""" Parses the WitnessLogic.txt logic file into useful data structures. This is the heart of the randomization. In WitnessLogic.txt we have regions defined with their connections: Region Name (Short name) - Connected Region 1 - Connection Requirement 1 - Connected Region 2... And then panels in that region with the hex code used in the game previous panels that are required to turn them on, as well as the symbols they require: 0x##### (Panel Name) - Required Panels - Required Items On __init__, the base logic is read and all panels are given Location IDs. When the world has parsed its options, a second function is called to finalize the logic. """ import copy from BaseClasses import MultiWorld from .static_logic import StaticWitnessLogic from .utils import define_new_region, get_disable_unrandomized_list, parse_lambda, get_early_utm_list, \ get_symbol_shuffle_list, get_door_panel_shuffle_list, get_doors_complex_list, get_doors_max_list, \ get_doors_simple_list, get_laser_shuffle from .Options import is_option_enabled, get_option_value, the_witness_options class WitnessPlayerLogic: """WITNESS LOGIC CLASS""" def reduce_req_within_region(self, panel_hex): """ Panels in this game often only turn on when other panels are solved. Those other panels may have different item requirements. It would be slow to recursively check solvability each time. This is why we reduce the item dependencies within the region. Panels outside of the same region will still be checked manually. """ check_obj = StaticWitnessLogic.CHECKS_BY_HEX[panel_hex] these_items = frozenset({frozenset()}) if check_obj["id"]: these_items = self.DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX[panel_hex]["items"] these_items = frozenset({ subset.intersection(self.PROG_ITEMS_ACTUALLY_IN_THE_GAME) for subset in these_items }) if panel_hex in self.DOOR_ITEMS_BY_ID: door_items = frozenset({frozenset([item]) for item in self.DOOR_ITEMS_BY_ID[panel_hex]}) all_options = set() for items_option in these_items: for dependentItem in door_items: all_options.add(items_option.union(dependentItem)) return frozenset(all_options) these_panels = self.DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX[panel_hex]["panels"] if these_panels == frozenset({frozenset()}): return these_items all_options = set() for option in these_panels: dependent_items_for_option = frozenset({frozenset()}) for option_panel in option: dep_obj = StaticWitnessLogic.CHECKS_BY_HEX.get(option_panel) if option_panel in {"7 Lasers", "11 Lasers"}: new_items = frozenset({frozenset([option_panel])}) # If a panel turns on when a panel in a different region turns on, # the latter panel will be an "event panel", unless it ends up being # a location itself. This prevents generation failures. elif dep_obj["region"]["name"] != check_obj["region"]["name"]: new_items = frozenset({frozenset([option_panel])}) self.EVENT_PANELS_FROM_PANELS.add(option_panel) elif option_panel in self.ALWAYS_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX.keys(): new_items = frozenset({frozenset([option_panel])}) self.EVENT_PANELS_FROM_PANELS.add(option_panel) else: new_items = self.reduce_req_within_region(option_panel) updated_items = set() for items_option in dependent_items_for_option: for items_option2 in new_items: updated_items.add(items_option.union(items_option2)) dependent_items_for_option = updated_items for items_option in these_items: for dependentItem in dependent_items_for_option: all_options.add(items_option.union(dependentItem)) return frozenset(all_options) def make_single_adjustment(self, adj_type, line): from . import StaticWitnessItems """Makes a single logic adjustment based on additional logic file""" if adj_type == "Items": if line not in StaticWitnessItems.ALL_ITEM_TABLE: raise RuntimeError("Item \"" + line + "\" does not exit.") self.PROG_ITEMS_ACTUALLY_IN_THE_GAME.add(line) if line in StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_DOOR_ITEMS_AS_DICT: panel_hexes = StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_DOOR_ITEMS_AS_DICT[line][2] for panel_hex in panel_hexes: self.DOOR_ITEMS_BY_ID.setdefault(panel_hex, set()).add(line) return if adj_type == "Remove Items": self.PROG_ITEMS_ACTUALLY_IN_THE_GAME.discard(line) if line in StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_DOOR_ITEMS_AS_DICT: panel_hexes = StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_DOOR_ITEMS_AS_DICT[line][2] for panel_hex in panel_hexes: if panel_hex in self.DOOR_ITEMS_BY_ID: self.DOOR_ITEMS_BY_ID[panel_hex].discard(line) if adj_type == "Starting