import importlib
import os

__all__ = {"lookup_any_item_id_to_name",

# import all submodules to trigger AutoWorldRegister
for file in os.scandir(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
    if file.is_dir():
        importlib.import_module(f".{}", "worlds")

from .AutoWorld import AutoWorldRegister
lookup_any_item_id_to_name = {}
lookup_any_location_id_to_name = {}
games = {}

for world_name, world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items():
    games[world_name] = {
        "item_name_to_id" : world.item_name_to_id,
        "location_name_to_id": world.location_name_to_id,
        "version": world.data_version,
        # seems clients don't actually want this. Keeping it here in case someone changes their mind.
        # "item_name_groups": {name: tuple(items) for name, items in world.item_name_groups.items()}

network_data_package = {
    # Remove with 0.2.0
    "lookup_any_location_id_to_name": lookup_any_location_id_to_name,  # legacy, to be removed
    "lookup_any_item_id_to_name": lookup_any_item_id_to_name,  # legacy, to be removed

    "version": sum(world.data_version for world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.values()),
    "games": games,

# Set entire datapackage to version 0 if any of them are set to 0
if any(not world.data_version for world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.values()):
    network_data_package["version"] = 0