import typing from Options import Option, DefaultOnToggle, Range, Toggle, DeathLink, Choice class EnableCoinStars(DefaultOnToggle): """Disable to Ignore 100 Coin Stars. You can still collect them, but they don't do anything""" display_name = "Enable 100 Coin Stars" class StrictCapRequirements(DefaultOnToggle): """If disabled, Stars that expect special caps may have to be acquired without the caps""" display_name = "Strict Cap Requirements" class StrictCannonRequirements(DefaultOnToggle): """If disabled, Stars that expect cannons may have to be acquired without them. Only makes a difference if Buddy Checks are enabled""" display_name = "Strict Cannon Requirements" class FirstBowserStarDoorCost(Range): """How many stars are required at the Star Door to Bowser in the Dark World""" range_start = 0 range_end = 50 default = 8 class BasementStarDoorCost(Range): """How many stars are required at the Star Door in the Basement""" range_start = 0 range_end = 70 default = 30 class SecondFloorStarDoorCost(Range): """How many stars are required to access the third floor""" range_start = 0 range_end = 90 default = 50 class MIPS1Cost(Range): """How many stars are required to spawn MIPS the first time""" range_start = 0 range_end = 40 default = 15 class MIPS2Cost(Range): """How many stars are required to spawn MIPS the secound time. Must be bigger or equal MIPS1Cost""" range_start = 0 range_end = 80 default = 50 class StarsToFinish(Range): """How many stars are required at the infinite stairs""" display_name = "Endless Stairs Stars" range_start = 0 range_end = 100 default = 70 class AmountOfStars(Range): """How many stars exist. Disabling 100 Coin Stars removes 15 from the Pool. At least max of any Cost set""" range_start = 35 range_end = 120 default = 120 class AreaRandomizer(Choice): """Randomize Entrances""" display_name = "Entrance Randomizer" option_Off = 0 option_Courses_Only = 1 option_Courses_and_Secrets = 2 class BuddyChecks(Toggle): """Bob-omb Buddies are checks, Cannon Unlocks are items""" display_name = "Bob-omb Buddy Checks" class ExclamationBoxes(Choice): """Include 1Up Exclamation Boxes during randomization""" display_name = "Randomize 1Up !-Blocks" option_Off = 0 option_1Ups_Only = 1 class ProgressiveKeys(DefaultOnToggle): """Keys will first grant you access to the Basement, then to the Secound Floor""" display_name = "Progressive Keys" sm64_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = { "AreaRandomizer": AreaRandomizer, "ProgressiveKeys": ProgressiveKeys, "EnableCoinStars": EnableCoinStars, "AmountOfStars": AmountOfStars, "StrictCapRequirements": StrictCapRequirements, "StrictCannonRequirements": StrictCannonRequirements, "FirstBowserStarDoorCost": FirstBowserStarDoorCost, "BasementStarDoorCost": BasementStarDoorCost, "SecondFloorStarDoorCost": SecondFloorStarDoorCost, "MIPS1Cost": MIPS1Cost, "MIPS2Cost": MIPS2Cost, "StarsToFinish": StarsToFinish, "death_link": DeathLink, "BuddyChecks": BuddyChecks, "ExclamationBoxes": ExclamationBoxes, }