Inventory": self.STARTING_INVENTORY.add(line) if adj_type == "Event Items": line_split = line.split(" - ") hex_set = line_split[1].split(",") for hex_code in hex_set: self.ALWAYS_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX[hex_code] = line_split[0] """ Should probably do this differently... Events right now depend on a panel. That seems bad. """ to_remove = set() for hex_code, event_name in self.ALWAYS_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX.items(): if hex_code not in hex_set and event_name == line_split[0]: to_remove.add(hex_code) for remove in to_remove: del self.ALWAYS_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX[remove] return if adj_type == "Requirement Changes": line_split = line.split(" - ") requirement = { "panels": parse_lambda(line_split[1]), } if len(line_split) > 2: required_items = parse_lambda(line_split[2]) items_actually_in_the_game = {item[0] for item in StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_SYMBOL_ITEMS} required_items = frozenset( subset.intersection(items_actually_in_the_game) for subset in required_items ) requirement["items"] = required_items self.DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX[line_split[0]] = requirement return if adj_type == "Disabled Locations": panel_hex = line[:7] self.COMPLETELY_DISABLED_CHECKS.add(panel_hex) return if adj_type == "Region Changes": new_region_and_options = define_new_region(line + ":") self.CONNECTIONS_BY_REGION_NAME[new_region_and_options[0]["name"]] = new_region_and_options[1] return if adj_type == "Added Locations": self.ADDED_CHECKS.add(line) def make_options_adjustments(self, world, player): """Makes logic adjustments based on options""" adjustment_linesets_in_order = [] if get_option_value(world, player, "victory_condition") == 0: self.VICTORY_LOCATION = "0x3D9A9" elif get_option_value(world, player, "victory_condition") == 1: self.VICTORY_LOCATION = "0x0356B" elif get_option_value(world, player, "victory_condition") == 2: self.VICTORY_LOCATION = "0x09F7F" elif get_option_value(world, player, "victory_condition") == 3: self.VICTORY_LOCATION = "0xFFF00" self.COMPLETELY_DISABLED_CHECKS.add( self.VICTORY_LOCATION ) if is_option_enabled(world, player, "disable_non_randomized_puzzles"): adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_disable_unrandomized_list()) if is_option_enabled(world, player, "shuffle_symbols") or "shuffle_symbols" not in the_witness_options.keys(): adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_symbol_shuffle_list()) if get_option_value(world, player, "shuffle_doors") == 1: adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_door_panel_shuffle_list()) if get_option_value(world, player, "shuffle_doors") == 2: adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_doors_simple_list()) if get_option_value(world, player, "shuffle_doors") == 3: adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_doors_complex_list()) if get_option_value(world, player, "shuffle_doors") == 4: adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_doors_max_list()) if is_option_enabled(world, player, "early_secret_area"): adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_early_utm_list()) if is_option_enabled(world, player, "shuffle_lasers"): adjustment_linesets_in_order.append(get_laser_shuffle()) for adjustment_lineset in adjustment_linesets_in_order: current_adjustment_type = None for line in adjustment_lineset: if len(line) == 0: continue if line[-1] == ":": current_adjustment_type = line[:-1] continue self.make_single_adjustment(current_adjustment_type, line) def make_dependency_reduced_checklist(self): """ Turns dependent check set into semi-independent check set """ for check_hex in self.DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX.keys(): indep_requirement = self.reduce_req_within_region(check_hex) self.REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX[check_hex] = indep_requirement def make_event_item_pair(self, panel): """ Makes a pair of an event panel and its event item """ name = StaticWitnessLogic.CHECKS_BY_HEX[panel]["checkName"] + " Solved" pair = (name, self.EVENT_ITEM_NAMES[panel]) return pair def make_event_panel_lists(self): """ Special event panel data structures """ self.ALWAYS_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX[self.VICTORY_LOCATION] = "Victory" for region_name, connections in self.CONNECTIONS_BY_REGION_NAME.items(): for connection in connections: for panel_req in connection[1]: for panel in panel_req: if panel == "TrueOneWay": continue if StaticWitnessLogic.CHECKS_BY_HEX[panel]["region"]["name"] != region_name: self.EVENT_PANELS_FROM_REGIONS.add(panel) self.EVENT_PANELS.update(self.EVENT_PANELS_FROM_PANELS) self.EVENT_PANELS.update(self.EVENT_PANELS_FROM_REGIONS) for always_hex, always_item in self.ALWAYS_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX.items(): self.ALWAYS_EVENT_HEX_CODES.add(always_hex) self.EVENT_PANELS.add(always_hex) self.EVENT_ITEM_NAMES[always_hex] = always_item for panel in self.EVENT_PANELS: pair = self.make_event_item_pair(panel) self.