from test.inverted_minor_glitches.TestInvertedMinor import TestInvertedMinor class TestEntrances(TestInvertedMinor): def testDungeonEntrances(self): self.run_entrance_tests([ ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", False, []], ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", False, [], ["Flute", "Beat Agahnim 1", "Moon Pearl"]], ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", False, [], ["Flute", "Beat Agahnim 1", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", False, ["Progressive Glove"], ["Beat Agahnim 1", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", True, ["Beat Agahnim 1"]], ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)", True, ["Flute", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Eastern Palace", False, []], ["Eastern Palace", False, [], ["Flute", "Beat Agahnim 1", "Moon Pearl"]], ["Eastern Palace", False, [], ["Flute", "Beat Agahnim 1", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Eastern Palace", False, ["Progressive Glove"], ["Beat Agahnim 1", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Eastern Palace", True, ["Beat Agahnim 1"]], ["Eastern Palace", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Eastern Palace", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Eastern Palace", True, ["Flute", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", False, []], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", False, [], ["Book of Mudora"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", False, [], ["Flute", "Beat Agahnim 1", "Moon Pearl"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", False, [], ["Beat Agahnim 1", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", False, ["Progressive Glove"], ["Beat Agahnim 1", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", True, ["Book of Mudora", "Beat Agahnim 1"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", True, ["Book of Mudora", "Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", True, ["Book of Mudora", "Moon Pearl", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (South)", True, ["Book of Mudora", "Flute", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", False, []], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", False, [], ["Book of Mudora"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", False, [], ["Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", False, [], ["Moon Pearl"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", False, ["Progressive Glove"], ["Beat Agahnim 1", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Book of Mudora", "Progressive Glove", "Hammer"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Book of Mudora", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Desert Palace Entrance (North)", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Book of Mudora", "Progressive Glove", "Beat Agahnim 1"]], ["Tower of Hera", False, []], ["Tower of Hera", False, [], ["Moon Pearl"]], ["Tower of Hera", False, [], ["Hammer"]], ["Tower of Hera", False, ["Progressive Glove"], ["Hookshot", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Tower of Hera", False, [], ["Flute", "Lamp"]], ["Tower of Hera", False, [], ["Flute", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Tower of Hera", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove", "Lamp"]], ["Tower of Hera", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Hookshot", "Progressive Glove", "Lamp"]], ["Tower of Hera", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Hookshot", "Flute"]], ["Inverted Agahnims Tower", False, []], ["Inverted Agahnims Tower", False, [], ["Flute", "Lamp"]], ["Inverted Agahnims Tower", False, [], ["Flute", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Inverted Agahnims Tower", True, ["Lamp", "Progressive Glove"]], ["Inverted Agahnims Tower", True, ["Flute"]], ["Palace of Darkness", True, []], ["Swamp Palace", True, []], ["Thieves Town", True, []], ["Skull Woods First Section Door", True, []], ["Skull Woods Final Section", False, []], ["Skull Woods Final Section", False, [], ["Fire Rod"]], ["Skull Woods Final Section", True, ["Fire Rod"]], ["Ice Palace", True, []], ["Misery Mire", False, []], ["Misery Mire", False, [], ["Flute", "Magic Mirror"]], ["Misery Mire", False, [], ["Ether"]], ["Misery Mire", False, [], ["Progressive Sword"]], ["Misery Mire", True, ["Progressive Sword", "Ether", "Beat Agahnim 1", "Magic Mirror"]], ["Misery Mire", True, ["Progressive Sword", "Ether", "Flute"]], ["Misery Mire", True, ["Progressive Sword", "Ether", "Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove", "Magic Mirror"]], ["Misery Mire", True, ["Progressive Sword", "Ether", "Moon Pearl", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove", "Magic Mirror"]], ["Turtle Rock", False, []], ["Turtle Rock", False, [], ["Quake"]], ["Turtle Rock", False, [], ["Progressive Sword"]], ["Turtle Rock", False, [], ["Lamp", "Flute"]], ["Turtle Rock", False, [], ["Progressive Glove", "Flute"]], ["Turtle Rock", True, ["Quake", "Progressive Sword", "Progressive Glove", "Lamp"]], ["Turtle Rock", True, ["Quake", "Progressive Sword", "Flute"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, []], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 1"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 2"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 3"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 4"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 5"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 6"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 7"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", True, ["Beat Agahnim 1", "Crystal 1", "Crystal 2", "Crystal 3", "Crystal 4", "Crystal 5", "Crystal 6", "Crystal 7"]], ["Inverted Ganons Tower", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove", "Crystal 1", "Crystal 2", "Crystal 3", "Crystal 4", "Crystal 5", "Crystal 6", "Crystal 7"]], ])