName, item_table, progressive_table, progressive_item_list, lookup_name_to_item, resourcepack_items as resourcePackItems, lookup_name_to_id as items_lookup_name_to_id) from .Regions import create_regions, getConnectionName from .Rules import set_rules from .Options import raft_options from BaseClasses import Region, RegionType, Entrance, Location, MultiWorld, Item, ItemClassification, Tutorial from ..AutoWorld import World, WebWorld class RaftWeb(WebWorld): tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up Raft integration for Archipelago multiworld games.", "English", "", "setup/en", ["SunnyBat", "Awareqwx"] )] class RaftWorld(World): """ Raft is a flooded world exploration game. You're stranded on a small raft in the middle of the ocean, and you must survive on trash floating by you on the top of the water and around/on any islands that you come across. """ game: str = "Raft" web = RaftWeb() item_name_to_id = items_lookup_name_to_id.copy() lastItemId = max(filter(lambda val: val is not None, item_name_to_id.values())) location_name_to_id = locations_lookup_name_to_id options = raft_options data_version = 2 required_client_version = (0, 3, 4) def generate_basic(self): minRPSpecified =[self.player].value maxRPSpecified =[self.player].value minimumResourcePackAmount = min(minRPSpecified, maxRPSpecified) maximumResourcePackAmount = max(minRPSpecified, maxRPSpecified) # Generate item pool pool = [] for item in item_table: raft_item = self.create_item_replaceAsNecessary(item["name"]) pool.append(raft_item) extraItemNamePool = [] extras = len(location_table) - len(item_table) - 1 # Victory takes up 1 unaccounted-for slot if extras > 0: if ([self.player].value): for packItem in resourcePackItems: for i in range(minimumResourcePackAmount, maximumResourcePackAmount + 1): extraItemNamePool.append(createResourcePackName(i, packItem)) if[self.player].value != 0: dupeItemPool = item_table.copy() # Remove frequencies if necessary if[self.player].value != 3: # Not completely random locations dupeItemPool = (itm for itm in dupeItemPool if "Frequency" not in itm["name"]) # Remove progression or non-progression items if necessary if ([self.player].value == 1): # Progression only dupeItemPool = (itm for itm in dupeItemPool if itm["progression"] == True) elif ([self.player].value == 2): # Non-progression only dupeItemPool = (itm for itm in dupeItemPool if itm["progression"] == False) dupeItemPool = list(dupeItemPool) # Finally, add items as necessary if len(dupeItemPool) > 0: for item in dupeItemPool: extraItemNamePool.append(item["name"]) if (len(extraItemNamePool) > 0): for randomItem in random.choices(extraItemNamePool, k=extras): raft_item = self.create_item_replaceAsNecessary(randomItem) pool.append(raft_item) += pool def set_rules(self): set_rules(, self.player) def create_regions(self): create_regions(, self.player) def fill_slot_data(self): slot_data = {} return slot_data def get_pre_fill_items(self): if[self.player] in [0, 1]: return [loc.item for loc in] return [] def create_item_replaceAsNecessary(self, name: str) -> Item: isFrequency = "Frequency" in name shouldUseProgressive = ((isFrequency and[self.player].value == 2) or (not isFrequency and[self.player].value)) if shouldUseProgressive and name in progressive_table: name = progressive_table[name] return self.create_item(name) def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item: item = lookup_name_to_item[name] return RaftItem(name, ItemClassification.progression if item["progression"] else ItemClassification.filler, self.item_name_to_id[name], player=self.player) def create_resourcePack(self, rpName: str) -> Item: return RaftItem(rpName, ItemClassification.filler, self.item_name_to_id[rpName], player=self.player) def collect_item(self, state, item, remove=False): if in progressive_item_list: prog_table = progressive_item_list[] if remove: for item_name in reversed(prog_table): if state.has(item_name, item.player): return item_name else: for item_name in prog_table: if not state.has(item_name, item.player): return item_name return super(RaftWorld, self).collect_item(state, item, remove) def pre_fill(self): if[self.player] == 0: self.setLocationItem("Radio Tower Frequency to Vasagatan", "Vasagatan Frequency") self.setLocationItem("Vasagatan Frequency to Balboa", "Balboa Island Frequency") self.setLocationItem("Relay Station quest", "Caravan Island Frequency") self.setLocationItem("Caravan Island Frequency to Tangaroa", "Tangaroa Frequency") self.setLocationItem("Tangaroa Frequency to Varuna Point", "Varuna Point Frequency") self.setLocationItem("Varuna Point Frequency to Temperance", "Temperance Frequency") self.setLocationItem("Temperance Frequency to Utopia", "Utopia Frequency") elif[self.player] == 1: self.setLocationItemFromRegion("RadioTower", "Vasagatan Frequency") self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Vasagatan", "Balboa Island Frequency") self.setLocationItemFromRegion("BalboaIsland", "Caravan Island Frequency") self.setLocationItemFromRegion("CaravanIsland", "Tangaroa Frequency") self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Tangaroa", "Varuna Point Frequency") self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Varuna Point", "Temperance Frequency") self.setLocationItemFromRegion("Temperance", "Utopia Frequency") # Victory item"Utopia Complete", self.player).place_locked_item( RaftItem("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, player=self.player)) def setLocationItem(self, location: str, itemName: str): itemToUse = next(filter(lambda itm: == itemName,, self.player).place_locked_item(itemToUse) def setLocationItemFromRegion(self, region: str, itemName: str): itemToUse = next(filter(lambda itm: == itemName, location = random.choice(list(loc for loc in location_table if loc["region"] == region))["name"], self.player).place_locked_item(itemToUse) def fill_slot_data(self): return { "IslandGenerationDistance":[self.player].value, "ExpensiveResearch":[self.player].value } def create_region(world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None): ret = Region(name, RegionType.Generic, name, player) = world if locations: for location in locations: loc_id = locations_lookup_name_to_id.get(location, 0) locationObj = RaftLocation(player, location, loc_id, ret) ret.locations.append(locationObj) if exits: for exit in exits: ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, getConnectionName(name, exit), ret)) return ret class RaftLocation(Location): game = "Raft" class RaftItem(Item): game = "Raft"