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS[pair[0]] = pair[1] def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int): self.EVENT_PANELS_FROM_PANELS = set() self.EVENT_PANELS_FROM_REGIONS = set() self.PROG_ITEMS_ACTUALLY_IN_THE_GAME = set() self.DOOR_ITEMS_BY_ID = dict() self.STARTING_INVENTORY = set() self.CONNECTIONS_BY_REGION_NAME = copy.copy(StaticWitnessLogic.STATIC_CONNECTIONS_BY_REGION_NAME) self.DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX = copy.copy(StaticWitnessLogic.STATIC_DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX) self.REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX = dict() # Determining which panels need to be events is a difficult process. # At the end, we will have EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS for all the necessary ones. self.EVENT_PANELS = set() self.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS = dict() self.ALWAYS_EVENT_HEX_CODES = set() self.COMPLETELY_DISABLED_CHECKS = set() self.ADDED_CHECKS = set() self.VICTORY_LOCATION = "0x0356B" self.EVENT_ITEM_NAMES = { "0x01A0F": "Keep Laser Panel (Hedge Mazes) Activates", "0x09D9B": "Monastery Overhead Doors Open", "0x193A6": "Monastery Laser Panel Activates", "0x00037": "Monastery Branch Panels Activate", "0x0A079": "Access to Bunker Laser", "0x0A3B5": "Door to Tutorial Discard Opens", "0x00139": "Keep Hedges 1 Knowledge", "0x019DC": "Keep Hedges 2 Knowledge", "0x019E7": "Keep Hedges 3 Knowledge", "0x01D3F": "Keep Laser Panel (Pressure Plates) Activates", "0x09F7F": "Mountain Access", "0x0367C": "Quarry Laser Mill Requirement Met", "0x009A1": "Swamp Rotated Shapers 1 Activates", "0x00006": "Swamp Cyan Water Drains", "0x00990": "Swamp Broken Shapers 1 Activates", "0x0A8DC": "Lower Avoid 6 Activates", "0x0000A": "Swamp More Rotated Shapers 1 Access", "0x09E86": "Inside Mountain Second Layer Blue Bridge Access", "0x09ED8": "Inside Mountain Second Layer Yellow Bridge Access", "0x0A3D0": "Quarry Laser Boathouse Requirement Met", "0x00596": "Swamp Red Water Drains", "0x00E3A": "Swamp Purple Water Drains", "0x0343A": "Door to Symmetry Island Powers On", "0xFFF00": "Inside Mountain Bottom Layer Discard Turns On", "0x17CA6": "All Boat Panels Turn On", "0x17CDF": "All Boat Panels Turn On", "0x09DB8": "All Boat Panels Turn On", "0x17C95": "All Boat Panels Turn On", "0x03BB0": "Town Church Lattice Vision From Outside", "0x28AC1": "Town Shapers & Dots & Eraser Turns On", "0x28A69": "Town Tower 1st Door Opens", "0x28ACC": "Town Tower 2nd Door Opens", "0x28AD9": "Town Tower 3rd Door Opens", "0x28B39": "Town Tower 4th Door Opens", "0x03675": "Quarry Mill Ramp Activation From Above", "0x03679": "Quarry Mill Lift Lowering While Standing On It", "0x2FAF6": "Tutorial Gate Secret Solution Knowledge", "0x079DF": "Town Hexagonal Reflection Turns On", "0x17DA2": "Right Orange Bridge Fully Extended", "0x19B24": "Shadows Lower Avoid Patterns Visible", "0x2700B": "Open Door to Treehouse Laser House", "0x00055": "Orchard Apple Trees 4 Turns On", "0x17DDB": "Left Orange Bridge Fully Extended", } self.ALWAYS_EVENT_NAMES_BY_HEX = { "0x00509": "Symmetry Laser Activation", "0x012FB": "Desert Laser Activation", "0x09F98": "Desert Laser Redirection", "0x01539": "Quarry Laser Activation", "0x181B3": "Shadows Laser Activation", "0x014BB": "Keep Laser Activation", "0x17C65": "Monastery Laser Activation", "0x032F9": "Town Laser Activation", "0x00274": "Jungle Laser Activation", "0x0C2B2": "Bunker Laser Activation", "0x00BF6": "Swamp Laser Activation", "0x028A4": "Treehouse Laser Activation", "0x03535": "Shipwreck Video Pattern Knowledge", "0x03542": "Mountain Video Pattern Knowledge", "0x0339E": "Desert Video Pattern Knowledge", "0x03481": "Tutorial Video Pattern Knowledge", "0x03702": "Jungle Video Pattern Knowledge", "0x0356B": "Challenge Video Pattern Knowledge", "0x09F7F": "Mountaintop Trap Door Turns On", "0x17C34": "Mountain Access", } self.make_options_adjustments(world, player) self.make_dependency_reduced_checklist() self.make_event_panel_lists()