# Kingdom Hearts 2 Archipelago Setup Guide

Quick Links

- [Game Info Page](../../../../games/Kingdom%20Hearts%202/info/en) - [Player Options Page](../../../../games/Kingdom%20Hearts%202/player-options)

Required Software:

`Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix` from the [Epic Games Store](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/discover/kingdom-hearts) - Follow this Guide to set up these requirements [KH2Rando.com](https://tommadness.github.io/KH2Randomizer/setup/Panacea-ModLoader/)
1. `3.2.0 OpenKH Mod Manager with Panacea`
2. `Lua Backend from the OpenKH Mod Manager` 3. `Install the mod KH2FM-Mods-Num/GoA-ROM-Edition using OpenKH Mod Manager`
- Needed for Archipelago 1. [`ArchipelagoKH2Client.exe`](https://github.com/ArchipelagoMW/Archipelago/releases)
2. `Install the Archipelago Companion mod from JaredWeakStrike/APCompanion using OpenKH Mod Manager`
3. `Install the Archipelago Quality Of Life mod from JaredWeakStrike/AP_QOL using OpenKH Mod Manager`
4. `Install the mod from KH2FM-Mods-equations19/auto-save using OpenKH Mod Manager`
5. `AP Randomizer Seed`

Required: Archipelago Companion Mod

Load this mod just like the GoA ROM you did during the KH2 Rando setup. `JaredWeakStrike/APCompanion`
Have this mod second-highest priority below the .zip seed.
This mod is based upon Num's Garden of Assemblege Mod and requires it to work. Without Num this could not be possible.

Required: Auto Save Mod

Load this mod just like the GoA ROM you did during the KH2 Rando setup. `KH2FM-Mods-equations19/auto-save` Location doesn't matter, required in case of crashes. See [Best Practices](en#best-practices) on how to load the auto save

Installing A Seed

When you generate a game you will see a download link for a KH2 .zip seed on the room page. Download the seed then open OpenKH Mod Manager and click the green plus and `Select and install Mod Archive`.
Make sure the seed is on the top of the list (Highest Priority)
After Installing the seed click `Mod Loader -> Build/Build and Run`. Every slot is a unique mod to install and will be needed be repatched for different slots/rooms.

What the Mod Manager Should Look Like.


Using the KH2 Client

Once you have started the game through OpenKH Mod Manager and are on the title screen run the [ArchipelagoKH2Client.exe](https://github.com/ArchipelagoMW/Archipelago/releases).
When you successfully connect to the server the client will automatically hook into the game to send/receive checks.
If the client ever loses connection to the game, it will also disconnect from the server and you will need to reconnect.
`Make sure the game is open whenever you try to connect the client to the server otherwise it will immediately disconnect you.`
Most checks will be sent to you anywhere outside a load or cutscene.
`If you obtain magic, you will need to pause your game to have it show up in your inventory, then enter a new room for it to become properly usable.`

KH2 Client should look like this:

Enter `The room's port number` into the top box where the x's are and press "Connect". Follow the prompts there and you should be connected

Common Pitfalls

- Having an old GOA Lua Script in your `C:\Users\*YourName*\Documents\KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX\scripts\kh2` folder. - Pressing F2 while in game should look like this. ![image](https://i.imgur.com/ABSdtPC.png)
- Not having Lua Backend Configured Correctly. - To fix this look over the guide at [KH2Rando.com](https://tommadness.github.io/KH2Randomizer/setup/Panacea-ModLoader/). Specifically the Lua Backend Configuration Step.
- Loading into Simulated Twilight Town Instead of the GOA. - To fix this look over the guide at [KH2Rando.com](https://tommadness.github.io/KH2Randomizer/setup/Panacea-ModLoader/). Specifically the Panacea and Lua Backend Steps.

Best Practices

- Make a save at the start of the GoA before opening anything. This will be the file to select when loading an autosave if/when your game crashes. - If you don't want to have a save in the GoA. Disconnect the client, load the auto save, and then reconnect the client after it loads the auto save. - Set fps limit to 60fps. - Run the game in windows/borderless windowed mode. Fullscreen is stable but the game can crash if you alt-tab out. - Make sure to save in a different save slot when playing in an async or disconnecting from the server to play a different seed

Logic Sheet

Have any questions on what's in logic? This spreadsheet made by Bulcon has the answer [Requirements/logic sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nNi8ohEs1fv-sDQQRaP45o6NoRcMlLJsGckBonweDMY/edit?usp=sharing)


- Why is my Client giving me a "Cannot Open Process: " error? - Due to how the client reads kingdom hearts 2 memory some people's computer flags it as a virus. Run the client as admin. - Why is my HP/MP continuously increasing without stopping? - You do not have `JaredWeakStrike/APCompanion` set up correctly. Make sure it is above the `GoA ROM Mod` in the mod manager. - Why is my HP/MP continuously increasing without stopping when I have the APCompanion Mod? - You have a leftover GOA lua script in your `Documents\KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX\scripts\KH2`. - Why am I missing worlds/portals in the GoA? - You are missing the required visit-locking item to access the world/portal. - Why did I not load into the correct visit? - You need to trigger a cutscene or visit The World That Never Was for it to register that you have received the item. - What versions of Kingdom Hearts 2 are supported? - Currently `only` the most up to date version on the Epic Game Store is supported: version ``. - Why am I getting wallpapered while going into a world for the first time? - Your `Lua Backend` was not configured correctly. Look over the step in the [KH2Rando.com](https://tommadness.github.io/KH2Randomizer/setup/Panacea-ModLoader/) guide. - Why am I not getting magic? - If you obtain magic, you will need to pause your game to have it show up in your inventory, then enter a new room for it to become properly usable. - Why did I crash? - The port of Kingdom Hearts 2 can and will randomly crash, this is the fault of the game not the randomizer or the archipelago client. - If you have a continuous/constant crash (in the same area/event every time) you will want to reverify your installed files. This can be done by doing the following: Open Epic Game Store --> Library --> Click Triple Dots --> Manage --> Verify - Why am I getting dummy items or letters? - You will need to get the `JaredWeakStrike/APCompanion` (you can find how to get this if you scroll up) - Why am I not sending or receiving items? - Make sure you are connected to the KH2 client and the correct room (for more information scroll up) - Why should I install the auto save mod at `KH2FM-Mods-equations19/auto-save`? - Because Kingdom Hearts 2 is prone to crashes and will keep you from losing your progress. - How do I load an auto save? - To load an auto-save, hold down the Select or your equivalent on your prefered controller while choosing a file. Make sure to hold the button down the whole time.